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Linha 301: Linha 301:
You can only have one arcane focus active. If you have more than one arcane focus with you, you can choose which focus is active during a full rest, improved spellcasting focuses include the following types:
You can only have one arcane focus active. If you have more than one arcane focus with you, you can choose which focus is active during a full rest, improved spellcasting focuses include the following types:

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*'''''Bludgeoning weapons.''''' When you cast a spell that deals damage to a creature, you can cause the target of the spell to make a Constitution saving throw (DC equal to your spell save DC). On a failed save, the target is Weakened until the end of your next turn. You can do this a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus per  full rest.
*'''''Bludgeoning weapons.''''' When you cast a spell that deals damage to a creature, you can cause the target of the spell to make a Constitution saving throw (DC equal to your spell save DC). On a failed save, the target is Weakened until the end of your next turn. You can do this a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus per  full rest.
*'''''Slashing weapons.''''' You can make your spell DC increase by half your proficiency bonus. You can do this a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus per full rest.
*'''''Slashing weapons.''''' You can make your spell DC increase by half your proficiency bonus. You can do this a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus per full rest.
Linha 312: Linha 313:
*'''''Orbs.''''' Your spells gain an additional range of 5 feet x half your Arcane level (minimum of 1). Personal range or touch spells do not receive this effect.
*'''''Orbs.''''' Your spells gain an additional range of 5 feet x half your Arcane level (minimum of 1). Personal range or touch spells do not receive this effect.
*'''''Wands.''''' When using spells that require attack, you add half your proficiency bonus to attack and damage rolls.
*'''''Wands.''''' When using spells that require attack, you add half your proficiency bonus to attack and damage rolls.


Edição das 23h21min de 30 de setembro de 2024

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This article complies with version 0.94 of Runarcana RPG


A young man is hiding in a cave that passes under his entire city, but he is not hiding running from something or someone, at least that's how he thinks. After making sure that no one is around, he takes off the bands that cover one of his hands, as the bands are removed, light beams begin to illuminate the cave, these beams originate from the boy's hand that has traces in a gold tone running through it. At first he thought it was some disease, but as those traits grew, he realized it was something else, since then he does it punctually, isolates himself in the cave and stretches his hand, trying to empty his mind and that load that seems to be reborn on it every day.

For tens of meters a ray of golden light is cast, illuminating the entire path and even showing some drawings made in these caves but erased by the action of time. The young man for a moment thinks how funny that is compared to the first time he has to empty his bladder every day. A laugh escapes. Unfortunately the young man was not completely alone, after so many days of doing this carelessly, he attracted the attention of someone, a soldier curious about what crime that poor boy was committing.

After discharging that energy, the boy's hand returns to emanate a much weaker but still persistent light. The soldier sees this and quickly captures him and takes him to the Nashramae authorities. Fear takes hold of the boy and he does what a boy his age can do, cry.

For days the boy is kept trapped, without being able to discharge that energy every day his hand looks like a copy of the sun, he feels that at any moment he can explode along with that, until finally the head of the guard comes to his cell, the boy has already accepted that he must be executed and has no more tears to shed.

Finally they reach a room where a man in a purple hood is sitting. He is probably her executioner, a foreigner wearing a hood that color, perhaps some Noxian noble who wants to have some forbidden fun for those who don't have that much money.

The man turns to the boy and he sees that the man is not wearing any hood, but his skin is that color. When their eyes meet, he perceives an antiquity that doesn't need to be explained. A blue glow appears over the man's body, in designs such as in the boy's hand.

A smile is all that's needed to calm the young man to whom the man introduces himself, says he's a wizard and his name is Ryze.

Runeterra is essentially a magical world, from its origins orbiting a star created by a celestial dragon and even its formation, architected by unknown creatures, who used the Global Runes for the construction and modeling of the world. Magic is not an exception, but the rule, mana permeates all beings, but in a few it emerges in an extremely powerful way, these few are the arcane.

Arcane are intelligent living beings who not only have a great torrent of magical energy within them, but are also creatures who learn to control and direct it, performing what is called magic.

The three bases

All magic in Runeterra originates from mana, an invisible force that is virtually imperceptible to most people. This force is capable of altering reality using its own principles, regardless of the type of magic being manipulated.

There are three types of magic, Celestial, Elemental and Spiritual, each type of magic has its own characteristics and were divided in this way because of their properties and their origins. Each type of magic has a subcategory called Mystery, they separate the spells by their aspects linked to the type of magic they belong to. For example, the Mystery of Necromancy is linked to Spiritual magic because it can control both the spirit and the body of a living being, while the Mystery of Light is linked to Elemental magic because it is one of the primordial elements of creation.

Celestial Magic are the rarest among mortals, they have a direct connection with the force that created the world, having the ability to control concepts such as Space, Gravity and Time itself.

Elemental Magic are more common and present, each location has at least one dominant element in its surroundings. Some scholars of magic believe that every living thing has an affinity for an element, even though they have never had a visible demonstration of that element or may not be able to control it.

Spiritual Magic are considered the most dangerous and useful in social settings, these spells can control both a creature's mind and body, create illusions or even locate a creature from long distances. There is a concept that was derived from Spiritual magic and is known by some of the oldest Vastaya tribes, the sho'ma, the idea that everything that exists has a spirit, whether living or not. For the Vastaya, sho'ma gives them the ability to understand another creature's feelings, create a visual copy of their appearance, or alter their own body shape.

Relationship with Mana

The world of Runeterra as we know it was formed on the basis of magic, which meant that all things, living or not, had a certain affinity and relationship with magic. For some, magic is stronger and more present than for others, many Arcane had their arcane awakening still very young, which may have ended up causing many problems for them, while for other Arcane this awakening only occurred at the end of their lives.

While some understand mana as something to be mastered and controlled, others believe that the best way to deal with it is through understanding the flows and letting it loose to some extent. These differences make all the difference, the relationship of each Arcane with magic can be completely different from another Arcane that has the same capabilities. This can occur for several reasons, for some magic is something appreciated and when someone proves to be able to use it it becomes a reason for a big party, however, for others magic is something feared and must be hidden at all costs.

These characteristics are even more important when there are power relationships, either with powerful objects or even finding even more potent Arcane in your path, although in general there are no absolute rules regarding magic, the impressions and experiences of other arcana can be the key to that a Arcane can amplify its power or reach its true potential.

Great students of magic often come to the same understanding, that although mana is one thing, it relates to everyone differently, while with some it is like an ever-present childhood friend, with others it is an alluring presence. looking for the first slip up to get you in trouble.

Creating an Arcane

The most important question to consider when creating your Arcane is where your power comes from. Is it a family curse, passed down to you from a distant ancestor? Or did some extraordinary event not only bless you with inherent magic but also leave a scar?

How do you feel about the magical power that runs through you? Have you embraced it, trying to dominate it, or do you revel in its unpredictable nature? Is it a blessing or a curse? Were you looking for it or did it find you? Did you have the option to decline it or do you wish you had? What do you intend to do with it? Perhaps you believe this power was given to you for some greater purpose. Or you might decide that this power gives you the right to do what you want, to take what you want from those who don't have that power.

Quick Build

You can build a Arcane quickly by following these suggestions. First, put your highest ability score on Intelligence, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the Wanderer or Scholar Past. Third, choose cantrips and spells from the Mysteries you have access to.

O Arcano
Level Characteristics Arcana Points Known Cantrips Knowsn Spells Mana Points Maximum Spell Level
Spellcasting, Arcane Awakening, Glyph - 3 4 4
Arcane Awakening Feature, Arcana, Arcane Signature 2 3 5 6 -
Metamagic 3 3 6 10
Enhancement 4 4 7 12 -
- 5 4 8 16
- 6 4 9 18 -
Arcane Signature Feature, Signature Spell 7 4 10 22
Enhancement, Glyph Feature 8 4 11 24 -
- 9 4 12 28
10º Metamagic 10 5 12 30 -
11º Arcane Overload 11 5 13 34
12º Arcane Signature Feature, Enhancement 12 5 13 36 -
13º - 13 5 14 40
14º Glyph Feature 14 5 14 42 -
15º - 15 5 15 46
16º Aprimoramento 16 5 15 48 -
17º Arcane Signature Feature, Signature Spell, Arcane Potency 17 5 16 52
18º Glyph Feature, Metamagic 18 5 16 54 -
19º Enhancement 19 5 18 56 -
20º Glyph Feature 20 5 18 60 -

Class Features

As an Arcane, you gain the following Class Features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d6 per Arcane level

Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier

Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per Arcane level


Armor: None

Weapons: Simple weapons

Crafts: None

Saving Throws: Intelligence and choose between Wisdom or Charisma

Skills: Arcana and choose two from Deception, History, Intimidation, Insight, Nature, Perception, and Religion


You start with the following equipment in addition to the equipment granted by your Past:

  • (a) a light crossbow and a crossbow bolt case containing 20 bolts or (b) any simple weapon
  • (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus or (c) a spellbook
  • (a) a dungeon explorer set or (b) an adventurer set


Regardless of whether magic manifested itself in your life through some remarkable event or was part of your growth, you have its mark on you, which makes it possible for you to direct that energy to cast your spells. See Chapter 10 for general spellcasting rules and Mysteries spell lists.

