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To build a house you need material, be it bricks, wood, concrete, snow, among other possibilities and combinations. To build a sword, material is also needed, be it steel, bronze, iron or even wood, also in different possibilities and combinations. These two examples demonstrate that to build anything, you need to use materials to do so.
The Crafts in Runarcana are, for the most part, knowledge of how to use materials to build things, be they weapons, armor, clothes, meals, among many other examples, for the most diverse purposes. The construction, manufacturing, production or even creation of these items requires the existence of materials that will be molded, combined with several other processes to achieve final results.
Materials are the basis for this, although some can be created by magic, most of them are arranged in the world and are collected for different purposes, with each region having its natural collection of resources that supply those who live in those regions and adapt their means of life to the presence and abundance of these materials.
No region has all materials natively (perhaps except Bandlecity, but that's a conversation for another time), for this reason trade between cities, countries, nations and regions exists, transferring resources that are abundant in one place, to others, at the cost of resources that are also abundant in that second location.
Beyond the Ordinary
If the abundance of materials in itself can move people, the rarity of some materials can move nations or even eras. In Runeterra, magic affects even inanimate objects, transforming them and giving them magical properties, often becoming permanent properties.
As magic exists everywhere, it is common for there to be interesting objects with different properties and exotic materials with fantastic characteristics in each region, being discovered, explored and often even kept secret as long as possible.
Although many of these materials and objects may be the only ones of their “kind”, there are exotic materials that tend to be extremely rare, capable of truly powerful feats and effects, either because they are the result of a very rare magical confluence, or because the way they are produced has already was lost over time.
From the True Ice of the Iceborn, capable of freezing a person in seconds, to the Petricite found in Demacia, there are many materials that have innate properties different from similar materials, sometimes the difference between a common material and an exotic one is so sublime that even Even experts end up getting it wrong.
The value of Materialss
Supply and demand. This is one of the most important factors in defining the price of materials, how much of it is available and what is the relationship with the demand for it.
The value of an extremely abundant material can be paltry, while an extremely scarce material can cost veritable fortunes. Still, there needs to be someone interested so that a scarce material can really be worth so much. If there is no demand, there is no real financial value in something.
The table below demonstrates a simple general basis for Values of materials, be they arcane components, alchemical reagents, resonant techmaturgical materials. The table defines a general Value that predisposes that the material exists in the demonstrated rarity and that the demand for it follows a proportion.
This Value can suffer huge fluctuations, not only due to demand, but also due to how exotic this material is. A Voidborn carapace may be a common thing to find, but one that is in good condition to be used to make armor can be extremely rare.
This table presents a list of Values based on rarity for several non-exotic materials, since exotic materials tend to be governed by their own rules due to various complexity factors such as the political scenario, knowledge about their use or the interest of powerful people in the product. control of it.
Craft | Rarity | General Value |
0* | Mundane | 1 CP - 1 SP |
1 | Common | 1 SP - 5 GP |
2 | Uncommon | 5 - 10 GP |
3 | Rare | 10 - 50 GP |
4 | Very Rare | 50 - 100 GP |
5 | Exceptional | 100 - 1.000 GP |
6 | Epic | 1.000 - 5.000 GP |
* Level 0 formulas are common to anyone who has the Craft |
- Craft: Craft Level at which this material is normally used
- Rarity: How rare are these components
- General Value: The base market value for these components, which may vary
Note that, although this table presents a simplified structure for campaigns that do not want to place so much emphasis on the search for materials and the possible construction with them, some information is extremely pertinent and important in terms of its details.
A material derived from hextech could be worth real fortunes in Ionia, but only if it was found there, either because it was made in some magical way or even taken to this land by a foreigner. Still, even a material considered common in Piltover can be extremely rare, achieving exceptional material values in other regions.
Adequacy is extremely important so that there is importance in choosing technical styles, crafts and even minor jobs such as collecting, after all, a collector can very well meet his own need for materials by being able to find them through his own means.
Exotic Materials
In Runeterra, magic affects even inanimate objects, transforming them and giving them magical properties, often making them permanent. Since magic exists everywhere, it is common for there to be interesting objects with different properties and exotic materials with fantastic characteristics.
Although many of these materials and objects are the only ones of their “kind”, there are some exotic materials about which knowledge exists at varying levels depending on the locality.
Whether it's the True Ice of the Iceborn, capable of freezing a person in seconds, or even the Petricite found in Demacia, there are many materials that have innate properties different from similar materials, sometimes the difference between a common material and an exotic one is so sublime that even experts end up being fooled.

Shimmer is an alchemical substance whose color varies between pink and purple, although it is not public knowledge, it was created by Professor Corin Reveck in an attempt to reverse the effects suffered by his daughter.
Toward this end, Corin created a substance that was responsible for bringing the people of Zaun to their knees while striking fear into the hearts of the Piltovans.
Shimmer is also known as Glimmer, Flicker, among other names and nicknames on the streets, being produced in several clandestine laboratories, implemented in several applications and distributed extensively, especially by chembarons.
This substance has several uses and applications, from the simplest being its ingestion, which creates euphoria, temporary increase in physical capacities and a serious addiction, to inhalers that seem to numb the body from pain and create temporary well-being.
The Shimmer problem that arose in the Piltover subregion, also known as Zaun, quickly spread throughout the region, creating an even greater variety of offshoots that cause a wide variety of temporary or permanent effects.
Great care must be taken when dealing with this substance, whether due to its multiple effects that have not yet been catalogued with full understanding, or its highly addictive power, creating dependents who suffer bodily mutations due to the absence of the substance.
In some laboratories, the administration of this substance was tested in order to produce some derivative compounds that are capable of using the shimmer in a less aggressive (and powerful) way, also generating fewer unwanted side effects.
Any form of use of Shimmer should be considered as potentially risky, putting the person's life at risk with the smallest drop of it being used, even so, some effects achieved can make the adverse effects smaller when compared to the benefits.
Any form of use of Shimmer should be considered as potentially risky, putting the person's life at risk with the smallest drop of it being used, even so, some effects achieved can make the adverse effects smaller when compared to the benefits.
There are rumors that several medicines and beauty products are made using shimmer as a base, with these derivatives even being sold legally, although information about the Shimmer present in these products is not public knowledge.
Shimmer in its pure state is extremely powerful and dangerous, which is why it is rarely sold in large quantities. It can usually be found in respirator and vaporizer cartridges, in a very weak concentration, in the proportion of 1/10.
A 100 ml bottle of pure Shimmer can produce more than a hundred loads of respirators and vaporizers with the correct formulas and associations, this being an extremely broad field with which chemists and alchemists have carried out numerous experiments.
The most common form of sale is through 2 ml ampoules of Shimmer already diluted in a 1/1 ratio, which meets the needs of most of the public looking for it. Even so, it is not difficult to find 1 ml ampoules of Pure Shimmer, although buying it in this form may attract undue attention, since traffickers may believe it is for the competition.
Concentrated Shimmer
One of the dangers of using Shimmer is precisely its concentration. Ingesting just 1 ml of Shimmer can trigger effects of up to 10 times that amount because it is in a high concentration, making its use even more risky and potentially dangerous.
This presentation of Shimmer is rare, normally being used only for commercialization among manufacturers and traffickers, for this reason it is extremely risky to consume the shimmer without knowing its origin. An alchemist can use his set to determine this concentration more efficiently.
Using Shimmer
There are several known uses of Shimmer, below are some of the main uses.
Vaporizing Shimmer
By diluting Shimmer in a volatile vehicle, it is possible to maximize its use while reducing adverse effects. This is the most common use of Cintila recreationally or by those who simply seek its benefits.
A vaporizer load usually has around 0.1 ml of Shimmer diluted in some agent that facilitates its nebulization, the disadvantage of this use is the time required for consumption, while 1 ml can be consumed in a quick sip, a vaporizer load usually takes at least 5 minutes to be consumed.
