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Religião/en: mudanças entre as edições

De Runarcana Wiki
(Criou página com 'Another complication is the 3 natures that exist in Runeterra, Celestial, Spiritual and Elemental. Anyone who rushes to establish that there is a hierarchical relationship in this, will make a mistake by ignoring that the celestials themselves, although extremely powerful, have their action limited in the earthly world, using the Aspects that allow their powers to reach this world.')
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{{#description2:Runeterra may not have religions as we understand it, but that does not negate the existence of religious structures as well as different cults in each of the regions.}}
The absence of named religions in Runeterra is something that anyone might initially take as an indication of their absence. This is a complex subject because in this world deities walk and have walked the earth, we are talking about a world where magic is common and what is seen as divine can have several different origins from what we know in our reality.
The absence of named religions in Runeterra is something that anyone might initially take as an indication of their absence. This is a complex subject because in this world deities walk and have walked the earth, we are talking about a world where magic is common and what is seen as divine can have several different origins from what we know in our reality.

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When living in the physical world, they do not tend to have religious inclinations, managing to adapt to different environments in a peaceful and tranquil way.
When living in the physical world, they do not tend to have religious inclinations, managing to adapt to different environments in a peaceful and tranquil way.

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Em Demacia embora a religiosidade possa parecer não ser muito expressa ou importante, existem pelo menos dois cultos importantes, o da Protetora Alada e o da Redentora Velada. Em adição a esses dois cultos, existe  uma organização militar e até certo ponto religiosa, Os Caçadores de Magos, que assim como seu nome, caçam aqueles que utilizam ou demonstram possuir dons mágicos.
In Demacia, although religiosity may not seem to be very expressed or important, there are at least two important cults, that of the Winged Protector and that of the Veiled Redeemer. In addition to these two cults, there is a military and to some extent religious organization, The Mage Hunters, which, like their name, hunts those who use or demonstrate that they possess magical gifts.

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The importance of each of these two cults changes along with the history of Demacia, with the last centuries having a primacy for the Winged Protector who seems to signal all the virtues of the rich people of Demacia, especially among the Nobles.
A importância de cada um desses dois cultos se modifica junto à história de Demacia, com os últimos séculos tendo existido uma primazia pela Protetora Alada que parece sinalizar todas as virtudes das pessoas ricas de Demacia, em especial entre os Nobres.

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The cult of the Veiled Redeemer has always existed apart from that of her sister, it is normally a cult linked to people of lesser financial and social power, especially those who are touched by magic, who seek refuge and a way of living away from their mage hunters.
O culto da Redentora Velada sempre existiu à margem do de sua irmã, normalmente é um culto ligado a pessoas de menor poder financeiro e na escala social, em especial os que são tocados pela magia, que buscam refúgio e uma forma de poderem viver longe dos caçadores de magos.

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The Mage Hunters, in turn, contain several mages in their ranks, being one of the only ways that someone who possesses magical abilities can live in Demacia without fear of being hunted for this characteristic. The vast majority of wizard hunters consider their magic a curse, and use it for their cause as a way to “atone” for their sins.
Os Caçadores de Magos por sua vez, contém diversos magos em suas fileiras, sendo uma das únicas formas que alguém que possua habilidades mágicas possa viver em Demacia sem temer ser caçado por essa característica. A grande maioria dos caçadores de magos consideram sua magia uma maldição, e a usam em prol da causa como uma forma de “expiar” seus pecados.

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Freljord possui pelo menos duas religiosidades que funcionam de forma paralela e em alguns casos de forma antagônica. O culto dos Semideuses continua existindo paralelamente ao culto das Três Irmãs e é o mais comum entre as muitas tribos de Freljord, exceto pelas três grandes tribos que são cada uma conectadas a uma dessas irmãs.
Freljord has at least two religiosities that function in parallel and in some cases antagonistically. The cult of the Demigods continues to exist parallel to the cult of the Three Sisters and is the most common among the many tribes of the Freljord, except for the three great tribes that are each connected to one of these sisters.

