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This article complies with version 0.95 of Runarcana RPG

Heritage represents the traits of your ancestors that became stronger in you. When choosing an Origin, it grants you an amount of Heritage points that can be spent during character creation.

Each Heritage costs one point. Heritages can only be chosen once, unless the Heritage specifies otherwise.

General Heritages can be chosen whenever you can choose an origin or region Heritage.

When you reach levels 5, 9, 13, and 17, you can choose new Origin or General Heritage that you meet the prerequisites for, but not Region Heritages or Heritages with the "Initial" prerequisite, the Heritages with the "Initial" prerequisite can only be chosen during character creation, and cannot be chosen at later levels.

When you choose new Heritages at later levels, it's important that these Heritages are viable, such as reflecting training or some modification your character has undergone. If deemed necessary, the GM can veto Heritages that have no explanation.

List of Heritages

Heritages by Origin

Origin Heritages are available at the time of your character creation and again at levels 5, 9, 13 and 17. They reflect which traits of your Origin were passed down to you and how they develop.

Heritages by Region

Depending on the region where you were born or raised, you may have some characteristics typical of that place, these Heritages are only available at the time of your character creation.

Heritages in Alphabetic Order


Prerequisite: Piltovan, not having Worker or Privileged Heritage

You belong to one of the Greater Houses of Piltover and had access to the best opportunities, excelling in areas that not everyone has access to. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain Proficiency in one Skill of your choice. You gain Expertise if you already have Proficiency in the chosen Skill.
  • Out of combat, when making Attribute Checks that your allies don't have a Proficiency but you do, you make them as if you have an Expertise. If you already have Expertise, you make them with Advantage. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus per Full Rest.
  • You receive 1 possession worth up to 200 gp, 2 possessions worth up to 100 gp each, or 3 possessions worth up to 75 gp each.

Arcanist Acolyte

Prerequisite: Acolyte

Your study of the spirit world has left a magical touch on your soul, causing you to become more magically versed and knowledgeable about other magics. You receive the following benefits:

  • When you choose this Heritage, you must choose a Mystery that you have access to. When you become able to cast a new level of spell, you may choose one spell from that Mystery, of a level that you can cast; this spell is always prepared and counts as an Acolyte spell for you.
  • You gain proficiency with Arcana

Power Chord

Prerequisite: Spellcasting, Artist (Musician) Craft

Music is not just an activity for you, but a way to express yourself and connect with the universe. You receive the following benefits:

  • You receive the Mystery of Sound
  • You can use a musical instrument as a Spellcasting Focus and can use Charisma as the Spellcasting attribute of your class or subclass and replace the use of verbal components of your spells with chords from your musical instrument.
  • After casting 3 spells, you can use your bonus action to make a weapon attack that will cause your Base Pulse die in additional damage of the type equal to your last damage spell cast, for example, if you used the elemental ray (fire) cantrip, the additional damage from your weapon will be fire.

Savage Adaptation

Prerequisite: Troll

The regenerative ability of Trolls is legendary in itself, in you it creates additional effects on your skin scarred by so many blows. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain DR equal to your Proficiency bonus/acid and fire damage.
  • Your skin acquires a more efficient tone to hide in your environment. When in your region, you gain proficiency with Stealth, if you already have it, you gain expertise, and if you already have expertise, you make those rolls with advantage.

Dream Affinity

Prerequisite: Vastaya - Ottrani

Ottrani have a great relationship with dreams and dream magic, you managed to broaden your connection with it. You receive the following benefits:

  • When you are the target of a magical effect that causes Sleep, you become aware of it and can choose to take the effect or not.
  • Your Saving Throws against nonmagical effects that cause sleep are made with advantage.
  • When Unconscious from being asleep, if targeted by an attack, the same continues to be done with advantage but the damage dealt is normal instead of being considered a critical hit.

Primal Agility

You have a very distant relationship with Vastaya or a very strong connection to your instincts. You receive the following benefits:

  • Any rolls to resist the Grappled or Knocked Down conditions are made with advantage.
  • If you're Prone, getting up costs only 5 feet of your movement instead of half of it.

Soul of the Hunt

Prerequisite: Hunter

For some reason, you study your favored enemies from an early age, even before you become a Hunter. You gain the following benefits:

  • Each round, the first attack made by a favored enemy against you has its damage reduced by an amount equal to half your Proficiency bonus.
  • You gain proficiency in the Survival skill. If you already have it, you gain expertise in it.

Fluid Soul

Prerequisite: Ocean Half-Dragon

You have a natural harmony with spiritual fluids. You receive the following benefits:

  • You receive 1 Ki point for every 5 character levels you have.
  • Using a bonus action and spending 1 Ki point, you can increase your AC by +1 or add your Wisdom modifier to the damage of your melee attacks. The chosen bonus lasts until the start of your next turn.


You are efficient with both hands, without dominance between them. You receive the following benefits:

  • You can draw two weapons at once.
  • You gain one degree of Two-Weapon Fighting.
  • All of your hands are considered skilled, so you have no disadvantage to perform any kind of action that is related to using a different hand.


Prerequisite: Antroplantae

An elder of an ancient species, you have wandered the world for centuries or seen many living souls pass you by, with time you have become tougher, both mentally and physically. You receive the following benefits:

  • You can use the druidism cantrip without using any verbal, somatic, or material components. You can use this cantrip in this manner a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus for a full rest.
  • You can use the resistance cantrip on yourself without using any verbal, somatic, or material components. You can use this cantrip in this manner a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus for a full rest.
  • You gain the Mystery of Flora

Apparently Harmless

Prerequisite: Bandlecity

The creatures of your homeland often have adorable appearances even when they hide great power, including you. You receive the following benefits:

  • While not in combat, you can make a Performance roll against a creature, with a DC defined by the GM. On a success, the creature becomes Charmed by you until your next long rest or until you or your allies attack it. You can attempt this a number of times equal to your Full Rest proficiency bonus.
  • The first attack you make in combat against a creature Charmed by you is considered a surprise attack.

Elemental Aptitude

Prerequisite: Ixtali, spellcasting ability

You have an innate ability with elemental magic, knowing how to alter its basic properties. You receive the following benefits:

  • You receive an Elemental Mystery of your choice from an element that you have access to.
  • When you obtain this Heritage, you must choose two elements that you have access to. You are able to swap the damage of spells of these two elements. When doing so, you must declare to your GM in advance the new element that you are using, using the Elements and Damage Types table in Chapter 10: Spellcasting. For example, if you choose the elements Water and Fire, when casting fire spells that cause damage, you can change the damage type of the fire spells to piercing instead of the normal damage of the spell.

Fruit Shrub

Prerequisite: Antroplantae

Like the most diverse fruit plants you can provide a sweet taste to your allies. You receive the following benefits:

  • You can use the goodberry spell without spending mana points nor using any verbal, somatic or material components. You can use this spell this way a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • You receive the Flora Mystery

Frost Weaponry

Prerequisite: Glacial Half-Dragon

You are able to solidify air into the form of a weapon that, while in contact with you, remains as solid as a regular weapon. You receive the following benefits:

  • Using a bonus action, you can create an ice weapon in your hands, the weapon created has the appearance of a weapon you have proficiency with, which also defines the weapon's damage type. This weapon deals 1d6 damage, increasing to 1d8 at level 6, 1d10 at level 12, and 2d6 at level 18. If you let go of the weapon, it melts instantly. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest.

Advanced Weapons

Prerequisite: Special

Some weapons are counter-intuitive, whether due to their shape, or even how they are effectively handled, making it necessary, in addition to training to use them, to intensify the study of them in order to use them appropriately. Each time you choose this Heritage, you must meet the prerequisites for the option you choose. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency with the chosen weapon
  • The “Improper” feature does not apply to your use of this weapon.

Choose one from:

  • Chain Weapon: Chain Dagger - Prerequisite: Ionian or Dagger Proficiency
  • Chain Weapon: Drakehound - Prerequisite: Noxian or Katar Proficiency
  • Chain Weapon: Thorn Chain - Prerequisite: Whip Proficiency
  • Chain Weapon: Chain Scythe - Prerequisite: Scythe Proficiency
  • Chain Weapon: Blade of Chaos - Prerequisite: Ionian or Noxian or Short Sword Proficiency
  • Chain Weapon: Chain Gauntlet - Prerequisite: Gauntlet Proficiency
  • Chain Weapon: Meteor Hammer - Prerequisite: Mace Proficiency
  • Bayonet: Cannon Axe - Prerequisite: Proficiency with Cannon and Axe
  • Bayonet: Musket Sword - Prerequisite: Proficiency with Musket and Longsword
  • Bayonet: Knife Pistol - Prerequisite: Proficiency with Pistol and Knife
  • Bayonet: Bladed Revolver - Prerequisite: Proficiency with Pistol and Longsword
  • Large Chakram - Prerequisite: Ixtali or proficiency with Medium Chakram
  • Crescent Cleaver - Prerequisite: Shuriman or proficiency with Greataxe
  • 'Drakebane - Prerequisite: Proficiency with Spears
  • 'Boar Sword - Prerequisite: Freljordian or proficiency with Sword Large
  • Han Kote - Prerequisites: Proficiency with Gauntlet
  • 'Elder God Idol - Prerequisites: Sentinian or proficiency with Greatclub
  • Katana- Prerequisites: Ionia or proficiency with Longsword
  • Navori Blade - Prerequisites: Ionia or proficiency with Dagger
  • Nodachi - Prerequisites: Ionia or proficiency with Greatsword
  • Ntofo - Prerequisites: Nazumah or proficiency with Tonfa
  • Nunchaku - Prerequisites: Ionia or proficiency with Club
  • Sai - Prerequisites: Ionia or proficiency with Sword Short
  • Shuriken - Prerequisites: Ionia or proficiency with javelin
  • Tonfa - Prerequisites: Ionia or Nazumah or proficiency with club

Floral Arsenal

Prerequisite: Antroplantæ

Some plants have their thorns, but you have them all. You receive the following benefits:

  • You can produce sturdy spikes that can be used as weapons. You are proficient with these spikes, and they deal 1d4 piercing damage and have the properties: light, finesse, and thrown (10-20 feet). You can create a number of spikes equal to twice your Proficiency bonus per full rest. Creatures other than you have disadvantage on attack rolls with these spikes. Spikes created in this way dry out and brittle after 24 hours, becoming unusable.
  • You gain access to the Mystery of Flora.


PRerequisite: Noxian

You acted as or were instructed by Noxian Artificers, crafting weapons for the warriors and building strongholds in conquered cities, supplying them and providing security in times of need. You receive the following benefits:

  • You add half your Proficiency Bonus to the amount of gp you can produce each day.
  • You add your Proficiency Bonus, instead of half, to the amount of gp you can produce each day when crafting an item that is of great need to the team. Only one item can benefit from this effect at a time.
  • The margin for creating Mastepieces decreases by 1 for one of your crafts.

Nazumite Craftsman


You know several secrets on how to use hunted creature parts with greater speed, functionality and efficiency. You receive the following benefits:

  • Choose a Craft between Alchemist, Armorer, Fletcher, Weaponsmith, Enchanter or Techmaturge. If you already have this Craft, you receive specialty
  • When creating an item using mostly parts collected by you from a monster or creature, you make the roll with advantage and if you get a 19 or 20, you add two days of work for the cost of only 1 day

Vengeful Attack

Prerequisite: Infernal Half-Dragon

The essence of the flames that burn within you is channeled into your actions. You receive the following benefits:

  • When you take damage from a creature within 10 times your proficiency bonus in feet from you, you can use your reaction to make a melee or ranged attack against that creature. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • When you inflict the Scorched condition on a target, you add your proficiency bonus to the damage dealt.