It is common for vaporizer loads to be diluted even more than 0.1 ml for recreational use, or to be combined with other substances for different effects. Another common practice is for a load to be consumed gradually over a longer period of time.
By consuming 0.1ml of Shimmer in this way, the user receives the effects of using 1ml of Shimmer without the adverse effects. However, consuming 5 times this amount in 1 day triggers the addiction saving throw.
Below are the effects, when the effects are not instantaneous, they last 1d4 hours and are cumulative. Ex. If a character consumes 0.1 ml he receives the effect for 1d4 hours, when consuming another 0.1 ml the effect extends for another 1d4 hours and receives the benefit of the 0.2 ml consumption. When consuming another 0.1 ml, again another 1d4 is rolled for the duration and receives the benefit of the 0.3 ml effect.
- 0.1 ml. - Recovers half of your Constitution modifier in hit points, hit points that are not recovered become temporary hit points (it is self-cumulative).
- 0.2 ml. - Recovers your Constitution modifier in hit points.
- 0.3 ml. - The creature gains darkvision out to 30 feet, if it already has it, the range increases by 30 feet. Makes rolls with Disadvantage in bright light.
- 0.4 ml. - Deals +1 damage on any attack.
- 0.5 ml. - Advantage on one roll per turn.
Ingesting Shimmer
The method of ingestion is the second most common among recreational users, involving the ingestion of pure Shimmer or even diluting it in water or drinks that do not react with Shimmer. When ingested in this way, its effect is enhanced, but the problems are just as great.
When ingesting Isolated Shimmer, for each quantity ingested you receive some benefits. All the effects here are described in a proportion of Pure Shimmer, if it is concentrated, this can substantially increase the potency.
After consuming 10 ml, the effects start to act for the full duration of the Shimmer effect and others for a short duration. The full duration of Shimmer is 2d4 hours after ingestion, the short duration is half that value in rounds.
Shimmer consumption is cumulative, meaning that consuming Shimmer more than once during a day causes the amount to accumulate for addiction purposes, although not for benefits. Ex. A character who consumes 1 ml in the morning, 2 ml in the afternoon and again 2 ml in the evening will have consumed 5 ml of Shimmer, enabling the addiction effect of the same level, but will not have the benefit of having consumed 5 ml.
- 1 ml. - Recovers your Constitution modifier in hit points
- 5 ml. - Recovers your Constitution modifier and after that half of your Constitution modifier in hit points per minute for 2d10 minutes.
From 10 ml of Shimmer, the consumer receives the following benefits for the entire duration:
- +2 Strength
- +1 Dexterity
- +5 feet Speed
- Deals +1 damage on any attack
- Life regeneration equal to half the Constitution modifier in hit points per turn
- Does not suffer the effects of Exhaustion (receives levels normally and if it reaches 11 it dies)
- The creature gains darkvision of 30 feet, if it already has it, the range increases by 30 feet.
Finally, depending on the amount ingested, you receive some additional effects cumulatively for the short duration:
- 10 ml. 1 extra attack on your attack action
- 20 ml. 1 additional bonus action at the cost of 1 exhaustion point after the action
- 30 ml. 1 additional action at the cost of 3 exhaustion points after the action
At the end of the full duration, you are overcome by terrible fatigue, you must make a DC 15 Constitution Saving Throw, on a failure, you gain 1 level of exhaustion that lasts until you complete a long rest.
Using Shimmer creates immense possibilities, but it has the adverse effect of developing a severe dependency. When you ingest Shimmer, you must take an addiction saving throw.
Corrupting Potions
Shimmer can be used with other alchemical potions, adding 1 ml to an existing potion, roll 1d4 + half your proficiency bonus if you have the Alchemist profession.
d4 | Effect |
1 | The potion is nullified and the Shimmer effect is canceled. |
2 | The potion's effect is maintained but the Shimmer has no effect. |
3 | Shimmer nullifies the potion's effect, but causes its own effect |
4 | The potion works normally and so does Shimmer |
5+ | The effect of the potion is improved and Shimmer too |
When Shimmer is used to successfully corrupt a potion, it causes the effect of a sip of Corrupting Potion but causes the adverse effect of 1 level of exhaustion for 10 - the result of the Craft roll in minutes (the value cannot be reduced to 0). Consuming 10ml of Shimmer through this means in a week creates a risk of addiction equal to that described in Pure Ingestion.
The addiction save is made using the character's worst option between Wisdom and Constitution. If the character is proficient with the save, the attribute with which he or she does not have a save is used. In the event of a tie, the attribute that is lower is used.
DC = 9 +1 for every 10ml consumed + 2 for each use of Shimmer in the last week + degree of addiction.
On a success, the character gains no additional degree of addiction; on a failure, he becomes addicted to Shimmer or advances one degree in addiction. If the character rolls a natural 20 and that result is enough to pass the save, he reverses 1 degree of Addiction.
In case of a critical failure, the character receives 2 degrees of addiction and 2 points of exhaustion.
Once addicted, the character must consume a daily amount of Shimmer based on his level of addiction or must make a Constitution saving throw DC = 15 + Degree of addiction, on a success he can reduce 1 degree of addiction and suffers 1 point of exhaustion, on a failure he receives 3 points of exhaustion.
Additionally, once the character develops addiction, the effects of consumption are reduced, making it necessary to consume an amount beyond the addiction amount in order to receive benefits. Ex.: At the 3rd degree of Addiction, a creature needs to consume 15 ml daily just to maintain its addiction. To receive the benefits of 5 ml, it is necessary to consume 20 ml; if the character consumes 25 ml, the benefits of having consumed 10 ml are received.
Degree | Amount | Effect |
1 | 5 ml | -2 to all your rolls (except addiction) |
2 | 10 ml | long-lasting madness |
3 | 15 ml | 1 permanent level of exhaustion and +1 long-lasting madness |
4 | 20 ml | 1 permanent madness and +1 long-lasting madness |
5 | 25 ml | 1 permanent madness and vulnerability to all types of damage |
6 | 30 ml | 1 permanent madness and +2 permanent levels of exhaustion |
Shimmer Infusion
Shimmer infusion is an extremely dangerous and experimental alchemical process. To perform it, one needs the craft of Alchemy and the Medicine skill to understand the reactions of its administration.
During an Infusion, the target must be immobilized as its body goes through a process of excruciating pain that causes permanent madness and if the creature manages to escape, it will do everything it can to escape.
The process requires a set amount of pure Scintillation based on the infusion type + other alchemical ingredients totaling 500 gp for each hour of duration.
The Infusion processes can be found among the Alchemist Craft Formulas.
True Ice

True Ice is a potent concentration of elemental energies that can manifest spiritual energies, being known for never melting and being extremely powerful when used in combat, this extremely condensed magical nature has its peculiarities when in contact with unprotected life, just like most from spiritual sources, promoting abnormal cell growth and even creating mutations.
This immense source of elemental and spiritual energy can be channeled for various purposes that may seem antagonistic, such as healing and restoring bodies, and can even heal divine and spiritual wounds, which contrasts severely with its ability to completely freeze bodies.
Just like with poisons, where the difference between them and the antidote is the dosage, True Ice in its simplest form is capable of destroying life, since natural bodies are not capable of dealing with this energy, even if they are capable of producing powerful cures. Throughout history, individuals who were able to deal with True Ice without great harm had their biology modified, either by the Frost Watchers, creating the Iceborn, or even the Yetis of old presented by Anivia.
Therefore, dealing with True Ice without the prior capacity to do so can generate the irreversible consequence of complete freezing. Still, not everything that is frozen by True Ice dies, as it is capable of strengthening life in a very intense way while preserving it.
True Ice has at least two derivations that, each, have their share of powers similar to those of True Ice, for the most part, using other connecting elements to make up for the absence of the doubled potency of the water element that manifests itself as spiritual energy or the flora element (derived from the earth element) that catalyzes this energy.