Spell Lists

At your 1st Arcane level, you gain access to the spell list of one Mystery of your choice, you can only choose the spell list of an Elemental Mystery if you have access to the element. You gain access to a new spell list for a Mystery of your choice at 7th, 12th, and 17th level. You cannot use another Class's spell list to learn or replace a spell as you level up in this Class.


You know three cantrips of your choice from a list you have access to. You learn additional Arcane Cantrips from these lists of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Arcane table.

Full Spellcasting

The Arcane is a Full spellcaster, which means that from the 2nd level, when he receives an element, he can also receive the Mystery related to that element. While other spellcasters, when receiving elements, only receive access to new elements, depending on access to new mysteries in order to have access to the spell list of the same, when the Acarne advances in level, if he has received any element, either through enhancements or other traits, he can choose an element he has access to to gain access to its Mystery.


The Arcane table shows the amount of Mana points you have available to cast your spells. To cast a spell, you must spend an amount of Mana corresponding to the spell's level as explained in Chapter 10: Magic. You regain half your Arcane level (minimum of 1) + your Intelligence modifier in Mana points when you complete a long rest, and all your Mana points when you complete a full rest.

For example, if you wanted to cast the 1st-level spell burning hands, you would have to spend 2 mana points to cast it, but if you wanted to cast it as a higher-level spell, instead of the 2 points, you would have to spend a amount of Mana points corresponding to the desired level, such as 3 points to cast it as a 2nd-level spell or 5 to cast it at 3rd level.

Level 1 and Higher Spells Known

When you begin your path as a Arcane, you know four 1st-level spells of your choice from lists you have access to.

The Known Spells column on the Arcane table shows when you learn more spells of your choice from the lists you have access to. Each of these spells must be of a level equal to or lower than your Maximum Spell Level, as shown on the table. For example, when you reach 3rd level in this Class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this Class, you can choose a spell you know and replace with another spell from the lists you have access to, which must also be of a maximum level you have access to.

Preparing Spells

The Arcane is capable of casting many spells, but the biggest limitation to this is his experience and intellect. Spells are complex formulas that can involve several components, which is why there is a limit to how many of these formulas the arcane can memorize simultaneously. During a full rest, the Arcane can prepare a number of spells equal to half his Arcane level (minimum of 1) + his Intelligence modifier with spells he knows or is in his Grimoire (if the Arcane is in possession of it). He can cast only these spells until his next full rest, so it's important to know how to choose.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability, as your magic comes from your understanding of manipulating arcane energy. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the save DC for Arcane spells you cast and when you make an attack roll with an Arcane spell.

DC for your spells = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Spell Attack Modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Ritual Casting

You can cast any Arcane spell you know, and have it prepared, as a ritual if it has the Ritual descriptor in the spell description. Additionally, spells you have noted in your spellbook can be cast as Ritual even without being prepared, if you have access to your spellbook. You can't cast ritual spells this way using other Arcane' spellbooks.

Improved Spellcasting Focus

You can use an arcane focus (found in Chapter 5) as a casting focus for your Arcane spells. Using an arcane focus requires that it be in your hand when you cast the spell. Each spellcasting focus will grant you certain benefits based on the type of focus used.

There are arcane foci with additional properties, usually artifacts or even magic weapons. When you use an enhanced arcane focus with additional properties, those properties are in addition to the properties granted by the improved arcane focus type.

You can only have one arcane focus active. If you have more than one arcane focus with you, you can choose which focus is active during a full rest, improved spellcasting focuses include the following types:

  • Bludgeoning weapons. When you cast a spell that deals damage to a creature, you can cause the target of the spell to make a Constitution saving throw (DC equal to your spell save DC). On a failed save, the target is Weakened until the end of your next turn. You can do this a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • Slashing weapons. You can make your spell DC increase by half your proficiency bonus. You can do this a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • Piercing weapons. You can have one of your attack spells ignore half cover. You can do this a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • Staves. Your damaging spells deal additional damage equal to half your Arcane level (minimum of 1).
  • Crystals. At the end of a long rest, you regain half your Arcane level in Mana points (minimum of 2).
  • Elements. As long as you're holding something related to one of your elements (like a canteen for water, a torch for fire, a stone for earth, etc.), spells tied to that element has its mana cost reduced by half your proficiency bonus (a spell's cost can't become 0 this way), and you can reroll a number of damage dice equal to half your proficiency bonus, keeping the new rolled number. You can do this a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus per full rest .
  • Familiar. When you cast a spell that deals damage or applies a debuff to a creature, you may add half your Wisdom modifier to the spell's DC (minimum of 1). You can do this a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • Grimoire. When you cast prepared spells that are also copied into the Grimoire, those spells' mana cost is reduced by 1 (a spell's cost can't become 0 this way) and you can make an additional change of a readied spell on a long rest.
  • Rods. Your healing spells recover additional hit points equal to half your Arcane level (minimum of 1).
  • Orbs. Your spells gain an additional range of 5 feet x half your Arcane level (minimum of 1). Personal range or touch spells do not receive this effect.
  • Wands. When using spells that require attack, you add half your proficiency bonus to attack and damage rolls.


Most Arcane like to keep notes about their spells, learnings, and ideas about working with arcane energy. Some prefer not to keep such notes which could reveal important (sometimes confidential) information if found, such as the Arcane's predilections and even secrets to breaking its spells.

The book where this is noted is called the Grimoire. Normally, an Arcane who uses a Grimoire has an easier time studying his spells, but this is not a rule.

However, when a Arcane acquires a Grimoire, he can keep such notes, adding to it the spells known and found by him. These spells can be found during your adventures, such as a spell written on a scroll that was in an evil arcane's chest, or a dusty tome from a long-forgotten Shuriman tomb.

Once you have a grimoire, you can take notes on it, recording your known spells and other spells you have access to, which allows you to swap spells prepared on a long rest for other known spells (that are listed in the spellbook) during a short rest.

The Appearance of the Grimoire. Your grimoire is a compilation of spells, with its own decorations and footnotes. It could be a simple, functional leather book received as a gift from your master, or a finely bound, gilded-edged tome you found in an old library, or even a set of loose leaves piled up after you lost your previous grimoire in an accident. .

Copy Spells to Grimoire

Copying known spells. Copying known spells is an interesting process for the Arcane to amplify his range of possibilities, allowing him to switch spells more dynamically and not just relying on a full rest. For each level of the known spell to be copied, it takes 1 hour and 25 gp. The cost represents the material components needed to write the formulas for such spells.

Copying Not Known Spells. To copy an spell you don't already known, the Arcane must first have access to the Mystery of the spell in question in addition to having access to the spell itself formulated, either on a scroll or in a spellbook. An Arcane can only copy spells whose Mysteries are known to him and that are at or below the maximum level of spells he can cast. For each level of the unknown spell to be copied, it takes 2 hours and 50 gp. The cost represents the material components spent to experience the spell to master it, as well as the inks used to write it.

Spells not knon that are noted in a grimoire can be chosen normally during a full or short rest, however if you lose access to that spellbook at the end of your next full rest, you cannot prepare that spell.

Replace Grimoire. You can copy a spell from your grimoire into another book — for example, if you want to make a backup copy of your grimoire. The process is the same as copying a new spell into your grimoire, only faster and easier, as the wizard understands his own notes and knows how to cast the spell. You need only spend 30 minutes and 10 gp for each level of the copied spell.

Using the Grimoire

In addition to being able to help the Arcane to study and store knowledge about spells, the grimoire has other uses, such as the possibility of exchanging prepared spells during a long rest or even facilitating the execution of Rituals.

Rituals. Spells that are copied into a spellbook and that have the Ritual descriptor can be cast as Ritual, with no preparation required, if the Arcane has access to your spellbook.

Swapping Spells. During a long rest, the Arcane is able to switch spells that were prepared during a full rest for spells that are noted in the spellbook. The number of spells that can be switched this way is equal to 1 spell at 1st level Arcane, increasing to 2 spells at 5th level Arcane, 3 spells at 10th level Arcane, 4 spells at 15th level Arcane, and 5 spells at 20th Arcane level.

Arcane Awakening

At 1st level, you must choose an Arcane Awakening, which describes which type of magic you first manifested: Celestial, Elemental, or Spiritual. This awakening grants the first Mystery you have access to.


Your first magical manifestation was a streak of celestial magic, perhaps you momentarily stopped time. Perhaps gravity acted strangely around you or even your eyes glowed as your body pulsed with pure runic energy.

You gain access to one of the following Mysteries of your choice: Chronomancy, Gravitomancy, Runomancy, or Spacemancy.

By choosing this Awakening, you gain 1 additional point of Mana per level of Arcane you possess.
Starting at Arcane level 2, you have greater synergy with runes. You get an upgrade for your Runes and again, upon reaching levels 9 and 16 you get an upgrade for the Rune chosen in the previous level. Additionally, you learn the Celestial language.


Your first magical manifestation was a trace of elemental magic. It could be that you controlled an element without understanding how it happened, or perhaps you were able to create that element in a time of great need.

You gain access to an Elemental Mystery, with one of the following elements of your choice: Earth, Fire, Flora, Ice, Magma, Storm, Water, or Wind.

