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De Runarcana Wiki
  • Aura of Fear. As an action, all creatures within 60 feet must make a DC 8 Wisdom saving throw + your summoner's proficiency bonus + half your summoner's Arcane level. On a failed save, affected creatures are Frightened until the end of your next turn.
  • Conjuration. This creature shares the same spells and mana points as its summoner, being able to cast spells without using verbal or somatic components. When casting a spell, the creature will spend its summoner's Mana points.
  • Invisibility. Using an action, the creature can become Invisible for 1 minute. The creature will lose this condition if it makes an attack.
  • Protect. When the Arcane that summoned this creature is targeted for an attack, the creature can use its reaction to move 30 feet towards the summoner. If it becomes adjacent to it, the creature takes the attack instead. The attack must exceed the creature's AC to hit it.
  • Breath of Energy. As an action, the creature can channel the energy within itself to expel a 15-foot cone of energy in front of it. Creatures in that area must make a DC 8 Constitution saving throw + its summoner's proficiency bonus + half its summoner's Arcane level. On a failed save, an affected creature takes 4d6 force damage. Alternatively, the creature can forgo its action to channel this energy longer, at the start of its next turn creating a 25-foot cone that deals 8d6 force damage if a creature fails its save.