Crippling Strikes

Prerequisite: Mercurial

Your sneak attack is even more dangerous. You gain the following benefits:

  • A number of times equal to your proficiency bonus from a full rest, you can strengthen your next attack, causing a target you hit to make a Constitution saving throw of DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier. On a failed save, the target is Weakened until the start of your next turn. This effect must be announced before you make the attack's hit roll.
  • The damage die for your sneak attacks increases to d8.


Prerequisite: Dexterity 16, proficiency with one type of firearm

You want your aim when shooting your firearm to always be favorable in your confrontations, even if they have to line up to finish you off. In fact, you even prefer it that way. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain Mastery with a firearm type you are proficient with.
  • When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with an attack with the chosen weapon, you can choose another creature behind the original target and within range of the weapon to take the excess damage from this attack if the hit roll made on the attack is enough to hit that creature. You can make small adjustments of 5 feet in either direction, but once an adjustment is made, a new adjustment can only be made 5 feet in the same direction. If the effect reduces the attacked creature to 0 hit points, you can repeat the effect, passing the remaining damage to another creature until there are no more targets left, until the remaining damage becomes 0, or until a creature is no longer reduced to 0 hit points.

Alpha Authority

Prerequisite: Noxian

You are imbued with the Noxian values, with them closely tied to your being. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency in either Intimidation or Persuasion, if you already have proficiency in the chosen skill, you gain expertise with the chosen skill.
  • If a creature makes a successful attack against you, you have advantage on melee weapon attack rolls against that creature until the end of your next turn. You can use this ability in this way a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Fair Authority

Prerequisite: Piltovan

You have the necessary tools for law enforcement. You receive the following benefits:

  • As long as you are wearing fine clothing, you have advantage on Persuasion and Intimidation checks.
  • You learn the thaumaturgy cantrip without using any verbal, somatic or material components. You can use this cantrip this way a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest.

Fortune’s Blessing

Prerequisite: Bilgewater

Your people have extraordinary luck, which you have learned to mystically lend to your companions when you see them falter. You're not sure how to do it; you just wish, and it happens. Surely a sign of fortune's favor!

  • When you or an ally you can see within 30 feet of you roll a natural 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, attribute check or saving throw, you can use your reaction to allow the target to reroll the dice. The target must use the new result. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Golden Blessing

Prerequisite: Targonian

You have been given a special blessing among the Solari, personifying the powers of the Sun. You receive the following benefits:

  • Once per round, when you take radiant damage, simple, or magical, you reduce the damage taken by an amount equal to your Proficiency bonus.
  • Once per round, when you deal radiant damage, simple, or magical, you gain your Proficiency bonus in temporary hit points for 1 minute or until they are spent.

Silver Blessing

Prerequisite: Targonian

Being a Lunari is not enough, the Silver Sister has marked you as one of her people. You receive the following benefits:

  • You receive a blessing based on the current moon phase:
    • New Moon. While under the blessing of that phase of the moon, you gain proficiency in Stealth, if you already have proficiency with that skill you gain advantage on Stealth checks.
    • Crescent Moon. While under the blessing of this phase of the moon, your weapon attacks deal additional damage equal to half your proficiency bonus.
    • Full Moon. While under the blessing of this phase of the moon, you gain advantage on saving throws against effects that would leave you Charmed and resistance to radiant damage.
    • Waning Moon. While under the blessing of this phase of the moon, you gain advantage on saving throws against effects that would cause you exhaustion and resistance to necrotic damage.
  • Your surprise attacks deal your proficiency bonus as additional damage

Rakkor Blessing

Prerequisite: Targonian

Your inner fury burns relentlessly. You receive the following benefits:

  • When you hit with an attack using a simple or martial melee weapon, you can roll one of the weapon's damage dice an additional time and add the result to the roll. The damage type is the same as the weapon's original type. You can use this ability a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • Immediately after using this Heritage's ability, you can use your reaction to make an additional melee weapon attack.

Collateral Benefit

Prerequisite: Successful Experiment Heritage, Technological Progression Variant Heritage or Technological Adaptation Enhancement

The experiment that was done on you received an unforeseen benefit. You receive the following benefits:

  • Choose a Technological Advantage from the Variant Inheritance Technological Progression.
  • Choose a cantrip, you can use that cantrip nonmagically once per long rest with no verbal, somatic, or material components. This cantrip is cast at a level equivalent to that of a Full Spellcaster's maximum, using your spellcasting attribute or Constitution, whichever is higher.

If you have 5 or more Technological Advantages, you receive the Technological Threshold traits linked to your energy source.


Perhaps it was the proximity of hextech crystals, perhaps a positive mutation in contact with some tecnological source. Interestingly, you possess a spark of what Techmaturgists seek: Energy. You receive the following benefits.

  • You gain your Proficiency bonus in Energy points per long rest.
  • You gain proficiency in Technology, if you already have it, you gain specialty.


Prerequisite: Fuzzy Yordle

You have a little more fur than other Yordles, whether it's pretty and showy or shaggy depends on your care, but it manages to get you out of a lot of trouble, you get the following benefits:

  • While Grappled, you can use your reaction to take 1 point of damage and escape. You can do this a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • When hit by a ranged attack, you can use your reaction to make the attack count as a miss. You can do this a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Good Merchant

Prerequisite: Piltovan

You grew up around fairs and stores, observing different types of interaction between merchants and their customers, developing great communication skills when it comes to selling yourself. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain advantage on Charisma skill rolls when negotiating a sale. The advantage also applies to other skills related to the product being sold, should you need them during the argument, such as Technology, if you are selling an electronic, or Medicine, if you are selling a medicine.
  • When completing a sale, you receive an extra equal to 5x your Proficiency Bonus as additional gp. This extra cannot be greater than half of the total sale price.
  • When you roll a natural 20 during a successful negotiation, your customer becomes a Contact. You acquire access to contacting this customer if you have new products that are of interest to him and vice versa.

Combat Brutality

Prerequisite: Minotaur

You can channel the most primal brutality of the Minotaurs. You receive the following benefits:

  • When making a melee attack, you can make one attack with your Horns using your bonus action, you can demand that the target of this attack, who must be within 5 feet of you and at most one size category above you, make a Strength saving throw of DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. On a failed save, the target is knocked prone and pushed 5 feet from you. If the creature is a size category above yours, it has advantage on the saving throw. You can perform this a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per Full Rest.
  • When using a Dash action, you can move four times your speed instead of two, and you can additionally make one attack with your Horns as a bonus action. If you move at least 30 feet in a straight line before hitting a target, your Horns' damage dice are doubled.


Prerequisite: Auroch Minotaur

When you enter combat, your body is the most dangerous weapon you have at your disposal, you receive the following benefits:

  • The damage of your unarmed and horned attacks increases by 1 on the damage scale.
  • Your unarmed and horned attacks have their crit range reduced by 1.


Prerequisite: Demacian

You have received special training to use against spellcasters. You receive the following benefits:

  • If a creature within 5 feet of you casts a spell, you can use your reaction to make a melee attack against it.
  • You imply a disadvantage to a creature's concentration if you hit it.
  • You have advantage on saving throws against spells cast within 5 feet of you.

Nazumite Hunter

Prerequisite: Nazumite

Your observation skills for hunting are remarkable even in Nazumah. If you can study a creature or monster for at least 5 minutes, you gain the following benefits against that creature or monster:

  • Your AC and attack rolls increase by 1 against that creature
  • If the creature is at least 1 category larger than you, this bonus is doubled and you add 1d4 to your damage rolls against that creature
  • If the creature is a Baccai, this bonus is doubled and you add 2d4 to your damage rolls against that creature

Versatile Channeler

Prerequisite: Acolyte

Your ability to manipulate the spiritual energy that permeates you is extremely powerful, allowing you to direct this energy into your spells. You receive the following benefits:

  • When using a Liturgy, you recover your proficiency bonus in Mana points, this effect happens once per long rest. After this use, when using a Liturgy, you recover only half of your proficiency bonus in mana points.
  • When using a Liturgy, until the end of your next turn, if you cast a spell that misses its target or has no effect, you refund half of that spell's mana cost.

Sand Castle

Prerequisite: Sand Troll

You may not be as big as your icy cousins, but you've got a few tricks up your sleeve, you receive the following benefits:

  • You learn the enlarge/reduce spell, being able to cast it in its “Enlarge” version without spending mana points. You can cast this spell this way a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • While under the Enlarge effect from an Enlarge/Reduce spell cast by you through this Heritage, when you are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to undo the spell and cause the attack to be considered a miss.

Prehensile Tail

Prerequisite: Shimon, Oovi’Kat, Half-Vastaya Shimon or Oovi'Kat

Your tail is almost a third hand and arm for you. You receive the following benefits:

As a bonus action, you can perform the following actions with your tail.

  • Catch or hold an object that weighs up to 1 kilo with your tail. If you do this while stealing, you receive advantage on the Sleight of Hand check.
  • Open and close doors.
  • Use locksmith's tools.
  • Receive advantage in Grapple checks.
  • Use Help action to a friendly creature within 5 feet of you.
  • Hang up.

Magic Spark

Magic bloomed in you at a young age, and it's up to you whether to explore that ability or not. You receive the following benefits:

  • You receive two Mysteries that you have access to of your choice.
  • You gain a 1st-level spell of your choice from one of the two chosen mysteries. This spell can be used without expending mana a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus for a full rest, and its Spellcasting stat is Intelligence.

Vesani Magic Spark

Prerequisite: Vesani

You are versed in the magical ways of the Vesani, possessing great skill and knowledge in how to cast these spells. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain the Mystery of Enchantment and one other Spiritual Mystery of your choice.
  • A number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest, you may subtract your Proficiency bonus from the mana cost of a spell from those two Mysteries (the cost cannot be less than 1)

Strong Collective

Prerequisite: Chirean

The Chireans know how to make the most of the strength that comes from working together, and they work well together, but you stand out even more among them. You receive the following benefits:

  • When you create objects on a free day, add your proficiency bonus to the value of what you can produce. Each additional Chirean involved in the work adds half your Intelligence modifier to that value in addition to your proficiency bonus.
  • You can use the Help action as a bonus action. Additionally, when you use the Help action to assist an ally in attacking a creature, the target of that attack can be within 30 feet of you, instead of 5, if the target can see or hear you.

Nazumite Collector

Prerequisite: Nazumite

Studying the anatomy of creatures and monsters with a focus on obtaining resources is something you do naturally. You receive the following benefits:

  • You receive the Collector - Biologist and Collector - Tanner professions. If you already have them, you receive Specialty
  • You only take half the time when using the Dissect and Tan Leather formulas


Your strategic vision is privileged, and this can be used by you and your allies. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency in Intimidation or Persuasion, and if you already have proficiency in the chosen skill, you gain expertise with it.
  • You can use your Strength modifier instead of Charisma when using the Intimidation skill.
  • Using your bonus action, you can grant allies who can see or hear you a Morale bonus on their attack rolls equal to your Proficiency bonus for the next minute. The bonus on attack rolls does not stack. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Poisonous Knowledge

Prerequisite: Jungle Troll

Jungle Trolls excel when dedicating themselves to Poisons, you receive the following benefits:

  • You gain the Elemental Mystery Poison.
  • You learn the cantrip poison spray. This cantrip is cast using your spellcasting ability or Constitution, whichever is higher. You can cast this cantrip a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus from a full rest.
  • You gain the Apothecary Office.

Marai Spellcaster

Prerequisite: Marai

You have learned to adapt both on the surface and in the depths. You receive the following benefits:

  • You learn the create or destroy water spell, which you can cast with no mana points. You can cast this spell a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • You gain access to the Mystery of Water.

Natural Caster

Prerequisite: Shaman

Spiritual energy flows easily through you, making it easier for you to cast spiritual spells. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain an additional number of Ki points for Conjuration equal to your proficiency bonus.
  • Choose a spell from the Shaman list, you can cast it. As you gain Shaman levels, this spell can be exchanged for another spell from the Shaman list, as long as the chosen spell's level is equal to or less than half your proficiency bonus.

