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Ofício: Cuteleiro/en: mudanças entre as edições

De Runarcana Wiki
(Criou página com ''''Synergies''': In conjunction with your Weaponsmith Set, you can use this Craft with the following skills, enabling some effects: *'''Arcana, History, Investigation'''. Your mastery of metalwork grants you additional information, clues or deductions as long as they relate to metalwork. Specialization gives you additional information about these areas when examining metal objects, such as weapons.')
Etiquetas: Edição móvel Edição feita através do site móvel
(Criou página com 'You learn to forge with shadow weave after it has already gone through the necessary alchemical process, being able to use this material to create weapons with heavy alloy. <div style="text-indent: 30px;">The value of a weapon made with Shadow Weave follows the rules described in Chapter 14: Rewards - Rare Materials.</div> '''''Natural 20'''''. You preserve 25% of the shadow weave that can be used for other creations. |}')
Etiquetas: Edição móvel Edição feita através do site móvel
(26 revisões intermediárias por 2 usuários não estão sendo mostradas)
Linha 13: Linha 13:
*'''Arcana, History, Investigation'''. Your mastery of metalwork grants you additional information, clues or deductions as long as they relate to metalwork. Specialization gives you additional information about these areas when examining metal objects, such as weapons.
*'''Arcana, History, Investigation'''. Your mastery of metalwork grants you additional information, clues or deductions as long as they relate to metalwork. Specialization gives you additional information about these areas when examining metal objects, such as weapons.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
===Weaponsmith Set===
===Conjunto de Cuteleiro===
With a Weaponsmith Set you can create weapons made of metal of the most different types, including swords, daggers, axes, among many others. For this you need to have a space to heat the metal, work ingots and even an anvil to model them.
Com um Conjunto de Cuteleiro você pode criar armas feitas de metal dos mais diferentes tipos, passando por espadas, adagas, machados entre muitas outras. Para isso é necessário que você tenha um espaço para aquecer o metal, trabalhar lingotes e até mesmo uma bigorna para modelá-los.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Content''': A Weaponsmith's Set includes hammers, tongs, charcoal, metal scraps, whetstone and a tube for quenching.
'''Conteúdo''': Um Conjunto de Cuteleiro inclui martelos, pinças, carvão, retalhos de metal, pedra de amolar e um tubo para têmpera.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
=Formulas for the Weaponsmith Craft=
=Fórmulas do Ofício de Cuteleiro=

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
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==Nível 1==
==Level 1==  

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
===Create Weapon===
===Criar Arma ===

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Craft''': Weaponsmith 1<br/>
'''Ofício''': Cuteleiro 1<br/>
'''DC''': 13<br/>
'''CD''': 13<br/>
'''Component''': Variable and Craft Set<br/>
'''Componente''': Variável e Conjunto de Ofício<br/>
'''Value''': Variable<br/>
'''Valor''': Variável<br/>

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
When learning this formula, choose a weapon set from the sets below. Each time you learn this formula, you must choose a new set:
Ao aprender essa fórmula, escolha um conjunto de armas entre os conjuntos abaixo. Cada vez que você aprende essa fórmula, você deve escolher um novo conjunto:
*Simple - (club, dagger, greatclub, handaxe, harpoon, javelin, light hammer, mace, sickle, spear, staff)
*Simples - (adaga, arpão, azagaia, bastão, clava grande, foice, lança, maça, machadinha, martelo leve, porrete)
*Martial A - Swords: (scimitar, shortsword, longsword, greatsword, rapier)
*Marciais A - Espadas: (cimitarra, espada curta, espada longa, espada grande, rapieira)
*Martial B - Pole (glaive, halberd, lance, pike, trident, war scythe)
*Marciais B - Haste (alabarda, glaive, foice de guerra, lança longa, lança de montaria, tridente)
*Martial C - Axes (Battleaxe, Greataxe)
*Marciais C - Machados (Machado de Batalha, Machado Grande)
*Martial D - Blunt (Flail, Maul, Morningstar, War Pick, Warhammer)
*Marciais D - Contundentes (maça estrela, malho, mangual, martelo de guerra, picareta de guerra)
*Regional - Chakram (small, medium and large).
*Regionais - Chakram (pequeno, médio e grande).  
*Regional - Elder God Idol
*Regionais - Ídolo do Deus Ancião
*Regional - Katar
*Regionais - Katar
*Special - Whip, Gauntlet
*Especiais - Chicote, Manopla

