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Linha 57: Linha 57:
== Ixtal ==
== Ixtal ==

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Ixtal is a region that was isolated and unknown until recently, when the emperor's daughter, Qiyana, decided to attack a Piltovan exploration group all by herself. Qyiana left only one survivor who could tell the others of the strength of the Ixtali people.
Ixtal é uma região que se encontrava isolada e desconhecida até pouco tempo, quando a filha do imperador, Qiyana, decidiu atacar sozinha um grupo de exploração de Piltover. Qyiana deixou apenas um sobrevivente que pudesse contar aos outros a força dos Ixtaelenses.

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'''Languages:''' Ixtali
'''Idiomas:''' Ixtaelense

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'''Ixtali Names:''' Amoxtli, Centehua, Eleuia, Etalpalli, Itotia, Ilhicamina, Izel, Necalli, Papan, Tenoch, Qyiana
'''Nomes Ixtalenses:''' Amoxtli, Centehua, Eleuia, Etalpalli, Itotia, Ilhicamina, Izel, Necalli, Papan, Tenoch, Qyiana

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== Noxus ==
== Noxus ==

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Edição das 18h49min de 1 de janeiro de 2023

Outros idiomas:

This Article is in accordance with the version 0.94 of Runarcana RPG

Members of human origin are among the most numerous in Runeterra, the world's major city-states are teeming with them and often controlled by members of this species.

With a major distribution among the world, they can be found everywhere from Demacia to Noxus, Freljord, Ionia, Bilgewater or even Shurima, which has been rising from the sands.

Although they all have very similar characteristics, some minor nuances exist due to their birthplace.


Humans are known for their diversity among their many members, with heights ranging from 1.6 m to 1.9 m, but with some individuals exceeding these averages.

Their adaptability makes them present in virtually every corner of Runeterra, having already explored almost every territory, even if much of that has been lost over time.

Their nature is not magical but, again, diversity encompasses the species as a whole and it is possible that a human being is already born with the mark of magic or even that, without this gift from birth, they can exercise it through effort and hardwork.

Social creatures, as much as some examples of this origin seek to isolate themselves or have lives completely disconnected from others, they usually organize themselves into societies that can vary from a simple romantic (or business) couples to even an empire.

Human Names and Ethnicities

Human diversity has caused many cultures to flourish, many of them connecting to the land they live in and adapting in amazing ways to it. In other cases, the vicissitudes of life and confrontations made this adaptation happen. Although if undressed and placed side by side, many humans are indistinguishable as to their origin, the colors they wear and the values they carry with them make all the difference.


In the region of the Blue Flames Isles Archipelago, there is a port-city like no other, Bilgewater. With the biggest variety between folk and origins, the city is always ready to empty the pockets of the unwary.

Languages: Bilgewatrian and Buhru

Bilgewatrian Names: Sarah, Illaoi, Malcolm, Tobias, Tahm, Lars, Gralha, John, Rafen, Byrne, Van Gallar, Travyn, Piet, Bragg, Petyr, Crow, Jakmunt, Zyglos, Nautilus


Demacians are a people proud of its history and military Their culture values the ideals of justice, honor, and duty.

Languages: Demacian Demacian Names: Garen, Luxanna, Lucian, Jarvan, Taric, Sylas, Fiora, Quinn, Shauna, Galio


The frozen and ruthless land produces people with natural strength and individuals that are born fighting against the weather and having to resist it.

Languages: Freljordian and one of the four regional dialects.

Freljordian Names: Ashe, Anivia, Tryndamere, Sejuani, Lissandra, Gragas, Braum, Nunu, Olaf, Udyr, Ornn, Ivern, Svarfell


Being Ionian means living with the magic that emanates from the earth on a daily basis. A spiritualist people who seek balance and pursue ideals of neutrality and balance.

Languages: Ionian

Ionian Names: Karma, Irelia, Yi, Yasuo, Shieda, Akali, Khada, Shen Syndra, Zed, Valmar, Kai


Ixtal is a region that was isolated and unknown until recently, when the emperor's daughter, Qiyana, decided to attack a Piltovan exploration group all by herself. Qyiana left only one survivor who could tell the others of the strength of the Ixtali people.

Languages: Ixtali

Ixtali Names: Amoxtli, Centehua, Eleuia, Etalpalli, Itotia, Ilhicamina, Izel, Necalli, Papan, Tenoch, Qyiana


Os nativos de Noxus são curados pelas regras da força. Uma nação bélica que tem uma sociedade inclusiva onde qualquer um que prove sua força é merecedor de ser um noxiano.

Idiomas: Noxiano

Nomes Noxianos: Annie, Darius, Katarina, Jericho, Cassiopeia, Draven, Riven, Sion, Talon, Urgot, Elise


A região do amanhã, Piltover é considerada a capital da prosperidade e do progresso.

Idiomas: Zaunita com dialeto Piltovense

Nomes Piltovenses: Caitlyn, Jayce, Camille, Ezreal, Orianna, Jago


Outrora o maior Império de Runeterra, os Shurimanes se tornaram povos nômades e espalhados pelas areias do deserto em tribos. Com a volta do Imperador, tudo isso pode mudar.

Idiomas: Shurimane e Noxiano

Nomes Shurimanes: Azir, Aatrox, Taliyah, Renekton, Sivir, Varus, Nasus, Kassadin, Malzahar


Targonenses são um povo dividido entre os Rakkor, bravos guerreiros que seguem os Solari, e os Lunari, antigos sacerdotes que se esconderam nas sombras com medo de serem dizimados pelos Solari.

Idiomas: Targonense e Rakkor

Nomes Targonenses: Leona, Diana, Atreus, Zoe, Kayle, Morgana


Embora tenha sido uma cidade gêmea de Piltover, o tempo distanciou bem suas sociedades e habitantes. Os Zaunitas convivem com fumaças tóxicas e com a poluição, fruto de uma evolução desordenada e caótica.

Idiomas: Zaunita com dialeto Zaunita

Nomes Zaunitas: Ekko, Jinx, Singed, Edmundo, Janna, Viktor, Warwick

Human Origin Traits

Attributes: You can add 2 points to an attribute and 1 to a second attribute.

Heritage: You have 3 Origin Heritage points, see Chapter 5: Customization - Heritages for the list of Heritages available. You gain 1 Origin Heritage point at level 5, 9, 13 and 17.

Age: Humans reach adulthood at the end of their adolescence and live less than a century.

Size: Humans vary a lot in height and weight, from 1.5 meters to more than 1.8 meters. You can choose to be Small or Medium sized.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Past: Choose a Past. See Chapter 4: Detailing - Pasts for the list of Pasts available.

Skill: You have proficiency with a Skill of your choice.

Craft: You have proficiency with a Craft of your choice.

Region: You have 2 Region Heritage points and 1 language from that region; you must choose your Region which will define where you grew up and much of how you see the world. You can see more about this in Chapter 11: Runeterra.

Proficiency Dice
2-3 1d4
4-5 1d6
6 1d8

Inspiration: Humans can extract more from their willpower to surpass their limits. You have half your Proficiency bonus as inspiration dice per long rest, unused dice do not remain. An Inspiration dice can be used as a reaction when making an ability check, saving throw or attack. You must roll the dice corresponding to your Proficiency bonus and add the rolled value to that roll. You can roll the Inspiration dice after rolling the d20 and seeing the result, but you must decide this before the Master says whether the roll was successful or not. You can only use one Inspiration dice at a time.