Support Caster

Prerequisite: Marai and spellcasting ability

You always prepare for the next danger you might encounter. You receive the following benefits:

  • When you choose this Heritage, it allows you to cast two spells at once with a single action, with the maximum spell levels that can be used. Both spells must have a casting time of 1 Action, have a duration of Instant and at least one spell must hit an allied creature dealing no damage to it. You can use this ability a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • You gain access to the Mystery of Ethermancy.

Stellar Contemplation

Prerequisite: Ottrani

You’ve learned how to slightly influence Sho’ma around a creature, making it more difficult to have a certain image of its position. You receive the following benefits:

  • When healing a creature, until the end of its next turn, attacks of opportunity made against it have disadvantage and the next attack it makes has advantage.
  • You gain the Mystery of Etermancy

Amphibious Constitution

Prerequisite: Ocean Half-Dragon

The elemental essence of the Ocean grants you adaptation to the waters, as well as providing you with a healing force. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain 35 feet of swimming speed and can breathe both air and water. Additionally, you are unaffected by difficult terrain related to water.
  • You can use a bonus action to regain your Pulse dice + your character level in hit points a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per Full Rest.

Glacial Constitution

Prerequisite: Glacial Half-Dragon

Your elemental constitution is similar to that of the so-called Iceborn, you are able to touch true ice having greater resistance to its harmful effects. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain resistance to freezing weather and ignore levels of exhaustion caused by prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures.
  • When taking damage from an attack made by a True Ice weapon, you make your Saving throw with Advantage and use double your Proficiency bonus instead of the simple bonus.
  • When touching True Ice while wielding an object made of this material, you must make a DC 25 Constitution Save, on a success, you can ignore the freezing property for a number of rounds equal to twice your Proficiency bonus. At the end of these turns, you must make a new saving throw. On a failure, you take 1d4 unsoakable damage and automatically drop the item.

Mountainous Constitution

Prerequisite: Mountain Half-Dragon

Your solidity is a clear manifestation of your mountainous elemental essence. You receive the following benefits:

  • You permanently add half your proficiency bonus to your hit points for each character level you have. At level 1 you will have +1 life, at level 10 you will have +12 and so on. Additionally, when transforming into your Draconic Form you add your Proficiency bonus instead of just half per level.

Exquisite Construction

Prerequisite: Brutal Construct

The materials used in its construction were of excellent quality or had excellent synergy with each other, giving you additional resistance. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain a second resistance from those available on the Brutal Construct's Resistant list.

Summon Aid

For some reason you probably don't even know, a creature takes a liking to you, coming to your aid when needed. You receive the following benefits:

  • You learn the find familiar spell, which you can cast as a Cantrip a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • If you are capable of casting higher-level spells, you may use one use of this Heritage to cast that spell with a reduced mana or Ki cost equal to half your Proficiency bonus (this cost cannot be reduced to 0).

Lightweight Body

Prerequisite: Nimble Construct

The materials employed in your body have a particular resonance that allows you supernatural agility, you receive the following benefits:

  • When hit by a melee attack, after knowing the damage dealt by it, you can choose to use your reaction to have the attack count as a miss instead of a hit. You can do this a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Plumdaggers’ Control

Prerequisite: Vastaya Lhotlan

Your metamorphic characteristics allow you to have greater attunement and even more control of your plumdaggers. You receive the following benefits:

  • The number of Plumdaggers you create increases to 3 + twice your Proficiency bonus per Rest. Additionally, the number of Plumdaggers you can hold increases by another three times your Proficiency bonus per Rest.
  • Return of the Blades. You can use a bonus action to pull your thrown plumdaggers back toward you, causing creatures between you and the feathers to succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw of DC 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier or take 1d4 + your Dexterity modifier as piercing damage for each dagger that passes through them. Surprised creatures have disadvantage on this Saving Throw. You can do this a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per Rest.

Ki Cultivation

You have learned to channel energy from your own body to perform almost supernatural effects. You receive the following benefits:

  • You get +1 Ki point if you already have Ki, or 2 Ki points if your class doesn't have a Ki value.
  • You can choose a General Sutra or a Bodhisattva Sutra, as long as you meet its prerequisites.

Blessed Healer

An innate talent for healing the illnesses that afflict the world runs in your blood. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency in Medicine, if you already have it you gain specialty.
  • You learn the spell healing word, being able to cast it without spending mana points a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus for a full rest. The healing value of this spell is 1d4 + your Proficiency bonus.
  • You gain the Mystery Water

Ottrani Healing

Prerequisite: Vastaya Ottrani

You received precious teachings on how to promote healing, being an expert at it. You receive the following benefits:

  • When using abilities, spells, or runes that heal a creature, you can add your proficiency bonus to the healing. In addition, you gain proficiency in Medicine, if you already have it, you gain expertise.
  • If you are a Rite of Stars Acolyte, you gain an additional use of your Liturgy.


Prerequisite: Lhotlan

You know how to get people's attention by dancing. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency in Acrobatics and Performance, if you already have proficiency in the chosen skill, you gain specialization with it.
  • Choose between Performance or Sleight of Hand, the chosen skill adds your proficiency bonus.
  • Your speed increases by 10 feet.

Detect Weakness

You are cold and calculating, almost like Tom Shell. You receive the following benefits:

  • Choose between: You can add half your Intelligence modifier to damage dealt by attacks, or, you replace your Strength modifier with half your Intelligence modifier for attacks.

Noxian Determination

Prerequisite: Noxian

Giving up or letting go is not an option. You always do your best to get the best results and build your own destiny. You receive the following benefits:

  • When you fail a roll, you can reroll it and choose the best result. You can do this a number of times equal to half your Proficiency Bonus per Full Rest.
  • Intimidation and Persuasion rolls are made at Disadvantage against you. This can happen a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus per Long Rest.
  • You gain Advantage on saving throws against Behavioral Conditions a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus per Long Rest. The following are considered Behavioral Conditions: Frightened, Charmed and Taunted.

Knowledge Eater

Prerequisite: Vesani

When you devour an essence, you are able to retain knowledge from that essence. You receive the following benefits:

  • When you use Devour Essence, you can retain a knowledge of the target such as a spell, a language, or a craft at the Master's discretion for a number of days equal to your Charisma or Wisdom modifier (set when choosing this Heritage).
  • While you have stored essences, you add their number to the damage done by your attacks.

Discipline is Strength

Prerequisite: Noxian

Whether you were born embracing this weapon or whether you fell in love with it growing up, it doesn't matter, you've become adept at using it. This Heritage can be chosen more than once. You receive the following benefits:

  • When you choose this Heritage, you gain proficiency with one weapon of your choice.
  • You add your proficiency bonus to the damage done with this weapon, when choosing this Heritage again, you can only gain this bonus to the damage of one other weapon chosen by this Heritage.

Combat Distraction

Whether you have a very dirty mouth or are a real provocateur, you know how to act to distract your opponents. You receive the following benefits:

  • When a creature that can see or hear you makes an attack, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on that creature's attack. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.


Prerequisite: Clouds Half-Dragon

The winds seem to recover your inner energy, as if each renewed breath provided you additional strength. You receive the following benefits:

  • When you are the target of a spell or effect that restores hit points equal to or greater than your maximum hit die, you can use your reaction to restore half your Proficiency bonus in mana points. You can use this feature a number of times equal to twice your Proficiency bonus per rest.
  • You can use the wind fan cantrip without using any verbal, somatic, or material components. You can use this cantrip in this manner a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per rest. The Spellcasting attribute for this spell is Constitution.
  • You gain the Mystery Wind.


Prerequisite: Envoy Construct

Your energy source generates an electrical pulse every round that quickly dissipates, you are able to use this pulse for some effects:

  • Attack Pulse. Using this pulse, you can add 1d4 lightning damage to one of your unarmed or melee weapon attacks per turn, as long as the weapon is made of metal. This bonus increases to 1d8 at level 5, 1d10 at level 13, and 2d6 at level 17.
  • Defense Pulse. You can use this pulse as a bonus action to create a shield of temporary hit points that lasts until the start of your next turn. You roll the damage dice and add the value as temporary hit points that last until the start of your next turn or until they are consumed, whichever comes first.

Vulpine Charm

Prerequisite: Vesani

The Vesani have ease in using magic that stir emotions and memories. You receive the following benefits:

  • You can use the charm person spell with no mana expenditure as a 1st-level spell a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus per full rest. Your Spellcasting attribute is Charisma or Wisdom (set when choosing this Heritage) if you don't have a spellcasting attribute.
  • If you can cast this spell at higher levels, you do so by spending 1 level less than the cast level.
  • When you cast spells from a Spiritual mystery, you can choose to use Charisma or Wisdom (set when choosing this Heritage) as your Spellcasting attribute. Additionally, when your Spiritual Mysteries spells are cast this way, they gain half your proficiency bonus on their attack and damage rolls and their DC.

Sulfur, Saltpeter and Charcoal

Prerequisite: Proficiency with a firearm

Perhaps you were born in Bilgewater and touched your first firearm as a child or perhaps you are from Zaun and using them was necessary for your survival, no matter the reason, you were exposed to firearms at an early age. and this gave you a better understanding of these “fire-spitters”. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency with one firearm of your choice.
  • You are able to unjam a firearm you are proficient with using a bonus action.
  • You are able to prevent your weapon from jamming a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Spirit of Steel

Prerequisite: Minotaur or Construct

Your resistance is much higher than others, interestingly, when you’re wearing glasses, your friends have a hard time recognizing you. You receive the following benefits:

  • When an attack roll made against you scores a critical hit, you can use your reaction to negate the critical hit, causing the attack to be treated as a normal hit. You can use this ability a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Skilled Spiritualist

Prerequisite: Shaman

Your natural ability to deal with spiritual entities allows you to learn more invocations. You receive the following benefits:

  • You receive an additional Spirit Summon with a prerequisite that you meet. You can exchange it when you gain access to a new Summon, as long as its prerequisite level is equal to or lower than the level at which you acquired your last Inheritance.
  • When you spend Ki points to activate a Spirit Summon, for a number of rounds equal to half your proficiency bonus, the first damage you deal each turn deals half your proficiency bonus in additional energy damage.

Intoxicating Spores

Prerequisite: Antroplantae

You can create a pheromone in your body able to stun the senses of creatures near you. You receive the following benefits:

  • Once per long rest, using your action, you spread these spores over your body. Creatures within 5 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw DC 8 + proficiency bonus + Constitution modifier. On a failed save, the creature is Stunned for the next minute, and can repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns with disadvantage, while on a successful save it is immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.
  • You gain the Mystery Poison

Elemental Essence

Draconic Mysteries
Elemental Mystery
Glacial Ice
Infernal Inferno
Mountain Earth
Clouds Wind
Ocean Water

Prerequisite: Half-Dragon

Your elemental heritage emanates with greater power linking you to your draconic heritage. You receive the following benefits:

  • A number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per Full Rest, when you deal damage of the same type as your breath weapon, you may cause that damage to increase by one category.
  • You manifest the element based on your half-dragon elemental type.
  • You gain a cantrip from a mystery based on your half-dragon elemental type. Your Spellcasting attribute for this spell is Constitution or your Spellcasting attribute, if you are a spellcaster (whichever is higher). You can use this cantrip a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per Full Rest.

Ethyl Essence

The ability to ingest alcohol is common to most creatures. What divides them is their tolerance for this intake. Perhaps because it's a common trait in your family or a developed habit, you not only have a great capacity to ingest alcoholic beverages, but they also cause little or no intoxication in you, leaving only a pleasant and energizing effect. You receive the following benefits:

  • Resistance: Immunity to the Intoxicated condition from drinking alcohol and advantage on saving throws to resist the Intoxicated condition.
  • Living Water: You can regain hit points equal to your Hit Dice + your Proficiency bonus per short rest by consuming a liter of an alcoholic drink.
  • Sip: Using a bonus action you can down a sip (approximately 200 ml) of your drink, you add half your Proficiency bonus to the damage of your unarmed strikes until the start of your next turn.
  • Fuel: You can carry a container with an amount of liters equal to your Strength modifier (minimum of 0) without it affecting your carrying capacity limit.

