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From Runarcana Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Detalhamento and the translation is 100% complete.

This article complies with version 0.95 of Runarcana RPG

During the creation of your character, some aspects will be extremely important, such as name, gender, morals, among others.

These characteristics will normally be fixed, not being able to be modified later, they are part of the story conceived for your character and are important to define even their behavior.

Who you are, where you come from and what is your history, some of these characteristics can reflect previously faced adventures and problems that you may have to face during the adventures with your group.

Some details and physical characteristics to help describe the character and their appearance, making them more unique.

Runeterra has many peoples and languages, some languages ​​already lost while others are used so massively that they could even be considered a "common" language.

What exactly moves your character, what is his true nature and essence, what is the face he chooses to live in the world and move forward in pursuit of his goals?

Although the past does not define a person, it is a record of where they came from and what influences shaped them into who they are today.

The life of an adventurer is not the only life that exists, not even among adventurers, after all, not every adventurer is out in the world without any way to put food on their table other than raiding dungeons.

A series of tables to help you create characters, either through random dice results or through carefully considered choices.