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De Runarcana Wiki
(Criou página com 'Alternatively, you can use your reaction and 2 Ki points to have an ally you can see within 5 feet of you multiplied by your proficiency bonus away from you under those same conditions to make them resistant to spiritual damage until the end of the round. You can extend this barrier to other targets in that area, spending 1 Ki point for each additional target.')
(Criou página com '==Extra Attack== Starting at 5th level, you can attacl twice instead of once when using the Attack action during your turn.')
Linha 326: Linha 326:
Alternatively, you can use your reaction and 2 Ki points to have an ally you can see within 5 feet of you multiplied by your proficiency bonus away from you under those same conditions to make them resistant to spiritual damage until the end of the round. You can extend this barrier to other targets in that area, spending 1 Ki point for each additional target.
Alternatively, you can use your reaction and 2 Ki points to have an ally you can see within 5 feet of you multiplied by your proficiency bonus away from you under those same conditions to make them resistant to spiritual damage until the end of the round. You can extend this barrier to other targets in that area, spending 1 Ki point for each additional target.

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==Extra Attack==
==Ataque Extra==
Starting at 5th level, you can attacl twice instead of once when using the Attack action during your turn.
A partir do 5º nível, você pode atacar duas vezes, ao invés de uma, sempre que você realizar a ação de Ataque no seu turno.

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==Spirit Channeling==
==Canalização Espiritual==
Starting at 7th level, you become able to channel the power of the Great Spirit you've connected to. You know some of those great spirits are as powerful as they are dangerous. Simply channeling them is a risk for the Shaman, as the amount of spiritual energy coursing through his body can permanently nullify his identity.
A partir do 7º nível, você se torna capaz de canalizar o poder do Grande Espírito ao qual você se conectou. Você sabe que alguns desses grandes espíritos são tão poderosos quanto perigosos. A simples canalização deles é um risco para o Xamã pois a quantidade de energia espiritual que percorre seu corpo pode vir a anular sua identidade permanentemente.

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Using an action, you can attempt to channel the energy of a Great Spirit you are connected to for up to 1 hour, which can result in great deeds or the destruction of your mind or body.
Utilizando uma ação você pode tentar canalizar a energia de um Grande Espírito com o qual você tenha conexão por até 1 hora, o que pode resultar em grandes feitos ou na destruição da sua mente ou de seu corpo.

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