Elemental Focus
When choosing this Awakening, spells of your element cost 1 less Mana, the cost of these spells cannot become 0 this way.
Elemental Potence
From the 2nd level of Arcane, whenever a spell you cast has a link to your element of awakening, the damage caused by it has its damage dice increased by one category. When you take damage of the same type from the chosen Element, you decrease this amount by an amount equal to your Arcane level. Additionally, you learn the Elemental language.


your first magical manifestation was a trait of spirit magic. Maybe it was a premonition, maybe you saw blood and he reacted to your gaze or even heard voices whispering in your ear warning you of danger.

You gain access to one of the following Mysteries of your choice: Divination, Enchantment, Ethermancy, Hemomancy, Illusion, Invocation, Necromancy, Oniromancy, Transmutation, or Umbramancy.

Spiritual Tuning
When choosing this Awakening, casting spells that have the Ritual descriptor cost 1 less mana point, these spells cost cannot become 0 this way. When casting spells through Rituals, it only takes you an additional 5 minutes.
Spiritual Aid
Starting at Arcane level 2, when you cast a spell as Ritual, you can choose to spend 10 minutes to cast it at a higher level by spending 1 mana point. Upon reaching Arcane level 10, you can spend an additional 20 minutes to cast it two levels higher by spending 2 mana points, and at 18th level, for 30 minutes and 3 mana points, the spell can be cast as a Ritual in three higher levels.


At 1st level, every Arcane seeks to learn more about his magic through the Mystery to which he has access. Glyphs are groupings of Mysteries that can be formed through groups, schools and societies, but they can also be the fruit of solitary learning. Choose from Ashen Glyph, Effigy Glyph, Elementalist Glyph, Scarlet Glyph, Fiery Glyph, Magus Glyph, Purple Glyph, Weaver Glyph, Vitreous Glyph, or Zhonya Glyph, all detailed at the end of the description of this Class. Your choice grants you features at 1st level and again at 8th, 14th, 18th, and 20th level.


At 2nd level, you gain greater control over the source of magic within you. That source is represented by Arcana, which allows you to create a variety of magical effects.

Arcana Points
You have 2 Arcana points and gain more as you reach higher levels, as shown in the Arcana Points column of The Arcane table. You can never have more Arcana points than shown on the table for your level. You regain all spent Arcana points when you finish a long rest.
Flexible Casting
You can use your Arcana points as Mana points. You learn new ways to use your Arcana points when you reach higher levels.
Using Arcana Points. You can use your available Arcana points as Mana points. You can spend a maximum of 7 Arcana points as Mana points using this trait.

Arcane Signature

At 2nd level, you develop a personal spellcasting style called an Arcane Signature. While Arcane is an Intelligence-based spellcaster, this signature not only expresses his style, but also powers his magic, linking it to a secondary stat. Choose one of the following attributes:

Strength is linked to physical conditioning and arcane discipline, using body training to increase the power of your spells.

Dexterity demonstrates the speed and agility with which an arcane can carry out the gestures of his spells or control the flow of energy, managing to cast them at a higher speed.

Constitution uses the vital energy of the Arcane (or of his enemies) so that he strengthens his conjurations, also being able to facilitate the weakening of his opponents.

Wisdom brings the sensitivity and intuition that the Arcane has in relation to the mana of the place, in addition to his perception of the flows of this energy, which are the foundation of magic.

Charisma is characterized by the willpower that the arcanum imposes in his lines or gestures, being able to withdraw partially from celestial or spiritual aid.

As you gain Arcane levels, you gain the following effects based on your chosen attribute:

  • At 2nd level, at the end of a long rest, you regain additional Mana equal to your secondary ability modifier (minimum of 1).
  • At 2nd level, you gain half your secondary ability modifier (minimum of 1) on your spell attacks.
  • At 7th level, you add your secondary ability modifier (minimum of 1) to damage or healing dealt with a spell.
  • At 12th level, you add your secondary ability modifier (minimum of 1) to your spell attacks instead of half.
  • At 17th level, you add twice your secondary ability modifier (minimum of 1) to damage or healing dealt with a spell.


At 3rd level, you gain the ability to warp your spells to suit your needs. You gain two of the following Metamagic options of your choice. You gain another at 10th and 18th level.

By default, you can use only one Metamagic option per cast, unless otherwise noted.

Accelerated Spell

When you cast a spell that has a casting time of 1 action, you can spend 2 Arcana points to change the casting time to a bonus action for that spell.

Empowered Spell

When you cast a spell that forces a creature to make a saving throw against its effect, you can spend 3 Arcana points to give a target of the spell disadvantage on the first saving throw made.

Careful Spell

When you cast a spell that forces other creatures to make a saving throw, you can shield some of those creatures from the spell's full force. To do so, you spend 1 Arcana point and choose a number of those creatures up to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one creature). A chosen creature automatically passes the saving throw against the spell.

Distant Spell

When you cast a spell that has a range of 5 feet or greater, you can spend 1 Arcana point to double the spell's range. When you cast a spell with range of touch, you can spend 1 Arcana point to change the spell's range to 30 feet.

Twinned Spell

When you cast a spell that is unable to target more than one creature at its current level and has no personal range, you can spend a number of Arcana points equal to the spell's level to target a second creature, within the spell range, as a target (1 Arcana point if the spell is a cantrip).

Extended Spell

When you cast a spell that lasts 1 minute or longer, you can spend 1 Arcana point to double its duration, up to a maximum duration of 24 hours.

Powerfull Spell

When you cast a spell or cantrip that deals damage, you can spend 1 Arcana point to add your Intelligence modifier to the spell's damage. Spells that have more than one attack or damage roll add this bonus only once. You can use Empowered Spell even if you already used an other Metamagic while casting the spell.

Empowered Spell

When you roll damage for a spell, you can spend 1 Arcana point to reroll a number of damage dice up to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1). You must use the reroll. You can use Empowered Spell even if you already used an option other than Metamagic while casting the spell.

Subtle Spell

When you cast a spell, you may spend 1 Arcana point to cast it without any somatic or verbal components.


When you reach 4th level and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. By default , you cannot raise an ability score above 20 with this feature. Alternatively, you can choose one of the General Enhancements from Chapter 5: Customization - Enhancements.

Signature Spell

At 7th level, you must choose a cantrip, this will be your signature cantrip. At 17th level, you can make this choice again. The chosen cantrips can be used as a bonus action by spending 1 Mana point.

Additionally, also at 7th and 17th levels, you must choose one 1st-level and one 2nd-level spell and choose one of the two benefits below for those spells. You can choose the same spells from 7th level at 17th to gain an additional benefit.

When using a Metamagic with this spell, you don't spend any Arcana points. If you choose the same spell again, you can use two Metaspells on the same spell, the second Metamagic has its normal cost.

Whenever you cast this spell, it may be cast at one higher level at no additional mana cost. If you choose the same spell again, it can be cast at an additional higher level, instead of just one, at no additional mana cost.

Arcane Overload

At 11th level, when you spend Mana points to cast a spell of 4th level or higher, you gain 1 point of Overload. As an action, you can spend a number of points of Overload to cast one of your spells without consuming mana points, this spell cannot be higher than 7th level. The number of points of Overlod used in this way equals twice the mana cost of the spell's level. Spells cast this way cannot be reduced in cost and gain no Class benefits. Unused Overload Points are lost upon completing a full rest.

Arcane Might

Upon reaching 17th level, when using a Metamagic on any spell, you may spend 1 additional Arcana point (for each Metaspell) to have it cast one level higher per point spent.

Glyphs of Arcane

Magic is dealt with through various Mysteries, which seek to understand, study and reproduce this phenomenon. Glyphs are clusters of Mysteries that can be formed through groups, schools and societies, but they can also be the fruit of solitary learning. By becoming an Arcane, it is through your Glyph that you are able to develop your powers, understand magic, and achieve mastery.

Ashen Glyph

A legend of Runeterra says that once there was the Gray Man, and that he was responsible for taking everyone, at the end of their time, to the next world. The legend also says that one day, tired of loneliness, he split himself in two with an axe, so that he would always have a friend. The Ashen Glyph connects to this Gray Man, tapping into the powers of life and death.

Deathly Hallow

When you choose this glyph at 1st level, your contact with oblivion teaches you how to craft a Deathly Hallow, a personal symbol that can capture the souls of the dead. A Relic can be any object you own, from your grimoire to a simple ring. You now store the souls of creatures that die within 30 feet of you inside your Deathly Hallow, you can store a number of souls equal to your Intelligence modifier for each Arcane level you possess. Creatures whose soul is stored in a Relic cannot be resurrected by any means unless the spell Major Restoration is cast on the Relic, releasing all souls held within it.

As a bonus action, you can consume a maximum number of souls from your Relic equal to your Intelligence modifier, in doing so you regain hit points equal to twice the number of souls consumed.

Additionally, you gain access to the Mystery of Necromancy spell list.

Starting at Arcane level 10, if you have at least 50 souls in your Relic, you can choose to make it indestructible. To do this you must spend 8 hours concentrating on this Relic, at the end of those 8 hours souls are consumed and your Relic gains immunity to all types of damage (except true damage and the spell disintegrate).

