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Combat Techniques

From Runarcana Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Técnicas de Combate and the translation is 100% complete.

This article complies with version 0.95 of Runarcana RPG

Your techniques reflect your arduous combat training, demonstrating unique and special skills passed from warrior to warrior, master to master... however, on some occasions you may be the pioneer, the one who created a technique that will be passed on to the next generations of Combatants.






Combat Techniques in Alphabetical Order

Technical Agility

Prerequisites: Belator and Dexterity 13 or higher

When using a Combat Technique that uses a bonus action, you can use your action to Attack and activate the Technique as part of the same action, allowing your bonus action to be used in another way.

Analyze Terrain

Prerequisites: Strategos and Intelligence 13 or higher

Execution: 1 action

You can analyze the terrain around you, having an advantage in finding traps and reducing the power of ambushes, in addition to providing important information to your allies. For 1 minute, all your allies have advantage against traps and cannot be surprised, in addition, all non-magical terrain is no longer considered difficult for this duration.


Prerequisites: Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher

Execution: Reaction

By using your reaction when attacked by an unarmed strike, a natural weapon, a melee weapon, or a ranged weapon, you increase your AC by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus against that attack only, with your AC then returning to normal. You can use this technique after the GM announces the result of the attack roll but before damage is rolled.


Prerequisite: Strength 13 or greater

Execution: Reaction

If a target enters or leaves your range and you are using a greataxe or battleaxe, you can use this technique to pull an enemy up to 10 feet so that they are adjacent to you; the target must make a Dexterity saving throw. or it will be pulled and its speed will become 0 until the start of its next turn.

Weapons in the Right Hands

Prerequisites: Belator and Intelligence 13 or higher

Execution: Bonus Action

You use the Disarm action against an enemy and, on a success, you can use Versatile Attacks to wield the enemy's weapon and make an additional attack against the creature using that weapon. The Combat Technique “Disarm” can be used in conjunction with this.

Shield Throw

Prerequisite: Strength 13 and proficiency with light shields

Execution: 1 attack

You throw a light shield at a creature within 15 feet of you. You must make a attack roll against this creature using your Strength, if successful, the target takes 1d6 + your Strength modifier of bashing damage. When throwing the shield it will land in a location up to 10 feet from its target (Master's choice).

If you recover your shield by the end of your next turn, you gain 1d10 temporary hit points for every 2 combatant levels you have. For example, if you have 13 combatant levels, you will receive 6d10 temporary hit points. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute or until consumed.

Attack Spell

Prerequisites: Armaster and Strength or Dexterity 13 or greater

Execution: Reaction

You can imbue your Linked Weapon with your physical power, making even spells capable of being hit. When you are the target of an attack spell, you can use your reaction to try to counter it. You must make a Dexterity or Strength saving throw (whichever is greater) whose DC is equal to the Caster's DC. On a success, you can direct it at the creature that cast it. Make an attack roll with your weapon to determine the spell's hit. If the attack is successful, this creature is subject to the same effects of the spell, using its own Conjuration Ability to define the spell's CD, if any. On a failed save, the spell occurs normally; if the attack fails, the spell is merely deflected.

Circular Attack

Prerequisite: Strength or Dexterity 13 or greater

Execution: 1 action

At the cost of half your maximum speed, you make a powerful circular attack with your melee weapon. All creatures within range of your weapon must make a Dexterity saving throw; on a failure, they take the damage from your attack.

Vanguard Attack

Prerequisite: Strength or Constitution 13 or greater

Execution: Bonus Action

You gain a bonus of 10 feet of speed until the end of your next turn, negating any effect that is decreasing your speed (unless you are at 0 feet of speed). Additionally, your next attack with a melee weapon against a creature requires a Constitution saving throw; on a failed save, the creature is Stunned until the start of your next turn.

Mutilator Attack

Prerequisite: Strength or Intelligence 13 or greater

Execution: Bonus Action

Your next melee weapon attack, if successful, has its damage dice doubled, this technique does not stack with itself and does not double the damage of active effects that increase the damage of your weapon. Additional damage, such as that from heritages, spells or runes, is added normally, but is not doubled by this technique.


Prerequisites: Wisdom 13 or higher and proficiency with the Animal Handling skill

Execution: Attack

While mounted, you can use this technique to command your mount to advance towards your enemies. When you do this, in addition to the action to use this technique, you use your mount's reaction, which can cause it to move 10 feet in one direction. If it hits a creature, the target hit must make a Strength or Dexterity save. (at the DM's discretion) against your mount's Athletics check. On a failed save, the creature hit takes your proficiency bonus + your mount's Strength modifier in d6 in bashing damage and is prone.