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">Each of the Weapon sets has certain weapons that can be crafted. Each weapon has its value and creation time, weapons below 5 GP have a creation time of 1 hour per SP up to a maximum of 5 hours for weapons costing up to 4 GP.</div>
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">Cada um dos conjuntos de Armas possui determinadas armas que podem ser criadas. Cada arma possui seu valor e tempo de criação, armas abaixo de 5 PO tem tempo de criação de 1 hora por PP até o máximo de 5 horas para armas com custo de até 4PO.</div>
'''''Natural 20'''''. Weapons I Table
'''''20 natural'''''. Tabela Armas I
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==Nível 2==
==Level 2==  

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
===Create Weapon II ===
===Criar Arma II ===

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
''Prerequisite: Create Weapon I Formula''
''Pré-requisito: Fórmula Criar Arma I''

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Craft''': Weaponsmith 2<br/>
'''Ofício''': Cuteleiro 2<br/>
'''DC''': 15<br/>
'''CD''': 15<br/>
'''Component''': Variable and Craft Set<br/>
'''Componente''': Variável e Conjunto de Ofício<br/>
'''Value''': Variable<br/>
'''Valor''': Variável<br/>

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
When learning this formula, choose a weapon set from the sets below. Each time you learn this formula, you must choose a new set:
Ao aprender essa fórmula, escolha um conjunto de armas entre os conjuntos abaixo. Cada vez que você aprende essa fórmula, você deve escolher um novo conjunto:
*Regional: Crescent Cleaver
*Regionais: Cutelo Crescente
*Regional: Boar Sword
*Regionais: Espada Javali
*Regional: Khopesh
*Regionais: Khopesh
*Regional: Navori Blade
*Regionais: Lâmina Navori
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">Each of the Weapon sets has certain weapons that can be crafted. Each weapon has its value and creation time, weapons below 5 GP have a creation time of 1 hour per SP up to a maximum of 5 hours for weapons costing up to 4 GP.</div>
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">Cada um dos conjuntos de Armas possui determinadas armas que podem ser criadas. Cada arma possui seu valor e tempo de criação</div>
'''''Natural 20'''''. Weapons I Table
'''''20 natural'''''. Tabela Armas I
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==Nível 3==
==Level 3==  

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
===Adapt Weapon===
===Adaptar Arma===

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Craft''': Weaponsmith 3<br/>
'''Ofício''': Cuteleiro 3<br/>
'''DC''': 17<br/>
'''CD''': 17<br/>
'''Component''': Variable and Craft Set<br/>
'''Componente''': Variável e Conjunto de Ofício<br/>
'''Value''': *<br/>
'''Valor''': *<br/>

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
You are able to increase or decrease the size of a weapon by one category if you know its formula.
Você é capaz de aumentar ou diminuir em uma categoria, o tamanho de uma arma que você conheça a fórmula.  
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">For decrease a weapon's size, the value is half the weapon's market value, up to a minimum of 200 GP. To increase a weapon's size, the required amount is the same as for an equal weapon, with half of that amount being required for components.</div>
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">Para diminuir armas, o valor é de metade do valor de mercado da arma, até um mínimo de 200 PO. Para aumentar armas o valor necessário é o mesmo de uma arma igual, com metade desse valor sendo necessário para componentes.</div>
'''''Natural 20'''''. General Weapons Table
'''''20 natural'''''. Tabela Armas Gerais
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==Nível 4==
==Level 4==  

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
===Silvermere Weapons===
===Armas de Pratânia===

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Craft''': Weaponsmith 4<br/>
'''Ofício''': Cuteleiro 4<br/>
'''DC''': 20<br/>
'''CD'': 20<br/>
'''Component''': Base Material and Craft Set<br/>
'''Componente''': Material base e Conjunto de Ofício<br/>
'''Value''': *<br/>
'''Valor''': *<br/>

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
You are proficient at using Runesteel or Moonsilver to craft weapons with the time required for each weapon being based on its production value increased by one and a half times.
Você sabe utilizar Aço Rúnico ou Prata Lunar para confeccionar armas com tempo necessário para cada arma sendo baseado em seu valor de produção aumentado em uma vez e meia.  
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">You are able to craft all types of weapons you are capable of, with the Runic Steel and Moonsilver materials.</div>
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">Você é capaz de criar todos os tipos de armas que seja capaz, com os materiais Aço Rúnico e Prata Lunar.</div>
'''''Natural 20'''''. “General Masterpieces” Table<br/>
'''''20 natural'''''. Tabela “Obras-primas Gerais”.<br/>