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In the Praeglacius Fortress, the cult of Lissandra is perhaps the only uninterrupted one, where Lissandra herself commands with her icy hand. Among the Praeglacius, the cult of the Demigods is close to zero, since the fortress itself in many aspects resembles a theocratic state.
Na Fortaleza dos Praeglacius o culto à Lissandra é talvez o único ininterrupto, onde a própria Lissandra comanda com sua mão glacial. Entre os Praeglacius o culto aos Semideuses é próximo de nulo, uma vez que a própria fortaleza em muitos aspectos se assemelha a um estado teocrático.

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Many Avarosians see in Ashe a reincarnation of one of the three sisters from the past, Avarosa, although this is not a rule, it is one of the ways in which this cult has survived and manifests itself in the present day, which gives Ashe greater ease in maintaining the Even so, the Avarosians tend to worship the Freljord Demigods, especially the brothers Ornn, Volibear, Anivia and Mother Seal.
Muitos Avarosianos veem em Ashe uma reencarnação de uma das três irmãs do passado, Avarosa, embora isso não seja uma regra, é uma das formas em que esse culto sobreviveu e se manifesta nos dias atuais, o que concede Ashe uma maior facilidade em manter o seu poder, Ainda assim, os Avarosianos costumam cultuar os Semideuses de Freljord, em especial os irmãos Ornn, Volibear, Anivia e Mãe Foca.
A tribo da Garra do Inverno por sua vez, não parece ver em Sejuani a conexão com Serylda da mesma forma que os Avarosianos veem em Ashe. Ainda assim, é comum um certo culto à líder em paralelo ao culto a diversos dos semideuses, não se limitando aos quatro irmãos.

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The Winter's Claw tribe, in turn, does not seem to see Sejuani's connection to Serylda in the same way that the Avarosians see it in Ashe. Even so, a certain cult of the leader is common in parallel to the cult of several of the demigods, not limited to the four brothers.  
Por fim, as tribos menores e espalhadas por Freljord tem diversas entidades espirituais a quem cultuam, normalmente são espíritos animais similares aos Semideuses, não é estranho que uma tribo inteira cultue apenas uma dessas entidades e tenha toda sua estrutura social em volta da mesma.

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Finally, the smaller tribes spread across the Freljord have several spiritual entities that they worship, they are usually animal spirits similar to Demigods, it is not strange for an entire tribe to worship just one of these entities and have their entire social structure around it.
==Ilha das Sombras==
O passado das Ilhas das Sombras foram as Ilhas das Bençãos, onde a magia era estudada em níveis altíssimos, talvez por esse motivo não tenha gerado uma grande religiosidade uma vez que os próprios humanos eram capazes de controlar poderes até certo ponto considerados divinos.

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==Shadow Isles==
Ainda assim, Yorick e Maokai são uma lembrança desse passado onde esses poderosos mestres das energias arcanas tinham conexão com o mundo espiritual, com Maokai até tendo andado entre esses inumanos contando sobre as Ilhas Verdejantes e sua maior dádiva, a água da vida especialmente por esses humanos do passado terem sido tão respeitosos com a natureza.
The past of the Shadow Isles was the Islands of Blessings, where magic was studied at very high levels, perhaps for this reason it did not generate great religiosity since humans themselves were capable of controlling powers to a certain extent considered divine.

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Still, Yorick and Maokai are a reminder of that past where these powerful masters of arcane energies had connection with the spiritual world, with Maokai even having walked among these inhumans telling about the Verdant Isles and their greatest gift, the water of life especially for these Humans in the past have been so respectful of nature.
Talvez a única remanescência mais próxima de religiosidade sejam os Sentinelas da Luz, nascidos em Helia, o antigo nome das Ilhas das Bênçãos, eles eram uma organização militar que com o tempo acabou sendo desestruturada e deixada de lado. Reerguidos por uma das únicas habitantes de Hélia a conseguir deixar as Ilhas com Vida, se tornaram uma organização dedicada a acabar com os mortos-vivos das Ilhas das Sombras.
Perhaps the only remnant closest to religiosity are the Sentinels of Light, born in Helia, the old name of the Islands of Blessings, they were a military organization that over time ended up being dismantled and left aside. Re-established by one of the only inhabitants of Helia to manage to leave the Islands alive, they became an organization dedicated to eliminating the undead from the Shadow Islands.

