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From Runarcana Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Vel and the translation is 100% complete.

This Article is in accordance with the version 0.94 of Runarcana RPG

Vel are applied forms of additional Sutras that are assimilated by the practitioner's body and spirit. The level of the Vel refers to how many Vel "points" it takes to be maintained, and they also have requirements that must be met in order to be used. A character who encounters a Vel and does not meet the prerequisites will not be able to assimilate it.

Vel is assimilated by the practitioner's body and spirit and encoded into their Ki through flow manipulations. For this reason, there is a limit to the amount of Vel that a body can maintain at the same time and in harmony. However, there are rumors of artifacts and pacts with spiritual entities that can provide a break through these limits. The veracity and price of these rumors differs from source to source. While some claim that this can cost one's own fullness, others say that this is the only way to be truly fulfilled.

To assimilate a Vel, it is necessary to dedicate oneself for a period of time, which can be seen in the Assimilating Vel column. During this time, the practitioner will dedicate themselves entirely to understanding and assimilating that Vel, and will not be able to perform other activities. For each Wisdom modifier, the time is reduced by 10%, reaching a maximum reduction of 50%.

Caso exista um valor de Ki no pré requisito, isso significa que esse valor se torna Ki Inativado. Um Vel já assimilado passa a ser conhecido pelo praticante, portanto, caso ele resolva desativar esse Vel, ele pode fazê-lo durante um descanso longo.

To deactivate a Vel, outside of a long rest, it is necessary to use a bonus action and spend 1 hit die, which represents your body expelling the Ki formation that was structured inside the practitioner. When deactivated, the Vel instantly releases the inactivated Ki points to be used normally.

If he wants to reactivate it again in the future, he must dedicate himself to it for 1 full day for each level of Vel.

Vel Assimilation Time
8 hours
◆◆ 3 days
◆◆◆ 15 days
◆◆◆◆ 1 month
◆◆◆◆◆ 3 months
◆◆◆◆◆◆ 6 months

Cost ◆

Light Theft ◆

Prerequisite: Intelligence 13

A small manuscript has an ancient symbol for the word "shadow", with some writing around that symbol and a black satin ribbon that appears to be impervious to the effects of time.

You have darkvision out to 15 feet, or if you already have this feature, it increases by 15 feet.

Gong Power ◆

Prerequisite: Strength 13

A talisman in the shape of a clenched fist made of carved wood and which has an inscription about strength running through the fingers, a kind of ancient puzzle in which the sequence of words connects to certain Mudras.

Your unarmed strikes deal 1 additional damage.

Gift of the Serpent ◆

Prerequisite: Dexterity 13 and 1 Ki point

An ancient belt made from the ancient skin of a snake, removed without damaging it, has a strange inscription along its length, as if it were traces already existing on the snake's skin.

Your unarmed strikes have an additional 5 feet of reach.

Yanlei ◆

Prerequisite: Wisdom 13

Yanlei is a dark ichor, also known as "dark tear". This ichor is a materialized liquid form of spiritual magical energy, linked to the Dark element, and its manipulation is extremely dangerous, as it can alter the psychology and physical constitution of a living being into something inhuman, being similar to the azakanas, bringing out the negative emotions of that being. When you are initiated into the Order of Shadows, you receive a mark on your body made of a special dark ink, capable of giving you power over the art of shadows, protected for centuries by the Kinkou.

  • You gain darkvision out to 60 feet, and you cannot discern colors in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • You become able to see in magical darkness.
  • You can learn and use Sutras from dark schools.

Cost ◆◆

Lotus Palm ◆◆

Prerequisite: Strength 15

A piece of the broken gauntlet of an ancient Bodhisattva made of bronze and worked with silver markings, bears the design of a lotus flower before it blooms, with inscriptions that can be studied.

Using a bonus action, you can manifest a wave of energy in your hand, making an attack. The target must make a Constitution saving throw, and if it fails, it falls prone and is unable to get up for a number of turns equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Stone Skin ◆◆

Prerequisite: Constitution 15 and 2 Ki points

In the Wuju monastery there is a statue of a monkey holding a staff, at its base there are inscriptions about agility and how attunement with natural magic can regenerate wounds quickly.

You gain +1 AC and regain 1d4 hit points at the start of each of your turns for every 3 enemies adjacent to you.

Dragon Exchange ◆◆

Prerequisite: Constitution 15

This small manual contains one of the Dragon tales, ancient teachings of the Shojin Monastery, but some of the letters are written in a shade closer to red. When deciphered, this manual conveys this Sutra.

When you land an attack on a target using a Bodhisattva weapon or an unarmed strike, you can choose to spend 1 Ki point and 1 Health point to deal an additional die of damage.

Cost ◆◆◆

Monkey King's Theft ◆◆◆

Prerequisiteː Bodhisattva Level 5

A small manuscript wrapped in silk ribbons, inside an ornamental vase in a forgotten temple in Tevasa, tells the story of an extremely agile and clever vastaya Shimon, who achieved leadership of his tribe by beating his opponents in races.

You can manifest a wave of energy in your hand, using it to attack. The target must make a Constitution saving throw, and on a failed save, this attack slows the target by 25 feet for a number of turns equal to your proficiency bonus, and you gain this movement speed as additional speed for the duration.

Buffalo Power ◆◆◆

Prerequisite: Strength 15 and 1 Ki point

What appears to be just a decorative object molded in soapstone reveals ancient inscriptions and characters that lead to the understanding of how to transform Ki into raw force.

Your Strength score increases by 2.

