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This page is a translated version of the page Antroplantae and the translation is 100% complete.

This article complies with version 0.94 of Runarcana RPG

The Antroplantæ are an origin strongly linked to nature and plants, although they are also related to stones and the earth. In Runeterra life finds many ways to manifest itself through magic, it is not strange that unique forms often arise without being part of a broader origin or a structured species, they are unique members and as different as the branches of a tree.

Natural Constructs

Antroplantæ are sentient plants that move around. The exact reason why they are animated can vary greatly, some are as a response from nature to some threat, there are even cases where this can happen as an effect of a spell, whether it is wanted or not.

Antroplantæ generally resemble small trees or humanoids covered in flowers and thorns, most are tall and slender with disproportionate arms and legs. Their faces have eyes, nose and mouth and may have small twigs and leaves instead of hair. Each Antroplantæ closely resembles a specific type of tree or flower, such as lavender, chrysanthemums, oak, pine, etc. They breathe, talk, and can eat if they choose to, though most of them absorb nutrients by rooting at night. Depending on the type of plant they are based on, the leaves that make up their hair can change color or even fall off depending on the season.

Antroplantæ are considered Medium creatures for all purposes, but can grow to nearly 10 meters in height. They usually don't wear clothes. Non-anthroplantæ cannot distinguish between males and females.

Because of their connection to nature, encountering an Antroplantæ that uses metallic weapons, armor or tools is extremely rare. Most Antroplantæ have a savage fighting style or are spellcasters.

An Antroplantæ on the Move: Danger

The Antroplantæ are really rare and the mere sight of one is rumored and doubted. An Antroplantæ without its forest tends to travel long distances until it finds one that pleases it. If its plant friends have been destroyed by other creatures, a vengeful Antroplantæ may set out on an extreme journey to exact its revenge.

Antroplantæ Names

Antroplantæ names are usually given by their creators. In the rare case of someone who is the offspring of other Antroplantæ, the names are given by their parents, but usually the names are given by other people with whom they are in contact. It is more common for them to only have one name, that is usually related to their characteristics or something in nature.

Male Names: Maokai, Rhubarb, Twig, Skewer, Treebeard, Smartrunk, Floribeard

Female Names: Floripes, Daisy, Rosace, Violet, Rooth, Dahlia, Tulip, Amaryllis

Antroplantæ Origin Traits

Attributes: You can add 2 points to an attribute and 1 to a second attribute.

Heritage: You have 2 Origin Heritage points, see Chapter 5: Customization for the list of Heritages available. You gain 1 Origin Heritage point at levels 5, 9, 13 and 17.

Age: The life of Antroplantæ is something strange, while arboreals reach maturity between 8 and 15 years, Florals can reach maturity in 1 or 2 years. However, they can live for millennia depending on their lifestyle.

Size: An adult Antroplantæ Floral tends to have an average size between 1.5 to 2.1 meters, while an Arboreal can vary from 2.1 to 2.9 meters. You can choose between the sizes Small or Medium.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Past: Choose a Past. See Chapter 4: Detailing for the list of Pasts available.

Region: You have 1 Region Heritage point and 1 language from that region, you must choose your Region which will define where you grew up and much of how you see the world. You can see more about this in Chapter 11: Runeterra.

Languages: Antroplantæ can speak Sylvan. They can communicate with any tree of their own kind as if using the speak with plants spell.

Vegetation: Due to their nature, Antroplantæ have a Weakness to fire-related effects and have no need to eat, but must spend at least 4 hours a day in the sun and drink 5 liters of water a day, otherwise they gain 1 level of Exhaustion. Although they don't need to sleep, they must root themselves for at least 8 hours every night. While rooted they become immobile, though they can take light actions if necessary and are aware of their surroundings. Antroplantæ can only take root in sand, earth, mud, and gravel; they cannot take root in solid rock or a ground of worked stone. An Antroplantæ that fails to root for one night gains 1 level of Exhaustion and does not benefit from a long rest. During rooting, Arboreals have advantage on Deception checks to disguise themselves as a tree, as do Florals for vegetation.

Non-Humanoids. Antroplantæ cannot be targeted by spells that affect Humanoids, such as charm person. However, they count as plants for spells that target plants, such as blight.

Lineages. You must choose one of the following strains:



Arboreals are more robust beings when compared to Florals, their thick bark helps them to stay in combat for a long time, but they tend to help those who are good with their forest, such as watering the plants, fertilizing the soil, protecting the local life, etc.

Barkskin: An Arboreal cannot wear armor, however its bark provides natural defense. An Arboreal's AC equals 10 + their Dexterity modifier + Constitution modifier.

