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Yordle/en: mudanças entre as edições

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Criou página com 'Yordles that isolate themselves for too long, especially if they are isolated from other Yordles, begin to have psychological problems. When they have nefarious inclinations this can make them become truly evil.'
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Linha 28: Linha 28:
Yordles that isolate themselves for too long, especially if they are isolated from other Yordles, begin to have psychological problems. When they have nefarious inclinations this can make them become truly evil.
Yordles that isolate themselves for too long, especially if they are isolated from other Yordles, begin to have psychological problems. When they have nefarious inclinations this can make them become truly evil.

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<span id="Nomes_Yordles"></span>
= Nomes Yordles =
= Yordle Names =

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Yordles do not have a surname, but when they do, it is usually a nickname that describes some habit or characteristic.
Yordles não possuem sobrenome, mas quando possuem geralmente é um apelido que descreve algum hábito ou característica.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Male Names''': Teemo, Rumble, Veigar, Ziggs, Aellhand, Brundon, Carrus, Ferrin, Greemus, Halbert, Jacoby, Lelando, Marko, Pellas, Raurus, Xavier, Zeke
'''Nomes Masculinos''': Teemo, Rumble, Veigar, Ziggs, Aellhand, Brundon, Carrus, Ferrin, Greemus, Halbert, Jacoby, Lelando, Marko, Pellas, Raurus, Xavier, Zeke

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Female Names''': Tristana, Lulu, Poppy, Brandy, Catarine, Eala, Galli, Helena, Kellie, Kittie, Margo, Quiver, Sabrina, Terri.
'''Nomes Femininos''': Tristana, Lulu, Poppy, Brandy, Catarine, Eala, Galli, Helena, Kellie, Kittie, Margo, Quiver, Sabrina, Terri.

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= Yordle Origin Traits =
= Traços de Origem dos Yordles =
''Attributes:'' You can add 2 points to an attribute and 1 to a second attribute.
''Atributos:'' Você pode adicionar 2 pontos a um atributo e 1 a um segundo atributo.

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''Heritage:'' You have 2 Origin Heritage points, see [[Heranças/en|Chapter 5: Customization - Heritages]] for the list of Heritages available. You gain 1 Origin Heritage point at level 5, 9, 13 and 17.
''Herança:'' Você possui 2 pontos de Heranças de Origem, veja o [[Heranças|Capítulo 5: Personalização - Heranças]] para a lista de Heranças disponíveis. Você recebe 1 novo ponto de Herança de Origem nos níveis 5, 9, 13 e 17.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
''Age.'' Yordles have extremely long lifespans compared to humans, partly due to their magical nature. However, they almost always maintain a youthful appearance and a humor close to that of children. Therefore, it is practically impossible to determine the age of any one of them.
''Idade.'' A vida dos Yordles é extremamente longa em comparação ao dos humanos, em parte por sua natureza mágica. No entanto eles mantêm quase sempre um aspecto jovial e um humor próximo ao de crianças. Por isso, é praticamente impossível precisar a idade de qualquer um.
'''Size'''. Most Yordles are less than 3 feet tall and weigh around 65 pounds. Their size is Small.
Tamanho. A maioria dos Yordles tem menos de 1 metro de altura e pesam por volta de 30 quilos. O seu tamanho é Pequeno.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
''Speed'': Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
''Deslocamento.'' Seu deslocamento base de caminhada é 30 pés

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
''Past'': Choose a Past. See [[Passados/en|Chapter 4: Detailing - Pasts]] for the list of Pasts available.
''Passado.'' Escolha um Passado. Veja o [[Passados|Capítulo 4: Detalhamento - Passados]] para a lista de Passados disponíveis.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
''Region'': You have 2 Region Heritage points and 1 language from that region; you must choose your Region which will define where you grew up and much of how you see the world. You can see more about this in [[Runeterra/en|Chapter 11: Runeterra]].
''Região.'' Você recebe 1 ponto de Herança de Região e 1 idioma dessa região, você deve escolher sua Região que definirá onde você cresceu e muito de como você vê o mundo. Você pode ver mais a respeito disso no [[Runeterra|Capítulo 11: Runeterra]].

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
''Need for Coverage.'' For some reason, every yordle feels the need to have something on their head like glasses, a hat, a cap, an earring, etc.
''Necessidade de Cobertura.'' Por algum motivo, todo yordle sente necessidade de ter algo em sua cabeça como um óculos, um chapéu, touca, brinco, etc.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
''Languages.'' You can speak, read and write the Yordle language. Yordles are very efficient at communicating and easily learn other languages, taking half the normal time to learn a new language.
''Idiomas.'' Você pode falar, ler e escrever a língua Yordle. Os Yordles são muito eficientes em comunicação e aprendem facilmente outras línguas, gastando metade do tempo normal para aprender um novo idioma.