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
===Luminous Weapons I===
===Armas Luminares I===

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Craft''': Weaponsmith 4<br/>
'''Ofício''': Cuteleiro 4<br/>
'''DC''': 20<br/>
'''CD''': 20<br/>
'''Component''': Luminar base and Craft Set<br/>
'''Componente''': Base Luminar e Conjunto de Ofício<br/>
'''Value''': *<br/>
'''Valor''': *<br/>

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
You learn to forge with luminar weave after it has already gone through the necessary alchemical process, being able to use this material to create weapons with light alloy.
Você aprende a forjar com trama luminar após a mesma já ter passado pelo processo alquímico necessário, podendo utilizar esse material para criar armas com liga leve.
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">The value of a weapon made with Luminar Weave follows the rules described in Chapter 14: Rewards - Rare Materials.</div>
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">O valor de uma arma feita com Trama Luminar segue as regras descritas no Capítulo 14: Recompensas - Materiais Raros.</div>
'''''Natural 20'''''. You preserve 25% of the luminar weave that can be used for other creations.
'''''20 natural'''''. Você preserva 25% da trama luminar que pode ser usada para outras criações.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
===Shadow Weapons I===
===Armas Sombrias I===

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Craft''': Weaponsmith 4<br/>
'''Ofício''': Cuteleiro 4<br/>
'''DC''': 20<br/>
'''CD''': 20<br/>
'''Component''': Shadow base and Craft Set<br/>
'''Componente''': Base Sombria e Conjunto de Ofício<br/>
'''Value''': *<br/>
'''Valor''': *<br/>

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
You learn to forge with shadow weave after it has already gone through the necessary alchemical process, being able to use this material to create weapons with light alloy.
Você aprende a forjar com trama sombria após a mesma já ter passado pelo processo alquímico necessário, podendo utilizar esse material para criar armas com liga leve.
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">The value of a weapon made with Shadow Weave follows the rules described in Chapter 14: Rewards - Rare Materials.</div>
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">O valor de uma arma feita com Trama Sombria segue as regras descritas no Capítulo 14: Recompensas - Materiais Raros.</div>
'''''Natural 20'''''. You preserve 25% of the shadow weave that can be used for other creations.
'''''20 natural'''''. Você preserva 25% da trama luminar que pode ser usada para outras criações.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Craft''': Weaponsmith 4<br/>
'''Ofício''': Cuteleiro 4<br/>
'''DC''': 19<br/>
'''CD''': 19<br/>
'''Component''': Metal and Craft Set<br/>
'''Componente''': Metal e Conjunto de Ofício<br/>
'''Value''': 150 GP<br/>
'''Valor''': 150 PO<br/>

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The Drakebane is a regional weapon of Demacia that is difficult to create and maintain, having disappeared over time and becoming only a ceremonial item reserved for the royal family.
A Dracocida é uma arma regional de Demacia de difícil criação e manutenção, tendo desaparecido com o tempo e se tornado apenas um item cerimonial reservado à família real.  
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">Although it looks like a spear, a Drakebane has a strong internal mechanism that allows it to expand to reach distant targets.</div>
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">Embora seja parecida com uma lança, uma Dracocida possui um mecanismo interno resistente que faz com que a ela possa se expandir alcançando alvos distantes.</div>
'''''Natural 20'''''. Weapons I Table
'''''20 natural'''''. Tabela Armas I
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==Nível 5==
==Level 5==  

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
===Luminous Weapons II===
===Armas Luminares II===

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Craft''': Weaponsmith 5<br/>
'''Ofício''': Cuteleiro 5<br/>
'''DC''': 21<br/>
'''CD''': 21<br/>
'''Component''': Luminar base and Craft Set<br/>
'''Componente''': Base Luminar e Conjunto de Ofício<br/>
'''Value''': *<br/>
'''Valor''': *<br/>

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
You learn to forge with luminar weave after it has already gone through the necessary alchemical process, being able to use this material to create weapons with medium alloy.
Você aprende a forjar com trama luminar após a mesma já ter passado pelo processo alquímico necessário, podendo utilizar esse material para criar armas com liga média.
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">The value of a weapon made with Luminar Weave follows the rules described in Chapter 14: Rewards - Rare Materials.</div>
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">O valor de uma arma feita com Trama Luminar segue as regras descritas no Capítulo 14: Recompensas - Materiais Raros.</div>
'''''Natural 20'''''. You preserve 25% of the luminar weave that can be used for other creations.
'''''20 natural'''''. Você preserva 25% da trama luminar que pode ser usada para outras criações.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
===Shadow Weapons II===
===Armas Sombrias II===

