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De Runarcana Wiki
Criou página com 'This initial release aims to facilitate access to Runarcana RPG content, with future goals of improving the presentation and navigation of this content. As with any Wiki, alwa...'
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<div id="mp-welcome">Welcome to [[Special:MyLanguage/Página_principal|Runarcana Wiki]],</div>
<div id="mp-free">The Wiki System for Runarcana RPG.</div>
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[[Arquivo:L dourado.png|centro]]
<li class="portal-vmid">[[Special:MyLanguage/Classe|Classes]]</li>
<li class="portal-vbot">[[Special:MyLanguage/Detalhamento|Detailing]]</li>
<div id="homebox">
<li class="portal-hmid">[[Special:MyLanguage/Personalização|Customization]]</li>
Here you will find the latest and most updated version of Runarcana RPG, a free-to-play RPG system set in Runeterra — the world of League of Legends, Legends of Runeterra, Wild Rift, Ruined King, and other games set in this universe. Updates include new versions, bug fixes, and improvements for greater content clarity.
<li class="portal-hmid portal-vmid">[[Special:MyLanguage/Equipamento|Equipment]]</li>
<li class="portal-hmid portal-vbot">[[Special:MyLanguage/Regras|Rules]]</li>
<li class="portal-hright">[[Special:MyLanguage/Cenário|Scenario]]</li>
<li class="portal-hright portal-vmid">[[Special:MyLanguage/Condições|Conditions]]</li>
<li class="portal-hright portal-vbot">[[Special:MyLanguage/Monstros e Criaturas|Creatures]]</li>
<div id="mp-banner" class="MainPageBG mp-bordered" style="float: center; text-align: center">
The Wiki is according to  '''Version 0.9''' of [ Runarcana RPG]

=Runarcana RPG: Content=
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This wiki is just one more resource to make easier the use of Runarcana RPG. The Wiki's content it's the same that the Oficial Basic Book's content of Runarcana RPG.
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The Wikis are a consecrated mechanism for the availability of the written content, with a huge advantage of having a lower weight and can be accessed from anywhere with internet access and even being able to be “downloaded” through tools.
====Part 1: [[Personagens/en|Characters]]====

We launched this tool to make life easier for Runarcana RPG masters and players, this wiki will be updated frequently to reflect the most updated and corrected content.
Ch. 1: [[Criação de personagem/en|Character Creation]]

This was only made possible thanks to the work of the Schossler Family, with Fabrício (father) and his two sons, Kael and Marco, having pioneered this mechanism to bring you this content.
Ch. 2: [[Origem/en|Origins]]

This initial release aims to facilitate access to Runarcana RPG content, with future goals of improving the presentation and navigation of this content. As with any Wiki, always consider this a work in progress.

Chapter 3: [[Classe/en|Classes]]

<div style="float: right; text-align: right">
- Arddhu

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Ch. 4: [[Detalhamento/en|Detailing]]

*[[Detalhes do Personagem/en|Character Details]]
*[[Essência e Comportamento/en|Essence and Behavior]]
*[[Construindo Sua Vida/en|Building Your Life]]

Ch. 5: [[Personalização/en|Customization]]

*[[Heranças Variantes/en|Variant Heritages]]
*[[Recursos de Classe/en|Class Resources]]
**[[Ki/en|Ki]] - [[Sutras/en|Sutras]], [[Vel/en|Vel]]
**[[Técnicas de Combate/en|Combat Techniques]]
**[[Grandes Espíritos/en|Great Spirits]]
**[[Formas Ferais/en|Feral Shape]]

Ch. 6: [[Equipamento/en|Equipment]]

*[[Equipamento e Riqueza/en|Equipment and Wealth]]
*[[Armaduras e Escudos/en|Armors and Shields]]
*[[Equipamento de Aventureiro/en|Adventurer Equipment]]
*[[Montarias e Estilo de Vida/en|Mounts and Lifestyle]]

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====Part 2: [[Regras/en|Rules]]====

Chap.1: [[Special:MyLanguage/Criação de personagem|Character Creation]]
Ch. 7: [[Utilizando Atributos/en|Using Ability Scores]]

Chap. 2: [[Special:MyLanguage/Origens|Origins]]
Ch. 8: [[Aventurando-se/en|Adventuring]]

Ch. 9: [[Combate/en|Combat]]
#[[Special:MyLanguage/Meio_Dragões|Half Dragons]]

Chap. 3: [[Special:MyLanguage/Classe|Classes]]
Ch. 10: [[Magia/en|Magic]]
*[[Familiares e Companheiros Animais/en|Familiars and Animal Companions]]
*[[Os Mistérios de Magia/en|The Mysteries of Magic]]
*[[Listas de Magias/en|Spells Lists]]
*[[Lista de Rituais/en|Ritual List]]

Ch. 11: [[A Tecmaturgia/en|The Techmaturgy]]

|Chap. 4: [[Special:MyLanguage/Detalhamento|Detailing]]
====Part 3: [[Runeterra/en|Runeterra]]====
Ch. 13: [[Ambientes de Aventura/en|Adventure Environments]]
*[[Reinos de Existência/en|Realms of Existence]]
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#[[Special:MyLanguage/Detalhes do Personagem|Character Details]]
====Part 4: [[Mestrando/en|Master]]====
Ch. 14: Running the Game
*[[Obtendo Recursos/en|Gathering Resources]]

Chap. 5: [[Special:MyLanguage/Personalização|Customization]]
Ch. 15: [[Recompensas/en|Rewards]]
*[[Tipos de Recompensas/en|Types of Rewards]]
*[[Itens Mágicos/en|Magic Items]]
*[[Itens Mágicos Inteligentes/en|Sentient Magic Items]]
*[[Armas Darkin/en|Darkin Weapons]]
*[[Membros Prostéticos/en|Prosthetic Limbs]]

