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Translations:Arcanista/232/en: mudanças entre as edições

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Linha 1: Linha 1:
*'''Charm'''. You know how to charm people's minds. Once per full rest, you can use an action to choose one creature that can see and hear you, that creature must make a Wisdom saving throw opposed by a Perform check. On a failure, this creature will do what you ask and answer what you ask for the next hour, unless doing so directly harms the creature, such as "kill the king" or "what secret is hidden by the state?". Additionally, you gain access to the Mystery of Enchantment spell list.
*'''Charm'''. You know how to charm people's minds. Once per full rest, you can use an action to choose one creature that can see and hear you, that creature must make a Wisdom saving throw opposed by a Perform check. On a failure, this creature will do what you ask and answer what you ask for the next hour, unless doing so directly harms the creature, such as "kill the king" or "what secret is hidden by the state?". Additionally, you receive the Mystery of Enchantment.
*'''Oneiros'''. You know the best way to control a situation without it getting out of hand is to put your enemies to sleep. You learn the spell ''[[Sono/en|sleep]]'', this spell does not count towards the spell maximum you know. If you have a grimoire, you can add this spell to it for half the normal cost and time. When casting this spell, you must roll an additional dice pool equal to 1d8 multiplied by your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 0). Additionally, you gain access to the Mystery of Oniromancy spell list.
*'''Oneiros'''. You know the best way to control a situation without it getting out of hand is to put your enemies to sleep. You learn the spell ''[[Sono/en|sleep]]'', this spell does not count towards the spell maximum you know. If you have a grimoire, you can add this spell to it for half the normal cost and time. When casting this spell, you must roll an additional dice pool equal to 1d8 multiplied by your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 0). Additionally, you receive the Mystery of Oniromancy.
*'''Little Forger'''. You learn how to trick a creature's eyes and confuse its hearing. You learn the ''[[Ilusão Menor/en|minor illusion]]'' cantrip, this cantrip does not count towards your maximum cantrips you know, and you can cast it as a bonus action. Additionally, you gain access to the Mystery of Illusion spell list.
*'''Little Forger'''. You learn how to trick a creature's eyes and confuse its hearing. You learn the ''[[Ilusão Menor/en|minor illusion]]'' cantrip, this cantrip does not count towards your maximum cantrips you know, and you can cast it as a bonus action. Additionally, you receive the Mystery of Illusion.
*'''Glimpse'''. You have brief glimpses at some possibilities of what will happen during your day. Once per full rest, choose any roll on which you rolled a natural 1, you may roll the die again and use the new roll. Additionally, you gain access to the Mystery of Divination spell list.
*'''Glimpse'''. You have brief glimpses at some possibilities of what will happen during your day. Once per full rest, choose any roll on which you rolled a natural 1, you may roll the die again and use the new roll. Additionally, you receive the Mystery of Divination.

Edição atual tal como às 18h45min de 25 de novembro de 2024

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Definição da mensagem (Arcanista)
*'''Charme'''. Você sabe como encantar a mente das pessoas. Uma vez por descanso pleno, você pode utilizar uma ação para escolher uma criatura que possa vê-lo e ouví-lo, essa criatura deve realizar uma salvaguarda de Sabedoria resistida por um teste de Atuação. Em uma falha, essa criatura irá fazer o que você pedir e responder o que você perguntar pela próxima hora, exceto se isso causar algum mal direto à criatura, como “mate o rei” ou “qual o segredo escondido pelo estado?”. Adicionalmente, você recebe o Mistério do Encantamento.
*'''Oneiros'''. Você sabe que a melhor maneira de controlar uma situação sem que ela saia do controle é adormecer seus inimigos. Você aprende a magia ''[[Sono|sono]]'', essa magia não conta para o máximo de magias que você conhece. Caso você possua um grimório, você pode adicionar essa magia a ele gastando metade do valor e tempo normais. Ao conjurar essa magia, você deve jogar uma quantidade de dados adicionais igual a 1d8 multiplicado pelo seu modificador de Inteligência (mínimo de 0). Adicionalmente, você recebe o Mistério da Oniromancia.
*'''Pequeno Falsário'''. Você aprende como enganar os olhos de uma criatura e confundir sua audição. Você aprende o truque ilusão menor, esse truque não conta para o máximo de truques que você conhece e você pode conjurá-lo como uma ação bônus. Adicionalmente, você recebe o Mistério da Ilusão.
*'''Vislumbre'''. Você possui breves relances sobre algumas possibilidades do que acontecerá durante seu dia. Uma vez por descanso pleno, escolha uma jogada qualquer que você tenha tirado um 1 natural, você pode jogar o dado novamente e usar a nova jogada. Adicionalmente, você recebe o Mistério da Adivinhação.
  • Charm. You know how to charm people's minds. Once per full rest, you can use an action to choose one creature that can see and hear you, that creature must make a Wisdom saving throw opposed by a Perform check. On a failure, this creature will do what you ask and answer what you ask for the next hour, unless doing so directly harms the creature, such as "kill the king" or "what secret is hidden by the state?". Additionally, you receive the Mystery of Enchantment.
  • Oneiros. You know the best way to control a situation without it getting out of hand is to put your enemies to sleep. You learn the spell sleep, this spell does not count towards the spell maximum you know. If you have a grimoire, you can add this spell to it for half the normal cost and time. When casting this spell, you must roll an additional dice pool equal to 1d8 multiplied by your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 0). Additionally, you receive the Mystery of Oniromancy.
  • Little Forger. You learn how to trick a creature's eyes and confuse its hearing. You learn the minor illusion cantrip, this cantrip does not count towards your maximum cantrips you know, and you can cast it as a bonus action. Additionally, you receive the Mystery of Illusion.
  • Glimpse. You have brief glimpses at some possibilities of what will happen during your day. Once per full rest, choose any roll on which you rolled a natural 1, you may roll the die again and use the new roll. Additionally, you receive the Mystery of Divination.