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Craft''': Weaponsmith 5<br/>
'''Ofício''': Cuteleiro 5<br/>
'''DC''': 21<br/>
'''CD''': 21<br/>
'''Component''': Shadow base and Craft Set<br/>
'''Componente''': Base Sombria e Conjunto de Ofício<br/>
'''Value''': *<br/>
'''Valor''': *<br/>

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
You learn to forge with shadow weave after it has already gone through the necessary alchemical process, being able to use this material to create weapons with medium alloy.
Você aprende a forjar com trama sombria após a mesma já ter passado pelo processo alquímico necessário, podendo utilizar esse material para criar armas com liga média.
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">The value of a weapon made with Shadow Weave follows the rules described in Chapter 14: Rewards - Rare Materials.</div>
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">O valor de uma arma feita com Trama Sombria segue as regras descritas no Capítulo 14: Recompensas - Materiais Raros.</div>
'''''Natural 20'''''. You preserve 25% of the shadow weave that can be used for other creations.
'''''20 natural'''''. Você preserva 25% da trama luminar que pode ser usada para outras criações.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
===Enhance Weapon===
===Aprimorar Arma===

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Craft''': Weaponsmith 5<br/>
'''Ofício''': Cuteleiro 5<br/>
'''DC''': 21<br/>
'''CD''': 21<br/>
'''Component''': Base material and Craft Set<br/>
'''Componente''': Material base e Conjunto de Ofício<br/>
'''Value''': *<br/>
'''Valor''': * <br/>

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
You are able to not only remake a weapon, but also improve it and make it more efficient.
Você é capaz de não apenas reformar uma arma, mas também de melhorá-la e torná-la mais eficiente.  
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">When you enhance a weapon, you can choose whether its crit range and crit multiplier increase by 1, or whether it gains a +1 bonus to attacks and damage. A weapon can have only one Craft enhancement.</div>
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">Quando você aprimora uma arma, você pode escolher se a margem de crítico e o multiplicador de crítico aumentam em 1, ou se ela recebe bônus de +1 em ataques e danos. Uma arma pode possuir apenas um aprimoramento de Ofício.</div>
'''''Natural 20'''''. General Masterpiece Table
'''20 natural'''. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.
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==Nível 6==
==Level 5==  

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
===Exceptional Weapon===
===Arma Excepcional===

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Craft''': Weaponsmith
'''Ofício''': Cuteleiro 6<br/>
'''CD''': 25<br/>
'''DC''': 25<br/>
'''Componente''': Metal, cristais e Conjunto de Ofício<br/>
'''Component''': Metal, cristal and Craft Set<br/>
'''Valor''': *</br>
'''Value''': *<br/>

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Your art transcended mortal terms. You are able to create weapons that deal magic damage even without using magic.
Sua arte ultrapassou termos mortais. Você é capaz de criar armas que causem dano mágico mesmo sem utilizar magia.
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">When you create a weapon, for three times the value and time, that weapon deals the magical version of its physical damage.</div>
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">Quando você cria uma arma, pelo triplo do valor e tempo, essa arma causa a versão mágica de seu dano físico.</div>
'''''Natural 20'''''. Weapons I Table
'''''20 natural'''''. Tabela Armas I

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
===Luminar Weapons III===
===Armas Luminares III===

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Craft''': Weaponsmith 6<br/>
'''Ofício''': Cuteleiro 6<br/>
'''DC''': 23<br/>
'''CD''': 23<br/>
'''Component''': Luminar base and Craft Set<br/>
'''Componente''': Base Luminar e Conjunto de Ofício<br/>
'''Value''': *<br/>
'''Valor''': *<br/>

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
You learn to forge with luminar weave after it has already gone through the necessary alchemical process, being able to use this material to create weapons with heavy alloy.
Você aprende a forjar com trama luminar após a mesma já ter passado pelo processo alquímico necessário, podendo utilizar esse material para criar armas com liga pesada.
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">The value of a weapon made with Luminar Weave follows the rules described in Chapter 14: Rewards - Rare Materials.</div>
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">O valor de uma arma feita com Trama Luminar segue as regras descritas no Capítulo 14: Recompensas - Materiais Raros.</div>
'''''Natural 20'''''. You preserve 25% of the luminar weave that can be used for other creations.
'''''20 natural'''''. Você preserva 25% da trama luminar que pode ser usada para outras criações.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
===Shadow Weapons III===
===Armas Sombrias III===