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Ionia é uma região multicultural onde diversas culturas floresceram e conviveram em relativa harmonia sem que fossem levantados limites geográficos e políticos. Uma terra que parece possuir uma maior proximidade do mundo espiritual, em Ionia o intercâmbio com os espíritos sempre foi intenso e fez parte da rotina de seus moradores.
Ionia is a multicultural region where different cultures flourished and lived in relative harmony without geographic and political limits being raised. A land that seems to have a greater proximity to the spiritual world, in Ionia the exchange with spirits has always been intense and has been part of the routine of its residents.

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The Spiritual Blossom, in turn, normally happens once a year, it is a moment where the barrier that separates the physical world from the spiritual becomes almost non-existent and the souls that rest on the ground can cross into the spiritual world, where they may have to deal with the many Kanmei and Akanas.
O Florescer Espiritual, por sua vez, normalmente acontece uma vez por ano, é um momento onde a barreira que separa o mundo físico do espiritual se torna quase inexistente e as almas que repousam no solo podem atravessar para o mundo espiritual, onde podem ter que lidar com os muitos Kanmei e Akanas.

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For these reasons, it is not expected that there will be much religiosity, since the relationship with the spiritual seems to be part of the normal routine of an Ionian. Some stories survive about a distant past where giants came from the heavens and were fought by valiant warriors, however those who are closest to these stories and may be related to their religiosity are the Vastaya.
Por esses motivos, não se espera que exista muita religiosidade, uma vez que a relação com o espiritual parece fazer parte da rotina normal de um Ioniano. Algumas histórias sobrevivem sobre um passado longíquo onde gigantes vieram dos céus e foram combatidos por valorosos guerreiros, no entanto quem possui mais proximidade com essas histórias e pode ter relação com sua religiosidade são os Vastaya.

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Pouco se sabe sobre a espiritualidade em Ixtal, uma região controlada pelos Axiomatas, poderosos usuários de magia elemental, parece se assemelhar bastante à Helia do passado e talvez não exista uma religiosidade exceto uma reverência aos ancestrais, que pode assumir a forma de um culto ou mesmo a obediência aos Yuntal, a casta que controla essa nação.
Little is known about spirituality in Ixtal, a region controlled by the Axiomata, powerful users of elemental magic, it seems to closely resemble the Helia of the past and perhaps there is no religiosity except a reverence for ancestors, which can take the form of a cult or even obedience to the Yuntal, the caste that controls this nation.

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Em Noxus existem dois cultos importantes, embora apenas um deles seja comum e praticado abertamente, o Culto ao Lobo. Esse culto se estabelece em torno de um dos aspectos da morte, por esse motivo a crença é comum entre os Noxianos pela proximidade dos conceitos de força pregados pela sociedade Noxiana aos preceitos do Lobo.
In Noxus there are two important cults, although only one of them is common and openly practiced, the Wolf Cult. This cult is established around one of the aspects of death, for this reason the belief is common among Noxians due to the proximity of the concepts of strength preached by Noxian society to the precepts of the Wolf.

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The second cult, much more restricted and rare, is the cult of Mordekaiser, the Iron Revenant, a powerful spirit of a great lord from the past of Noxian lands who seeks to become the lord of everything that lives. His faithful tend to have an unparalleled fanaticism, many of them aware that if their Lord returned, they would be destroyed so that their souls would become part of Mordekaiser's ranks.
O segundo culto, muito mais restrito e raro, é o culto a Mordekaiser, o Revenã de Ferro, um espírito poderoso de um grande senhor do passado das terras Noxianas que busca se tornar o senhor de tudo que vive. Seus fiéis costumam possuir um fanatismo inigualável, muitos deles cientes que caso seu Senhor retorne, seriam destruídos para que suas almas passassem a fazer parte das fileiras de Mordekaiser.

