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Craft: Cook

De Runarcana Wiki
Revisão de 17h37min de 29 de agosto de 2024 por MizuhiroUkato (discussão | contribs)
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This arcticle is in accordance with the version 0.94 of Runarcana RPG

The Cook's Craft makes you able to prepare not only food, but tasty meals that help your companions to recover their strength, in addition to knowing how to find ingredients or even understanding the principle behind them to be able to replace them when necessary. A common knowledge for cooks is how to find these ingredients and even understand when a new ingredient is capable of making a food tastier or dangerous.

Attribute: The attribute for tests related to the Cook Craft is Charisma.

Synergies: In conjunction with your Cook Set, you can use this Craft with the following skills, enabling some effects:

  • History. You are aware of eating customs and habits of other peoples and other ages.
  • Medicine. You know the healing properties of regular foods besides being able to, when administering a treatment, transform a bitter or sour medicine into a pleasant-tasting concoction.
  • Survival. When searching for food, you can find alternative ingredients, in addition to being able to analyze the meat of venomous and/or poisonous creatures and allow you to consume them without risk.

Cook Set

Any adventurer knows that life often takes them to stay days in places far from any civilization, sometimes unforeseen events happen and food becomes scarce. With a cook along the way, your meals will be much better than the typical mix of dried meat and dried fruit, as well as better distributed and avoiding waste.

Content: A Cooking Set can contain at least one versatile metal pot that doubles as a pan, some kitchen knives, some cutlery, at least one mixing spoon and at least one ladle.

Formulas for the Cook Craft

Benefits of consuming one meal are not cumulative, but you can have benefits from more than one meal at the same time. Ex: When consuming an Aronguejo Pie, you receive the benefits for 12 hours, but if you take another short rest and eat the Aronguejo Pie again, the benefit is not cumulative, only extending its duration.

Level 1

Field Ration

Craft: Cook 1
DC: 13
Component: Base Food and Craft Set
Value: 5 SP
Time: 1 hour (portion)

A portion of field rations is what an average-sized creature needs to eat for a day. It is usually made up of dried fruits, dried meat, nuts and other local foods and weighs 1 kg.

One portion of field rations can be consumed during a short rest.

Natural 20. Consuming the ration heals 1 health point and 1 exhaustion point.

Level 2

Advanced Field Ration

Craft: Cook 2
DC: 15
Component: Base Food and Craft Set
Value: 1 GP
Time: 3 hour (2 portions)

A portion of advanced field rations contains what a medium or large creature needs to eat for a day. It consists of selected meats preserved through smoking, nut bars and cereals and weighs 0.5 kg.

AThe field rations portion can be consumed during a short rest and restores 1d4 hit points and 2 points of exhaustion.

Natural 20. The ration restores 1d6 hit points.

Level 3

Restorative Banquet

Craft: Cook 3
DC: 17
Component: Meats, flour, grains, honey, vegetables, seasonings and Craft Set
Value: 15 GP
Time: 6 hours

A restorative banquet is a meal prepared with care and attention, serves up to 5 people and takes at least 1 hour to consume.

During a long rest it is possible to serve a banquet, each person who spends 1 hour enjoying the banquet receives the following benefits: Recovers 1d8 + the Cook's Craft Level in hit points, removes 2 points of Exhaustion, recovers 1d6 Mana points (if you have them), recovers 1d4 Ki points (if you have them) and for up to 24 hours makes the first saving throw against the Poisoned or Intoxicated conditions with advantage.

Natural 20. The banquet now serves up to 7 people.

Marinated Kraken

Craft: Cook 3
DC: 17
Component: Kraken meat, citrus fruits, honey, vegetables, spices and Craft Set
Value: 15 GP (3 portions)
Time: 24 hours

Marinated Kraken is a common delicacy among wealthy people in Bilgewater, with its preparation being part of a time-consuming process that requires special attention to detail so that it does not become inedible.

During a short rest it is possible to consume a Marinated Kraken, upon consumption you receive the following benefits: recover 2d4 health points, 1d4 Mana and 1 Ki point.

Natural 20. The benefits become 3d4 hit points, 1d6 mana points, and 2 ki points.

Level 4

Scuttle Crab Pie

Craft: Cook 4
DC: 19
Component: Scuttle crab meat, flour, vegetables, seasoning and Craft Set
Value: 100 GP (5 portions)
Timeː 4 hours

The scuttle crab is found along the coasts of Valoran, Shurima, and Bilgewater. A fast and fleeting creature, the pie made from its meat is a highly respected delicacy anywhere.

A scuttle crab pie can serve up to 5 people, and can be consumed during a short rest. When eating a portion, for the next 12 hours the creature gains the following benefits: Advantage on Charisma and Wisdom saving throws, 1d6 hit points, 2 DR to simple physical damage, has advantage on Perception checks, receives a +2 bonus on Initiative checks, and has its base movement increased by 5 feet.

20 natural. The benefits become 1d8 hit points, +3 to Initiative rolls, and base movement increased by 10 feet.|}

Level 5

2 Kraken Tartare

Craft: Cook 5
DC: 20
Component: Marinated Kraken, Smoked Kraken, Fine Herbs and Spices and Craft Set
Value: 100 GP (2 portions)
Timeː 2 hours

The 2 Kraken Tartare is a complex combination of marinated raw Kraken and smoked Kraken. Extremely appreciated by the Noxian high nobility, it can be found in several regions.

To prepare a Kraken Tartare, you must have Kraken marinated for 24 hours. A 2 Kraken Tartar can serve 2 people, and can be consumed during a short or long rest. When feeding on a portion, for the next 12 hours the creature receives the following benefits: +1 on attack and damage rolls, 2d8 hit points, the DC of its spells increases by 1, resistance to spiritual damage and DR 1/true damage.

20 natural. The benefits become 3d8 hit points and the DR becomes 2/ true damage.

LEvel 6

Clothesline Druvask

Craft: Cook 6
DC: 22
Component: Druvask, herbs, specific firewoods and Craft Set
Value: 500 GP (10 portions)

O prato conhecido como “Druvask de Varal” é uma espécie de churrasco feito de forma lenta no decorrer de dois dias inteiros, com diferentes etapas de preparo mudando a temperatura em que a carne é assada além de usar lenhas diferentes nesses processos. O resultado é uma carne tenra saborosa e de sabor inconfundível.

Um Druvask de Varal pode ser consumido durante um descanso longo por até 10 pessoas. Ao se alimentar dessa forma, pelas próximas 24 horas se recebe os seguintes benefícios: Recupere 4d6 pontos de vida, seus ataques corpo a corpo recebem 1d4 de dano adicional, você recebe resistência a dano gélido e glacial, você remove 1d4+2 pontos de exaustão e seus ataques corpo a corpo tem seu multiplicador de crítico aumentado em 1.

20 natural. Os benefícios se tornam, 1d6 de dano adicional em ataques corpo a corpo e imunidade a dano gélido.