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De Runarcana Wiki
(Criou página com '*'''Extra Attack'''. You can attack twice, instead of once, when you use the Attack action during your turn. The number of attacks increases to three when you reach Hunter level 13. *'''Runic Mentality'''. Your connection to the runes has a powerful effect on your mind. You gain resistance to psychic damage.')
(Criou página com '===Runic Impulse=== At 11th level, using your reserves of spell power, you amplify your abilities for a short time. You can use your bonus action to activate one of the effects below. This effect lasts for 1 minute and only one of the effects can be active at a time.')
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Linha 473: Linha 473:
At 11th level, using your reserves of spell power, you amplify your abilities for a short time. You can use your bonus action to activate one of the effects below. This effect lasts for 1 minute and only one of the effects can be active at a time.
At 11th level, using your reserves of spell power, you amplify your abilities for a short time. You can use your bonus action to activate one of the effects below. This effect lasts for 1 minute and only one of the effects can be active at a time.

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*'''Arcane Vision'''. You can see in dim light up to 60 feet as if you were in light, and in darkness as if you were in dim light. Penumbra has no disadvantage on your Perception checks, and you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
*'''Atirador Rúnico'''. Você tem vantagem em jogadas de ataques e seus ataques causam 1d8 de dano rúnico adicional. Uma vez que você use esse recurso, você deve terminar um descanso pleno antes de usar novamente.  
*'''Runic Shooter'''. You have advantage on attack rolls, and your attacks deal an additional 1d8 runic damage. Once you use this feature, you must finish a full rest before using it again.
*'''Escudo Rúnico'''. Você ganha um bônus de +2 na CA.  
*'''Runic Shield'''. You gain a +2 bonus to AC.  
*'''Visão Arcana'''. Você pode enxergar na penumbra até 60 pés como se estivesse no claro e na escuridão como se estivesse na penumbra. Penumbra não causa desvantagem em seus testes de Percepção e você tem vantagem em salvaguardas de Destreza.

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