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Craft''': Weaponsmith 6<br/>
'''Ofício''': Cuteleiro 6<br/>
'''DC''': 23<br/>
'''CD''': 23<br/>
'''Component''': Shadow base and Craft Set<br/>
'''Componente''': Base Sombria e Conjunto de Ofício<br/>
'''Value''': *<br/>
'''Valor''': *<br/>

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
You learn to forge with shadow weave after it has already gone through the necessary alchemical process, being able to use this material to create weapons with heavy alloy.
Você aprende a forjar com trama sombria após a mesma já ter passado pelo processo alquímico necessário, podendo utilizar esse material para criar armas com liga pesada.
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">The value of a weapon made with Shadow Weave follows the rules described in Chapter 14: Rewards - Rare Materials.</div>
<div style="text-indent: 30px;">O valor de uma arma feita com Trama Sombria segue as regras descritas no Capítulo 14: Recompensas - Materiais Raros.</div>
'''''Natural 20'''''. You preserve 25% of the shadow weave that can be used for other creations.
'''''20 natural'''''. Você preserva 25% da trama luminar que pode ser usada para outras criações.

Edição atual tal como às 18h01min de 14 de março de 2023

Outros idiomas:

This arcticle is in accordance with the version 0.94 of Runarcana RPG

The Weaponsmith Craft gives you the ability to design, craft, and mend weapons and cutting tools, as well as work with metal and wood to produce bludgeoning or even piercing weapons. A weaponsmith's knowledge allows him to extract information from a weapon regarding its durability or need for maintenance.

Attribute: The attribute for tests related to the Weaponsmith Craft is Strength.

Synergies: In conjunction with your Weaponsmith Set, you can use this Craft with the following skills, enabling some effects:

  • Arcana, History, Investigation. Your mastery of metalwork grants you additional information, clues or deductions as long as they relate to metalwork. Specialization gives you additional information about these areas when examining metal objects, such as weapons.

Weaponsmith Set

With a Weaponsmith Set you can create weapons made of metal of the most different types, including swords, daggers, axes, among many others. For this you need to have a space to heat the metal, work ingots and even an anvil to model them.

Content: A Weaponsmith's Set includes hammers, tongs, charcoal, metal scraps, whetstone and a tube for quenching.

Formulas for the Weaponsmith Craft

Level 1

Create Weapon

Craft: Weaponsmith 1
DC: 13
Component: Variable and Craft Set
Value: Variable

When learning this formula, choose a weapon set from the sets below. Each time you learn this formula, you must choose a new set:

  • Simple - (club, dagger, greatclub, handaxe, harpoon, javelin, light hammer, mace, sickle, spear, staff)
  • Martial A - Swords: (scimitar, shortsword, longsword, greatsword, rapier)
  • Martial B - Pole (glaive, halberd, lance, pike, trident, war scythe)
  • Martial C - Axes (Battleaxe, Greataxe)
  • Martial D - Blunt (Flail, Maul, Morningstar, War Pick, Warhammer)
  • Regional - Chakram (small, medium and large).
  • Regional - Elder God Idol
  • Regional - Katar
  • Special - Whip, Gauntlet
Each of the Weapon sets has certain weapons that can be crafted. Each weapon has its value and creation time, weapons below 5 GP have a creation time of 1 hour per SP up to a maximum of 5 hours for weapons costing up to 4 GP.

Natural 20. Weapons I Table

Level 2

Create Weapon II

Prerequisite: Create Weapon I Formula

Craft: Weaponsmith 2
DC: 15
Component: Variable and Craft Set
Value: Variable

When learning this formula, choose a weapon set from the sets below. Each time you learn this formula, you must choose a new set:

  • Regional: Crescent Cleaver
  • Regional: Boar Sword
  • Regional: Khopesh
  • Regional: Navori Blade
Each of the Weapon sets has certain weapons that can be crafted. Each weapon has its value and creation time, weapons below 5 GP have a creation time of 1 hour per SP up to a maximum of 5 hours for weapons costing up to 4 GP.

Natural 20. Weapons I Table

Level 3

Adapt Weapon

Craft: Weaponsmith 3
DC: 17
Component: Variable and Craft Set
Value: *

You are able to increase or decrease the size of a weapon by one category if you know its formula.