"You hit like baby ram! No horns yet!"

Prerequisites: Guardian and Constitution 15 or higher

Execution: 1 action

You can puff out your chest and repel attacks. For a number of rounds equal to twice your proficiency bonus, you become immune to physical damage, but you cannot make attacks and can only move 5 feet per round. At the end of these rounds, your next melee attack is empowered, dealing additional damage equal to the number of attacks you suffered during that time times your proficiency bonus. You can end this technique prematurely by using a bonus action.

Prankster and Trickster

Prerequisite: Level 9, Strength or Dexterity 15 or greater, proficiency with a polearm

Execution: Bonus Action or Reaction

Using a bonus action or your reaction to being targeted by an attack, you can hang from a glaive, halberd, staff, spear, longspear, or trident, rising 10 feet off the ground and ignoring an incoming attack. When you do so, at any time until the start of your next turn you can use a free action to jump to a point within 10 feet of you. When you land, you can make an attack against any number of creatures, up to a maximum equal to your Dexterity or Strength modifier, within range of your weapon. You make a single attack roll for all creatures.

At the start of your next turn, if you have not moved, you fall to the ground at your feet without difficulty.

Charge Attack

Prerequisites: Armaster and Strength or Dexterity 13 or greater

Execution: Action

If you have not attacked or moved in a turn, you can forgo attacking and moving, receiving your Proficiency bonus as RD/true damage until the start of your next turn and enhancing your next attack with a Linked Weapon.

This attack is made with a bonus to the attack roll equal to half your proficiency bonus and, if it hits the target, it causes double damage.

Seismic Shock

Prerequisites: Strength 13 or greater and proficiency with a bludgeoning weapon

Execution: Action

You can use a bludgeoning weapon to make an attack in a 10-foot cone in front of you, only one roll is required for this attack and enemies in the area are hit if the attack exceeds their AC. This attack deals half your proficiency bonus in d6 additional damage in this area and enemies hit by this technique must perform a Dexterity saving throw, on a failure they receive their proficiency bonus in d4 additional damage.

Arcane Combatant

Prerequisites: Intelligence 13 or higher and Heritage - Magic Spark

Along with your combat training, you have discovered a principle of magic within yourself, training to understand the basics of arcanism. You gain access to the Spellcasting, this allows you to learn cantrips, 1st and 2nd level spells.

Once you choose this technique, it cannot be replaced. For more information about the Technique and Conjuration, see the Special Combatants section at the end of Combat Techniques.

Enhanced Arcane Combatant

Prerequisites: Level 12, Intelligence 15 or higher and Arcane Combatant Technique

You have advanced in your arcane combat training, increasing your power and knowledge of the mysteries of magic. You gain access to 3rd and 4th level spells, as stated in Combatant's Conjuration. Additionally, you can choose a known 1st-level spell and cast it as a bonus action once per full rest without spending mana points.

Once you choose this technique, it cannot be replaced. For more information about the Technique and Conjuration, see the Special Combatants section at the end of Combat Techniques.

Monastic Combatant

Prerequisites: Wisdom 13 or higher and Heritage - Ki Cultivation

You preferred meditation and self-control to cultivate your abilities, managing to create your own collection of Ki. By acquiring this technique, you gain access to Ki, Sutra, and Vel-Sutra abilities. Additionally, you choose a Bodhisattva weapon, gaining proficiency with it.

When selecting this technique you normally follow the Monastic Combatant table up to 11th level.

Improved Monastic Combatant

Prerequisites: Level 12, Wisdom 15 or higher and Monastic Combatant Technique

You continued your monastic training. By selecting this technique, you continue your studies on the Sutras and Vel-Sutras, being able to follow the table from the 12th level onwards. Additionally, when selecting this technique, you receive 1 Sutra of your choice and 1 additional Vel-Sutra slot.

Once you choose this technique, it cannot be replaced. For more information on the Technique and Ki, see the Special Combatants section at the end of this Class.

Mounted Combatant

Prerequisites: Wisdom 13 or higher and proficiency with the Animal Handling skill

When you choose this technique, while mounted and using a weapon that has the extension property, your attack and damage rolls with that weapon add your mount's Strength or Dexterity modifier (minimum of 1). Additionally, while mounted, attacking targets within 5 feet of you using an extended weapon does not impose a disadvantage on you.