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Piltover não parece ser uma região particularmente religiosa, com a possibilidade de existirem Zaunitas devotos de Janna que ascenderam socialmente, ainda assim, alguns traços de dois cultos podem ser encontrados nesse local, o culto à Aranha e a Gloriosa Evolução.
Piltover does not seem to be a particularly religious region, with the possibility of there being Zaunites devoted to Janna who ascended socially, even so, some traces of two cults can be found in this place, the cult of the Spider and the Glorious Evolution.

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The Glorious Evolution is a kind of sect that exists in Piltover with people who wish to transcend the flesh, replacing their bodies with more powerful and resistant machines, in a quest to overcome the fragility of the human body through technological evolution.
A Gloriosa Evolução é uma espécie de seita que existe em Piltover com pessoas que desejam transcender a carne, substituindo seus corpos por máquinas mais poderosas e resistentes, em uma busca de suplantar a fragilidade do corpo humano através da evolução tecnológica.

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The Spider cult, in turn, is a recent cult, centered on Urgot, the Spider cult is not organized or centralized, being much more conceptual and close to the Noxian concept of strength. Although it is most common in Zaun, it has found adherents in Piltover as well.
O culto da Aranha por sua vez, é um culto recente, centrado em Urgot, o culto da Aranha não é organizado ou centralizado, sendo muito mais conceitual e próximo do conceito Noxiano de força. Embora seja mais comum em Zaun, tem encontrado adeptos em Piltover também.

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Em Shurima existiram os Deuses-Guerreiros, que caminhavam sob a terra e comandavam os exércitos com seu Batalhão dos Ascendentes. Esse culto substituiu cultos anteriores a outras divindades, como Janna, mas após a queda do Império, o culto aos Deuses-Guerreiros também acabou sendo esquecido.
In Shurima there were the Warrior Gods, who walked under the earth and commanded the armies with their Battalion of the Ascended. This cult replaced previous cults of other deities, such as Janna, but after the fall of the Empire, the cult of the Warrior Gods also ended up being forgotten.

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With the return of Emperor Azir, believers also emerged who believe in this Emperor who also went through the Ascension ritual, becoming a Warrior God and also Emperor of the Sands.
Com o retorno do Imperador Azir, também surgiram os fiéis que acreditam nesse Imperador que também passou pelo ritual de Ascensão, se tornando um Deus Guerreiro e também Imperador das Areias.

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In Nashramae there is the cult of Xerath, a Baccai who resurfaced alongside one of the warrior gods, Renekton. This cult has strange characteristics that seem to prioritize a transcendence of the flesh, taking on a form of pure energy in search of absolute power.
Em Nashramae existe o culto a Xerath, um Baccai que ressurgiu junto a um dos deuses-guerreiros, Renekton. Esse culto possui características estranhas que parecem priorizar uma transcendência da carne, assumindo uma forma de pura energia em busca de poder absoluto.

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Another cult that exists in Shurima is the cult of the Lavender Sea, centered on the prophet Malzahar and which is actually just a way of taking more offerings to Bel'Veth, a creature from the void that has been feeding and growing more and more, having already practically consumed the ancient city of the same name.
Um outro culto que existe em Shurima é o culto do Mar de Lavanda, centrado no profeta Malzahar e que é na verdade apenas uma forma de levar mais oferendas para Bel’Veth, uma criatura do vazio que tem se alimentado e crescido cada vez mais, tendo já praticamente consumido a antiga cidade de mesmo nome.

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Os Solari são a religião dominante na região de Targon e tem atuado de forma opressiva contra a minoria dos Lunari, no entanto o mesmo não parece ser verdade para outros povos, etnias, cultos e crenças. Essa crença embora seja centrada no Sol e na percepção do mesmo como central para toda a vida, não parece se conectar diretamente à entidade celestial conhecida como Irmã Dourada.
The Solari are the dominant religion in the Targon region and have acted oppressively against the Lunari minority, however the same does not seem to be true for other peoples, ethnicities, cults and beliefs. This belief, although centered on the Sun and the perception of it as central to all life, does not seem to connect directly to the celestial entity known as the Golden Sister.