Volatile Essence

Prerequisite: Construct

Your construction process involved some special synergy with an energy source, giving you a particular interaction with it. This is reflected in your appearance. You receive the following benefits:

  • Choose two of the following damage types: acid, lightning, fire, cold, thunder, or poison, you gain soak for one and vulnerability for the other.

Sea Style

Prerequisite: Vastaya - Marai

The Marai's form of combat involves an extraordinary use of agility and their slippery skin. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency in using the net, spear and trident.
  • Spear and trident critical range decreases by 1 and critical multiplier increases by 1.
  • You make saving throws against Grappled or Restrained conditions with advantage.

Weapon Scholar

You are interested in the most diverse types of weapons, having known some type of weapon not common in your region and becoming skilled with it. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency in one regional weapon of your choice.
  • You know the formula for this weapon, it doesn't count towards the maximum formulas you have.
  • Add half of your Proficiency bonus to the required Craft levels when crafting this weapon.

Successful Experiment

Prerequisite: Zaunite

You took part in one or more biological experiments in Zaun with successful results and with that your body responds in an integrated way with its modifications. You receive the following benefits:

  • You choose one perk from the Variant Heritage Technological Progression.
  • If you take damage, you can use your action or reaction to recover one Hit Dice. You can do this a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • When you receive a healing effect, you add half your proficiency bonus to the hit points healed.

If you have 5 or more Technological Advantages, you receive the Technological Threshold traits linked to your energy source.

Recognized Experiment

You were part of an experiment sanctioned by local authorities, using some source of technology available in this region. You receive the following benefits:

  • Choose one advantage from the Variant Heritage Technological Progression
  • Advantage in dealing with authorities and scholars from the region where your experiment originates
  • You gain half your Proficiency bonus in Energy points per long rest.

If you have 5 or more Technological Edges, you gain the Technological Threshold traits tied to your power source.

Zaunite Experiment

Prerequisito: Zaunite

Experiments were done on you in Zaun. You gain the following benefits:

  • Choose one advantage from the Variant Heritage Technological Progression
  • Choose a Skill and a Craft, you gain proficiency with both.
  • You have immunity to Zaun Gray

If you have 5 or more Technological Advantages, you receive the Technological Threshold traits linked to your energy source.


Prerequisite: Yordle

You are a curious Yordle interested in the cultures of the material realm. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency in History if you already have it, you gain expertise with that skill.
  • You learn one additional language of your choice from the Common Languages table in Chapter 4: Detailing.
  • You learn the repair cantrip. You can cast this cantrip a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Predator's Ferocity

Prerequisito: Vastaya Kiilash

Your predator instincts are extremely keen. You receive the following benefits:

  • You can try to hide even when there is light cover of foliage, heavy rain, snow, fog or other natural phenomena. While hidden, you can use a bonus action to leap at an enemy within 20 feet of you.
  • When in combat, your instinct has spikes that empower your attacks. During combat, each successful attack generates a stack of ferocity. Upon reaching maximum ferocity, you can use a bonus action to cause all your attacks to have margin and crit multiplier increased by 1 until the start of your next turn. When out of combat, this stack is reset to zero. Your maximum ferocity equals 10 - your proficiency bonus.


Prerequisite: Initial

Your system resonates with metals from an early age, granting you extremely rare magic. You receive the following benefits:

  • You receive the Mystery of Metal.
  • Your spells from the Mystery of Metal cost 1 less mana (a spell cost can't reach 0 this way).
  • You gain proficiency with one martial weapon of your choice from your region.

Son of the Darkness

Prerequisite: Initial

"Oh, you think darkness is your ally? But you merely adopted the dark, I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!". You receive the following benefits:

  • When you miss an attack within a dim or dark area, you can use your reaction to take the Hide action.
  • You learn the darkness spell, which you can cast without spending mana points. You can cast this spell a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest. You can see normally in the area of darkness cast by this feature or by you.
  • Choose between one of these Mysteries to receive: Dark or Shadowmancy

Accelerated Flowering

Prerequisite: Antroplantae

The floral power of your body is extremely active, allowing impressive feats with your body. You receive the following benefits:

  • During sunlight, you regain 1 hit point every 10 - your Proficiency bonus minutes inutes.
  • During a full rest, you are able to regrow a lost limb.


Prerequisito: Noxian

Being trained by a magical institution honed your mastery of magic in a way that would not be possible by training on your own, expanding your potential. You receive the following benefits:

  • You add your Proficiency Bonus to the effects caused by your spells (damage, healing, shield, etc). Effects that affect attributes and rolls do not receive this bonus.
  • Choose from Attack or Difficulty Class. Your spells have the chosen trait increased by an amount equal to half your Proficiency Bonus.
    • If you chose Attack, the Critical Range for your spells decreases by 1.
    • If you chose Difficulty Class, targets that roll 1 on your Spells' Safeguard will receive it as a critical effect.

Ki Fluidity

Prerequisite: Bodhisattva

You have a natural ability to deal with your fullness, whether in your studies or in your practices. You receive the following benefits:

  • You receive your Bodhisattva level in Ki points.
  • You may choose an additional Sutra at the 1st and 4th Bodhisattva level.

Spiritual Fluency

Prerequisite: Shaman

The mark of the spirit world is stronger on you, making your connection with the Great Spirits even broader. You link to another Great Spirit and gain the following benefits:

  • Choose another Great Spirit, you can craft a Totem from that spirit and receive its benefits in addition to those you already receive.
  • When you gain the "Spirit Channeling" Class Feature, you can choose to channel that Great Spirit.
  • When you fail to channel this Great Spirit, you ignore the Fail effect. This can only happen once per full rest.

Ottrani Force

Prerequisite: Vastaya Ottrani

Your horns are larger and more powerful than most Ottrani. You receive the following benefits:

  • You have proficiency in attacks using your horns, being considered natural weapons, the damage your horns deal is 1d6 + your Strength modifier of bludgeoning damage.
  • Using your bonus action, until the start of your next turn, you make your attacks that deal bludgeoning damage have their damage increased by 1 on the damage scale, the range and critical hit multiplier increased by 1. You can do this a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per Full Rest.

Pneumatic Force

Prerequisite: Construct

Your body has reinforced gears that can be leveraged for more powerful moves. You receive the following benefits:

  • Using your movement action, you forego moving during your turn to amplify your first melee attack. The damage of your first attack this turn has your Strength modifier doubled (minimum of 0). You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per Full Rest. Upon reaching 7th level, instead of giving up your movement, it is just halved, and upon reaching 10th level, the Strength modifier is doubled for all melee attacks made that turn.
  • Your Strength modifier added to your melee attack damage is affected by your critical strike multiplier.

Predatory Force

Prerequisite: Troll

Your body's ability to adapt to the environment grants you the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency in Survival, if you already have it, you gain expertise. You can find food in nearly impossible places (although that food might not suit non-Trolls).
  • His eyes adapted amazingly to the dark. You see in dim light up to 60 feet as if it were bright light and in the dark as if it were dim light. You cannot discern colors in the dark, only shades of gray.

Sho’Ma Form

Prerequisite: Vastaya

Exploring your spiritual capabilities, you became able to change your form into some forms connected to your tribe. You receive the following benefits:

  • You can choose a form of Sho'Ma linked to your tribe, you can transform into that form a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per Full Rest.

This Heritage can be acquired more than once, choosing a new tribe form each time.

Forms of Sho’Ma
Tribe Possible Forms
Fauhwoon Human, Feral Ibex, Ibex
Kiilash Human, Feral Saber, Saber Toothed
Lhotlan Human, Feral Rapine, Feral Vulpine, Rapine, Vulpine
Marai Human, Feral Selachian, Feral Siren, Selachian, Siren
Oovi’Kat Human, Feral, Chameleon
Ottrani Human, Feral Goat, Goat
Shimon Human, Feral Simian, Kong
Vesani Human, Feral Vulpine, Vulpine


Although the Vastaya are shapeshifting in nature, not all develop this ability. When acquiring Heritage Forms of Sho'Ma, you can choose one of the forms linked to your tribe.

Human. The Human form hides most of the Vastaya traits, allowing a Vastaya to pass for a Human normally.

Feral. In feral form, the Vastaya approaches the animals bound to its tribe as an anthropomorphic hybrid, usually wielding natural weapons or abilities of that beast but still being able to use spells and wield weapons.

Animal. Animal form, on the other hand, is a form that to the common eye is indistinguishable from other animals of the same species (some tribes have more than one animal form), not being able to cast spells or hold weapons (except Shimon's Kong form who is capable of using weapons normally).

Regions of Magic. As Vastaya are deeply connected to magic, the region's magic level affects the difficulty of a Vastaya changing its form.

Transformation. You can use your Transformation origin feature to assume a form that you obtained through Heritage Forms of Sho'Ma. These forms require you to use an action and make a Transformation roll. On a success, you assume that form. Keeping the form active in combat can be difficult, each time you take damage you must make a Constitution saving throw whose DC is 10 or half the damage taken, whichever is greater, on a success you retain the form normally, if it fails, you must expend a use of Transformation or revert to your original form.

Sho’Ma Forms
Tribe Shape Characteristics STR DEX
Fauhwoon Ibex You become a four-legged, ibex-like creature, increasing your size by one category; Your walking speed becomes 50 feet; Your Horned attack now deals 2d8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier instead of 1d8. +2 +4
Fauhwoon Feral Ibex Your horns become even more curved, fur spreads across your body, and the musculature of your legs is strengthened. Your horns now deal 2d8 instead of 1d8. Additionally, your walking speed increases to 40 feet and your long jump has double the range.
Kiilash Saber Toothed You increase your size by 30 cm; Your base speed becomes 50 feet.; Your Bite attack now deals 3d4 instead of 2d4 and your Claws attack now deals 2d6 instead of 1d6 and both attacks deal 1d4 Bleeding. +4 +4
Kiilash Feral Saber Your claws become more protruding. Your Claws attack now deals 2d6 instead of 1d6 and your Bite and Claws deal 1d4 Bleeding.
Lhotlan Rapine You have a flying speed of 40 feet; You gain a Beak attack that deals 2d4 + your Strength modifier of piercing damage and an attack with Claws that deal 2d6 + your Dexterity modifier of slashing damage. +2 +4
Lhotlan Vulpine Your base speed becomes 60 feet; You gain an attack with Claws that deals 3d6 + your Dexterity modifier of slashing damage and a Bite attack that deals 3d4 + your Strength modifier of piercing damage. +3 +3
Lhotlan Feral Rapine Your feet have powerful claws that can be used to increase the damage of your kick. You have proficiency in unarmed attacks using your claws. They are considered light weapons and deal 1d6 of slashing damage in addition to the kick's damage. In addition, you have a pointed beak that deals 1d4 + your Strength modifier of piercing damage and you gain a feather-covered patagia in the space between your arms and your waist that gives you a glide speed for 15 feet.
Lhotlan Feral Vulpine Your hands come to have claws and your hearing becomes better than normal. You have advantage on Perception checks that rely on hearing, and you can't be surprised in combat (unless someone has used the silence spell). Your claws deal 2d6 + your Dexterity modifier of slashing damage.
Marai Selachian You now have shark-like fangs, your bite now deals 2d6 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. +4 +2
Marai Siren Your size is equal to that of your natural form; Your speed on water becomes 60 feet; Your Sonar can be used as an attack, dealing 1d6 thunder damage in a 20-foot cone. +2 +4
Marai Feral Selachian You gain shark-like fangs. Using an action, you can bite an opponent up to 5 feet from you, dealing 1d8 piercing damage.
Marai Feral Siren You gain fangs similar to a moray eel. Using an action, you can bite an opponent up to 5 feet away for 1d4 piercing damage. Additionally, your Sonar can be used as an attack, dealing 1d6 thunder damage in a 20-foot cone.
Oovi’Kat Chameleon You can make tail attacks at creatures within 10 feet of you, dealing 1d8 + your Strength (or Dexterity) modifier bludgeoning damage, and you can use your action to hide your own presence by the invisibility spell for a number of turns equal to half your proficiency bonus. +2 +4
Oovi’Kat Feral Chameleon While in this form, you can use your action to conceal your own presence by the invisibility spell for a number of turns equal to your proficiency bonus.
Ottrani Goat You become a four-legged, ram-like creature, increasing your size by one category; Your climbing speed becomes 50 feet; Your Horned attack now deals 1d8 instead of 1d4. +3 +3
Ottrani Feral Goat You can assume a war form that gives you an appearance with more fur and a muzzle, having even more powerful legs and horns. Your horns now deal 1d6 damage instead of 1d4. Additionally, your climbing speed increases to 40 feet, and your high and long jump have double the range.
Shimon Kong Your size increases by 30 cm; You gain a Bite attack that deals 1d6 + your Strength modifier piercing damage. +4 +2
Shimon Feral Simian You can assume a war form that gives you +1 Strength for the duration and allows you to use your tail to carry objects that weigh no more than 20 kg and you can use a bonus action to have your tail try to trip a creature. It must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier). On a failure, the target is knocked Prone.
Vesani Vulpine Your base speed becomes 60 feet; You gain a Claw attack that deals 3d6 + your Dexterity modifier slashing damage and a Bite attack that deals 3d4 + your Strength modifier piercing damage. +3 +3
Vesani Feral Vulpine Your hands come to have claws and your hearing becomes better than normal. You have advantage on Perception checks that rely on hearing, and you can't be surprised in combat (unless someone has used the silence spell). Your claws deal 2d6 + your Dexterity modifier slashing damage.