Share Strategy

Prerequisites: Strategos and Intelligence and Charisma 13 or higher

Execution: 1 attack and bonus Action

You can share strategies with an ally who can see or hear you. When doing so, the ally can use their reaction to make an attack, adding a bonus equal to half your proficiency bonus to the hit and a bonus equal to your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier to the damage.

Counter Attack

Prerequisites: Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher

Execution: Reaction When an ally receives an attack, if the attacker is within range of your weapon, you can perform a counterattack against that attacker.

Lung Contusion

Prerequisites: Strength 13 or higher and proficiency with a blunt weapon

Execution: Reaction

You attack a target with a melee weapon that deals bludgeoning damage. Your ability modifier is not added to this attack, and the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target is Silenced until the start of your next turn, and if the creature is casting a spell with a verbal component, the casting fails. A creature hit by this technique that is concentrating on a spell must make a concentration saving throw with a DC equal to your Combat Technique DC.


Prerequisite: Constitution 13 or higher

Execution: Bonus action

Until the end of your next turn, you temporarily increase your AC by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus, you gain resistance to slashing and piercing damage, if you are wearing heavy armor you add half your proficiency bonus to the DR provided by the armor.

Improved Critical

Prerequisite: Strength or Dexterity 15 or greater

When choosing this technique, you must choose a simple or martial weapon, unarmed attacks, or natural weapon attacks. You reduce your critical range by 1 on all your attacks with the chosen weapon.

Crescent Cut

Prerequisite: Level 8, Wisdom 15 or higher

Execution: 1 action

You make an attack in a 15-foot cone in front of you (weapons with extensions gain 5 feet of additional range). All creatures in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw. Each creature that fails the saving throw takes damage from your weapon as necrotic damage, and you gain temporary hit points equal to half the damage dealt. Temporary hit points received in this way can be stacked together.

Thunderlord's Decree

Prerequisites: Armaster and Strength or Dexterity 13 or greater

Execution: Bonus Action or Reaction

Each time you hit a target with your Bonded Weapon, that target receives a Decree mark, this mark lasts for 1 minute and only one target can be marked at a time. When you accumulate three marks on a target, you can use your bonus action, or your reaction to the attack hit, to force it to make a Constitution saving throw, if it fails, it receives your Proficiency bonus in d8 in thunder damage and is stunned for a number of rounds equal to half your Proficiency bonus, it can repeat the save at the beginning of each of its turns.


Prerequisites: Wisdom 13 or greater and Strength or Dexterity 13 or greater

Execution: Attack or Reaction

You can use your attack action or your reaction when making a weapon attack against a target to disarm an enemy. Follow the rules for disarming in Chapter 9: Combat. If successful, the Dexterity modifier added to the target's AC becomes 0 against your next attack made in the same turn. In case of failure, the disarm is unsuccessful and the defending target does not receive an advantage on his next attack as a result of the failure. When you have exhausted the uses of the technique, you can use the disarm action normally, suffering the normal penalties.


Prerequisite: Strength or Dexterity 13 or greater

Execution: Bonus Action

When performing an attack action against your opponent, if successful, you can use an axe or hatchet to, with your bonus action, try to unequip your opponent's shield. When doing so, your target must make a Strength save, on a failure this creature has its shield unequipped and the next attack made against it has advantage.


Prerequisites: Armaster and Strength 13 or greater

Execution: 1 attack

You can use this technique with your Linked Weapon to try to strike an opponent's weapon or shield, breaking it or, if it is magical, forcing a disarm. To do this you must perform a Strength test whose CD is defined by the Master, which may vary according to the type of material of the weapon.

I hold it!

Prerequisites: Guardian and Strength or Dexterity 13 or greater

Execution: Reaction

When you hit a creature with a melee weapon, you can use your reaction to have allies within 5 feet of your target use their reaction to move half their speed away from the target without causing an attack of opportunity, you can only do this if the creature is up to one size category larger or smaller than you.

Combat Experience

Prerequisites: Belator

When you use Second Wind, a Combat Technique, an Action Surge, or Indomitable, your next attack with a weapon you are proficient in has its damage die increased by one category.

Sequential Strike

Prerequisites: Belator and Dexterity 15 or higher

Immediately after dealing damage with a combat technique that requires an action, you can attack a target within range of your weapon as part of the same action.

Guardian of Life

Prerequisites: Guardian and proficiency with the Medicine skill

Execution: Action

You can use this technique to do CPR work on a creature that has died within the last minute or is about to die. A creature that has died can make a new death saving throw. If successful, it can reset its death saving throw. A creature that has 0 hit points but has not died automatically gains a success. This technique cannot bring back to life creatures that have died of old age nor can it restore any lost body parts.