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Aspects are semi-divine figures that serve as hosts for the power of the Celestials, so that they can act in the physical world to carry out their agenda. Even so, both Aspects and Celestials are not seen or worshiped as gods in a majority way, and there may be some smaller cults that do so.
Aspectos são figuras semi-divinas que servem de hospedeiros para o poder dos Celestiais, para que os mesmos possam atuar no mundo físico realizando sua agenda. Ainda assim, tanto Aspectos quanto Celestiais não são vistos e nem cultuados como deuses de forma majoritária, podendo existir alguns cultos menores que o façam.

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Targon's proximity to celestial entities could influence the existence of greater religiosity, but this does not appear to be the case, with not much of the society and customs of this region being known.
A proximidade de Targon das entidades celestiais, poderia influenciar a existência de uma maior religiosidade, mas não parece ser esse o caso, com não muito da sociedade e costumes dessa região sendo conhecidos.

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The creatures of the Void usually do not even have reasoning, let alone any religiosity. However, a creature called Bel'Veth has emerged in Shurima, claiming to possess powers on a level equal to or greater than the Frost Watchers who were once worshiped in the Freljord.
As criaturas do Vazio não costumam ter sequer raciocínio, quanto mais alguma religiosidade. No entanto, uma criatura chamada Bel’Veth surgiu em Shurima, alegando possuir poderes em um nível igual ou maior que os Observadores Gélidos que foram cultuados no passado em Freljord.

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The cult of Bel'Veth has a large organization made by Malzahar, the prophet of the Void, who takes Shurima in a nomadic way, bringing more and more followers to his religion so that they completely surrender to the sea of lavender.
O culto de Bel’Veth possui uma grande organização feita por Malzahar, o profeta do Vazio, que pega em Shurima de forma nômade, trazendo cada vez mais adeptos a sua religião para que se entreguem completamente ao mar de lavanda.

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Em Zaun o culto a uma entidade espiritual de Shurima chamada Janna é expressivo, com sua imagem sendo cultuada em diversos locais e sendo parte dos costumes regionais atribuir bênçãos a ela.
In Zaun, the cult of a spiritual entity from Shurima called Janna is significant, with her image being worshiped in several places and it being part of regional customs to attribute blessings to her.
Ainda assim, em Zaun existem diversos cultos à personalidade na forma de imposição pela força, seja com os barões químicos ou mesmo A Aranha Urgot, que matou alguns dos barões e se tornou um ícone na sociedade de Zaun.
Still, in Zaun there are several cults of personality in the form of imposition by force, whether with the chemical barons or even The Spider Urgot, who killed some of the barons and became an icon in Zaun's society.

Edição atual tal como às 10h38min de 15 de dezembro de 2023

Outros idiomas:

The absence of named religions in Runeterra is something that anyone might initially take as an indication of their absence. This is a complex subject because in this world deities walk and have walked the earth, we are talking about a world where magic is common and what is seen as divine can have several different origins from what we know in our reality.

Another complication is the 3 natures that exist in Runeterra, Celestial, Spiritual and Elemental. Anyone who rushes to establish that there is a hierarchical relationship in this, will make a mistake by ignoring that the celestials themselves, although extremely powerful, have their action limited in the earthly world, using the Aspects that allow their powers to reach this world.

Below is some information regarding the religiosity of each region of Runeterra based on the data we currently have, do not take this information as absolute, but rather as a basis to understand and perhaps create what is necessary to meet your needs in game.


A land for everyone! This is perhaps the place where it is easiest to find representatives of any faith, whether coming or going, whether settling or even preaching, in a confluence of cultures and peoples coming from the different corners of Runeterra. Still, Bilgewater is part of the Serpent Islands, an archipelago home to the Buhru people, who have their faith in a spiritual god called Nagakabouros and who has been the one many foreigners often turn to for spiritual matters.

In Bilgewater it is possible to find people from all regions, so it would not be strange to find small religious temples dedicated to other deities and cults, reflecting well the multicultural aspect of the region, especially in its more urban part, as going to the surroundings, are the sacred lands of the Buhru.