Progress Trainee

Prerequisite: Piltovan

You studied at the Piltover Academy and graduated with good marks, being a recognized member of Piltover's great minds. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain Tech Proficiency. You gain Expertise if you already have Proficiency.
  • You can purchase a Level 1 Formula Techmaturgical Equipment for half price.
  • You have advantage on Charisma Attribute Checks with Piltovans and citizens of Piltover who are not hostile toward you.

Targonian Fortitude

Prerequisite: Targonian

You have the blood of Targon heroes running through your veins. You receive the following benefits:

  • Whenever you take the Dodge action in combat, you can spend one Hit Dice to heal yourself. Roll the dice, add your Constitution modifier, and regain a number of hit points equal to this total (minimum of 1).

Warmog's Fury

Prerequisite: Troll

You are an embodiment of Warmog's fury, a legendary Troll from the era of the Rune Wars. And you are dedicated to honoring that. You receive the following benefits:

  • When using two-handed melee weapons you add your proficiency bonus to the weapon's damage, and the critical margin for attacks made with those weapons decreases by 1, that is, if it is 20 it becomes 19 or if it is 19 it becomes 18.

Corrosive Gas

Prerequisite: Nebulon

The gaseous compound from which you are composed is highly corrosive, and has a high affinity for acids. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain resistance to acid damage. At 11th level, this resistance applies to antimony damage.
  • Once per round, when you deal acid or antimony damage, you can regain half your hit point proficiency bonus.

Ionized Gas

Prerequisite: Nebulon

The gaseous compound from which you are composed is highly ionized, having a high affinity for electricity. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain resistance to lightning damage. At 11th level, this resistance applies to plasma damage
  • Once per round, when you deal lightning or plasma damage, you can regain half your hit point proficiency bonus.

Thermionic Gas

Prerequisite: Nebulon

The gaseous compound from which you are composed reaches high temperatures, giving you a greater affinity for heat and fire. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain resistance to fire damage. At 11th level, this resistance applies to burning damage.
  • Once per round, when you deal fire or burning damage, you can regain half your hit point proficiency bonus.

Ancient Ice

Prerequisite: Freljordan

You learn to summon the ancient ice to serve your commands. You receive the following benefits:

  • When dealing cold damage from any source that originates from you, you may reroll any natural 1 on the cold damage dice roll, you must use the reroll.
  • You receive the Ice Mystery

Fox Grace

Prerequisite: Vesani

Its Vulpine heritage is more highlighted, reflecting a need for open spaces and greater agility in its movements. You receive the following benefits:

  • You can use Spirit Rush a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus per long rest in two ways.
    • When you are the target of an attack, you can use your reaction to gain the evasion trait until the end of the round. If you already have it, you can impose disadvantage on attacks or make saving throws with advantage.
    • Take a dash action as part of your move action.
  • Each time you consume an essence with Devour Essence, you regain your Spirit Rush uses.

Feline's Grace

Prerequisite: Kiilashi

His incredible reflexes and stealth agility have improved. You receive the following benefits:

  • You don't take the first 10 + (5 × your proficiency bonus) feet of fall damage unless you're incapacitated.
  • If you are stealthy, you can move from one cover to another without losing your stealth, as long as you end your move inside another cover.
  • The damage of your natural weapons increases by one category.


Your movement and walk have a unique and natural grace. You receive the following benefits:

  • You can take the Dodge action as a bonus action a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • You have proficiency in Charisma Saving Throws, if you already have proficiency, you gain expertise with that saving throw.

Essence Guardian

Prerequisito: Vesani

You have dedicated yourself to improving the storage of essences in your body, being able to separate them well from your own mind and being able to use them more effectively. You receive the following benefits:

  • When you use Devour Essence to regain hit points, you can choose to use your Constitution modifier instead of your Charisma or Wisdom modifier. The total of healed points is multiplied by your proficiency bonus.
  • Your maximum stored essence increases by an amount equal to half your Constitution modifier.
  • You make the Hunger for Essence saving throw with advantage.

Primal Fighter

Your instincts are extremely outcropped, either by your aggressiveness in combat that is similar to that of a predator, or by the familiarity you have with mindless creatures. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency in one of the following skills: Intimidation, Animal Handling, Nature or Survival, if you already have proficiency in the chosen skill, you gain expertise with it.
  • As long as you are not wearing armor, your AC becomes 10 + your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1). If you receive the unarmored defense trait from any source, you ignore this Heritage’s ability.
  • When you hit a creature that hasn't already taken damage this round with a melee attack, you deal 1d4 + your proficiency bonus extra damage.

Boost Ability

Prerequisito: Shimon

Your impulsive quirks have made it trivial for you to overcome any obstacles in your path. You receive the following benefits:

  • While you are barefoot, moving through difficult terrain costs no extra speed.
  • While you're making a grapple check against a creature, you can use Acrobatics instead of Athletics and you have advantage on that check.

Simian Skill

Prerequisite: Vastaya - Shimon

The Shimon's agility is already noteworthy, but you managed to develop it even further. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency with the Athletics skill. If you already have it, you receive expertise with it. When climbing you can use your full movement speed.
  • When you take damage, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage by 1d6 + your Proficiency bonus. You can use this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per Full Rest. That dice increases to 1d8 at level 7, 1d10 at level 13, and 1d12 at level 19.


Do you know how to do a little of everything, but are bad at everything? Your problems are over! You receive the following benefits:

  • You get 3 proficiencies of your choice, each of which can be either a skill or a craft.

Runic Hyperactivity

Natural runic energy runs through your body more easily than other people. You receive the following benefits:

  • You have a number of Hyperactivity charges equal to half your Proficiency bonus per Full Rest. You can use one of these charges to use one of your Runes without expending a use of it.
  • You may reroll your Runic Pulse during a Full Rest. You must keep the new result.
  • Whenever you are wearing light or no armor, you gain 1 DR/true damage.
  • You receive the Mystery of Runomancy

Inspire Allies

Prerequisite: Human

You have great deeds in your mind, being able to broaden your inspiration and even extend it to allies. You receive the following benefits:

  • Your amount of Inspiration dice becomes your Proficiency bonus instead of just half.
  • As a bonus action, you can use your Inspiration to inspire an ally who is within 30 feet of you and can hear you. For the next 10 minutes, that ally can use this dice once. The ally can roll this dice and add the result to any attribute check, saving throw or attack roll it makes for the duration. He can roll the d20 before deciding whether to use the Inspiration dice, but must decide before the Master says whether the roll succeeds or fails. Once the Inspiration dice has been rolled, it has been spent. A creature can gain only one Inspiration dice at a time.

Killer Instinct

Prerequisite: Mercurial

Opportunities are only seized by those who are able to perceive them. You gain the following benefits:

  • You receive proficiency in the Medicine skill. If you already have it, you gain expertise in it.
  • On your turn, if a creature has failed a saving throw since your last action, you can make an attack against that creature using your Cunning Action.

This is Personal

Prerequisite: Hunter

The reasons why you have a favorite enemy are a little more complex and profound. When you hunt them, it is something personal. You receive the following benefits:

  • When you select this heritage, your first favored enemy becomes your Hunting Focus.
  • When you fight your Hunting Focus, you can enter an altered state of consciousness, gaining an additional damage bonus equal to your Base Pulse Die on all attacks against that focus for 1 minute. You can do this a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus per long rest.


Prerequisite: Alnuk Minotaur

Anyone who is sheltered by an Alnuk can categorically state that they are the most hospitable creatures in all of Runeterra. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency with the Cook's Craft
  • When using your Cook Craft to prepare a meal, the natural “20” result is also achieved with a 19.

& You gain the goodberry spell and can use it without expending mana points a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Celestial Encouragement

Prerequisite: Targonian

You or one of your ancestors reached or came very close to Targon's Summit, and since then divine beings have held you in some sort of fondness, showing you weavings of magic and periodically granting you magical favors. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain Proficiency in Arcana. You gain Expertise if you already have Proficiency.
  • You can cast the Detect Magic spell non-magically a number of times equal to half your Long Rest Proficiency Bonus.
  • Once per Full Rest, you can non-magically cast a Cantrip from any Celestial Mystery. Choose from Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as your spellcasting attribute for this Cantrip.

Initiated Into the Mysteries

Prerequisite: Arcanist

You have studied magic from an early age, gaining an understanding of many profound aspects of it before you can even use them. You receive the following benefits:

  • You receive 2 mysteries or manifest 2 elements (and their mysteries) that you have access to
  • You gain specialty in Arcana
  • If you fail a skill check involving Arcana, you can make a new skill check without specialization and keep the new result. You can do this only once per skill check and a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.

Renowned Inventor

Prerequisito: Piltovan

You are or have known one of Piltover's great inventors, learning more about Hextech technology and applying it to your own body. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency with Technology, if you already have proficiency in the chosen skill, you gain Expertise with it.
  • You add your proficiency bonus on any roll that uses Technology.
  • Choose an Advantage from the Hextech list in Chapter 5: Customization – Variants.

Special Way

Prerequisite: Bandlecity

Maybe it's the water in Bandlecity, maybe it's something the food grown there has, you carry a bit of that dimension with you wherever you go, you get the following benefits:

  • You are able to voluntarily emit a pulse of Yordle Uncontrolled Magic. As a bonus action, or a reaction to casting a spell, roll 2 results from the Yordle Uncontrolled Magic table and choose one of them to apply to allies within 10 feet of you. You can do this a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus per long rest.

Secret’s Thief

Prerequisite: Zaunite

Your genius mind is superior to others. You receive the following benefits:

  • You learn the message and vicious mockery cantrips and can use them without verbal, somatic or material components. You can use these cantrips in this manner a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest. Your spellcasting attribute for these spells is your normal spellcasting attribute or Charisma, whichever is higher.


“Violence is elegance”. You receive the following benefits:

  • When you score a critical hit with a weapon of slashing damage, you can make a new attack against the same target, this effect can only be used once per round.