For decrease a weapon's size, the value is half the weapon's market value, up to a minimum of 200 GP. To increase a weapon's size, the required amount is the same as for an equal weapon, with half of that amount being required for components.

Natural 20. General Weapons Table

Level 4

Silvermere Weapons

Craft: Weaponsmith 4
DC: 20
Component: Base Material and Craft Set
Value: *

You are proficient at using Runesteel or Moonsilver to craft weapons with the time required for each weapon being based on its production value increased by one and a half times.

You are able to craft all types of weapons you are capable of, with the Runic Steel and Moonsilver materials.

Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table

Luminous Weapons I

Craft: Weaponsmith 4
DC: 20
Component: Luminar base and Craft Set
Value: *

You learn to forge with luminar weave after it has already gone through the necessary alchemical process, being able to use this material to create weapons with light alloy.

The value of a weapon made with Luminar Weave follows the rules described in Chapter 14: Rewards - Rare Materials.

Natural 20. You preserve 25% of the luminar weave that can be used for other creations.

Shadow Weapons I

Craft: Weaponsmith 4
DC: 20
Component: Shadow base and Craft Set
Value: *

You learn to forge with shadow weave after it has already gone through the necessary alchemical process, being able to use this material to create weapons with light alloy.

The value of a weapon made with Shadow Weave follows the rules described in Chapter 14: Rewards - Rare Materials.

Natural 20. You preserve 25% of the shadow weave that can be used for other creations.


Craft: Weaponsmith 4
DC: 19
Component: Metal and Craft Set
Value: 150 GP

The Drakebane is a regional weapon of Demacia that is difficult to create and maintain, having disappeared over time and becoming only a ceremonial item reserved for the royal family.

Although it looks like a spear, a Drakebane has a strong internal mechanism that allows it to expand to reach distant targets.

Natural 20. Weapons I Table

Level 5

Luminous Weapons II

Craft: Weaponsmith 5
DC: 21
Component: Luminar base and Craft Set
Value: *

You learn to forge with luminar weave after it has already gone through the necessary alchemical process, being able to use this material to create weapons with medium alloy.

The value of a weapon made with Luminar Weave follows the rules described in Chapter 14: Rewards - Rare Materials.

Natural 20. You preserve 25% of the luminar weave that can be used for other creations.

Shadow Weapons II

Craft: Weaponsmith 5
DC: 21
Component: Shadow base and Craft Set
Value: *

You learn to forge with shadow weave after it has already gone through the necessary alchemical process, being able to use this material to create weapons with medium alloy.

The value of a weapon made with Shadow Weave follows the rules described in Chapter 14: Rewards - Rare Materials.

Natural 20. You preserve 25% of the shadow weave that can be used for other creations.

Enhance Weapon

Craft: Weaponsmith 5
DC: 21
Component: Base material and Craft Set
Value: *

You are able to not only remake a weapon, but also improve it and make it more efficient.

When you enhance a weapon, you can choose whether its crit range and crit multiplier increase by 1, or whether it gains a +1 bonus to attacks and damage. A weapon can have only one Craft enhancement.

Natural 20. General Masterpiece Table

Level 5

Exceptional Weapon

Craft: Weaponsmith 6
DC: 25
Component: Metal, cristal and Craft Set
Value: *

Your art transcended mortal terms. You are able to create weapons that deal magic damage even without using magic.

When you create a weapon, for three times the value and time, that weapon deals the magical version of its physical damage.

Natural 20. Weapons I Table

Luminar Weapons III

Craft: Weaponsmith 6
DC: 23
Component: Luminar base and Craft Set
Value: *

You learn to forge with luminar weave after it has already gone through the necessary alchemical process, being able to use this material to create weapons with heavy alloy.

The value of a weapon made with Luminar Weave follows the rules described in Chapter 14: Rewards - Rare Materials.

Natural 20. You preserve 25% of the luminar weave that can be used for other creations.

Shadow Weapons III

Craft: Weaponsmith 6
DC: 23
Component: Shadow base and Craft Set
Value: *

You learn to forge with shadow weave after it has already gone through the necessary alchemical process, being able to use this material to create weapons with heavy alloy.

The value of a weapon made with Shadow Weave follows the rules described in Chapter 14: Rewards - Rare Materials.

Natural 20. You preserve 25% of the shadow weave that can be used for other creations.