Dark Ice
Shadow Ice is a mutation of True Ice, a corruption caused by the permeation of the Frost Watchers' powers into what was previously True Ice. The Watchers are creatures originating from the Void, of immense power that can subvert the capabilities of True Ice, stretching their tentacles like dark veins in the icy crystals.
As this corruption occurs, part of the elemental and spiritual forces that act on True Ice also end up being corrupted, which modifies the general structure of True Ice, removing its immense freezing capacity, which makes Dark Ice closer to normal ice.
Even with its corrupt characteristic, the use of Dark Ice can provide powers and capabilities derived from True Ice to its bearers. A change is made from the consequence of freezing (during the weakening of true ice) to the consequence of the corruption of the strength of the Voidborn known as Frost Watchers.
Alchemical Ice
Some techmaturgical experiments managed to reproduce a material similar to True Ice, called Alchemical Ice, Artificial True Ice or even Green Ice. This substance is solid like True Ice but not as resistant and not as cold, its color is green and is in great tune with the power of life contained in the double energy of water without the consolidation of the elemental power of flora (life) brought to the True Ice due to its derivation from the earth element.
When in activity, Alchemical Ice also has healing properties that, in appearance, reinforce its similarity with True Ice, especially due to its green luminescence, a force that crystallizes life and the vital essence.
Using True Ice
When trying to use a True Ice item, a creature that touches it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to the True Ice potency in question, what happens in case of success or failure depends on the creature's resistance to True Ice:
Creatures without Resistance to True Ice (commonly called non-iceborn), on a failure, receive double the damage specified in the Error column, the adverse effect of True Ice is applied to the creature and it is not able to use the item in question, dropping it. On a success, the creature receives the damage specified in the Error column and is able to use the item until the end of the round, having to redo the save every new round that is in contact with the true ice item.
Creatures that have the Iceborn Heritage or other characteristics that grant resistance to True Ice make the save with advantage and if they fail, they only receive the damage specified in the Error column and drop the item in question. If successful, they are able to use the item normally for a number of rounds equal to their Constitution modifier before making the save again.
It is not possible for a creature without adequate resistance to attune to an item made of True Ice. A character who has this resistance and tries to attune with an item must make the Constitution save before the attunement process. On a success, the attunement process can continue normally, on a failure, it receives the same penalties as a failure when touching a True Ice object.
When the attunement process continues, a last save is necessary at the end of the attunement process, in case of failure, the user of the item receives double the damage from the true ice item and is attuned to it, on a success, is tuned normally.
Using Attuned Items
Once a creature is attuned to a True Ice item, when wielding that item, the save is made with a bonus of +5 and on a success, it can use it normally for a number of rounds equal to twice the sum of the Constitution modifier and Proficiency Bonus before having to make a new saving throw. On a failure, it takes Error damage and can use it for a number of rounds equal to the sum of the Constitution modifier and Proficiency Bonus, before having to make a new saving throw.
Power | DC | Resist. Error | Damage | Effect |
1 | 26 | 1 | 1d4 | slowness |
2 | 27 | 1d2 | 1d6 | slowness and lethargy |
3 | 28 | 1d3 | 2d4 | slowness, lethargy and partial freezing |
4 | 29 | 1d4 | 2d6 | slowness, lethargy and complete freezing |
5 | 30 | 1d6 | 4d4 | slowness, lethargy and permanent freezing |
- Power. The Power of true ice is related to its density or mass. A small fragment can have the same effect as a huge block due to its density, causing equal effects. Typically Weapons and Items made from True Ice only reach Potency 3, with Potency 4, 5, and 6 typically only being found in Large and Huge forms.
- DC. The Constitution save DC from the effect of True Ice.
- Error. When failing the save when trying to use something made of True Ice, the item's bearer receives the damage indicated in this column (non-mitigable damage) and drops the item automatically.
- Damage. This is the additional glacial damage dealt by weapons made from true ice.
True Ice Freezing
A creature that suffers the effects of True Ice freezing receives the following characteristics and conditions, based on the effect relating to the True Ice's potency in addition to the damage indicated in the error column.
Slowness. The target gains the Slow condition, losing half its movement speed for a number of rounds equal to 10 - your Constitution modifier.
Lethargy. The target cannot use reactions and on its turn can use an action or a bonus action, but not both. Regardless of the creature's abilities or magic items, it can't make more than one melee or ranged attack during its turn. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Slow.
Partial Freezing. In addition to the effects of Lethargy and Slow, the creature has the area it comes into contact frozen for the duration of the lethargy effect. Each area of a creature's body that is partially frozen causes a different effect.
Region | Effect |
Arm | The creature takes -5 on any attempted attack for the imbalance and pain caused by freezing. |
Leg | The creature completely loses its speed for the duration of the partial freeze |
Head | A creature becomes unable to perform any action or reaction for the duration of the partial freeze and suffers the effects of Asphyxiation instantly. |
Torso | The creature gains the Weakened condition for the duration. |
Wings | The creature loses its flying speed and falls. |
Complete Freezing. The creature begins to enter a complete freezing process, making an opposed roll against the true ice spreading through its bloodstream. The time required to completely freeze a creature is a number of rounds equal to twice its Constitution modifier (minimum of 1).
Each round of the freezing process, the creature must make a DC 20 Constitution Saving Throw, on a failure, it takes damage from the Error column and approaches being completely frozen. When any part of this creature is completely frozen, it suffers the effects relating to the freezing of that part, as described in the Partial Freezing table.
On a success, it only takes half the damage from the Error column and interrupts the Freezing process, receiving a number of Exhaustion points equal to the number of rounds it was in this resisted roll. Alternatively, the creature can be targeted by the lesser restoration spell to ensure a success.
A creature that has been frozen by True Ice in this way remains alive for a number of hours equal to its Constitution bonus and does not suffer the effects of Asphyxia from being in cryogenic suspension.
To remove someone who has undergone the process completely, it is necessary to use the greater restoration spell. A creature with Complete Freeze when targeted by the spell can make a new saving throw against the freeze DC, adding the spell caster's Proficiency bonus to this roll. On a success, the freeze is cancelled, on a failure, she starts an opposed roll again, using the caster's bonus.
Permanent Freezing. The creature begins to enter a process of permanent freezing, making an opposed roll against the true ice spreading throughout its body. The time required to permanently freeze a creature is a number of rounds equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum of 1).
In each round of the permanent freezing process, the creature must make a DC 25 Constitution Saving Throw, on a failure it takes double the damage from the Error column and gets closer to being permanently frozen.
On a success, it takes damage from the Error column and gains a new round. To completely interrupt the Permanent Freezing process it is necessary to accumulate 3 successes in succession. If the creature achieves these three successes, it interrupts the process and receives a number of Exhaustion points equal to the number of rounds it spent in this resisted roll. Alternatively, the creature can be targeted with a greater restoration spell to ensure a success.
A creature that has been permanently frozen and has not died in the process is in Cold Stasis.
A creature that has died in the Permanent Freeze process cannot be resurrected while in this True Ice prison. To remove the creature from it, the combined casting of the wish spell is necessary to momentarily break the effect of True Ice followed by the casting of the greater restoration spell twice in the same round. When this is done, the body can be recovered and then resurrected.
Items made with True Ice
Due to the characteristic of True Ice being practically unbreakable, many magical items were made using this material as a base, from weapons and armor, to arcane foci, among many other techmaturgical ingenuities.
Although this durability feature is attractive, the use of something made of True Ice by non-iceborn (or creatures without resistance to the effect of True Ice) is impossible, which means that these items are not always so attractive.
In Freljord, where there are several descendants of the Iceborn who carry this characteristic in their blood, it is not uncommon for some of them to find such items and start using them.