Gentle Fist ◆◆◆

Prerequisite: Wisdom 15 and Dexterity 15

A mother-of-pearl jewel that has in its frame an ancient hymn to an ancient and forgotten Bodhisattva whose exploits were abruptly interrupted in his youth by the emergence of an unparalleled threat.

Your unarmed strikes temporarily decrease a target's Strength. Each unarmed strike that hits a target takes 1 point of Strength from the target if it fails a Constitution saving throw of DC 18 + your Wisdom modifier. The points removed are restored after the target completes a long rest.

Cost ◆◆◆◆

Shattered Crystal Chalice ◆◆◆◆

Prerequisite: Wisdom 15 and 4 Ki points

This crystal chalice has been broken and reassembled with gold binding the broken pieces together. A chalice that once belonged to a nobleman of old, it was gifted to him by a skilled craftsman, grateful that the nobleman had used his fortune to restore the lands from a terrible plague. At its base is a thank you to the nobleman in characters that are only visible when certain liquids are poured into the chalice.

You emanate a healing aura in a 50-foot radius. You and all allies in that area have their healing effects doubled.

Dragon Scales ◆◆◆◆

Prerequisite: Constitution 15 and 3 Ki points

Written on a piece of lizard skin is a poem about the resilience of the Dragon, alternating between an extremely polished form and a very mundane form, as if representing the dialogue of two people of different education.

Your skin becomes as hard as the strongest steel, you gain +2 to your Constitution score and immunity to fire and slashing damage.

Dark Vigil ◆◆◆◆

Prerequisite: Wisdom 15, 2 Ki points and Bodhisattva of a Dark School

An ancient painting of the anatomy of an unknown flying animal has some images with encrypted writings that deal with the art of the Shroud and talk about the Dark Tear.

When you fall unconscious, your shadow rises to protect your unconscious body. This shadow has all your statistics and class features, and is also resistant to non-magical physical, necrotic, and poisonous damage, and has immunity to all conditions. However, it cannot move from its place and is vulnerable to radiant damage. If it falls to 0 hit points, it returns to being just your shadow. When your shadow returns to normal, all the information obtained by it returns to you.

Cost ◆◆◆◆◆

Golden Herald ◆◆◆◆◆

Prerequisite: Strength 18 and 5 Ki points

This pair of gold rings have inscriptions on the inside, when aligned, they reveal a poem about strength and how it is wasted on meaningless acts.

Targets that take damage from your unarmed strikes must make a Constitution saving throw of DC 20 + your Wisdom modifier or take double damage.

Blessing of the First Lands ◆◆◆◆◆

Prerequisite: Ionian, Wisdom 18 and 4 Ki points

A censer made of stone and glass that has inscriptions that are visible only when exposed to intense heat, revealing a story about the First Lands in the distant past. The story is a fable for children that tells of a time when the spiritual and material worlds were one.

The spirits of the First Lands have a certain affection for you, many of them accompanying you on your travels. Once per short or long rest, when you receive damage that would leave you with less than 1 life point, the spirits come to your aid, causing you to ignore the damage received, becoming invulnerable to all damage for two turns.

Mercury Lantern ◆◆◆◆◆

Prerequisite: Dexterity 16 and 4 Ki points

This lantern has a capsule with a silvery substance that resembles mercury. When the wick inside is lit, this lantern emits a spectral light that causes calm. When positioned over the right paper, it is possible to read a text in an ancient language.

While you are in any light brighter than dim light, you are immune to surprise attacks. If you already have such immunity, apply your proficiency bonus to any rolls involving Dexterity, your proficiency bonus on these rolls is doubled, and you always make these rolls with advantage. Additionally, your ranged weapon attacks receive a +3 to the hit roll, and they deals your Wisdom bonus as d12 of radiant damage.

Cost ◆◆◆◆◆◆

Gray Man's Dagger  ◆◆◆◆◆◆

Prerequisite: Wisdom 18 and Ki 8

An ornamental dagger from a lost era, its edge is dull and it has no use beyond decoration. It is said that it was created by the Gray Man himself and ended up in the hands of men, creating discord wherever it went, until it was adorned with two jewels, a black opal and a diamond. Only then did its energies come into harmony and rest.

All Ki costs can be converted to life point costs.

Shojin's Grace ◆◆◆◆◆◆

Prerequisite: Strength 18, Dexterity 18, and Ki 6

This 300+ page manual recounts lost tales of Dragon wisdom through spiritual alchemy formulas, in a long-lost language.

Your Strength score becomes 22, if lower. As a reaction to being attacked, you are able to activate the internal power of this Vel, covering your body with a kind of golden metallic armor that is like a second Skin, it grants you a +3 bonus to AC and causes all your unarmed strikes to deal your Wisdom bonus in d10 as additional thunder damage. This ability lasts for 5 rounds and can be used a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus per long rest.

Flash of Focus ◆◆◆◆◆◆

Prerequisite: Constitution 18, Strength 18, and 6 ki points

An ancient chain made of silver contains inscriptions in jade on its links, once part of a statue of a Bodhisattva, it is said that the original statue possessed secret knowledge about how to fight giants.

A surge of speed and strength transforms the Bodhisattva into a true machine of destruction, his movements become faster, ensuring focus and precision. Half of your speed is added to your current speed and for each hit you land, triple your proficiency bonus is added to the damage of your unarmed or melee attacks.

Teachings of the Dragon

“Disciples must fight with all their might, for the Dragon has pulled the ground from beneath the waves and given us the lands we now call home.“

“Disciples must act with compassion, for the Dragon nurtured the First Lands, granting warmth and life.“

“Disciples must think clearly, for the Dragon draws the sun from the sky and reveals the world around us.“