Yordles are creatures with a perception of the world, time and space that usually differs greatly from that of humans. Likewise, there are no reports about any cult, belief or religion, whether organized or just commented on. Because most Yordles live in a realm separate from the material world, they are usually more concerned and occupied with their own lives and games than with beliefs.

When living in the physical world, they do not tend to have religious inclinations, managing to adapt to different environments in a peaceful and tranquil way.


In Demacia, although religiosity may not seem to be very expressed or important, there are at least two important cults, that of the Winged Protector and that of the Veiled Redeemer. In addition to these two cults, there is a military and to some extent religious organization, The Mage Hunters, which, like their name, hunts those who use or demonstrate that they possess magical gifts.

The importance of each of these two cults changes along with the history of Demacia, with the last centuries having a primacy for the Winged Protector who seems to signal all the virtues of the rich people of Demacia, especially among the Nobles.

The cult of the Veiled Redeemer has always existed apart from that of her sister, it is normally a cult linked to people of lesser financial and social power, especially those who are touched by magic, who seek refuge and a way of living away from their mage hunters.

The Mage Hunters, in turn, contain several mages in their ranks, being one of the only ways that someone who possesses magical abilities can live in Demacia without fear of being hunted for this characteristic. The vast majority of wizard hunters consider their magic a curse, and use it for their cause as a way to “atone” for their sins.


Freljord has at least two religiosities that function in parallel and in some cases antagonistically. The cult of the Demigods continues to exist parallel to the cult of the Three Sisters and is the most common among the many tribes of the Freljord, except for the three great tribes that are each connected to one of these sisters.

In the Praeglacius Fortress, the cult of Lissandra is perhaps the only uninterrupted one, where Lissandra herself commands with her icy hand. Among the Praeglacius, the cult of the Demigods is close to zero, since the fortress itself in many aspects resembles a theocratic state.

Many Avarosians see in Ashe a reincarnation of one of the three sisters from the past, Avarosa, although this is not a rule, it is one of the ways in which this cult has survived and manifests itself in the present day, which gives Ashe greater ease in maintaining the Even so, the Avarosians tend to worship the Freljord Demigods, especially the brothers Ornn, Volibear, Anivia and Mother Seal.

The Winter's Claw tribe, in turn, does not seem to see Sejuani's connection to Serylda in the same way that the Avarosians see it in Ashe. Even so, a certain cult of the leader is common in parallel to the cult of several of the demigods, not limited to the four brothers.

Finally, the smaller tribes spread across the Freljord have several spiritual entities that they worship, they are usually animal spirits similar to Demigods, it is not strange for an entire tribe to worship just one of these entities and have their entire social structure around it.

Shadow Isles

The past of the Shadow Isles was the Islands of Blessings, where magic was studied at very high levels, perhaps for this reason it did not generate great religiosity since humans themselves were capable of controlling powers to a certain extent considered divine.

Still, Yorick and Maokai are a reminder of that past where these powerful masters of arcane energies had connection with the spiritual world, with Maokai even having walked among these inhumans telling about the Verdant Isles and their greatest gift, the water of life especially for these Humans in the past have been so respectful of nature.

Perhaps the only remnant closest to religiosity are the Sentinels of Light, born in Helia, the old name of the Islands of Blessings, they were a military organization that over time ended up being dismantled and left aside. Re-established by one of the only inhabitants of Helia to manage to leave the Islands alive, they became an organization dedicated to eliminating the undead from the Shadow Islands.


Ionia is a multicultural region where different cultures flourished and lived in relative harmony without geographic and political limits being raised. A land that seems to have a greater proximity to the spiritual world, in Ionia the exchange with spirits has always been intense and has been part of the routine of its residents.

The Spiritual Blossom, in turn, normally happens once a year, it is a moment where the barrier that separates the physical world from the spiritual becomes almost non-existent and the souls that rest on the ground can cross into the spiritual world, where they may have to deal with the many Kanmei and Akanas.