Weapons made with True Ice, in addition to being unbreakable, are a guarantee that no one other than an Iceborn will use them. Due to their nature, they deal additional glacial damage when used, the additional damage is described in the Damage column, based on the power of the True Ice.
The greatest danger of True Ice weapons is when the attack carried out by them is a critical attack, as this attack causes the targeted creature the effects described in the Effect column, as in addition to causing slowness, they can even start a Permanent Freezing process.
A Critical Strike grants the target the True Ice Potency level as a Freeze counter, while the creature is afflicted by a True Frost Effect, it retains that Counter. Freeze Counters accumulate, causing the Power Effect in question. Counters above 5th increase the difficulty of saves to deal with True Ice Effects by 1 for each counter.
Ex. A creature with Constitution 16 (+3) that receives a critical attack from a Power 2 True Ice weapon gains 2 Freeze counters for 7 turns (10 -3). If during these 7 turns it receives another critical attack of Potency 2, it receives the effects of Potency 4. If it receives a third critical attack from the same True Ice weapon of Potency 2, a total of 6 Freeze counters, receiving the effects of Potency 5 with the save DC increased by 1.

Petricite is a material with unique properties, being credited for centuries for its property of canceling magic, annulling its functioning. Unlike what many Demacians believe, petricite does not nullify magic, but actually absorbs it, canceling its instantaneous effect, but being able to store the energy of that magic.
All petricite comes from Petricite Trees, which are nothing more than fossilized trees, likely as a result of the use of Global Runes during the Rune Wars. These white trees, as well as their golden leaves, are as hard as stone.
The first settlers of Demacia, upon arriving in this region, discovered that the petrified forest that surrounded them was capable of dispelling magic, which was the main reason for the establishment of what in the future would become the Great City of Demacia.
Through experimentation, these settlers mixed this wood with ash and silt to form the tough material that is now known as Petricite. From this innovation, the walls of Demacia were raised to protect these people from magic. This powerful and durable material can be found throughout Demacia, not just for its defensive properties, but also for its clean look and in line with Demacia's dominant aesthetic.
Spells that hit parts of items made with pieces of Petricite have their effects absorbed into the material. Petricite itself has a maximum absorption capacity, defined by its purity and quantity. A piece of Raw Petricite that has reached its maximum capacity has a small chance of having a spell overload.
When Petricite is overloaded, it flakes and undulates abnormally, items made with this material shatter and lose their absorption properties.
Still, Petricite is the basis for techmaturgical creations, which not only have the ability to absorb magic cast against them, but also use that magic as fuel for various effects.
The amount of magic raw petricite, in its base fossilized wood state, can absorb has a low limit, with more complex refinement techniques increasing this capacity considerably.
By default, this raw material is rarely used, as harvesting it causes a significant loss of effectiveness. However, casting spells near large amounts of raw Petricite can cause those spells to be absorbed. In this state, Petricite can absorb magic within a radius of 5 feet for every 20kg.
By going through the process of grinding and combining the result with ashes and slime, Refined Petricite is produced, commonly used in structural blocks. Nevertheless, this refined material has a greater capacity to absorb magic than raw Petricite. In this state, Petricite can absorb magic within a radius of 5 feet for every 10kg.
After undergoing a new process of grinding, heating, and decanting, Petricite becomes even purer and can be used in items.
In this state, Petricite loses its ability to absorb magic in an area and instead absorbs only through touch
The process of irradiation is an alchemical procedure used to further enhance the capacity of Petricite, involving the use of large quantities to achieve this level of enhancement. Petricite items that have not yet reached the “aged” category can be part of this category without having gone through the alchemical process.
Casting Spells near Petricite
When a mage is within the range of Petricite's magical absorption effect, they face greater difficulty in casting their spells.
Casting any spell requires an additional expenditure of 1 mana point, including Cantrips. When a spell is cast, if it is directed at a target within the radius of Petricite's magical absorption effect and there is sufficient mass of Petricite, the spell is completely absorbed.
If the mass of Petricite is not enough to absorb the spell, it absorbs spell levels, reducing the damage by dividing it by the spell's original casting level and multiplying the result by the resulting level of the spell after reduction. Alternatively, the Petricite can grant a bonus of +2 to the saving throw against the spell for each level reduced.
This process is the result of Petricite being frequently used to absorb and release magic. Perhaps Chronomancy magic can accelerate this process, but the risks are immense, as it could potentially cause the Petricite to explode or disintegrate.
Level | Raw | Refined | Itemized | Irradiated | Aged |
Cantrip | 10 Kg | 1 kg | 100 g | 100 g | 100 g |
1st | 20 Kg | 5 Kg | 500 g | 100 g | 100 g |
2nd | 30 Kg | 10 Kg | 1 Kg | 100 g | 100 g |
3rd | 50 Kg | 15 Kg | 1,5 Kg | 500 g | 100 g |
4th | 60 Kg | 20 Kg | 2 Kg | 750 g | 100 g |
5th | 70 Kg | 25 Kg | 2,5 Kg | 1 Kg | 500 g |
6th | 90 Kg | 30 Kg | 3 Kg | 1,5 Kg | 750 g |
7th | 120 Kg | 35 Kg | 4 Kg | 2 Kg | 1 Kg |
8th | 160 Kg | 40 Kg | 6 Kg | 2,5 Kg | 1,5 Kg |
9th | 210 Kg | 45 Kg | 10 Kg | 5 Kg | 2 Kg |
Aging Petricite
Petricite items from the Itemized category that are in use have their absorption power increased for every 10 years of use, potentially reaching the next category after 100 years.
Example: An item made of 1.5kg of Petricite can absorb 3rd-level spells. After 100 years of use, it becomes capable of nullifying 6th-level spells. If the same item is used for another 100 years, it can nullify 8th-level spells.
Natural Petricite
When Petricite is in its original state as a tree, its power is even greater than that of Aged Petricite, making it nearly impossible to cast spells in areas abundant with it.
Experienced arcanists can overcome this limitation through exceptional mana control or by expending immense amounts of mana for even the most basic effects.
Entities native from the Celestial and Spiritual realms are affected differently by the presence of Natural Petricite, suggesting that Petricite may possess greater influence over Elemental magic.
Value and Production Time
The final production cost of any item involving Petricite is influenced by the value of Petricite, which can vary significantly based on its availability and the control imposed on it.
The value mentioned in the formulas refers to the production cost of the formulas, with the value of Petricite being based on its availability.
For mechanical purposes, the formulas are given with a cost of 1 GP/Kg of Petricite. However, it's important to note that this value is not fixed and can vary considerably depending on the availability of Petricite and the current market rate for the required type. Nevertheless, this does not affect the required production time.
Raw Petricite = 1 GP / kg
Itemized Petricite = 10 GP / kg
Irradiated Petricite = 50 GP / kg
Items made of Rune Steel and Petricite have their production time increased by 10% on top of the base item's production time.
Runesteel is also known as Demacian Steel or Runic Steel. This material is prized throughout Runeterra for its spell-resistant properties. The secret of the production of this metal is guarded by the blacksmiths of Demacia, but rumor has it that this metallic alloy is bathed in sacred waters for cooling.
Creating Runesteel
The exact process of creating Runesteel is known only to Demacian highsmiths. It consists of using iron ore, limestone and petricite coke in blast furnaces in Demacia. In this way, through the reduction of iron ore by coke, rune iron pig iron is generated, which is brittle and without direct use.
Through metallurgical processes, this pig iron is poured into crucibles forming ingots that will then be used to produce Runesteel through the extraction of excess coke.
Petricite coke is produced by mixing ashes from burning enchanted wood from fossilized trees, coal ash and sludge, forming the base material for petricite, which subsequently undergoes a new heating process without combustion in a closed container.
Rune iron pig iron can be used to craft armor but is not functional for crafting weapons. For this purpose, it is necessary to smelt rune iron pig iron with normal steel.