Cloud's Lightness

Prerequisite: Clouds Half-Dragon

Your body has the lightness of the clouds. You receive the following benefits:

  • As long as you are not Incapacitated, you can hold your breath indefinitely.
  • You have advantages in Saving throws against poisons and substances that act through breathing.
  • You are always under the effect of the feather fall spell.

Crimson Leader

Prerequisito: Noxian

You are overflowing with strength and skill, making your allies see you as an inspirational figure, while your enemies see you as someone to be feared. You receive the following benefits:

  • After a long rest, you can affect a number of allies equal to your Proficiency Bonus with the following effects, which last until your next long rest. Effects end prematurely if you are Grappled, Restrained, Incapacitated, Unconscious, or Petrified:
    • These allies are immunne against Critical Failures, which will be considered common failures.
    • You can choose one of the following traits for each ally: Attack Rolls, AC, DC, Saving Throws or Attribute Rolls. Allies gain an additional +1 to the trait you choose to give them.

Vastaya Lineage

Prerequisite: Ionian

Vastayesa magic runs strong in your blood, you receive the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on Saving Throws to resist being charmed, and spells cannot put you to sleep.

Evasive Fighter

You are an expert in the most advanced and refined art of combat: Running for your life!. You receive the following benefits:

  • When a creature moves within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to move 10 feet in any direction. Moving in this way does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
  • When you fail a Dexterity or Wisdom saving throw, you may reroll the roll. You can use this ability a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest.


Prerequisite: Antroplantae

The density of your body is greater than normal, causing you to have different characteristics. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain resistance to bludgeoning attacks.
  • All of your unarmed attacks or those made by natural weapons have their damage category increased by 1.
  • Using an action, you can root yourself in the heat of battle, if the ground allows it. When you do, your speed drops to 0, but you become immune to knockdowns and forced movement. You can uproot yourself as a bonus action.

Forest Magic

You can tune into the energies of nature and forests. You receive the following benefits:

  • You learn the constrict spell, and you can cast it without spending mana points. You can cast this spell a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • You receive the Flora Mystery.

Innate Magic

Innate Magic
Known Spells and Uses
Level Cantrips 1 2 3
1st 1 - - -
5th 1 1 - -
11th 1 1 1 -
17th 1 1 1 1

Prerequisite: Starter and one of, Vastaya Fauhwoon or Ottrani, Yordle

Your spiritual essence is powerful enough that you can innately cast spells. You receive the following benefits:

  • You can cast a number of cantrips and spells per full rest based on your character level as per the Innate Magic table without expending mana and without requiring material components. The spell list is based on your Origin and can be found in Chapter 10. Your Spellcasting attribute for these spells must be chosen at the time you choose this Heritage from Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma or Constitution.
DC for your Innate Spells = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Spellcasting Attribute modifier
Innate Magic Attack Modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Spellcasting Attribute modifier
Yordle Inate Magic
Yordle Innate Magic reflects the relationship they have with their own spiritual and magical essence, functioning differently in narrative terms from the magic of spellcasting classes. Whenever a Yordle casts a Yordle Innate Spell, it necessarily has a narrative component that can sound absurd, for example, when using the 3rd level spell Daylight, the Yordle can say that your character is blowing away the darkness. As the Yordle levels up and has access to new spells, they must have some narrative explanation to be "learned".

Primordial Manifestation

Prerequisite: Initial

The primordial element that touched your existence emerged during your development. When choosing this Heritage, you must choose between Light and Shadow, you manifest this element and receive the following benefits:

  • You receive the mystery of the primordial element chosen for this Inheritance
    • If you chose Light, you gain immunity to the Blinded condition caused by light mystery spells or strong light, such as the effect of the fire blade spell.
    • If you chose Shadow, you see in dim light up to 60 feet as if it were bright light and in the dark as if it were dim light. You cannot discern colors in the dark, only shades of gray, and magical darkness does not affect your darkvision.


I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.” Okay, best man. You receive the following benefits:

  • Choose one of Deception, Intimidation, Insight, or Persuasion, you gain proficiency with that skill. If you already have proficiency in the chosen skill, you gain specialty with that skill.
  • You have advantage in social interactions with creatures that are hostile toward you or your allies.

Natural Medicine

Prerequisito: Ionian

Everything has its rhythm, harmony and flow, you have learned to read the vital signs of creatures and are able to help their afflictions. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain the cure wounds spell, which you can cast without spending mana points at a level equal to your proficiency bonus. You can do this a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • You gain proficiency in Medicine, if you already have it, you gain expertise.

Deep Meditation

You are used to keeping your mind calm and body relaxed. You receive the following benefits:

  • During a Short Rest, you can spend a number of additional Hit Dice equal to half your Proficiency bonus.
  • Choose between one of these Mysteries to receive: Enchantment, Illusion or Oneiromancy

Insightful Mind

Your knowledge and reasoning work very well together, being able to access your knowledge quickly and effectively. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency in Investigation or Insight, if you already have proficiency in the chosen skill, you gain expertise with that skill.
  • You can choose to replace the Investigation and Insight skill attribute with Intelligence or Wisdom.

Master Artisan

"I made this hammer. It was so good I named it... Hammer.” You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency with a Craft of your choice and you also gain Specialty with it.
  • You receive 1GP/day bonus for item creating using the Craft chosen by this Heritage.

Master of Vines

Prerequisito: Floral Antroplantae

You have mastered the ability to create Thorny Vines from your body, making them more dangerous and resilient. Your whip's damage (when you use it) increases by 1 category and gains the Range (10 ft.) property. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls made with a Thorn Whip.
  • While you are wielding a Thorn Whip, other creatures provoke an attack of opportunity when they come within range of your Thorn Whip.
  • You have advantage on ability checks and attacks made to disarm or grapple enemies when using your Thorn Whip.
  • Your Floral Branches (or thorn whips) lose their vulnerability to fire damage. Each time you create a thorn whip, you consume 6 feet of your floral branches ability. Alternatively, you can take 1d4 voluntary (unmitigable) damage and create 2 feet of bough (such as a flower bough or thorn whip) instantly.

Tactical Master

Strategy and a firm fist are the things that dictate the course of combat, and you know how to take advantage of both. You receive the following benefits:

  • Choose a Combatant Technique of your choice that you meet the requirements (except for Class).
  • The CD of your Combat Techniques increases by 2.


Prerequisito: Piltovan

You are attentive to detail, like to do a good job, and don't let anything go unnoticed. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain Proficiency in one of the following skills: Insight, Investigation, Perception, or Sleight of Hand. You gain Expertise if you already have Proficiency.
  • You gain 1 level in one of your crafts. If you have already leveled up a craft through Heritages, you will need to choose a different craft.
  • Your Passive Perception increases by an amount equal to half your Proficiency Bonus.


Prerequisite: Construct

Your body has very specific characteristics that allow you to use Mecha Enhancements. You receive the following benefits:

  • Your body allows Device Enhancements such as Mecha and Enhanced Weaponry to be installed. The time required to do so is reduced by half
  • Choose a perk from the Variant Heritage Technological Progression. You can exchange this perk for another of your choice using techmaturge tools during a full rest.

Infectious Bite

Prerequisito: Ice Troll

There is a generous number of bacteria in your mouth. They know you're in charge, so they don't give you any trouble, but they might get others into trouble, you get the following benefits:

  • Your Bite deals an additional 1d4 poison damage, that damage increases to 1d6 at 6th level, 1d8 at 12th level, and 1d10 at 18th level, plus the damage becomes intoxicating at 12th level.
  • You gain resistance to poison damage.

Prodigy Musician

Music is not just an activity for you, but a way to express yourself and connect with the universe. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain the Artist Craft (Musician) or specialty if you already have it
  • You know one cantrip of your choice from the Mystery of Sound. You can use this cantrip a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest using your spellcasting attribute or Charisma, whichever is greater.
  • The DC to play your songs is reduced by 1 and the DC to resist them is increased by 1

Born of Kumungu

Prerequisite> Kiilashi

You became adept at the high branches of the deepest forests. You receive the following benefits:

  • You can use Acrobatics to make climbing and jumping checks.
  • You double the number of feet you cover for any jump.
  • You walk or run across branches, treetops and vines as if they were solid ground.

Shugenja Neophyte

Prerequisite: Bodhisattva Your experience with Ki has opened gateways to spiritual emanations. You gain the following benefits:

  • Choose three Spiritual Mystery or Elemental Mystery cantrips that you have access to. You can cast them using your Bodhisattva level as your Caster level, and your casting attribute for these cantrips is Wisdom.

Split Core

Prerequisite: Gelatinous Consistency Runeborn

You have a core within you that is capable of dividing itself into many parts. You receive the following benefits:

  • When reduced to 0 hit points, you split into 4 pieces that attempt to recombine. Each chunk is thrown 15 feet away from you in opposite directions, at the start of each of your turns the chunks move 5 feet toward where you were. Each piece has 1/4 of your maximum health, the same AC as you, and all of your resistances and immunities. When each piece returns to the space you occupied, you return to your normal form with hit points equal to the sum of your pieces that returned. This ability activates once per long rest.

Solar Core

Prerequisite: Targonian, Born and raised in Targon, not having Lunar Sight Heritage

You grew up under the care and training of the Ra'Horak warrior templars, glorifying the Sun and drawing strong vitality and resilience from it. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain your Proficiency Bonus as additional Hit Dice for your rests.
  • You have Resistance to Extreme Heat.
  • You have Advantage on Saving Throws against Extreme Cold.


Prerequisite: Piltovan, not having the Wealthy or Privileged Heritages.

You don't belong to any Piltovan House, big or small, and you've always had to work hard to get your place among so many big names. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency in two Skills of your choice.
  • You add half your Proficiency Bonus to the amount of gp you can produce each day.
  • You increase one of your crafts by 1 level. If you have already leveled up a role through Heritages, you will need to choose a different craft.

Mountain's Shepherd

Prerequisito: Targonian

Working and/or living on a farm has helped you develop empathy for animals. You know how to behave around different types of creatures, and they tend to feel comfortable around you. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain Proficiency in Animal Handling. You gain Expertise if you already have Proficiency.
  • You gain Proficiency with the Craft of Land Vehicle Guide (Pilot) or Apothecary.
  • You receive an animal of up to 100 gp from the Mount and Other Animals table in Chapter 6.


Prerequisito: Piltovan

You have a patron who finances your work, providing you with better conditions to put your ideas into practice and carry out your projects. You receive the following benefits:

  • When accessing a workshop, you can increase its level by 1, making it up to a maximum of a level 3 workshop, as long as you have at least 6 hours to install your resources.
  • You own Sets, Supplies and Equipment for up to 3 of your crafts.
  • You receive one possession worth up to 100 gp or 2 possessions worth up to 50 gp each.


Prerequisito: Noxian

Observing your surroundings and staying vigilant during border patrols and outposts has made you alert and cautious. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain Proficiency in one of the following skills: Insight, Investigation, Perception, or Sleight of Hand. You make rolls with Advantage if you already have Proficiency in the chosen skill.
  • While conscious, you can't be surprised or attacked with advantage by hidden creatures.
  • Your Passive Perception increases by an amount equal to half your Proficiency Bonus.

Rigid Skin

Your thick skin is capable of unbelievable feats. This Heritage can be chosen only once. You receive the following benefits:

  • Choose a damage type from Slashing, Piercing or Bludgeoning, you become resistant to it. If you already have resistance, or receives it, you becomes immune to this damage.

Perceive Weaknesses

For you, the weaknesses of your enemies are instinctive, almost like a bright spot calling your attention. You gain the following benefits:

  • Choose between: You can add half your Wisdom modifier to damage dealt by attacks, or, you replace your Strength modifier with half your Wisdom modifier on attacks.