For these reasons, it is not expected that there will be much religiosity, since the relationship with the spiritual seems to be part of the normal routine of an Ionian. Some stories survive about a distant past where giants came from the heavens and were fought by valiant warriors, however those who are closest to these stories and may be related to their religiosity are the Vastaya.


Little is known about spirituality in Ixtal, a region controlled by the Axiomata, powerful users of elemental magic, it seems to closely resemble the Helia of the past and perhaps there is no religiosity except a reverence for ancestors, which can take the form of a cult or even obedience to the Yuntal, the caste that controls this nation.


In Noxus there are two important cults, although only one of them is common and openly practiced, the Wolf Cult. This cult is established around one of the aspects of death, for this reason the belief is common among Noxians due to the proximity of the concepts of strength preached by Noxian society to the precepts of the Wolf.

The second cult, much more restricted and rare, is the cult of Mordekaiser, the Iron Revenant, a powerful spirit of a great lord from the past of Noxian lands who seeks to become the lord of everything that lives. His faithful tend to have an unparalleled fanaticism, many of them aware that if their Lord returned, they would be destroyed so that their souls would become part of Mordekaiser's ranks.


Piltover does not seem to be a particularly religious region, with the possibility of there being Zaunites devoted to Janna who ascended socially, even so, some traces of two cults can be found in this place, the cult of the Spider and the Glorious Evolution.

The Glorious Evolution is a kind of sect that exists in Piltover with people who wish to transcend the flesh, replacing their bodies with more powerful and resistant machines, in a quest to overcome the fragility of the human body through technological evolution.

The Spider cult, in turn, is a recent cult, centered on Urgot, the Spider cult is not organized or centralized, being much more conceptual and close to the Noxian concept of strength. Although it is most common in Zaun, it has found adherents in Piltover as well.


In Shurima there were the Warrior Gods, who walked under the earth and commanded the armies with their Battalion of the Ascended. This cult replaced previous cults of other deities, such as Janna, but after the fall of the Empire, the cult of the Warrior Gods also ended up being forgotten.

With the return of Emperor Azir, believers also emerged who believe in this Emperor who also went through the Ascension ritual, becoming a Warrior God and also Emperor of the Sands.

In Nashramae there is the cult of Xerath, a Baccai who resurfaced alongside one of the warrior gods, Renekton. This cult has strange characteristics that seem to prioritize a transcendence of the flesh, taking on a form of pure energy in search of absolute power.

Another cult that exists in Shurima is the cult of the Lavender Sea, centered on the prophet Malzahar and which is actually just a way of taking more offerings to Bel'Veth, a creature from the void that has been feeding and growing more and more, having already practically consumed the ancient city of the same name.


The Solari are the dominant religion in the Targon region and have acted oppressively against the Lunari minority, however the same does not seem to be true for other peoples, ethnicities, cults and beliefs. This belief, although centered on the Sun and the perception of it as central to all life, does not seem to connect directly to the celestial entity known as the Golden Sister.

Aspects are semi-divine figures that serve as hosts for the power of the Celestials, so that they can act in the physical world to carry out their agenda. Even so, both Aspects and Celestials are not seen or worshiped as gods in a majority way, and there may be some smaller cults that do so.

Targon's proximity to celestial entities could influence the existence of greater religiosity, but this does not appear to be the case, with not much of the society and customs of this region being known.


The creatures of the Void usually do not even have reasoning, let alone any religiosity. However, a creature called Bel'Veth has emerged in Shurima, claiming to possess powers on a level equal to or greater than the Frost Watchers who were once worshiped in the Freljord.

The cult of Bel'Veth has a large organization made by Malzahar, the prophet of the Void, who takes Shurima in a nomadic way, bringing more and more followers to his religion so that they completely surrender to the sea of lavender.


In Zaun, the cult of a spiritual entity from Shurima called Janna is significant, with her image being worshiped in several places and it being part of regional customs to attribute blessings to her.

Still, in Zaun there are several cults of personality in the form of imposition by force, whether with the chemical barons or even The Spider Urgot, who killed some of the barons and became an icon in Zaun's society.