Runesteel Weapons
Weapons made of Runesteel are very rare, as the technique to make them is extremely complex when compared to armor. Weapons made of Runesteel have their damage increased by one category against creatures that have cast magic within the last 2 rounds. Additionally, creatures damaged by a Runesteel weapon may lose their spellcasting ability for one turn after being hit.
When taking damage from an attack made with a runesteel weapon, the target must make a saving throw to its spellcasting attribute with varying DC, found on the Runesteel Weapons table.
Weapon | DC |
Dagger, Hatchet, Spear, Shortsword, War Pick, Rapier, Halberd, Arrow, Arrow, Firearm. | 8 |
Long Sword, Glaive, War Hammer, Star Mace, Scimitar. | 9 |
Greatsword, Greataxe, Mallet. | 10 |
DC = Base DC + Attacker's Attack Attribute Modifier + Attacker's Proficiency Bonus. |
Successful Critical Strikes with weapons that use ammunition made of Runesteel have the ammunition fragmented into the target's body, causing the saving to have to be made each turn until the wound is healed or a medicine roll is made to remove the ammunition fragments.
While a target has a shrapnel of petricite in its body, all its spells (including cantrips) have their mana cost increased by 1 and all its Concentration checks are made with disadvantage.
Parry Magic
Additionally, it is possible to use weapons made of Runesteel to mitigate magical damage with a use of the Parry Combat Technique. On a success, you are able to negate half of the damage dealt by the spell.
Relic Stones

Relic-Stones are a material formed by the intense condensation and manifestation of spiritual energy, a process that happened long in Runeterra's past, but became increasingly rare before humanity even set foot on this land.
Nowadays, they are found in remote places not yet touched by mortal feet, often in hidden paradises or in extremely forgotten places. In these places, where large amounts of this energy were used or even in places where powerful entities crossed the border between worlds, it is possible to find relic stones.
Relic Stone Weapons
Relic-stone weapons are constructed using an existing weapon as a base for shape and weight balance purposes.
The ranged weapon attack attribute is Charisma, which represents strength of personality and spirit in addition to the ability to direct your will.
Gaining proficiency with a Relic-Stone Weapon is an often lengthy learning process, during which the recruit is taught how to direct their will to activate the Relic Stone.
To obtain this proficiency it is necessary to accumulate 10 successes during the apprenticeship period. Every 10 minutes a roll can be made, each success adds 1 to the result pile, but each failure deducts 2 from the result pile.
Rolling a 1 on the die removes all results from the result stack, while a natural 20 adds 1 to the stack and reduces the DC of further rolls by 1.
If a roll fails, the recruit must wait at least half an hour to rest before trying again. If it's a 1, this rest time increases by 1 hour.
The check made is a Charisma roll with a DC equal to the Spiritual Purity of the weapon in question (1d20 + Charisma modifier).
Once 10 successes accumulate, Relic Stone Weapon proficiency is gained, the recruit is able to use any Relic Stone Weapon with which he has proficiency with his base weapon.
Ex. A recruit who develops proficiency with the Relic Stone Weapon and who already has proficiency with a Longsword becomes capable of wielding a Relic Stone Longsword, but not a Two-Handed Sword. If he obtains the Two-Handed Sword proficiency, he does not need to regain the Relic Weapon proficiency in order to use a Two-Handed Relic Sword.
If rolls to acquire proficiency are made using a type of weapon with which the recruit is not proficient, a -5 penalty on the roll is applied.
Luminary Shot Proficiency
When Relic Stone Weapon Proficiency is obtained, it is valid for any weapon the recruit is proficient with, except for using luminary shots through melee weapons.
To obtain this secondary proficiency, the same training required for obtaining Relic Weapon Proficiency is required.
If the weapon you train with is a ranged weapon, the proficiency already includes the Luminary Shot proficiency.
Due to these characteristics, the ideal training for any recruit is done with a relic-stone weapon of ranged combat.
In order for a Relic Stone Weapon to be used, it must be activated.
Activation can be done with or without proficiency in the type of weapon used, and even without proficiency in relic weapons, for each one that is missing, a -5 penalty is applied.
A person who is proficient with the weapon type as well as with relic stone weapons makes the same activation roll using his Charisma modifier and his Proficiency bonus.
Every Relic Stone Weapon is a weapon without any trace of magic on superficial examination, having the appearance of a weapon made of marble for aesthetic or ceremonial purposes. A cursory examination will find them non-functional weapons.
Melee Combat
Relic-Stone Weapons when used in melee combat must be activated before being used with all their properties.
Activation is done using the bonus action once per round via a roll using the Charisma modifier and the recruit's Proficiency bonus against the DC equal to the Weapon's Spiritual Purity DC.
On a success, the weapon is activated for a number of attacks equal to your Charisma modifier times your Wisdom modifier (negative and 0 values are considered to be 1).
Each successful attack consumes an activation charge, until all charges have been consumed. All relic weapons can be used for melee attack with their damage based on the weapon's proximity to a melee weapon such as a dagger, sword or even an axe.
Luminary Shot
Every Relic Stone Weapon is capable of a Luminary shot, each luminary shot is automatically an activation, with the Activation roll being the same as the Attack roll.
The attack roll of a Luminary Shot is made using Charisma as the Attack stat, the roll uses the Charisma modifier + Proficiency bonus. For weapons other than Ranged Weapons (such as Bows, Crossbows, Firearms), the roll is made without using the proficiency bonus for the attack.
Throwing Weapons
Thrown weapons can be used both in melee combat and for luminary shots. In case of using a weapon for luminary shots, the attack is made using Charisma as the attack attribute.
Ex. Lucian, being chained by Thresh and being less than 1 foot away from his captor, became enraged and used the relic stone in his hand, which was part of his broken relic stone pistol, as a melee weapon, using his bonus action to activate the relic stone and his attack action to use the weapon as a dagger, a weapon he is proficient with, attacking Thresh's lantern.
Non-activated Weapons
A melee Relic-Stone Weapon that is not activated becomes heavier for use in combat, applying a -1 penalty to attacks made with it and deals damage equal to the damage of an equal but bashing weapon.
Luminary Damage
The damage dealt by activated melee Relic-Stone Weapons or even luminary shots is Radiant or Luminous elemental damage, with this difference being made based on the degree of Spiritual Purity of the Relic-Stone employed on the weapon in question.
When the weapon is not activated, when used to attack, it deals bashing damage due to the shape of the reliquary weapons, which are basically formed from a very strong yet light stone.
Relic-Stones can be found in places of great spiritual events, where great magic happened or even in places with great connection to the spirit world.
The chance of their existence is extremely rare and there is no certainty as to how to find them. The headquarters of the Sentinels of Light have adequate equipment to identify and rank them according to their Degree of Spiritual Purity.
The Degree of Purity of a Relic-Stone is the result of the amount of spiritual energy condensed in a physical stone, the greater this degree, the more complex the structures necessary to extract their power through their activation.
Grade | DC | Effect |
1 | 13 | radiant damage, +1 against Undead |
2 | 15 | +1, radiant damage |
3 | 17 | +1, radiant damage, +1 damage scale, +2 against undead |
4 | 18 | +2, luminar damage, +1 scale |
5 | 19 | +2, luminar damage, +2 scale, +3 against undead |
6 | 20 | +3, luminar damage, +2 scale, +3 against Undead |
Relic Stone Weapons
Relic Stone Weapons are divided into two basic categories, shooting weapons and melee weapons, reflected in firearms and melee weapons.
Although a Shotgun can also be used as a melee weapon by activating it, and a melee weapon can also be used to make a Luminary Shot, due to the way its structural mechanism is made, the weapon has a direction.
When a relic stone firing weapon is used outside of its design form, it has its damage reduced by 1 rank from the base weapon, so a revolver that is used as a dagger will only deal 1d6 radiant or luminary damage (depending on the degree of purity of the stone in question).