Prerequisite: Vastaya or Human

Your ability to perceive the world around you is beyond what most can imagine. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain half your Proficiency bonus to your Passive Perception.
  • When making a Perception check, you can choose to reroll the check, accepting the new result. You can use this Heritage after seeing the result, but before the Master determines whether or not the roll in question was successful. You can perform this a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • You have blindvision with a 10 feet of reach. Within this range, you can effectively see anything that isn't behind full cover, even if you're Blinded or in darkness. In addition, you can notice Invisible creatures within this range, unless the creature is stealthed.

Adaptive Persistence

Your physical and mental toughness can be irritating to those around you. You receive the following benefits:

  • When you perform Death Saving Throws, you have one guaranteed success.
  • With a reaction, you can choose to gain resistance to the first attack you receive in combat (except for true damage). You can do this a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Thick Feet

Prerequisito: Targonian

You were a fearless, or reckless, child, and you weren't afraid to venture into the perilous geography of Targon, scaling boulders, leaping over crevasses, and sliding down canyons that served as a shortcut. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain Proficiency in one of the following skills: Athletics or Survival. You gain Expertise if you already have Proficiency.
  • You ignore Difficult Terrain caused by rocks.
  • Your Climbing Speed is the same as your Walking Speed.


With your eyes seeing only the red of the flames, you keep wanting the heat closer and closer and smelling charred meat. You gain the following benefits:

  • When dealing fire damage from any source that originates from you, you may reroll any natural 1 on the fire damage roll, you must use the reroll.
  • You gain access to the Mystery of Fire

Power from Healing

Prerequisite: Ottrani

You have learned to better control your Sho'ma so that, when it is induced by external sources to speed up your healing process, you will receive a temporary improvement in your physique. You receive the following benefits:

  • While in combat, upon receiving healing from any source, you can cause your next melee attack to have advantage and if you hit you can add your proficiency bonus to the damage. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • Choose between one of these Mysteries to receive: Ethermancy or Water

Vastaya Precision

Prerequisito: Vastaya

You have unusual aim. You gain the following benefits:

  • When you have advantage on an attack roll, you roll three d20s instead of two, and use the highest of the three rolls.

Incandescent Gift

Prerequisite: Infernal Half-Dragon

The flames within you are manifested through your hands, you receive the following benefits:

  • Choose from one of the following elements: Fire, Inferno or Magma. You receive the Mystery of the chosen Element.
  • When you deal fire or incinerating damage to a target, you heal 1 hit point for each dice rolled.


Agility has never been an issue for you, your ability to deflect attacks with your bare hands and your speed of reaction is something to impress even a Noxian general. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency with Sleight of Hand. If you already have it, you gain specialization.
  • When you receive a melee attack, you can use your reaction to make a melee attack against the creature that hit you or take the Disarm action. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Elemental Principle

Prerequisite: Arcanist

You have a rare and direct relationship with a composite elemental nature. You gain the following benefits:

  • You manifest a tertiary or transitional element without needing to attend to the elemental paths and receive the Mystery of that element. By manifesting this element through this Heritage, you do not gain access to it or the elements that compose that element. Ex. Manifesting the Metal Element in this way does not give you access to the Magma and Storm elements, just as manifesting the Poison element does not give you access to the Shadow element nor grant you the Water or Fire elements.
  • When casting a Mystery spell chosen by this Heritage, you can cast it at a higher level (if you can cast it at that level) without expending additional mana. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus for a full rest.


Prerequisite: Piltovan, not having Wealthy or Worker

You belong to one of the Minor Houses of Piltover and have worked assisting alongside the big shots to keep yourself on favorable terms. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain Proficiency in two Charisma, Intelligence or Wisdom Skills of your choice.
  • Out of combat, when an ally makes an Attribute Check, they may ask you to make the same check and then take the higher result. You make the check as if you have Proficiency, even if you don't. If you already have Proficiency, you make them with advantage. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus per Full Rest.
  • You increase one of your crafts by 1 level. If you have already leveled up a role through Heritages, you will need to choose a different craft.

Truth Seeker

Prerequisito: Lhotlan

You have trained diligently to actively and passively gather secrets. You have a gifted memory and you know exactly the right questions to ask when looking for information. You gain the following benefits:

  • You have an excellent memory, and can accurately recall most things you've seen and heard, including the text of a book you've casually flipped through, a long list of names you've read, or the number of pronouns used in a book or from a speech you heard. Small details might require an Intelligence check with the DC set by your Master.
  • You gain the ability to read lips at a range of 100 feet.
  • You have proficiency with Perception and you gain +1 to your Passive Perception. If you already have a proficiency in Perception, you gain expertise with it.

Dream Proficiency

Prerequisite: Fauhwoon

With a deep connection to the magic of dreams, you've learned to... push them onto others. You receive the following benefits:

  • You learn the sleep spell, which you can cast without expending mana points a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • You receive the Mystery of Oneiromancy

Natural Propulsion

Prerequisite: Vastaya - Fauhwoon

Your connection with nature allows you to channel natural energy as a form of empowerment. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency in Nature or Survival. If you already have proficiency in the chosen skill, you gain expertise in the chosen skill.
  • You can call upon the power of nature to deal additional damage to your attacks. Using your bonus action, you can add 1d6 + your proficiency bonus force damage to your attacks until the end of your turn. You can do this a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus for a Full Rest.


Like a child raised on the streets, you learned to train your eyesight for things of value, knowing who and where to practice your skills. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency in Sleight of Hand, if you already have it, you gain proficiency.
  • You have advantage on Sleight of Hand checks whenever you are trying to steal a small object from someone.
  • Other creatures have disadvantage on Investigation or Perception checks to notice a hidden object in your hands.
  • You can spend 1 minute observing a creature out of combat, by doing so you can find out if it has anything of value that costs at least 1 gp, such as an earring, necklace, or jewelry.

Bionic Pull

Prerequisite: Construct

In your construction, your creator put a way for you to prevent your enemies from getting away with their doings. You receive the following benefits:

  • You can use an Attack action to fire your hand in a 20-foot line from you, stopping at the first target it hits. It must make a DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the target takes damage from your unarmed strike and, if the creature is a size category equal to or smaller than you, it is pulled within 5 feet of you. On a success, your hand continues to travel the line until it hits a target that fails the save or reaches its limit range, whichever comes first.


Prerequisite: Chirean

Your animalistic features are more pronounced, giving you a more wild and threatening appearance, as well as dangerous claws. You receive the following benefits:

  • You have claws on your hands and feet, and you can use them for attacks if you are proficient with them. They are natural weapons with the light and finesse properties and cause 1d4 slashing damage.
  • You make attacks of opportunity with advantage.

Ice Breaker

Prerequisite: Freljordan

You were born in an inhospitable region with no adaptive advantage, but you managed to find ways to compensate for that fact, you receive the following benefits:

  • When taking cold or glacial damage, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage taken by an amount equal to twice your Proficiency bonus. You can only use this ability once per round, a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • You gain proficiency in Survival, if you already have it, you gain specialty.
  • You gain advantage on saving throws and checks related to an arctic environment.

Adaptive Resilience

Used to the most diverse situations, you were forced to create versatility to protect yourself. When you choose this Heritage you must choose between swiftness or stiffness, receiving one of the two benefits:

  • Swiftness. Instead of adding your Constitution modifier to your Hit Points, you can use half your Dexterity modifier.
  • Stiffness. Instead of adding your Dexterity modifier to your AC (within the established limits) add half of your Constitution modifier.

Draconic Resilience

Prerequisite: Half-Dragon

Your ancestor had incomparable resistance among Dragons, being able to go days without exhausting its own energy. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency with Survival, if you already have it, you gain expertise with it.
  • You can, once per long rest, remove a point of exhaustion during a short rest.

Resistance to the Sai

Prerequisite: Shuriman

Ya r the best of the desert, pal! You receive the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on saving throws related to desert weather and on rolls against spells that deal fire damage. Additionally, your movement in sand increases by 10 feet and causes difficult terrain related to fine sand, coarse sand or wind to be ignored.
  • You manifest the Desert Element

Frost Resistance

Prerequisite: Freljordian

The winter spirit takes pity on no one, but you… you have learned to fight against it. You gain the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on saving throws related to cold weather and on rolls against spells that deal cold damage. Additionally, your speed increases by 10 feet on snow and causes difficult terrain related to deep or thin snow to be ignored.
  • You manifest the Ice Element

Magical Resistance

Prerequisite: Demacian and cannot be able to cast spells

Years in a city made of stones capable of absorbing magic have impaired your arcane abilities. You gain the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on saving throws to resist magical effects.
  • You are unable to learn magic.


Prerequisite: Charisma 13 and Proficiency with Arcana or Nature or Religion

You have an ease with Rituals, making the ceremony for them common to you, even if you are not a spellcaster, you learned how to cast a spell through a ritual and have a book with instructions for Rituals, perhaps it has been passed down from generation to generation in your family, perhaps you wrote it while officiating in some temple, among other options. You receive the following benefits:

  • When you choose this Heritage, you gain the Ritualist trait.
  • Choose a 1st-level spell from among the Arcane Combatant, Acolyte, or Shaman spells with the Ritual descriptor. The Class you choose also determines the attribute or skill with which you cast these spells through Ritual Casting or Conjuration if you have that Feature: Intelligence or Arcana for Arcane spells and Wisdom or Religion for Acolyte or Shaman spells.
  • You can also copy Rituals into your book in half the time.

Rough Rock

Prerequisite: Mountain Half-Dragon

Your appearance is even more rocky, causing you to carry even more Attributes from your draconic Heritage. You receive the following benefits:

  • Your unarmed or natural weapon attacks deal an additional 1d4 damage, this damage increases to 1d6 at level 6, 1d8 at level 12, and 1d10 at level 18.
  • When attacking a target with an unarmed strike or a natural weapon, you can force it to make a Constitution saving throw DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. On a failure, the target is Feeble until the start of your next turn. You can do this a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.


Prerequisite: Fauhwoon

"Now I just have to wait for my confidence to regrow". You receive the following benefits:

  • You learn the bless spell, which you can cast without expending spell slots. You can cast this spell a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest.

Arcane Blood

Prerequisite: Spellcasting

The blood of mages from the past runs through your veins, creating a special bond with magic. You receive the following benefits:

  • You can add double your Proficiency bonus to the damage of your spells that hit only one target once.
  • You can add your Proficiency bonus to the damage of your spells that hit a target more than once or that hit multiple targets.
  • You receive a Mystery, to which you have access, of your choice.

Buhru Blood

Prerequisite: Bilgewater

You are not a Buhru, but you are not a Paylangi either. Perhaps your mother is Buhru, perhaps your father or perhaps even a distant grandfather. This connection brings you some curious things, you receive the following benefits:

  • You get the sacred flame cantrip, you can cast this cantrip without any components a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest using your spellcasting attribute or Wisdom, whichever is greater.
  • You can sense the presence of creatures that interrupt the flow of life within 5 times half your Proficiency bonus feet of you. Your Proficiency bonus is added to calculate whether you are surprised by undead and spirits.

Vastayan Blood

Prerequisite: Human or Construct

You are of Vastayan descent. One of your ancestors, perhaps one of your grandparents or even earlier, was Vastaya. This means that, although you are of another origin and have no apparent traits that connect you to the Vastaya, you have a different spiritual charge. Maybe it was something that skipped generations before it manifested itself in you, or maybe it's something that, although your relatives had it, didn't find the right condition to manifest. The Vastaya sense this in you and, while a Half Vastaya is taboo, it does not apply to people of Vastayan blood. You gain the following benefits:

  • You can, once per long rest, use an action to heal yourself or one other creature within 20 feet of you, a total of hit points equal to 5 x your proficiency bonus. Additionally, you have advantage on Medicine checks.
  • You receive a Spiritual Mystery

Secrets of Gunpowder

Prerequisite: Marksman

The mechanics behind a firearm are studied and understood in depth throughout your journey. You gain the following benefits:

  • Firearm upgrades to your Astra cost half their original cost.
  • The strength required to use firearms is reduced by 1.