Fibers: Some Arboreals may have special properties because of the wood they are made of or the leaves they produce. These variations are not mandatory, but you can select one of the following:

  • Oak. Even when unrooted, these Arboreals have advantage on any saving throw to resist forced movement. You count as a creature one category higher for the purposes of your carrying capacity, and your weight increases by 50%.
  • Cedar. Once per long rest, you can cast the spell create sapling as a 1st-level spell, causing the sapling to deal 2d6 damage instead of 4d6, and its blast area becomes a 5 foot radius instead of 10. When you reach 5th level you can use it at 3rd level normally, and at 7th level you can cast it as a 4th level spell.
  • Cherry Blossom. You can duplicate the effects of the 1st-level spell obscuring mist dropping all of your flowers at once, which form a sphere in a 20 feet radius from you. Once the Arboreal uses this ability, it cannot use it again in this way until it completes a long rest.
  • Ebony. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for rolls against the weakness provided by the “Vegetation” feature..
  • Brambleback. You radiate heat, and your unarmed strikes take additional fire damage equal to your Constitution modifier. Additionally, once a year you can generate an Brambleback Seed.
  • Fruitful. By rooting for 8 hours, you produce enough fruit for 4 daily rations.
  • Elm. You know and can use the druidcraft and guidance cantrips.
  • Petricite. Every spell cast within 5 feet of you heals you for a total of hit points equal to the spell's level.
  • Willow. You can use the animal friendship spell, you cast it as a 2nd-level spell at your 3rd level, as a 3rd-level spell at your 5th level, and as a 4th-level spell at your 7th level.
  • Sequoia. Add half your proficiency bonus to the damage of your unarmed attacks or those made by natural weapons. You count as a creature one category higher for the purposes of your carrying capacity, and your weight increases by 50%.
  • Rubber Tree. When exposed to direct sunlight, you can use a Hit Dice to heal yourself as an action as long as you are not taking a short rest. You can also spend 1 Hit Dice to regenerate lost limbs.
  • Yew tree. You can use the see the invisibile spell a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) per long rest.


Florals are beings that have an exceptional magical aptitude, however they end up being more vulnerable, Florals end up being more aggressive and violent with those who destroy their home, being able to poison or trap a creature in their territory forever.

Branch: A floral can create a number of floral branches measuring up to 10x your proficiency bonus in feet per long rest. This branch can be used in a variety of ways, such as rope or even as a thorny whip. Using a bonus action, you can create 6 feet of thorny branch and separate it from your body (or even keep it still connected to your body) and use it as a whip. The created branch disintegrates after 24 hours and is vulnerable to fire damage.

Thorn Whip: This whip is 2 meters long and deals 1d4 + your proficiency bonus in slashing damage, it is a weapon with the finesse property (you cannot add Strength to the damage of this whip) with which you are proficient.

Florescence: A Floral has unique ways of defending itself due to its nature. Choose one of the following:

  • Supernatural Charm. You can use your beauty to distract enemies or charm vendors to get discounts. You gain the spell charm person, which you can cast a number of times equal to half your Charisma modifier per long rest (minimum 1) without spending Mana points. Charisma is your spellcasting attribute for this spell.
  • Hallucinogenic Thorns. When suffering an unarmed attack (or with a natural weapon) the attacker must succeed in a Constitution saving throw DC equal to your Floral DC, on a failure, for a number of turns equal to your proficiency bonus, the attacker loses all sense of reality, imagining creatures advancing towards him. For the duration, the attacker receives a penalty equal to half your proficiency bonus on any action against the Anthroplantae. At the end of each turn, the affected creature can repeat the saving throw, canceling the effect on a success. A creature that has passed the saving throw is immune to this effect for the next 24 hours. Additionally with an attack action, you can shoot a thorn up to 15 feet away. You must make a ranged attack and are considered to have proficiency with your thorns.
  • Poison Spores. When attacked, you can use your reaction to hurl poisonous gas at your enemy. Adjacent creatures must pass a Constitution saving throw, on a failed save creatures around it take the Poisoned condition and 1d4 poison damage per turn, at the end of each of the creature's turns it can repeat the saving throw to negate the condition.
  • Emperor's Flower. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for rolls against the weakness provided by the “Vegetation” trait.
  • Iceflower. At first level, you may spend one Heritage point to choose the Iceborn Variant Heritage. Additionally, enemies that attack you unarmed must pass a Constitution saving throw, on a failure the attacker loses 15 feet of speed. At the end of each turn, he can repeat the saving throw. This effect is not self-cumulative.
  • Luminescence. You know the light and dancing lights cantrip.
  • Nyctinasty. When you take damage that would drop you below 1 hit point but doesn't kill you instantly, you enclose yourself in your petals in a dormant state and take no damage until the start of your next turn. You remain in this dormant state until someone destroys your petals or until you regain half your hit points. In this state, you can't move or take any actions or reactions. At the start of each turn, you regain your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier in hit points until you are at half your maximum hit points. The number of petals you have is equal to twice your proficiency bonus, and each petal has 10 AC and a hit point value equal to twice your Constitution modifier. This ability activates on its own only once per full rest.
  • Detecting Roots. You can root yourself in a location that has dirt, sand, or mud by concentrating for 10 minutes. By doing so, you can detect a number of creatures that are within 1 mile of you, but you cannot tell the creatures' species. You can also tell if there is any region being affected by magic within that same range. This ability only takes effect if the creatures or spells are on dirt, mud or sand, meaning you can't detect creatures that are in or above something made of stone or ice.
  • Spore Breath. You can, once per long rest, breathe your pollen supply as a 15-foot cone-shaped offensive weapon. Creatures in that area must make a Constitution saving throw or are Blinded for a number of turns equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1). Affected creatures repeat the saving throw at the start of their next turns, ending the condition on a success.
  • Pollinating Breath. You can, once per long rest, breathe your store of pollen as a charge of healing energy in the shape of a 15-foot cone, friendly creatures in that area regain 1d4 + half your Attack modifier. Constitution (minimum of 0) times your proficiency bonus to hit points.
Floral CD = 8 + prooficiency bonus + Constitution modifier