Some Relic Stone Weapons are imbued with powerful magic, often linked to the spiritual nature of the Stone in question, but can also be derived from the components used to create the weapon or even from enchantments made using it, turning it into a magical item.
The few relic stone weapons that are known are a tiny fraction of the weapons that have been produced over the centuries, however many of these have been lost to time, others are found in hidden vaults and several others were absorbed by the Chain Warden Thresh in his lantern.
When Senna was freed from the lantern, she carried with her not only knowledge about Relic Stones and Weapons, but also a large amount of Relic Stones that were shaped by her spiritual ability acquired as part of her special condition.
Relic Stone Weapons may even exist in the hands of people who are not Sentinels of the Light, however they find it more difficult to understand and use and even to understand that they are weapons in fact.
Oath of the Sentinels of Light
The crafting formulas for Relic Stone Weapons involve the impression of the feelings of the artisan who makes them. All existing weapons were created by Sentinels of Light, so they resonate better with those who swore their oath before an Oath Stone.
Oath Stones can be found in all Sentinels of Light headquarters, also made of Relic Stone, these Oath Stones are sincerely sworn in and can imbue a recruit who becomes a Sentinel with new abilities and powers.
The Oath
"I swear by the light of the ancients…
I will not run from darkness.
I will light the way with a steadfast heart,
And face each shadow with a ready weapon
As a beacon, a warrior, a Sentinel,
I defend myself, my fellows, and my world.
May we stand together in the light, or fall in darkness.”
When taking the Sentinels of Light oath before an Oath Stone, a recruit now uses double their Charisma modifier for any rolls to interact with Relic-Stones (except damage and attack rolls).
This is especially useful for acquiring proficiency with Relic Stone Weapons or even becoming able to craft a new weapon.
Luminary Shot
Weapon | Range |
Dagger | 15 ft |
Sword, Axe | 30 ft |
Glaive | 45 ft |
When a melee weapon is used to make a Luminary Shot, it emits a light pulse in the shape of the weapon at the maximum range defined by the table. This attack is considered a ranged attack and is played using the Luminary Shot rules.
Below are examples of luminary shot range with melee weapons. For Bayonets, range is given based on the type of attack made.
Ex. With a rank 1 relic-stone sword musket, if the attack is made with a firearm, it has a range of 150/640 feet dealing 1d10 radiant damage. If the attack is made with the same as a sword, its range will be 30 feet dealing 1d12 radiant damage.
Creating a Relic Stone Weapon
To create a relic stone weapon it is necessary to be a Gunsmith and Enchanter (for firearms) or a Weaponsmith and Enchanter (for melee or even thrown weapons), the use of higher purity grades of Relic Stones is conditioned to the lowest level between the two crafts. A craftsman with Gunsmith 3 and Enchanter 2 can only craft level 2 Relic-Stone Firearms.
To create a relic stone weapon it is first necessary that there is a relic stone larger than the dimensions required for the weapon, this is due to the need to cut and carve the stone in the required format.
All values shown in the table are not market values, but construction values, so they are not values that should be halved. Relic Stone Weapons are not usually sold and most likely someone who sells them will not be aware that it is a weapon in fact, believing it to be just an ornamental, ritualistic weapon or a work of art.
Weapon | Base Value | KG Stone | Stone Value |
Dragger | 11 GP | 0,250 Kg | 100 GP |
Short Sword | 15 GP | 0,750 Kg | 300 GP |
Long Sword | 20 GP | 1,250 Kg | 500 GP |
Glaive | 20 GP | 1,5 Kg | 600 GP |
Axe | 15 GP | 1 Kg | 400 GP |
Pistol | 50 GP | 1 Kg | 400 GP |
Arquebus | 150 GP | 2 Kg | 800 GP |
Sword Arquebus | 275 GP | 1,250 Kg | 500 GP |
Base Value: The cost to assemble the weapon frame. This value includes the components and time needed to create the structure that will support the relic stone weapon.
Kg Stone: The amount of Relic Stone needed to craft this weapon.
Stone Value: The creation cost to work an existing relic stone, through the processes necessary to integrate it with its structure.
With Relic-Stone Weapons, the total build time is the sum of the base value + stone value divided by the artisan's steam in gp/day, rather than using a formula based on market value.
It is mandatory to have the required amount of Relic-Stone to craft any item. The Formula for creating Relic Stone does not exist or has never been found or revealed.
Luminary Gunpowder
Weapon | Production | Cost |
Cannon Ammo (6) | 60 GP *grade | 6 GP *grade |
Light Ammo (10) | 20 GP *grade | 2 GP *grade |
Long Ammo (7) | 40 GP *grade | 4 GP *grade |
Medium Ammo (10) | 40 GP *grade | 4 GP *grade |
Bolts (10) | 10 GP *grade | 1 GP *grade |
Arrows (10) | 10 GP *grade | 1 GP *grade |
Grenades (2) | 50 GP *grade | 5 GP *grade |
Sentinels of Light have a vast arsenal to fight the shadows, however Jenda'Kaya realized that while many people swore to fight the shadows in their hearts, for some reason they couldn't resonate with Relic-Stone Weapons, not becoming full Sentinels of Light.
At the end of her long life, she managed to invent a new substance she called Luminary Gunpowder, giving people who couldn't snore with Relic Stone Weapons a way to utilize their power.
With the remains of Relic Stone through an Alchemical process, it is possible to make Luminary Gunpowder that can either be used to create ammunition for normal weapons or even grenades.
Weapon: The value displayed after the ammo type defines how many ammo can be produced at a time. To produce different quantities, calculations are needed to arrive at the different production value and cost.
Production: This is the production value of each form of ammunition using luminary gunpowder. The indicated value shows the time required, which increases according to the degree of purity of the relic stone.
Cost: The Cost value is the full cost value that involves other components besides Luminary Gunpowder, this value increases with the degree of purity of the Relic Stone used to create Luminary Powder, reflecting a need for better quality components or craftsmanship.
Ammo made from luminary gunpowder causes the projectile to deal damage based on the Relic Stones table when it hits the target, however once such ammunition is used it loses its properties.
Each luminary grenade has a range of 30 feet, when it hits a surface this bomb explodes in an area of 5 feet in radius for each degree of Purity of the Relic Stone used in its manufacture.
Creatures within this area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure they take 2d6 damage per Degree of Purity of the Reliquary Stone. The type of damage dealt is also defined by the same Purity Degree.
The Relic Artisan
The Sentinel of Light known as Senna, after going through a unique process of death and return, managed to accumulate the knowledge of several sentinels about the relic stones.
Upon resurrecting as a spiritual essence, she also possessed the knowledge and means to smelt relic stones, managing to amplify her power and degree of Spiritual Purity.

Moonsilver is produced by a secret formula among the Lunari, using the purest silver possible, it is irradiated by small pieces of Moonstone, causing weapons made of Moonsilver to deal double damage to Voidbonr, additionally, if the weapon requires some type of Saving throw, Voidborns have a disadvantage on that Saving Throws. Blades made of Moonsilver never lose their edge and deal lunar damage.
Voidborn Chitin

Void creatures usually have extremely resistant shells, sometimes even immune to magic. When they enter Runeterra, these creatures usually have a slimy, white coat that solidifies when in contact with Runeterra's air and acquires a dark black tone with a purple shadow. This substance is Voidborn Chitin, produced by void organisms whose composition is completely unknown.
Entomologists who have come into contact with the substance can confirm that the composition is quite similar to that of normal insects, but on an impressive scale and with a ratio of hardness and resistance far superior to that of the most resistant insects.
One of the substances that seems to be effective against Voidborn Chitin are the entrails of the creatures of the Void, for this very reason it is difficult to obtain samples, since many creatures explode when killed, leaving no trace of it.