Appendix A: [[Condições/en|Conditions]]
#[[Special:MyLanguage/Heranças Variantes|Variant Heritages]]
#[[Special:MyLanguage/Sutras e Vel|Sutras and Vel]]

Chap. 6: [[Special:MyLanguage/Equipamento|Equipment]]
Appendix B: [[Monstros e Criaturas/en|Creatures]]

#[[Special:MyLanguage/Equipamento e Riqueza|Equipment and Wealth]]
Apêndice C: [[Notas de Atualização/en|Patch Notes]]
#[[Special:MyLanguage/Armaduras e Escudos|Armors and Shields]]
#[[Special:MyLanguage/Equipamento de Aventureiro|Adventurer's Equipment]]
#[[Special:MyLanguage/Materiais Raros|Rare Materials]]
#[[Special:MyLanguage/Montarias e Estilo de Vida|Mounts and Lifestyle]]
#[[Special:MyLanguage/Armas Darkin|Darkin Weapons]]
#[[Special:MyLanguage/Membros Prostéticos|Prosthetic Limbs]]
#[[Special:MyLanguage/Inventos do Tecmaturgo|Techmaturge's Creations]]
#[[Special:MyLanguage/Itens Mágicos|Magic Items]]
|Chap. 7: [[Special:MyLanguage/Regras|Rules]]

#[[Special:MyLanguage/Utilizando Atributos|Using Ability Scores]]
Apêndice D: [[Conselho Rúnico/en|Runic Advice]]
#[[Special:MyLanguage/Descrição das Magias|Spells Description]]

Chap. 8: [[Special:MyLanguage/Cenário|Scenario]]
Appendix E: [[:Categoria:Conteúdo_Legado/en|Legacy]]

#[[Special:MyLanguage/O Mundo de Runeterra|The World of Runeterra]]
Below is the list of projects related to Runarcana RPG:
#[[Special:MyLanguage/Águas de Sentina|Bilgewater]]
*[[Runarcana: Drive/en|Runarcana: Drive]] - The Runarcana RPG Drive has the latest resources to help GMs and players, with guides, tools and more.
#[[Special:MyLanguage/Ilha das Sombras|Shadow Isles]]
#[[Special:MyLanguage/Monte Targon|Targon]]
#[[Special:MyLanguage/Reinos de Existência|Realms of Existance]]

Appendix A: [[Special:MyLanguage/Condições|Conditions]]
*[[Runarcana: Folio/en|Runarcana: Folio]] - The Folio Project consists of presenting chracter sheets versions for League of Legends champions and other Runeterra characters.

Appendix B: [[Special:MyLanguage/Monstros e Criaturas|Monsters and Creatures]]
*[[Runarcana: Santangelo/en|Runarcana: Santangelo]] - Project Santangelo features monsters and creatures from Runeterra.

*[[Contos/en|Runeterra: Stories]] - A list of short stories about Runeterra published by Riot Games

=Runarcana +=
Runarcana + is a "seal" of publications aimed at Runarcana RPG but which are not part of the official body of the system, consisting of third-party publications that have been curated or even materials that bring news to the system but are considered optional.

*[[Repositório Magitek/en|Magitek Repository]] - The Magitek Repository is a publication sent to supporters of Arddhu's [[|Patreon]]. This publication has different types of content, from magic items to new Origins and may contain experimental and optional content and even content that is not considered (yet) official.

*[[Jardim_das_Sombras/en|Garden of Shadows]] - Garden of Shadows is the creation of authors Arddhu, Luke Nitole and Vinicius “Aristotle” Herminius about a new dimensional realm linked to Runeterra.

Edição das 14h24min de 21 de novembro de 2024

Here you will find the latest and most updated version of Runarcana RPG, a free-to-play RPG system set in Runeterra — the world of League of Legends, Legends of Runeterra, Wild Rift, Ruined King, and other games set in this universe. Updates include new versions, bug fixes, and improvements for greater content clarity.

Runarcana RPG: Content


Part 1: Characters

Ch. 1: Character Creation

Ch. 2: Origins

Chapter 3: Classes

Ch. 4: Detailing

Ch. 5: Customization

Ch. 6: Equipment

Part 2: Rules

Ch. 7: Using Ability Scores

Ch. 8: Adventuring

Ch. 9: Combat

Ch. 10: Magic

Ch. 11: The Techmaturgy

Part 3: Runeterra

Ch. 13: Adventure Environments

Part 4: Master

Ch. 14: Running the Game

Ch. 15: Rewards

Appendix A: Conditions

Appendix B: Creatures

Apêndice C: Patch Notes

Apêndice D: Runic Advice

Appendix E: Legacy


Below is the list of projects related to Runarcana RPG:

  • Runarcana: Drive - The Runarcana RPG Drive has the latest resources to help GMs and players, with guides, tools and more.
  • Runarcana: Folio - The Folio Project consists of presenting chracter sheets versions for League of Legends champions and other Runeterra characters.

Runarcana +

Runarcana + is a "seal" of publications aimed at Runarcana RPG but which are not part of the official body of the system, consisting of third-party publications that have been curated or even materials that bring news to the system but are considered optional.

  • Magitek Repository - The Magitek Repository is a publication sent to supporters of Arddhu's [[1]]. This publication has different types of content, from magic items to new Origins and may contain experimental and optional content and even content that is not considered (yet) official.
  • Garden of Shadows - Garden of Shadows is the creation of authors Arddhu, Luke Nitole and Vinicius “Aristotle” Herminius about a new dimensional realm linked to Runeterra.