Control Spirits

At 8th level, you gain a better understanding of the energy that courses through all beings and how to control the energy that lingers after death. You learn the spell animate dead, this spell does not count towards the maximum spells you know. If you have a spellbook, you can add this spell to it for half the normal cost and time.

When storing a creature's soul in your Relic, you can choose to temporarily retain that creature's soul's personality and innate strength. You can store a number of souls in this way equal to your Intelligence modifier, and at the end of a full rest, souls stored in this way become ordinary spirits, losing their personality and strength. You can only store the souls of creatures that have a Challenge Rating equal to or less than two levels below your Arcane level, for example, if you are Arcane level 10, you can only store souls of creatures of CR 8 or lower .

Using an action, you can summon a soul that still has its personality as an undead spirit, this spirit has all the attributes, senses, special traits and actions of the creature from when it was alive, but it has vulnerability to radiant damage. This creature acts right after your turn on initiative.

A creature summoned this way must make a Charisma saving throw DC equal to its spell save DC, at disadvantage. On a failed save, she is under yout command and obeys your orders as best she can for 1 minute. On success, the creature assumes autonomy of its actions, acting freely or indifferently to you and your allies, except if you or any of your allies are involved with its death, in which case it becomes hostile and uses all your resources against you and your allies.

A creature summoned this way disappears after 1 minute or until its hit points are reduced to 0. It can also be dispelled by the caster as a bonus action, unless it's hostile. In either case, the creature's soul is released from your Relic.

Cheat Death

At level 14, you learn that death is everywhere and that no one can get away with it forever, but you always try to find a way around it. At the end of a full rest, you are under the effects of the "death ward" spell until the beginning of your next full rest. Additionally, you have advantage on death saving throws.

In addition, you now receive the following benefits according to the number of souls you have stored in your Deathly Hallow:

  • 1 Soul: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and the Difficulty Class of your Necromancy spells.
  • 5 Souls: When you kill a creature, you gain temporary hit points equal to the creature's Challenge Rating.
  • 15 Souls: As long as you have at least 1 hit point, you regain 1d10 hit points every hour.
  • 25 Souls: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and the Difficulty Class of your Necromancy spells, stacking +2.
  • 50 Souls: You gain advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.
  • 75 Souls: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and the Difficulty Class of your spells, stacking +3.
  • 100 Souls: Your Intelligence score increases by +2, as does your maximum for that attribute.

Maelstrom of Souls

At 18th level, you learn to use the souls you absorb to create a maelstrom of necrotic energy using the remaining energy of the spirits. As a bonus action, you can cast a 20-foot-radius aura of dark energy around you. Creatures that are in that area, enter it, or start their turns there must make a Constitution saving throw DC equal to your spell save DC. On a failed save, it takes necrotic damage equal to your Arcane level + the number of souls stored in her Relic. On a success, it takes half damage. You consume 5 souls from your Relic at the start of your turn for each turn beyond the first you have this aura active.

This aura lasts for 1 minute or until you use a bonus action to end it. If you become Incapacitated, this aura ends prematurely.

Ashen Arcane

When you reach 20th level, you can cast the spells animate dead and vampiric touch as 3rd-level spells without spending Mana points, you can use these spells in this way a number of times equal to your modifier Intelligence (minimum of 1) per full rest. In addition, you learn the spell Requiem.

Additionally, choose a Mystery of Necromancy spell of up to 7th level, the mana point cost for that spell is halved, rounded up.

Effigy Glyph

Some people confuse a summoning with transportation, believing that summoners transport creatures with their magic from one place to another. This error is common, but can easily be clarified. The summoner uses his magical energy, mana, in conjunction with spiritual energy to create forms that become animated by inserting temporary life into them. Each invocation is, in a way, a part of its summoner, for this reason, these invocations end up having traits linked to the Mysteries of that Arcane, in addition to their own appearance.


When you choose this Glyph at 1st level, you learn to physically manifest your mana through a special summon called an Effigy. Not only is this summon something made of mana, it also has a small portion of your soul and life energy. You gain proficiency in Nature, if you already have proficiency in that skill, you gain specialty.

In addition, you learn the special spell manifest effigy, this spell does not count towards the maximum spells you know. If you have a grimoire, you can add this spell to it for half the normal cost and time.

You use your magical energy, part of your body and your soul, in the process of creating your Effigy, a kind of spirit that starts to accompany you and has empathy and devotion for you. Additionally, you gain access to the Mystery of Summoning spell list.

This spell has unique characteristics, for more details, see special spell manifest effigy.


At 8th level, your understanding of the Effigy and its invocations allows you a direct connection with its mind. As a bonus action, you can share the senses of a creature you have summoned. When you do so, you can see through the creature's eyes and hear through its ears for 1 minute, gaining the benefits of any special senses the creature possesses. During this period, you will be Blind and Deaf to your own senses. The creature must be within 500 feet of you for you to use this feature.

The Challenge Rating of creatures you can summon with Mystery of Summoning spells increases by 1, for example, when you cast the spell conjure animals, you can conjure a CR 4 beast or less, two of CR 3 or less, four of CR 2 or less. Additionally, when conjuring a single creature with a spell, for each CR above 1 it has, you can choose to grant it one of the following options for each CR:

  • Attack. +1 bonus on your attack rolls.
  • Armor Class. +1 AC, to a maximum of +3.
  • Difficulty Class. +1 to the DC of a creature's special trait or attack, to a maximum of +3.
  • Damage. +1 additional damage on its attacks.
  • Displacement. +15 feet to a speed the creature has of your choice. A creature can't have more than 60 feet of speed with this feature.
  • Life. 1 additional Hit Die.


At 14th level, your understanding of summons soars, with your ability to leverage the magic employed in them. When you conjure a single creature with a spell, you can grant it one of the following additional characteristics:

  • Additional Attack. Whenever the creature makes an attack with a weapon (natural or not), it can make an additional attack with the same weapon. This feature can only be activated once per round.
  • Aura of Fear. As an action, all creatures within 60 feet must make a DC 8 Wisdom saving throw + your summoner's proficiency bonus + half your summoner's Arcane level. On a failed save, affected creatures are Frightened until the end of your next turn.
  • Conjuration. This creature shares the same spells and mana points as its summoner, being able to cast spells without using verbal or somatic components. When casting a spell, the creature will spend its summoner's Mana points.
  • Invisibility. Using an action, the creature can become Invisible for 1 minute. The creature will lose this condition if it makes an attack.
  • Protect. When the Arcane that summoned this creature is targeted for an attack, the creature can use its reaction to move 30 feet towards the summoner. If it becomes adjacent to it, the creature takes the attack instead. The attack must exceed the creature's AC to hit it.
  • Breath of Energy. As an action, the creature can channel the energy within itself to expel a 15-foot cone of energy in front of it. Creatures in that area must make a DC 8 Constitution saving throw + its summoner's proficiency bonus + half its summoner's Arcane level. On a failed save, an affected creature takes 4d6 force damage. Alternatively, the creature can forgo its action to channel this energy longer, at the start of its next turn creating a 25-foot cone that deals 8d6 force damage if a creature fails its save.

War Summon

At 18th level, the combative limits of your summons far exceed those of any other Glyph. Creatures you've summoned with Mystery of the Summoning spells can add half your Arcane level to the damage of its attacks and spells. Also, if you've summoned a single creature, all damage it deals is considered magical. Additionally, you may grant two Arcanize traits to your Effigy, instead of one.

Arcane of Summoning

Upon reaching 20th level, you become a master of summoning. You can cast the spells conjure animals and Spirit Guardians as 3rd-level spells without spending Mana points. You can use these two spells in this way a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) per full rest, and you can grant your Effigy three Arcanize traits instead of two, in addition, you learn the spell egregious.

Additionally, choose a spell up to 7th level of the Mystery of Summoning, the Mana point cost for that spell is halved, rounded up.

Elementalist Glyph

The Elementalist's Glyph connects to a core element, allowing the Arcane to develop his magic through channeling and understanding that element. As the elementalist develops, he starts to be able to access new elements, whether primary or any element derived from one he already has.

Tame Elements

When you choose this Glyph at 1st level, you can choose an Element that you have access to, and you gain access to the Mystery spell list for that element. You must choose one of the Elemental Mysteries that you have access to as your Primary Element. Additionally, a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus for a full rest, you can spend 1 Mana point more than the amount to cast a spell to use elemental magic present in the environment, giving an additional feature to your elemental spells. You can also spend 1 arcana point to reproduce this effect, with no limit on uses. Spells from an Elemental Mystery that you cast that are among your Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary Element can gain this feature.