Epic Charge

Prerequisite: Strength 15 or greater

Execution: 1 attack

When using your movement, you can use this technique to push an adjacent enemy with your melee weapon (or shield), as long as it is up to one size category larger than you, it must make a Strength saving throw, in On a failed save, the creature is pushed up to 15 feet in the direction you moved and will be Prone and you can use your reaction to make a melee attack on the creature hit. If the target hit collides with a wall, tree, or something solid, it must make a Constitution saving throw; on a failure, it will be Incapacitated until the end of its next turn and will receive your proficiency bonus in d8 in bashing damage.

Summon Weapon

Prerequisites: Armaster and Intelligence 13 or higher

Execution: Bonus Action

You can summon your Bonded Weapon to your hands as long as it is within your sight radius and a maximum distance equal to your proficiency bonus times 5 feet away from you. If it is being held by someone, the target must make a Strength saving throw, on a failure the weapon is ripped from that creature's hands. You can also use this technique to confer disadvantage if someone is using your Bonded Weapon in combat, instead of pulling it back towards you, when using this technique in this way, it lasts 1 minute.

Improvised Mastery

Prerequisites: Belator

Execution: Bonus action

Before you attack with a weapon, you can use it in a different way than usual. You can use a Mastery benefit other than the weapon's original one on your next attack, choosing from Affliction, Rake, or Stun.

Defensive Maneuver

Prerequisites: Strategos and Charisma 13 or higher

Execution: Action

Through your instructions, you can give all your allies who can hear you within 60 feet, for 1 minute, a bonus to AC and Damage Reduction. The AC bonus is equal to half your proficiency bonus and the DR/true damage is equal to the chosen attribute modifier. You must be able to continue communicating with your allies to continue giving instructions, if you are Incapacitated, Unconscious or if an ally can no longer hear you, this bonus automatically ends. This ability does not stack.

Offensive Maneuver

Prerequisites: Strategos and Intelligence or Charisma 13 or higher

Execution: Action

Your commands give your allies who can hear you within 60 feet an increase in their destructive power for 1 minute. They receive an attack bonus equal to half your proficiency bonus, and their attacks receive a damage bonus equal to the chosen Attribute modifier. You must be able to continue communicating with your allies to continue giving instructions, if you are Incapacitated, Unconscious or if an ally can no longer hear you, this bonus automatically ends. This ability does not stack.

Analytical Mind

Prerequisites: Strategos and Intelligence 15 or higher

Execution: Action

You enter an extreme analytical state of mind that lasts 1 minute. For the duration, you gain resistance to one physical damage type and a total of elemental damage types equal to half your proficiency bonus. You choose the damage types when activating this ability.

Protective Wall

Prerequisites: Strength or Intelligence 13 or greater and proficiency with shields

Execution: Action

Using a tower shield, you can raise it so that both you and your allies receive an incredible strategic advantage. Until the start of your next turn, you and all allies within 5 feet of you or behind your shield (as long as they don't move from behind your shield) receive three-quarters cover.

Riding Professional

Prerequisite: Wisdom 13 or higher and proficiency with the Animal Handling skill

By choosing this technique, your dominance with your mount becomes evident. You have advantage in tests to avoid falling from your mount, if you already use a military saddle, when you fail a test you just dismount the creature, not receiving the fallen condition. Mounting or dismounting a creature costs only 5 feet of speed, instead of half your speed.

Restore Strength

Prerequisites: Guardian and Charisma or Constitution 13 or higher

Execution: Bonus Action

You can touch a conscious target and inspire them, inspiring and restoring their strength. The target cannot be at 0 hit points and when touched, you can spend one hit die to heal the amount rolled and grant double that amount in temporary hit points that last for 1 minute or until consumed.


Prerequisite: Dexterity or Intelligence 13 or higher

Execution: Reaction

You can use your reaction when hit by a melee or unarmed weapon attack, before knowing the damage done, reducing the damage taken by half. If you are wearing light armor or no armor at all, you can immediately, as part of the same reaction, make a weapon attack against an enemy within 10 feet of you (if you are using a weapon with an extension, this range increases to 15 feet). This attack has its damage increased by one category.

“If you attack, I will attack!”

Prerequisites: Guardian and Dexterity 13 or higher

Execution: Reaction

If an ally within 15 feet of you receives a melee attack, you can use your reaction to move up to 10 feet and counterattack if the attacker is in range of your attack.

Special Combatants

When choosing Arcane Combatant or Monastic Combatant techniques, you should read the section below regarding those techniques.

