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Runarcana includes sections designed to expand and complement the rules and narrative presented, the appendices.
Each of them provides detailed information on effects that can influence characters and creatures, as well as detailing the various entities that players may encounter in their adventures.
- Appendix A: Conditions
Debilitating effects that can affect characters and creatures during gameplay are listed here. These conditions are often caused by creature abilities, or can be inflicted by players themselves through abilities, spells, or runes.
- Appendix B: Monsters and Creatures
Fantasy worlds are filled with fascinating and dangerous creatures whose abilities can alter the course of an adventure. From mythical monsters to mystical beings, creatures come in a unique variety, some with magical affinities and others with impressive physical abilities.
- Appendix C: Patch Notes
The development of an RPG involves constant adjustments and improvements, and as a result, the game goes through several phases and versions. The Patch Notes document all the modifications made, detailing the changes and improvements made to each new version, so that players can follow the evolution of the system.
- Appendix D: Runic Advice
The Runic Advice is a section designed to clarify mechanical or complex issues that may arise during the game. Questions are resolved and, as they are answered, solutions are published, offering official positions on how the system works.
- Appendix E: Legacy
The Legacy category contains materials that are not part of the latest versions and are not supported or updated. These contents are only available to players and GMs who still use them, and adjustments and balancing are their responsibility. For older versions of modified content, you can consult the Article History.