Voidborn Chitin Armor
Voidborn chitin is found in creatures from the Void that arrive in Runeterra, but no one is known to have managed to collect enough plates to fashion any kind of armor out of the substance. It is extremely durable, having resistance to both magical and non-magical damage, and is incredibly lightweight;
On the other hand, Voidborn Chitin's vulnerabilities are quite severe, with vulnerability to acid and lunar damage. Voidborn Chitin armor has hit points for damage from these sources, and without a voidborn host that can regenerate it naturally, it becomes useless after taking this full damage. The total hit points of an armor depends on its category.
If chitin armor is not being worn, it has an Object AC equal to the Voidborn Chitin Resistance table. However, if it is being worn, its AC becomes that of its wearer.
If you are the target of an attack that deals acid or lunar damage, your AC and your armor's AC are different. For example, an Acid attack that rolls 17 may miss you, but if you are wearing a "second skin" or light armor, it takes the damage with vulnerability.
Thanks to its unique properties, a legendary or divine craftsman would be able to create truly heavy armor made of this material, something like this would make an incredibly agile battleship, perhaps like the Queen of some desert creatures or a certain Devourer of Worlds.
Category | AC | HP |
No Armor | 15 | 25 (5d10) |
Light | 17 | 50 (10d10) |
Medium | 19 | 75 (15d10) |
Heavy | 21 | 100 (20d10) |
Shield | 15 | 40 (8d10) |
Weapon | 15 | 20 (4d10) |
Name | Price | AC | Weight |
No Armor | |||
⠀⠀⠀Voidborn second skin | ? | 12 + Dex | 0,25 kg |
Light Armor | |||
⠀⠀⠀Voidborn Breastplate | ? | 16 + Dex | 2 kg |
Medium Armor | |||
⠀⠀⠀Voidborn Plate | ? | 19 + Dex | 3 kg |
Heavy Armor | |||
⠀⠀⠀Voidborn Dreadnought | ? | 23 + Dex (max 2) | 10 kg |
Shield | |||
Voidborn Targe | ? | 3 | 1 kg |
*Armor made from Voidborn Chitin has no minimum Strength requirement and does not affect stealth. |
Luminary Weave

Luminar Weave is a material of variable hardness, warm to the touch with its temperature varying according to the density of the material. When in threads, it has a warm temperature that can warm a person on a cold night, but when in dense concentrations such as metals, it becomes hot enough to cause burns to the touch.
When found, Luminar Weave is usually melted in its raw state and undergoes processes to prepare it for use. When the goal is to create fabrics, the melted product is continuously stretched until it can begin to be spun. Although this use is the most economical way to use the weave, it is rarely used in this way, given the lack of people with the knowledge to reproduce this process.
Typically, its most common use is in its densest and rawest form, as a metal similar to steel, being worked through secret forging processes so that it can be used to make weapons. Attempts to create armor with the Weave have not been successful, even shields have been made with it, but they usually have protective layers to prevent direct skin contact with it.
Perhaps one of the greatest advantages of the Luminary Weave, although its price is prohibitive, is the fact that it is not affected by countermagic magic, even in areas without mana, it continues to function normally.
Although the luminary weave emits light, it is weak, as if the weave itself sucked back all the light emitted, this makes it completely visible in the dark, but it ends up not illuminating much of anything that is close to it.
Any item made of Luminary Weave, when sold, has prohibitive values, just the material itself, has its value starting at around 1,000 GP for 100 grams of it, but often reaching even 1,000 GP per gram.
Manufactured items have astronomical values, with 10 grams of the product often costing tens of thousands of Gold Pieces. Still, it’s not as if the material is known everywhere and is in abundant supply. Even among the rich and powerful eccentrics, it’s not a common sight.
Crafting Light
Once the Luminary Weave is obtained, it must undergo an alchemical process that keeps it stable so that it can later be used in crafting processes to manufacture items, weapons and armor.
The alchemical process to treat Luminary Weave is done through Alchemist's Tools. The player performing this process must perform a test with their tools with a DC of 19. If successful, the material is stabilized and can be used for up to a week, at which point it must undergo the alchemical stabilization process again. If failed, the Luminary Weave dissipates, becoming completely unusable.
Creatures that attempt this process without proficiency with the Alchemist's Craft make this check at disadvantage and the DC for it increases to 25. On a failure, the luminary weave explodes in an area of 30 feet around it, creatures in that area must make a DC 23 Constitution saving throw, if they fail the save they take 5d8 luminary damage and 1 level of Exhaustion.
When performing this process, you need a quantity of kilograms of Luminary Weave equal to a certain percentage of the weight of what you wish to create. For example, when creating a short sword made of light alloy, you need 100 to 250 grams of Luminary Weave. For every 10 grams, you can create 10 strands of Luminary Weave. For every 250 grams of Luminary Weave, you can create 20 arrows or bolts. You can create a quantity of firearm ammunition according to the table below:
Ammo (amount) | Luminary Weave (Weight) |
Cannon Ammo (12) | 1,5 kg |
Light Ammo (20) | 0,375 kg |
Medium Ammor (20) | 0,75 kg |
Long Ammo (14) | 0,5 kg |
Weapons made from luminary weave have three classes, based on the percentage of luminary Weave used to create the alloy:
- Light alloy (10 to 25%). Weapons made from light alloy are hot to the touch and cause 1 point of radiant damage when touched. Usually light in color, they can be mixed with other materials having different color patterns. These weapons cause 1 additional point of light damage.
- Medium alloy (26 to 75%). Medium alloy weapons are hot to the touch and deal 1d4 points of radiant damage when touched. They are usually white in color, but can be a more yellowish or even bluish hue. These weapons increase by 1 on the damage scale and the damage they deal becomes radiant.
- Heavy alloy (76 to 100%). Heavy alloy weapons are extremely hot to the touch, dealing 3d4 radiant damage when touched. Their color is pure white and luminescent. These weapons increase by 2 on the damage scale and the damage they deal becomes luminar damage.
Critical hits with a weapon made from Luminary weave alloy deal an additional 2d8 radiant damage per category.
Ranged Weapons
The Luminary Weave can also be used to create arrowheads or bolts and to make ammunition for firearms. All ammunition made with the Luminary Weave explodes upon finding its target. The weapon's damage is increased by 1 category and the critical hit range is reduced by 1.
Critical hits caused by ammunition made from Luminary Weave alloy deal an additional 4d8 radiant damage.
The Luminary Weave can be treated like a thread, and can be used in clothing that serves as thermal insulation, or even be used in metal for the production of armor:
200 threads. Clothes made with this thread count are warm to the touch but help absorb heat as well. Wearing a 200 thread count Luminar garment gives you the advantage of saving throws against extreme heat and cold. These garments are usually white with a slight tint from other materials used in the fabric.
600 threads. Clothing made with this much thread gains the same benefits as 200 threads, but also absorbs 1d6 fire or cold damage. Additionally, in contact with True Ice, the saving throw is made with advantage.
1200 threads. Clothes made with this amount of threads make you reduce all fire or radiant damage, simple or magical, by 2d8, and shadow damage by 1d4.
Armor made with Luminary Weave in its alloy, or through the use of fabrics mixed with Luminary Weave, functions as clothing, having some additional properties according to the percentage of Luminar Weave used to create the alloy:
- Light Alloy (10 to 25%). Armor made from light alloy has a slightly lighter color than metal and tends to blend well with other materials having different color patterns. This armor functions as 200 thread count clothing and has +1 AC.
- Medium Alloy (26 to 75%). Armor made from medium alloy is a color closer to white, often being completely white. This armor functions as 600-thread-count clothing, has +1 AC, is considered a category lower, and gives advantage on Stealth checks.