Monastic Combatant

Monastic Combatant
Level Ki Sutras Vel
1st 1 1 1
2nd 1 1 1
3rd 2 1 1
4th 2 1 1
5th 3 2 1
6th 3 2 2
7th 4 2 2
8th 4 2 2
9th 5 2 2
10th 5 3 2
11th 6 3 3
12th 6 3 3
13th 7 3 3
14th 7 3 3
15th 8 4 3
16th 8 4 4
17th 9 4 4
18th 9 4 4
19th 10 4 4
20th 10 5 4


Ki is the understanding of internal and external energy and its relationships with the true being that transcends the mundane. Ki is a principle common to every existential form, whether physical or ethereal, living or dead, plants have Ki and flourish with greater vigor when in an effluvium of it, even the dead or even decomposing bodies have it.

Starting at 1st level, your training allows you to control the mystical energy of Ki. Your access to this energy is represented by a number of Ki points. Your class level determines the number of points you have, as shown in the Ki column of the Monastic Combatant table.

You can spend these points to fuel various Ki traits. When you spend a Ki point, it becomes unavailable until you finish a long or full rest, at the end of which, all spent Ki points return to you. You must spend at least 30 minutes of rest meditating to recover your Ki points.

Some of the Ki traits require their target to make a saving throw to resist the trait's effect.

Ki save DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier


The cultivation of discipline between body and spirit allows Ki to be used and developed, the practitioner begins to receive characteristics inherent to this development, which can often be used by consuming his Ki reserve, these are the Sutras, techniques and common knowledge, the The difference between the Sutras and the other class features is that the Sutras can have an inductive component, an aspect that can be utilized through the consumption of Ki.

At each level that you receive access to a Sutra, you can choose it from the list of General Sutras, as long as you meet the prerequisites for it.

Class Sutra

Combatants do not have their own Class Sutras, however, and can choose their first one from those available in the list of Bodhisattva Sutras that can be found within the Bodhisattva Class. After that, they must find ways to learn their next Sutras within the campaign.

Spellcaster Combatant

Spellcaster Combatant
Level Cantrips
Spell Level
1st 2 - - -
2nd 2 - - -
3th 2 3 4 1st
4th 2 4 6 -
5th 3 4 8 -
6th 3 4 9 -
7th 3 5 10 -
3 6 13 2nd
9th 3 6 14 -
10th 4 7 15 -
11th 4 8 16 -
12th 4 8 17 -
13th 4 9 20 3rd
14th 4 10 21 -
15th 4 10 22 -
16th 4 11 23 -
17th 4 11 24 -
18th 4 11 25 -
19th 4 12 28 4th
20th 4 13 30 -


By selecting this technique just once, you follow the Combatant Spellcaster table up to 11th level, when selecting this technique again at 12th level you have access to the rest of the Combatant Spellcaster table.

Spell Lists

You gain access to the Combatant spell list. Through some Heritages, Enhancements or even through learning, you can learn new Mysteries of Magic, granting you additional spell lists.

You cannot use a spell list from another Class to learn or replace a spell when you level up in that Class.


You know two cantrips of your choice from the spell lists you have access to. You learn additional cantrips from these lists of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Combatant Spellcaster table.


The Combatant Spellcaster table shows the amount of Mana points you have available to cast your spells. To cast a spell, you must spend an amount of Mana points corresponding to the spell's level as explained in Chapter 10: Magic. You regain your Intelligence modifier in mana points when you complete a long rest and all your Mana points when you complete a full rest.

For example, if you want to cast the 1st level spell burning hands you must spend 2 Mana points to cast it, but if you want to cast it as a higher level spell, instead of 2 points, you must spend an amount of Mana points corresponding to the desired level, such as 3 points to cast it as a 2nd level spell or 5 to cast it at 3rd level.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

At 3rd level, you learn three 1st-level spells of your choice from the spell lists you have access to.

The Known Spells column in the Combatant Spellcaster table shows when you learn more spells from these lists, of your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level equal to or lower than your Maximum Spell Level, as shown in the table. For example, when you reach 8th level in this Class, you can learn a new 1st- or 2nd-level spell.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this Class, you can choose a spell you know and replace it with another spell from a spell list you have access to, which must also be equal to or less than your Maximum Spell Level.

Conjuration Attribute

Intelligence is your attribute for spellcasting, as your magic comes from your attunement to your runic power. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting attribute. Additionally, you use your Intelligence modifier to set the saving throw DC for the Combatant spells you cast and when you make an attack roll with a Combatant spell.

DC for your spells = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
DC for your spells = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier