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“The Shuriman empire once was a prosper civilization which once inhabited a vast desert. Right after the era of prosperity and growth, the fall of the rising capital left the empire in ruins. For millennia, the tales of the glorious Shurima became myth and religion for the descendants of the scattered survivors of the fall. Most nomad inhabitants of Shurima seek a way to feed themselves in a ruthless land. Some guard small military outposts built around a few oases. Others hunt treasures buried between the fallen empire’s ruins or seek mercenary work, getting paid in coin right before vanishing in the sand. Today, the tribes are troubled and uneasy by rumors that can be heard in the desert: The city of Shurima rose again.”
After the fall of Shurima, the old city sank in the sands where it once rose above. Sandstorms filled the watershed, burying the Sun disc and taking everything from the survivors but the desert.
Slowly, the few Shurimanes left divided themselves into tribes scattered around where once was the great solar empire.
Many harbors and cities located in the north of Shurima have joined forces with the Noxian Empire, the natives of those settlements live in relative peace with their noxian neighbors and see the exchange of goods and commercial deals as a price worth paying in exchange for the military protection against intruders.
By contracting shuriman scavengers for almost nothing and selling the artifacts they found to occupant noxians, some unsavory merchants became rich rapidly.
When creating a character from this region, you gain the following traits:
Languages. Shurimane
Skill. Choose one between: Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Arcana, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Investigation, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion, Religion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth or Survival.
Activity. Choose two proficiencies from the following options: A simple weapon, scimitar, shortsword, greatsword, longsword, glaive, khopesh, pike, gauntlet, rapier, trident, longbow, net, blowgun
The Shuriman port became famous for its silk, its replica of the Sun Disc, and the festival which pays homage to Rammus and is, up today, one of the few remaining cities of the ancient empire. Being a portuary zone, Nashramae stands thanks to fishing and its commercial relations with other regions.
Zoantha Cascade
It is known that the dunes movements can tear paths through bare rocks, tumbling from the cliff faces in big sandfalls. As a tradition, the shurimanes toss beloved objects in the sand as gifts for the Ascended. As a result of this tradition, these cascades are well known places for treasure hunters to find some profit.
The City of Gardens
This city, who once was vibrant and beautiful, was destroyed during the apocalyptic Rune Wars. It is said that the whole population was annihilated in one terrible night, the city was utterly destroyed… everything that remains there are ruins.
Valley of Song
The name of this remote pass came from the disorienting whistles that can be heard due to the strong wind that passes through the hollow rock structures. Many unwary travelers have found themselves at the mercy of the deafened marauders who prowl the valley by night.
Marrowmark Market
Erected in the ribcage of some long-dead desert behemoth, it is said that anything under the sun can be found in the bazaars of Marrowmark... for the right price.
Shurimane Nomads
Os catadores de Shurima vivem pilhando comida, itens valiosos e mercadorias. Em geral, eles adentram as ruínas de cidades abandonadas e destruídas pela areia. Catadores são os principais alvos para saqueadores quando se locomovem a pé, então eles normalmente montam em nadadores da areia para evitar emboscadas.
Os saqueadores de Shurima sobrevivem não através do comércio, mas da violência. Esses bandos normalmente tentam se esconder no ambiente a fim de atrair viajantes incautos para armadilhas antes de matá-los, levando seus pertences e, em casos muito raros, comendo-os. Estes salteadores nômades são conhecidos por sua agilidade, usando suas braçadeiras de osso endurecido e lanças para se lançarem contra suas vítimas em velocidades aterrorizantes.
No topo dos Dormuns
Alguns shurimanes escolheram viver sua existência nômade no topo de criaturas gigantes e lentas conhecidas como dormuns. Protegidos por placas de quitina, os dormuns evoluíram para sobreviver à seca eterna e condições severas de Shurima. Os montadores de dormuns limpam a criatura e caçam quaisquer pestes aéreas que se aproximam, enquanto os dormuns usam sentidos desconhecidos para localizar reservatórios escondidos de água. Os montadores de dormuns usam ganchos em garra para atravessar a complexa série de cordas que conecta as habitações da vila móvel. Assim que um deles fica velho demais para “andar pelas cordas”, eles são levados até o chão para viver pelo resto de seus dias como um habitante da terra.
O Disco Solar
A ferramenta usada pelos antigos shurimanes para ascender à divindade. Ela foi destruída junto com o império, mas agora volta para banhar-se ao sol mais uma vez.
Criado sob a orientação dos targonianos, o grande Disco Solar trouxe o favor dos poderes celestiais divinos a Shurima. Assim que ficou completo, dizem que as águas da vida fluíram pelos cânions que circulavam a cidade, trazendo vida ao deserto.