- Heavy Alloy (76 to 100%). Heavy alloy armor is an all-black material that may reflect little or no light. This armor functions as 1200 thread count clothing, has +2 AC, is considered a category lower, gives disadvantage on Stealth checks, and is always under the effect of the light spell.
Luminary Weave Explosion
Items made from Luminary Weave are resistant to Dark and Necrotic damage (depending on the amount) but this makes them unstable. Additionally, while they can be used to create weapons, repeated hits can cause them to explode.
For each category of Luminary Weave used in the construction of an item, when it explodes, it deals a different amount of damage. Creatures in the area of the explosion must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw. Creatures that make this saving throw take only half damage.
- Light Alloy: 2d8 radiant damage in a 10-foot radius
- Medium Alloy: 4d8 radiant damage in a 20-foot radius
- Heavy Alloy: 6d8 radiant damage in a 60-foot radius
When wearing armor or clothing made of Luminary Weave and taking shadow damage, you must roll a percentage die, and receive a number equal to or greater than the percentage according to the list below. For example, when wearing armor made of Luminary Weave, if you take 10 points of shadow damage, you must roll 1d100. If you get 20 or less, the armor will explode in a 10-foot radius, dealing 2d8 damage to creatures inside it that fail their save.
- Light Alloy: For every 2 points of dark damage taken, the armor has a 1% chance to explode.
- Medium Alloy: For every 5 points of shadow damage taken, the armor has a 1% chance to explode.
- Heavy Alloy: For every 10 points of dark damage taken, the armor has a 1% chance to explode.
Any Luminary Weave item that explodes is rendered useless and dissipates into thin air.
Shadow Weave

The material from which Shadowborn are made can often be captured and kept in a stable form, and can be used through various alchemical processes to become stable enough to be used in the manufacturing process of items, weapons, and armor.
While the processes for this exist, they have not been refined enough to be 100% stable, and as such, most items made with Darkweave have a tendency to explode violently, with the shadow weave dissolving afterward and the item being rendered completely useless.
Crafting Shadow
Once the Shadow Weave is obtained, it must undergo an alchemical process that keeps it stable so that it can later be used in crafting processes to manufacture items, weapons, and armor.
The alchemical process to treat Shadow Weave is done through Alchemist's Tools. The player performing this process must perform a test with their tools with a DC of 19. If successful, the material is stabilized and can be used for up to a week, at which point it must undergo the alchemical stabilization process again. If failed, the Shadow Weave dissipates, becoming completely unusable.
Creatures that attempt this process without proficiency with the Alchemist's Craft make this check at disadvantage and the DC for it increases to 25. On a failure, the shadow weave explodes in an area of 30 feet around them, creatures in that area must make a DC 23 Constitution saving throw, if they fail the save they take 5d8 dark damage and 1 level of Exhaustion.
- Umbral Neutralizer. If you are proficient with the Alchemist's Craft, you can create this alchemical formula by spending 100 GP on materials. To craft this formula, the player must perform a DC 17 check with their alchemist's tools. On a successful save, they will create a formula that can be applied to a material made of Shadow weave, making it immune to effects that would cause it to explode for 24 hours. On a failed save, the materials used to create this formula become unusable.
When performing this process, you need a quantity of kilograms of shadow weave equal to a certain percentage of the weight of what you wish to create. For example, when creating a short sword made of light alloy, you need 100 to 250 grams of shadow kweave. For every 10 grams, you can create 10 strands of shadow weave. For every 250 grams of shadow weave, you can create 20 arrows or bolts. You can create a quantity of firearm ammunition according to the table below:
Ammo (amount) | Shadow Weave (Weight) |
Cannon Ammo (12) | 1,5 kg |
Light Ammo (20) | 0,375 kg |
Medium Ammo (20) | 0,75 kg |
Long Ammo (14) | 0,5 kg |
Weapons made from Shadow weave have three classes, based on the percentage of Shadow weave used to create the alloy:
- Light Alloy (10 to 25%). Weapons made from light alloy have a slightly darker metal color and tend to blend well with other materials having different color patterns. These weapons deal 1 additional point of shadow damage.
- Medium Alloy (26 to 75%). Medium alloy weapons are closer to black in color, often being completely black. These weapons have a higher damage category and the damage they deal is dark.
- Heavy Alloy (76 to 100%). Heavy alloy weapons are an all-black color that may reflect little to no light. These weapons have two damage categories higher and the damage they deal becomes shadowy.
Critical hits delivered by a weapon made from Shadow weave alloy deal an additional 2d8 shadow damage per category.
Shadow weave can also be used to create any type of ammunition. All ammunition made with Shadow weave explodes upon finding its target. The weapon's damage is increased by 1 category and the critical strike range is reduced by 1.
Critical hits caused by ammunition made from shadow weave alloy deal an additional 4d8 shadow damage.
The Shadow Weave can be treated like a thread, and can be used in clothing that serves as thermal insulation, or even be used in metal to produce armor:
- 200 threads. Clothes made with this amount of threads make you reduce all fire damage taken by 1d4.
- 600 threads. Clothes made with this amount of threads make you reduce all fire damage by 1d8 and radiant damage by 1d6.
- 1200 threads. Clothes made with this amount of threads make you reduce all fire damage by 2d8, radiant damage by 2d6 and light damage by 1d4.
Armor made with Shadow weave in its alloy, or through the use of fabrics mixed with Shadow weave, functions as clothing, having some additional properties according to the percentage of Shadow weave used to create the alloy:
- Light Alloy (10 to 25%). Armor made with light alloy has a slightly darker color of metal and tends to blend well with other materials having different color patterns. This armor functions as 200 thread count clothing and has +1 AC.
- Medium Alloy (26 to 75%). Armor made from medium alloy is a color closer to black, often being completely black. This armor functions as 600-thread count clothing, has +1 AC, is considered a category lower, and gives advantage on Stealth checks.
- Heavy Alloy (76 to 100%). Heavy alloy armor is an all-black color that may reflect little or no light. This armor functions as 1200 thread count clothing, has +2 AC, is considered a category lower, gives advantage on Stealth checks, and allows the blend into shadows spell to be cast once per long rest without consuming mana.
Dark Weave Explosion
Items made from Shadow weave are resistant to Radiant and Luminary damage (depending on the amount) but this makes them unstable. Additionally, while they can be used to create weapons, repeated hits can cause them to explode.
For each category of Shadow weave used in the construction of an item, when it explodes, it deals a different amount of damage. Creatures in the area of the explosion must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw. Creatures that make this saving throw take only half damage.
- Light Alloy: 2d8 shadow damage in a 10 foot radius
- Medium Alloy: 4d8 shadow damage in a 20-foot radius
- Heavy Alloy: 6d8 shadow damage in a 60ft radius
When wearing armor or clothing made of shadow weave and taking Radiant damage, you must roll a percentage die, and receive a number equal to or greater than the percentage according to the list below. For example, when wearing armor made of light alloy, if you take 10 points of radiant damage, you must roll 1d100. If you get 20 or less, the armor will explode in a 10-foot radius, dealing 2d8 damage to creatures inside it that fail their save.
- Light Alloy: For every 2 points of radiant damage received, the armor has a 1% chance to explode.
- Medium Alloy: For every 5 points of radiant damage taken, the armor has a 1% chance to explode.
- Heavy Alloy: For every 10 points of radiant damage taken, the armor has a 1% chance to explode.
Striking with a Shadow weave weapon can cause it to explode. When you make a critical hit, you must roll 1d100. Regardless of your alloy tier, for every 10 points of damage dealt, the weapon has a 1% chance of exploding.
- Light Alloy: For every 5 points of damage caused, the weapon has a 1% chance of exploding.
- Medium Alloy: For every 10 points of damage dealt, the weapon has a 1% chance to explode.
- Heavy Alloy: For every 15 points of damage dealt, the weapon has a 1% chance to explode.
Any Dark Weave item that explodes is rendered useless and dissipates into thin air.