  • Blizzard. When you cast a spell of that element, if it hits a target, you can create a blizzard in a 15-foot radius around the target. All creatures within that area must make a Constitution saving throw DC equal to your spell save DC. On a failed save, affected creatures are Blinded until the end of your next turn. The duration of this effect increases by one turn for each additional Arcana point spent. Affected creatures can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the condition on a success.
  • Crystal. When you cast a spell of that element, you gain a temporary 1d6 hit point shield, this shield lasts for 1 minute or until destroyed. You gain an additional 1d4 temporary hit points for each additional Arcana point spent.
  • Earth. When casting a spell of that element, if it hits a target, it must make a Dexterity saving throw DC equal to your spell save DC. On a failed save, the ground beneath the hit creature's feet explodes into small shards, dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage to the creature. You deal an additional 1d4 bludgeoning damage for each additional Arcana point spent.
  • Flora. When you cast a spell of that element, you gain the effects of the invisibility spell until the end of your next turn. The duration of this effect increases by one turn for each additional Arcana point spent.
  • Fire. When you cast a spell of that element, you can heat a weapon made of metal within 20 feet of you, adding 1d6 fire damage to the weapon's next attack. You deal an additional 1d4 fire damage for each additional Arcana point spent.
  • Ice. When casting a spell of that element, if it hits a target, it must make a Constitution saving throw DC equal to your spell save DC. On a failed save, its speed is halved until the end of your next turn, and the target takes 1d4 cold damage. The DC for this save increases by +1 and deals an additional 1d4 cold damage for each additional Arcana point spent.
  • Infernal. When you cast a spell of that element, if it hits a target, you can create a firestorm in a 15-foot radius around the target. All creatures within that area must make a Constitution saving throw DC equal to your spell save DC. On a failed save, affected creatures take 1d4 fire damage and become scorched, taking 1d4 fire damage per round. You deal an additional 1d4 fire damage for each additional Arcana point spent.
  • Magma. When you cast a spell of that element, you gain +1 AC until the end of your next turn, and creatures that hit you with an unarmed strike for that duration take 1d4 fire damage. You gain +1 AC and now deal an additional 1d4 fire damage for each additional Arcana point spent.
  • Storm. When casting a spell of that element, if it hits a target, it must make a Constitution saving throw DC equal to your spell save DC. On a failed save, the target is Incapacitated until the end of your next turn. The duration of this effect increases by one turn for each additional Arcana point spent. The affected creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the condition on a success.
  • Water. When you cast a spell of that element, you can use the surrounding water to heal an ally within 20 feet of you, healing them for 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier hit points. You heal an additional 1d4 for each additional Arcana point spent.
  • Wind. When you cast a spell of that element, you gain 15 feet of flying speed until the end of your next turn. You gain 15 feet of additional flying speed for each additional Arcana point spent.

Elemental Aplomb

At 8th level, you can enhance your use of magical elements. You can spend Arcana points to increase the damage and healing dice dealt by the spell, by one for each Arcana point spent, up to a maximum of 5 points. Additionally, the damage and healing done by your Main Element spells go up by one category.

Additionally, choose one of the Elemental Mysteries you have access to as your Minor Element.

Bend Elements

At 14th level, you understand how to manipulate the mana of cast spells to switch between the elemental forms they manifest. When casting a spell that deals elemental damage, you can switch the damage type dealt by the spell to a damage type related to an Elemental Mystery you have access to. In addition, all spells you cast from an Elemental Mystery you have access to will deal magic damage.

Additionally, choose one of the Elemental Mysteries you have access to to be your Tertiary Element.

Elemental Absorption

At 18th level, your understanding of the elements is so natural that you become capable of transmuting their energy, making them harmless against you. When you receive elemental damage related to an Elemental Mystery you have access to, you can use your reaction and 5 Arcana points to ignore the damage dealt and recover health points equal to the attack's damage.

Additionally, your Tertiary Element now receives the same benefits as your Main Element.

Elemental Arcane

Upon reaching 20th level, choose two spells you have access to from an Elemental Mystery of up to 3rd level, you can cast these spells as 3rd-level spells without expending mana points, you can cast those spells that way an equal number of times to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) per full rest. In addition, you learn the spell elemental fury.

Additionally, choose a spell of up to 7th level from an Elemental Mystery, the Mana point cost for that spell is halved, rounded up.

Scarlet Glyph

Hemomancy is a magical art little practiced in Runeterra's history, especially because of its bad reputation. In the past, only high-caste nobility people from a few regions had access to it. In the present, that has changed, the Crimson Circle, led by a mysterious figure of immense power, has been practicing this ancient art, though it is still largely reclusive.

Crimson Pact

When you choose this glyph at 1st level, you understand your own body as a life complex and learn to enhance your natural resistance. You gain additional hit points equal to half your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 0) for each Arcane level you have.

In addition, you have greater depth in Mystery of Hemomancy, and you can reduce the hit point cost to cast that Mystery's spells by an amount equal to half your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 0), the cost cannot be reduced to less than 1. Damage dealt by casting Hemomancy spells does not break your concentration.

Additionally, you gain access to the Mystery of Hemomancy spell list.

Scarlet Gem

Also at 1st level, you learn about the Scarlet Gem, a secret of Hemomancy. While many Arcane can normally learn the Mystery of Hemomancy, the Scarlet Gem cannot be learn out of the Glyph. Using 8 hours of work and a ruby crystal that costs at least 25 gp, you can create a Scarlet Gem. This gem has the same AC as its creator and half its hit points, and can be used as a spellcasting focus, like a crystal. You can only have one Scarlet Gem at a time.

If it hasn't been destroyed, a damaged Scarlet Gem regains all its hit points during a full rest. As you level up as a Arcane, your Scarlet Gem grants you the following traits:

Level 1. During a full rest, you can choose to store an amount of Hit Dice within your Gem equal to your Arcane level, when you do so you must roll the amount of Hit Dice to store and you expend use of your Hit Dice normally, and cannot regain them until the end of your next full rest. As a bonus action, you can regain hit points equal to the amount of hit points stored within the Gem.

Level 3. When you cast Mystery of Hemomancy spells, your Gem regains hit points equal to the level of the spell cast.

Level 5. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to take half damage and transfer the remaining damage to your Gem.

Level 7. As a bonus action, you can deal 1d6 damage to your Gem to gain 1 point of Arcana.

Level 9. You can deal 1d6 damage to your Gem to store a 1st-level Mystery of Hemomancy spell within it. For every 1d6 damage dealt to the Gem, you can store one spell of a higher level than 1st. When you cast a Mystery of Hemomancy spell or take damage, you may cast that spell as a reaction. You can have a number of spells stored in your Gem equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1).

Level 11. When you fail a saving throw or check to gain a condition, you can negate the condition by dealing 3d6 damage to your Gem.

Level 13. As an action, you can choose to destroy your Scarlet Gem. When you do, you can throw it up to 60 feet from you, and each creature within 15 feet of the Gem must make a Dexterity saving throw DC equal to your spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature takes double the Gem's remaining hit points as necrotic damage, or half as much damage on a successful one. Hit points lost by this explosion cannot be regained, except through spells or magical effects.

Level 15. You can cast Mystery of Hemomancy spells through your Gem as if it were you, regardless of how far away you are from the Gem. Spells that have touch range work normally on creatures that are in contact with your Gem. When casting a spell through its Gem, it will take 1 point of damage per spell level cast (minimum of 1).

Level 17. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you heal half the damage dealt in hit points.

Scarlet Frenzy

At 8th level, the blood manipulation itself seems to reverberate throughout your body. For every two 1st-level or higher Mystery of Hemomancy spells you cast, you gain 1 charge of Scarlet Frenzy. You can accumulate a number of charges equal to half your Arcane level. Unused charges are lost at the end of a full rest. When you hit one or more targets with a Hemomancy Mystery spell that deals damage, you can choose to expend 1 charge of Crimson Frenzy to leave the spell's targets Bleeding, taking half your proficiency bonus as damage per turn.

When you hit a Bleeding target with Mystery of Hemomancy spells, you can use your reaction to expend a charge of Scarlet Frenzy to increase the target's Bleeding by 1 point or 1 die (depending on the creature's Bleeding) for every 2 levels of the spell used starting at 1st spell level.

Arcanum Vitae

At 14th level, your understanding of life energy and magic expands to the point where you gain the ability to work with them in similar ways. You can use a bonus action to convert 10 hit points to 1 Arcana point. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1) per full rest.

Additionally, you are now able to better utilize your control over the spare energy of your spells, you can expend a number of Scarlet Frenzy charges to increase 1 die of damage or healing from Mystery of Hemomancy spells for each charge spent.

Blood Portal

At 18th level, the blood becomes a doorway for you, allowing you to move almost instantly. As an action, you can turn one body of water that you can see, up to 30 cubic feet in size, and a second body of water that you have already seen, that is within 5 miles of you, into fountains of blood, these blood fountains last up to 1 minute. By doing so, you can dip into a fountain of blood to spawn in the second fountain you create, you don't get wet from dipping into that fountain.

Additionally, you can now cast the spell Blood Pool as a reaction to being targeted by an attack or damage spell.

Crimson Arcane

Upon reaching 20th level, you can cast the spells Blood Tide and Transfusion as 3rd-level spells without expending mana points, and you can cast those spells this way a number of times equal to your modifier. Intelligence (minimum of 1) per full rest. In addition, you learn the spell Bloodplague.

Additionally, choose a spell up to 7th level from the Mystery of Hemomancy, the Mana point cost for that spell is halved, rounded up.

Fiery Glyph

Fire has engendered fascination and terror in living creatures since time immemorial. Through the magical control of the different types of flames, the Fiery Glyph seeks to understand this element that is as necessary as it is destructive for the living. The focus given in this Glyph is understanding the flames as a whole, understanding its nature and using it to your advantage.