Prerequisite: Minotaur

Your horns are stronger than those of other Minotaurs. You receive the following benefits:

  • When you use the Dash action, you can make a melee attack with your horns against a creature after moving at least 20 feet. If the attack succeeds, the target must make a Strength saving throw DC 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. On a failure, it becomes prone. If the target is two size categories larger than you, it automatically succeeds on this saving throw.
  • Attacks with your horn have their damage increased by one category.

Superior Savagery

Prerequisite: Troll

Trolls are usually savage and dumb, but you have extra an cunning, and you can use it to become even more savage. You receive the following benefits:

  • If an enemy you damaged dies in the same round, you can use your bonus action to move 20 feet toward the next enemy and make a melee attack against that target. If there are no more enemies, you will not be able to use this skill.
  • You can add your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier (whichever is higher) to the damage of your melee attacks. When you score a critical hit with a melee attack, you can increase your damage dice multiplier by 1. You can do this a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus per Full Rest.

Elemental Synergy

Prerequisite: Ixtali

You have a natural affinity for using a specific element, either because of your training with the Yun Tal or purely because of the naturally arcane environment in which you lived. You gain the following benefits:

  • You manifest an Element you have access to.
  • You learn the Elemental Bolt cantrip using the chosen Element, and you can cast it a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus for a full rest, using your Constitution, Wisdom, or your spellcasting ability, whichever is greater.
  • Damage dealt by spells of the chosen Element ignores a target's DR value equal to half your proficiency bonus.

Leaf’s Shadow

Prerequisite: Floral

You learn the magic of the primitive forests, which are revered and protected by your people. You receive the following benefits:

  • You learn the spell "step without footprints", which you can cast without spending mana a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus for a full rest.
  • You receive the Mystery of Umbramancy.

Light Sleep

Like a feline, you don't trust anything around you, being aware even in your sleeping moments. You gain the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on Saving Throws to resist effects that would render you Unconscious.
  • As long as you haven't been forcibly granted the Unconscious condition, attacks on you in this condition aren't performed at advantage and if they hit they are not considered critical hits.

Precocious Breath

Prerequisite: Half-Dragon

Possessing a growth rate even greater than that of many dragons, your body ended up developing prematurely. You receive the following benefits:

  • While you don't gain access to your breath weapon, you are able to wield a smaller version of your origin at an early age. It deals 2d4 damage and can be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • Upon gaining access to your breath weapon, it gains a +2 bonus to its DC, its number of uses becomes one and a half times your Proficiency bonus, and it deals an additional 1d6 damage, upon reaching level 10 this bonus becomes 2d6, at the 15th level it increases to 3d6, and again increases to 4d6 at the 19th level.

Guerrilla Tactics

Prerequisito: Shuriman

You live in the sands, you learn to ambush to survive, whether to obtain food or to attack an unsuspecting caravan. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your first attack in combat against any creature has its critical range reduced by 1.
  • If you attack a creature by surprise, your critical range decreases by 1 and the dice multiplier on a critical hit increases by 1.

Ionian Magical Talent

Prerequisite: Ionian

You gain a greater sense of the natural magic that runs throughout Ionia through the flow of spirits, learning to partially control the spirit magic of the place to your advantage. You receive the following benefits:

  • You can cast the druidcraft and guidance cantrips. You can cast each of these cantrips a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • You receive a Spiritual Mystery of your choice.


Prerequisite: Chireano

Chireans not only enjoy and are comfortable with technology, but they are also very skilled at building inventions. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain the Techmaturgist Craft or specialty if you already have it.
  • You can build Techmaturgist Inventions in half the time.


Nicole, that is wrong” “No… no it's not!”. You gain the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on saving throws to resist the Frightened or Charmed conditions.
  • When a creature tries to read your mind through magical means, you immediately know what's going on and you have advantage on Saving Throws to resist the spell, though you have no clue who is doing it if you can't see the person. On a successful Saving Throw, you can show a false thought or memory to the creature trying to read your mind.

Fey Teleport

Prerequisite: Yordle

Your study of combat has unlocked a fey power that only a few yordles possess. You receive the following benefits:

  • You learn to speak Silvan.
  • You learn the misty step spell and can cast it a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest using your spellcasting attribute or Charisma, whichever is greater.

Noxian Terror

Prerequisite: Noxian

When angry, you can radiate menace. You gain the following benefits:

  • You can use your action to intimidate your foes, forcing one creature of your choice within 30 feet of you to make a DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier Wisdom saving throw. A target automatically succeeds on the Saving Throw if it can't hear or see you. On a failure, the target is Frightened by you for 1 minute. If the Frightened target takes any damage, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success.


Prerequisite: Ixtali

Being born and living in a region with a deep connection to mana gives you a greater understanding of it, you receive the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency in Arcana, if you already have it, you gain specialty.
  • By choosing this Heritage you become able to use mana more accurately. You can reduce a spell's mana cost by an amount equal to your Spellcasting attribute modifier (not reduced to 0) a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • When using any resource that recovers mana, you can recover 1 Hit Dice.


Prerequisite: Bandopolitense

You have been touched by the essence of the fey, perhaps because of your life in Bandle City, perhaps because of an influence from the Glade. You gain the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on saving throws to resist the charmed condition and cannot be put to sleep by magic.
  • You can use the lesser illusion cantrip without using any verbal, somatic, or material components. You can use this cantrip in this manner a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus for a full rest.
  • You gain the Fey subtype

Demacian Training

Prerequisito: Demacian

The rigid army training has given you an unusual adaptability for any and all combat. You gain the following benefits:

  • You have proficiency with melee martial weapons, shields, and light and medium armor.


Prerequisite: Strength 16, proficiency with a melee weapon with the two-handed or versatile property

Your brutality with a specific long or large weapon is such that when you wield it on the battlefield, you know you'll cut through troops in a brutal manner. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain Mastery with a melee weapon with the two-handed or versatile property that you are proficient with.
  • When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with an attack with the chosen weapon, you can target another creature within range to take the excess damage from this attack if the hit roll made on the attack is enough to hit that creature. If the effect reduces the attacked creature to 0 hit points, you can repeat the effect, passing the remaining damage to another creature until there are no more targets left, until the remaining damage becomes 0, or until a creature is no longer reduced to 0 hit points.

Tide’s Trick

Prerequisite: Aquatic Yordle

You know how to benefit from the teachings of the tide, you receive the following benefits:

  • You gain access to the water jet spell, which you can cast as a 2nd-level spell without expending mana points. You can cast this spell a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest.
  • You receive the Water Elemental Mystery.

Value of the Protector

Prerequisite: Demacian

You have an extremely powerful sense of justice that shapes your actions no matter who it hurts, justice must always prevail, you receive the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency in Investigation, if you already have it, you gain specialty.
  • You have advantage on checks to detect lies.
  • Your first attack against a target who has committed injustice has advantage. The critical range of all your attacks against this creature is reduced by 1 as long as it has not settled with justice.
  • When you knowingly do something wrong or when you discover that your act was wrong, you must make a Wisdom saving throw whose DC is set by the Master. On a failure, you gain disadvantage on all your rolls for 24 hours.

Variant: Amphibian

Prerequisito: Antroplantæ, Construct, Human or Yordle

For some inherited reason you are able to breathe underwater.

See Chapter 5: Customization - Variant Heritages - Amphibious for details.

Variant: Colossus

For some reason, maybe genes, maybe magical influence or maybe you were simply built this way, but you are an unusual size for your species, dwarfing most of those around you.

See Chapter 5: Customization - Variant Heritages - Colossus for details.

Variant: Iceborn

Prerequisito: Construct, Human, Minotaur or Yordle

You have in your blood the strength of the Iceborn, an experiment made by Frostwatchers in Freljordians in the past, but which still runs among those in the present day. You cannot choose the Fireborn or Stormborn heritages.

See Chapter 5: Customization - Variant Heritages - Iceborn for details.

Variant: Half Vastaya

Prerequisite: Construct, Human, Minotaur or Vastaya

You are the offspring of a “forbidden” relationship between a human and a Vastaya, a relationship that is considered taboo between the two species. When choosing this origin upgrade, you must choose a Vastaya tribe.

See Chapter 5: Customization - Variant Heritages - Half-Vastaya for details.

Variant: Technological Progression

Your body was modified through irreversible procedures. Although you were originally a normal member of your origin, your body has now been modified by some process.

See Chapter 5: Customization - Variant Heritages - Technological Progression for details.

Variant: Risen

You died. However, you were unable to overcome your own death, becoming a spirit that still seeks something in the realm of the living, be it revenge, guilt or some other reason. Watch out, the Kindred are after you.

See Chapter 5: Customization - Variant Heritages - Risen for details.

Cautious Traveler

Prerequisite: Targonian

Targon has varied geographies and after so much touring the region in almost all of its entirety, you learned to deal with different types of environments. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain Proficiency in Survival. You gain Expertise if you already have Proficiency.
  • You gain Proficiency in one discipline of the Guide Craft.
  • After a Full Rest, you can choose any type of Difficult Terrain to ignore. You cannot change the terrain type until your next full rest.

Marine Life

Prerequisite: Bilgewatrian

A good part of your life was spent around the sea, the smell of the sea air and the sensation of the waves at your feet bring you incredible comfort. You gain the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on Athletics checks related to Swimming and ignore difficult terrain related to water.
  • You have a Swimming speed equal to your normal speed.
  • You have advantage on Saving Throws to resist the effects of being at the Sea.
  • You manifest the Water Element

Nomadic Life

Prerequisite: Shuriman

Ya know tha stuuf! You receive the following benefits:

  • You have proficiency in Survival, if you already have proficiency you gain expertise with that skill.
  • You have an excellent memory for maps and geography of the desert and arid lands, you can always recall the general plan of terrain, settlements or other features around you. Plus, you can find food and fresh water in the desert for yourself and up to five other people each day.

Lunar Sight

Prerequisite: Targonian, Born and raised in Targon, not having Solar Core Heritage

Observing and studying the movement of the stars and getting your vision used to the dark of night, you learned to guess the future and see beyond what the day allows. You receive the following benefits:

  • You gain Proficiency in Insight. You gain Expertise if you already have Proficiency.
  • At night, you have Advantage on Insight checks. Additionally, you gain the Mystery of Divination.
  • You gain 15 feet of Darkvision, or add 15 feet to it if you already have it.

Trained Vision

After years of training through dark woods or special rooms, you learned to deal with threats you were unable to see and your eyes became able to adapt to darkness. You gain the following benefits:

  • You have no disadvantage on Perception checks when in dim light.
  • You gain 15 feet darkvision, if you already have darkvision it increases by 15 feet.

Stellar Contemplation

Prerequisite: Aelus Minotaur

You have a special fondness for gazing at the stars through the wisdom of your ancestors. You receive the following benefits:

  • Choose between Divination and Oneiromancy. You receive the chosen Mystery.
  • You gain a 1st-level spell from the Mystery of Divination or Oneiromancy, you can cast this spell as a 1st-level spell without expending mana points a number of times equal to half your Proficiency bonus per full rest using your conjuration attribute or Wisdom, whichever is greater.

Escape Voltage

Prerequisite: Construct

Your core emits more energy than your body needs to function, with this residual energy being expelled in your attacks. You receive the following benefits:

  • A number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus per Full Rest, you can add 1d4 lightning damage to one of your unarmed or melee weapon attacks, as long as they are made of metal. This bonus increases to 1d8 at level 6, 1d10 at level 12 and 2d8 at level 18.

Silky Voice

Your voice sounds like melody to those who don't know you, making you seem like an extremely important person within any society. You gain the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on Persuasion checks against strangers who are not hostile to you.
  • You receive the Mystery of Enchantment