Initiate of Flames

By choosing this Glyph at 1st level, you begin to study one of the psychological aspects of fire, whether it's its heat, which offers protection, its destructive power, which offers a form of combat, or even the fascination with the flame itself, that connects to your passion. Choose one of the following options:

  • Aegis of Fire. After you cast 2 Mystery of Fire, Magma, or Infernal spells, a magmatic shield begins to surround your body, gaining half your Arcane level by d6 temporary hit points (minimum 1d6). Any creature that hits you with a melee attack while this shield is active takes the shield's current amount of temporary hit points as fire damage.
  • Flare. Your spells that deal fire damage leave a Flare mark on the target, up to a maximum of 3 charges. Each mark lasts until the end of your next turn, if it receives a new mark this time increases by 1 round. When hitting a target with 3 charges using a spell that deals fire damage, the target becomes unstable, at the start of the target's next turn it must make a Constitution saving throw DC equal to your spell save DC. On a failed save, the target takes half your Arcane level in d6 fire damage (minimum of 1d6). On a success, the target takes half damage.
  • Pyromania. After casting 4 Mysteries of Fire, Magma, or Infernal spells, your next spell that deals fire damage will Stun a single target that is hit by the spell. A creature will be Stunned in this way for a number of turns equal to half your Arcane level (minimum of 1). A Stunned target must make a Constitution saving throw DC equal to its spell save DC at the start of each of its turns to end the condition.

Additionally, you gain access to the Mystery of Fire spell list, if you already have that Element, you can choose between receiving Magma or Infernal.

Disciple of the Flames

At 8th level, you elevate your psychological connection with fiery magic, expanding it through new properties. You gain one of the following features of your choice at 1st level:

  • Flaming Aegis. If you have the Aegis of Fire trait, the temporary hit points gained by Aegis of Fire become d8 instead of d6. While your shield is active, at the start of each of your turns, creatures within 5 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw DC equal to your spell save DC. On a failed save, they take 1d8 + half your Arcane level as fire damage.
  • Flaming Flare. If you have the Flare feature, damage taken by a target affected by Flare becomes d8 instead of d6. Additionally, when you hit a target affected by Flare with the spell Cauterize, the target is also Stunned until the end of your next turn.
  • Infernal Flame. If you have the Pyromania feature, you can Stun all targets hit by a spell using the Pyromania feature. In addition, targets affected by Pyromania have disadvantage to resist your Mysteries of Fire, Magma, or Infernal spells for the next minute, after which the target becomes immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.

Additionally, choose between having access to the Infernal Mystery or Magma Mystery spell list.

Master of Flames

At level 14, fire teaches unique secrets only to those who have learned to respect it and have it as an ally. You gain one of the following features of your choice at 1st level:

  • Infernal Aegis. If you have the Flaming Aegis trait, the temporary hit points gained by Fire Aegis become d10 instead of d8. While your shield is active, when you cast spells that deal incinerating damage, you recover hit points equal to 1 + the level of the spell cast.
  • Infernal Flame. If you have the Flaming Flare feature, damage taken by a target affected by Flare becomes d10 instead of d8. Additionally, when hitting a target affected by Flame with the spell elemental column: flames, the target takes half the damage caused by the spell as additional damage.
  • Infernal Desolation. If you have the Infernal Flame trait, when you hit a target Stunned by Pyromania with a spell that deals incinerating damage, the target takes half your Arcane level of additional incinerating damage. Additionally, your allies have advantage and a bonus equal to your proficiency bonus to hit a creature that has been Stunned by Pyromania for the next minute.

Additionally, whenever you deal fire damage, you will now deal incinerating damage instead.

Grand Master of Flames

At 18th level, fire becomes your most faithful ally. You gain one of the following features of your choice at 1st level:

  • Flame Eater. If you have the Infernal Aegis feature, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Arcane level on d10 instead of half your level. While your shield is active, you gain half your proficiency bonus to your AC.
  • Incandescent. If you have the Infernal Flare characteristic, the Flare characteristic now causes damage within a 15-foot radius of the affected target, creatures in that area must perform a Dexterity saving throw with the same DC as Flame, on a failure they suffer the damage normally or half the damage. damage on a success. Additionally, when hitting a target affected by Flame with the spell conflagration, the spell now affects 2 additional targets that are within 10 feet of the original target.
  • Pyromancer. If you have the Infernal Desolation feature, while a target is Stunned by Pyromania, at the start of each of its turns the target takes 3d6 incinerating damage. In addition, a target Stunned by Pyromania has disadvantage on all saving throws to resist spells that cause a condition.

Arcane of Flames

Upon reaching 20th level, you can cast the cauterize and burning hands spells as 3rd-level spells without expending mana points, and you can cast those spells this way a number of times equal to your Mana modifier. Intelligence (minimum 1) per full rest. In addition, you learn the spell fire domain.

Additionally, choose a Mystery of Fire, Magma, or Infernal spell of up to 7th level, the mana point cost for that spell is halved, rounded up.

Magus Glyph

Probably the first Glyph to form, the Magus Glyph is an understanding of magic and mana itself, understanding its fundamentals and its applications. Although it is believed that the other Glyphs are derived from this one, this does not make it less powerful, on the contrary, by the strength of its fruits, the strength of the tree that originated them is known.

Additional Cantrip

By choosing this glyph at 1st level, you study magic and mana in their purest forms, deeply understanding the metaphysical underpinnings of these two intertwined powers. You learn the cantrip Arcane Shot, this cantrip doesn't count towards your maximum cantrips you know, and you can cast it as a bonus action.

Additionally, choose whether to gain access to the Mystery of Ethermancy or Runomancy spell lists.

Mana Control

At 8th level, you learn magical shortcuts because you are so familiar with the act of casting spells. When casting a spell that has the casting time of a bonus action, you can cast a spell that has the casting time of an action in the same turn. You can do this a number of times equal to half your Intelligence modifier per full rest. Additionally, choose one of the following options:

  • Arcane Mastery. When you cast a spell that deals damage, you deal half your Intelligence modifier as additional damage for each spell level cast starting at 1st level.
  • Mana Fluctuation. When you hit a creature using arcane shot, you regain mana equal to your Intelligence modifier. You can regain Mana this way a number of times equal to half your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) per full rest.

Arcane Variation

At 14th level, you learn to use some mana traits very deftly. Choose one of the following options:

  • Amplified Casting. When casting a spell that has personal range, you can spend 5 Arcana points to cast it on yourself and up to 4 creatures you can see within 30 feet of you.
  • Arcane Celerity. When you hit a creature with a spell with a casting time of one action, you can use your reaction to cast a spell that uses a bonus action. You can do this a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier per full rest.
  • Arcane Protection. When targeted by an attack, you can use your reaction to activate a mana shield around you. This shield grants you temporary hit points equal to your Arcane level multiplied by your Intelligence modifier. You can do this a number of times equal to half your Intelligence modifier per full rest.
  • Magic Penetration. You are able to manipulate your magic so that it weakens your targets. When you hit a creature, you can spend 4 Arcana points to make the creature hit gain vulnerability to one type of damage your spell deals. This vulnerability persists until the end of your next turn. You can do this a number of times equal to half your Intelligence modifier per full rest.
  • Post-shock. You can overload the casting of a single-target spell by spending a number of Mana points of your choice. When doing so, creatures within 15 feet of the hit target must make a Constitution saving throw DC equal to your spell save DC. On a failed save, they take 1d6 damage for every 2 additional Mana you spent.
  • Mana Manipulation. You can change the damage type of a spell you cast by spending an amount of Arcana points equal to the spell's level. You can only change to damage of the same type, for example, if the spell deals simple elemental damage, you can only change to another simple elemental damage. You cannot switch any spell's damage to disruptive damage this way.
  • Privileged Mind. You can maintain concentration on two spells at the same time, however, you spend 5 Arcana points to cast the second spell. Additionally, you must spend 1 Mana point for each turn you spend concentrating on these two spells. You can do this a number of times equal to half your Intelligence modifier per full rest.
  • Mana Strengthening. When you cast a spell that deals damage to a creature under the effect of another spell, you deal additional damage equal to your Arcane level.

You can choose a new option when you reach 18th and 20th Arcane levels. Also, whenever you deal energy damage, you will now deal runic damage instead.

Arcane Braid

At 18th level, you are able to enhance your magical ability to an unrivaled extent. Once per full rest, you can choose one Glyph Trait of up to 14th-level Arcane Glyph of your choice, including this one, that Glyph Trait will remain with you until you complete a full rest.

If you learn a Mystery spell gained through some feature, you can only use it while you have access to that Mystery, unless you write that spell in your spellbook.

Magistrate's Arcanum

Upon reaching 20th level, choose two spells you have access to from Mystery of Ethermancy or Runomancy of up to 3rd level, you can cast those spells as 3rd-level spells without expending mana points, you can cast those spells that way a number of times. times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) per full rest. In addition, you learn the spell Magistrate's Decree.

Additionally, choose a Mystery of Ethermancy or Runomancy spell of up to 7th level, the mana point cost for that spell is halved, rounded up.

Purple Glyph

Nothing is permanent except impermanence. Everything is in a transient state between before and after. The Purple Glyph messes with reality and the perception of it, shaping and transforming everything within its reach. A Glyph that is based a lot on transformations even ends up transforming the minds that practice it.

Tulips, Colors and Groundhogs

When you choose this glyph at 1st level, you tap into the forces of randomness, a specific field of magic where cause and effect are intertwined. Your magic is imbued with energy of luck and misfortune, and is directly connected to your mood whenever the GM deems you unstable (more than usual), immediately after using a feature of that Glyph or casting a spell of Arcane of 1st level or higher, you must roll a d20.

If you roll a 5 or less, roll on the Purple Magic table to create a random magic effect. A manifestation can only occur once per turn. If the effect is a spell, it is too unstable to be affected by your Metamagic and ignores concentration requirements. The spell lasts for its maximum duration.

In addition, you must choose two of the following derangements:

  • “...". You have shame. VERY ashamed of everything and everyone. And yourself too. You have advantage and a +5 bonus on Stealth checks.
  • “The groundhog is talking”. You see a specific creature where it isn't. Really? You may repeat a roll of your choice, you may do so a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • “Did that tulip… move?”. You… no, we can't talk about this right now, someone's listening. You add your Charisma modifier to your Passive Perception.
  • “Thist rock never does ANYYTHING!”. You can't be quiet. Don't even try. You have 15 feet of additional walking speed and you do not need to travel 10 feet to jump.
  • “Hahahaha, kkkk, loool, jajaja”. You find EVERYTHING funny, you are always laughing at anything that happens and you see the humor in everything. Your enemies feel deeply irritated by you, having disadvantage to attack a creature other than you.
  • “Myeyesss...”. You don't like a lot of colors and lights, they bother you too much. You gain 30 feet of darkvision, if you already have it increases by 15 feet.
  • “O heavens, o life”. You cry about everything, everything is a reason to cry. You have advantage in saving throws to resist spells that attempt to alter or control your thoughts.
  • “I prefer green… or orange!”. You have a need to see everything in color and complain when this is not possible. You know how to tell when something is the result of an illusion. You have advantage on checks to detect illusions and their source.
  • “What does it taste like?”. You are ALWAYS hungry and can't resist an invitation to eat, have lunch, supper, dinner, snack, taste or any meal. You have advantage on poison saving throws and have resistance to poison damage.
  • “Tastes a bit purple”. You taste colors, smell sounds and can even see flavors. You have advantage on Perception checks.
  • “ZZzZzZzz...zzz”. You are ALWAYS sleepy. Although this does not affect your functionality, everyone who knows you notices this and you are able to take light naps even in the midst of chaos. Once per long rest, you can take a short rest for one minute.

Additionally, you gain access to the Mystery of Transmutation spell list.


At 8th level, everything can be adjusted, right? You learn the spell increase/reduce, this spell does not count towards the maximum spells you know. If you have a spellbook, you can add this spell to it for half the normal cost and time. Additionally, this spell requires no concentration.

When you or a creature you can see is targeted by an attack, you can use your reaction to cast the spell increase/ decrease on the target of the attack. When you do so, the target of the spell gains the benefits of increase, but the additional damage dealt by the spell becomes 1d8 instead of 1d4, and the target gains a shield of temporary hit points equal to your Arcane level + your Attack modifier. Intelligence, this shield absorbs damage from the attack received, and if it exceeds the shield's maximum, the damage reaches the creature's hit points normally.


At level 14, everything can be improved, right? You learn the spell metamorphosis, this spell does not count towards the maximum number of spells you know. If you have a spellbook, you can add this spell to it for half the normal cost and time.

When you or a creature you can see is targeted by an attack, you can use your reaction to cast Metamorphosis on the attacking creature. You can cast this spell this way a number of times equal to half your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) per full rest. In addition, you can use this spell as a bonus action instead of an action.


Size HP AC Attack STR DEX
Huge 100 10 +10 to hit, 3d10 + 6 damage 20 4

At 18th level, with a little talking, you can wake up objects that are sleeping too much for a snoozer. You learn the spell animate objects, this spell does not count towards the maximum spells you know. If you have a spellbook, you can add this spell to it for half the normal cost and time. Additionally, this spell requires no concentration.

Objects you animate using this spell can add half your Intelligence modifier to its AC and your Arcane level to its hit points. You can command objects using an action instead of a bonus action. Also, you can animate a huge object, it counts as ten objects and has the following stats:

Purple Arcane

Upon reaching 20th level, you can cast the spells alter yourself and goodberry without expending mana points, you can use those spells this way a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) by full rest. In addition, you learn the spell t.ulipes, p.aper, k.iwi.

Additionally, choose a spell of up to 7th level from the Mystery of Transmutation, the mana point cost for that spell is halved, rounded up.

Weaver Glyph

The Weaver Glyph connects not only to shaping earth, sand and stone, but also to shaping and bending the unyielding, to traversing the impassable. All this understanding of magic through the most rigid element means that the Arcane who studies this Glyph also learns to mold his personality. Interestingly, most Glyph of the Weaver Arcane had to deal with learning about their own stubbornness.

Voice of the Rock

When you choose this glyph at 1st level, your connection to the ground you walk on grants you a new sense. You gain 5 feet of seismic sense per Arcane level, if you already have this sense, you gain an additional 5 feet at 1st level.

Additionally, you gain access to the Mystery of the Earth spell list.


At 8th level, you learn to shape earth, stone, and sand more easily. When you cast a single-target Earth Mystery spell that targets a creature, you can spend 2 Arcana points to have the spell cause one of the following additional effects:

  • You shape the ground beneath the creature to trap it. The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw CD equal to the DC of your spells, on a failure the creature is Restrained for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns.
  • You create a 5-foot radius tremor in the ground beneath the creature. Each creature in this area must make a Dexterity saving throw DC equal to your spell DC, on a failure they are prone.
  • You condense your attack, causing it to deal 1d8 + your Intelligence modifier additional bashing damage.
  • You create an extremely tough solid rock projectile hidden behind your magic. A creature hit by the spell must make a Dexterity saving throw DC equal to your spell save DC, on a failed save the creature is Stunned until the end of its next turn.

In addition, when you cast a Mystery of the Earth spell, you can spend 1 Arcana point to change the spell's damage to bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing. Upon reaching 10th Arcane level, the damage type becomes magic.

Additionally, you learn the shape earth cantrip, this cantrip does not count towards the maximum cantrips you know and you can cast it as a bonus action.

Weaver's Wall

At level 14, you can almost hear the voice of the earth beneath your feet, managing to manipulate it on grand scales. You learn the spell wall of stone, this spell doesn't count towards the maximum spells you know. If you have a spellbook, you can add this spell to it for half the normal cost and time. You can cast this spell using a bonus action instead of an action.

When you are the target of an attack or spell, you can use your reaction to cast the spell wall of stone. Additionally, the number of panels created by this spell is doubled. You can cast this spell in this manner a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) per full rest.

Additionally, when casting the spell wall of stone you can use the cantrip rock surfing as part of the same casting to move to the top of the wall and slide over it along its length in a direction of your choice to the end of the wall. You expend all your speed to move in this way. You can choose to cancel this movement at any time along the way and descend from the wall without any difficulty.

Additionally, whenever you deal bashing damage through your spells or this Glyph's traits, you will deal crushing damage instead.

Seismic Control

At 18th level, the land is under your command. You learn the spell earthquake, this spell does not count towards the maximum spells you know. If you have a spellbook, you can add this spell to it for half the normal cost and time.

You can cast this spell by spending half your Mana points once per full rest. When you cast this spell in this manner, the radius of the area is doubled and creatures of your choice in the spell's area have disadvantage on their saving throws to resist the effects of this spell. Additionally, you create a stable area for yourself and your allies up to 15 feet around you, that area moves with you.

Earth Arcane

Upon reaching 20th level, you can cast the spells seismic shove and threaded volley as 3rd-level spells without spending Mana points, you You can use these spells in this way a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) per full rest. In addition, you learn the spell Terralogy.

Additionally, choose a Mystery of Earth spell of up to 7th level, the mana point cost for that spell is halved, rounded up.

Vitreous Glyph

The studies of magic undertaken by the Arcane of Runeterra constantly collide with the studies of the mind. Through these studies, the Mysteries of Divination, Illusionism and Enchantment were developed. Many even explore the mind more deeply as a channel of magical energy, understanding dreams through the Mystery of Oniromancy.

Mind Window

By choosing this Glyph at 1st level, you gain an understanding of one aspect of the "glass" that is the mind, understanding how to cloud it, use it to cast mental shadows, broaden the horizon of your knowledge, or observe what lies through it. Choose one of the following options:

  • Charm. You know how to charm people's minds. Once per full rest, you can use an action to choose one creature that can see and hear you, that creature must make a Wisdom saving throw opposed by a Perform check. On a failure, this creature will do what you ask and answer what you ask for the next hour, unless doing so directly harms the creature, such as "kill the king" or "what secret is hidden by the state?". Additionally, you gain access to the Mystery of Enchantment spell list.
  • Oneiros. You know the best way to control a situation without it getting out of hand is to put your enemies to sleep. You learn the spell sleep, this spell does not count towards the spell maximum you know. If you have a grimoire, you can add this spell to it for half the normal cost and time. When casting this spell, you must roll an additional dice pool equal to 1d8 multiplied by your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 0). Additionally, you gain access to the Mystery of Oniromancy spell list.
  • Little Forger. You learn how to trick a creature's eyes and confuse its hearing. You learn the minor illusion cantrip, this cantrip does not count towards your maximum cantrips you know, and you can cast it as a bonus action. Additionally, you gain access to the Mystery of Illusion spell list.
  • Glimpse. You have brief glimpses at some possibilities of what will happen during your day. Once per full rest, choose any roll on which you rolled a natural 1, you may roll the die again and use the new roll. Additionally, you gain access to the Mystery of Divination spell list.


At 8th level, your deepening in this Glyph makes your spells harder to resist. When a creature succeeds on a saving throw to resist one of your spells, you can use a reaction and spend 2 Arcana points to require the creature to make the saving throw again. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) per full rest.

Additionally, choose one of the Mysteries mentioned in the Window of the Mind feature to give you access to its spell list.

Window of the Soul

At 14th level, you learn to create a mental routine that works independently of your conscious mind. When you take damage while using a concentration spell, you can add your Charisma score to the Constitution saving result. You can perform this a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) per full rest. In addition, you gain one of the following features of your choice at 1st level:

  • Forgetfulness. If you have the Charm trait, you can directly affect a creature's mind, even being able to alter its memory. As an action, you can target one creature within 30 feet of you, that creature must make a Wisdom saving throw DC equal to your spell save DC. On a failed save, you can spend up to 1 minute searching the creature's mind to alter its memory or confuse its mind, making it believe its allies are enemies or completely removing events up to a maximum of 24 hours ago. While searching the creature's mind, you lose your sense of sight for the duration. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) per full rest.
  • Mirror of the Soul. If you have the Petty Forger feature, you can create a mirror image of yourself in an unoccupied space within 10 feet of you as a bonus action, though you must maintain concentration to maintain that mirror image. This image is able to cast spells in its place, but it cannot perform any physical attacks, nor can it be hit, as it is just an illusion. While in combat, this illusion lasts for up to 1 minute, otherwise it lasts for up to 1 hour. You can see, hear, and speak through this illusion while still being aware of your own senses. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) per full rest.
  • Summer night. If you have the Oneiros feature, you create a mad vision, like a midsummer night's dream. As an action, you can choose one creature you can see within 60 feet of you, that creature must make a Wisdom saving throw DC equal to your spell save DC. On a failure, the creature is "daydreaming" for 1 minute, on each of its turns it will wander randomly up to its maximum speed, unable to perform any type of action. A creature affected by this trait can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end this effect. Creatures that don't need sleep are immune to this trait. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) per full rest.
  • Third Eye. If you have the Glimpse trait, you gain a sense beyond the ordinary of what happens in front of your eyes. You gain truesight within a range of 10 feet multiplied by your proficiency bonus.

Mental Specialization

At 18th level, your mastery of the mind allows you to reach deeper levels of understanding of the mind. You gain one of the following features of your choice at 1st level:

  • Controller. If you have the Forgetfulness trait, you learn not only to manipulate a creature's mind, but also its body. You can cast Dominate Person and Immobilize Monster spells as 5th-level spells without expending mana points, these spells have a number of uses shared, and you can use them that way a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) per full rest.
  • Oniromancer. If you have the Midsummer Night trait, you sleep anywhere, everywhere, and nowhere, sometimes simultaneously. You can cast the spell Dream as a 5th-level spell without expending Mana a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) per full rest.
  • False. If you have the Mirror of Soul feature, you learn to control how creatures see each other. You can cast the spell Similarity as a 5th-level spell without expending Mana a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) per full rest.
  • Shared Mind. If you have the Third Eye feature, you know how to stay in contact with other creatures without much difficulty. You can cast the spell Telepathic Link as a 5th-level spell without spending Mana points a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) per full rest.

Arcane of the Mind

Upon reaching 20th level, choose two spells that you have access to from Mystery of Divination, Enchantment, Illusion, or Oneiromancy of up to 3rd level, you can cast those spells as 3rd-level spells without spending mana points, you can cast those spells from this a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) per full rest. In addition, you learn the spell inception.

Additionally, choose a spell of up to 7th level from the Mystery of Divination, Enchantment, Illusion, or Oniromancy, the mana point cost for that spell is halved, rounded up.

Zhonya Glyph

Controlling time is a great temptation that all Arcane face, but the talent to control the grains of sand of seconds is extremely rare, often costing too much. One of the most powerful Arcane of this Glyph was Zhonya, from the ancient city of Icathia. An Arcane of this Glyph begins to understand the passage of time in a different way, always seeing a few seconds in the past and in the future at the same time.

Bottled Time

By choosing this glyph at 1st level, you learn to capture free-running chronal energy and benefit from it. You have advantage on initiative rolls, and as long as you are not unconscious, you cannot be surprised.

Additionally, you gain access to the Mystery of Chronomancy spell list.

In addition, whenever you cast a Mystery of Chronomancy spell of 1st level or higher, you gain 1 charge of Bottled Time. You can have a maximum number of charges equal to your Arcane level, these charges reset to 0 at the start of a full rest. You can expend a number of charges to activate one of the following features, and you can cast only one of them per turn:

  • 1 load - Rewind. When you or a creature rolls initiative, you can force an initiative roll to be made again. A friendly creature that makes this roll again does so at advantage, while a hostile creature at disadvantage.
  • 2 charges - Try Again. You can choose a save that you failed and redo the save with advantage.
  • 3 charges - Accelerate. Until the end of your next turn, all of your speeds are doubled.
  • 3 charges - Slow down. Choose a creature you can see within 30 feet of you, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw DC equal to your spell save DC. On a failure, all of the creature's speed is halved until the end of your next turn.
  • 4 charges - Gift of Time. You can choose yourself or a creature you can see within 15 feet of you to grant you the gift of time. When you do so, the target gains advantage on Dexterity checks and saving throws until the end of your next turn. Alternatively, you can choose a hostile creature that you can see within 15 feet of you, it must make a Constitution saving throw DC equal to your spell save DC. On a failed save, the target has disadvantage on Dexterity checks and saving throws until the end of your next turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) per full rest.
  • 5 charges - Weaken. Choose a creature you can see within 30 feet of you, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw DC equal to your spell save DC. On a failure, if the creature is Poisoned or Bleeding, the damage dealt by these conditions increases by one category.
  • 5 charges - Fortify. Choose a creature you can see within 30 feet of you, if the creature is Poisoned or Bleeding, you speed up the creature's own metabolism, ending one of those conditions.
  • 9 charges - Temporal Paralysis. Choose a creature you can see within 20 feet of you, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw DC equal to your spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature is Paralyzed for 1 minute, and can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns, ending this effect on a success.
  • 10 Charges - Time Frame. As a bonus action, you use a somatic component to mark the ground on which you stand. When doing so, you must register your life points at that moment and at the end of 1 minute you return to that marked point with the life you had at that moment. You can use a bonus action or reaction if you are the target of an attack to return to that point prematurely. You can use an additional charge for each additional turn that passes after 1 minute. You will not be able to return to this point if you are at 0 health or dead.
  • 15 Charges - Chronal Aid. You can use Time Frame on an ally and prevent him from doing a huge shit.
  • 20 charges - Reboot. With a reaction, at the end of a round, you can take a new turn before the round ends.

Time Protection

At 8th level, your system can store interesting amounts of chronal energy, which can be directed to spare a life. You learn the spell Death Ward and can cast it even though it's not your maximum spell level, this spell doesn't count towards the spell maximum you know. If you have a spellbook, you can add this spell to it for half the normal cost and time.

You can cast the spell death ward on a creature you can see within 30 feet of you rather than needing to touch the creature. When you or a creature you can see is the target of an attack, you can use your reaction to cast the spell death ward on the target of the attack. Upon doing so, the spell's target regains half its maximum hit points + your Arcane level instead of being reduced to 1 hit point. You can cast this spell this way a number of times equal to half your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) per full rest.

Temporal Change

At 14th level, manipulating chronal energy becomes much more natural to you. Using 1 minute of concentration, you can create an altered temporal zone up to 15 feet around you, this zone lasts for 10 minutes. You and creatures of your choice within that area gain the benefit of a long rest at the end of this feature's duration. You must expend 1 charge of Bottled Time for you and each creature of your choice within the area.

Each hostile creature attempting to enter this zone must make a Wisdom saving throw DC equal to your spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature is Paralyzed for 10 minutes, with the ability to repeat the save at the end of each minute. This condition ends if one of the actions or effects you or any other creature creates affects a creature that is Paralyzed through this feature.

In addition, a creature targeted by the haste spell, as long as you cast it, can move and use actions normally at the end of the spell's duration, and you have advantage to resist the spell slow .


At 18th level, your excellence and efficiency in harnessing chronal energy means that you can always use fragments of it to your benefit. Whenever you cast a Mystery of Chronomancy spell of 1st level or higher, you gain the effects of the haste spell until the end of your next turn, and you can take actions and move normally at the end of the spell.

Additionally, you become immune to the effects of the stop time spell.

Time Arcane

Upon reaching 20th level, you can cast the slow and haste spells without expending mana points, you can cast those spells this way a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) for long rest. In addition, you learn the spell dies irae.

Additionally, choose a Mystery of Chronomancy spell of up to 7th level, the mana point cost for that spell is halved, rounded up.