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''Darkvision.'' Because of their special eyes, yordles have superior vision in darkness and low light. You can see in dim light up to 60 feet away as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern colors in the dark, only shades of gray.
''Visão no Escuro.'' Pelos olhos especiais que têm, Yordles tem uma visão superior no escuro e na penumbra. Você enxerga na penumbra a até 60 pés como se fosse luz plena e no escuro como se fosse na penumbra. Você não pode discernir cores no escuro, apenas tons de cinza.

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''Nature Mask.'' Yordles can attempt to hide even when only slightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, or other natural phenomena. They can also attempt to hide behind a creature, as long as it is at least one size category larger than themselves.
''Máscara da Natureza.'' Os Yordles podem tentar se esconder mesmo quando estiver apenas levemente oculto pela folhagem, chuva forte, neve caindo, ou outro fenômeno natural. Além disso eles podem tentar se esconder até mesmo atrás de uma criatura, contanto que ela seja no mínimo uma categoria de tamanho maior que a sua
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<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
''Lineages''. You must choose one of the following cribs:
''Linhagens''. Você deve escolher um entre os berços a seguir:

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<span id="Berço"></span>
= Berço =
= Cradle =

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<span id="Aquáticos"></span>
== Aquáticos ==
== Aquatic ==

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Aquatic Yordles have become attuned to the magic of the sea, having adapted to marine life and forming bonds with sea creatures. Strangely enough, even dangerous and gigantic creatures seem to form bonds and friendships with these Yordles.
Os Yordles aquáticos se sintonizaram com a magia dos mares, tendo adaptações para a vida marinha e criando laços com as criaturas dos mares. Estranhamente, até mesmo criaturas perigosas e gigantescas parecem formar vínculos e amizades com esses Yordles.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
''Maritime.'' You have a swimming range of 35 feet. Additionally, underwater combat does not affect your movement or attack speed. While underwater, your Darkvision is doubled, and you can communicate normally with sea creatures. You have advantage on Persuasion checks to convince a sea creature not to attack you or your allies, as long as you have not attacked a creature yet.
''Maritmos.'' Você possui 35 pés de deslocamento de natação. Além disso, combate debaixo da água não causa penalidades em deslocamento ou ataques para você. Enquanto debaixo da água sua Visão no Escuro é dobrada e você pode se comunicar normalmente com criaturas marinhas, possuindo vantagem em testes de Persuasão para convencer uma criatura marinha a não atacar você ou seus aliados, desde que vocês não tenham atacado a criatura ainda.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
''Slippery.'' You can add your proficiency bonus to your AC and gain resistance to bludgeoning damage. Additionally, you are unable to wear armor that is not tailored to you.
''Escorregadio.'' Você pode adicionar seu bônus de proficiência à sua CA e recebe resistência a dano contundente. Adicionalmente, você se torna incapaz de utilizar uma armadura que não seja adaptada pra você.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
== Faeric ==
== Feérico ==
The faerie yordles have become attuned to the magic of the Glade creatures, able to understand incomprehensible things and perceive strange things in reality that other yordles find common. Their naturalness with illusions and chimerical energy gives them distinctive traits and a certain resistance to spells.
Os Yordles feéricos se sintonizaram com a magia das criaturas da Clareira, conseguindo entender coisas
incompreensíveis e percebendo coisas estranhas na realidade que outros Yordles acham comuns. Sua
naturalidade com as ilusões e a energia quimérica, faz com que tenham traços diferentes e uma certa
resistência a feitiços.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
''Faerie Ancestry.'' You do not need to sleep. Instead, you meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours each day. While meditating, you can dream; such dreams are a mental exercise that has become second nature through years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefits as a long rest. Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws against the charmed condition, and you cannot be put to sleep by spells.  
''Ancestralidade Feérica.'' Você não precisa dormir. Ao invés disso, você medita profundamente, permanecendo semiconsciente, por 4 horas por dia. Enquanto meditar, você pode sonhar, tais sonhos são um exercício mental que se tornaram algo natural através de anos de prática. Depois de descansar desta forma, você recebe o mesmo benefício de um descanso longo. Adicionalmente, você possui vantagem em salvaguardas para resistir à condição Enfeitiçado, e você não pode ser colocado para dormir por magias.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
''Fey Essence.'' You touch a target and understand the target's current emotional state. If that creature fails a Charisma saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier), you also know the creature's intentions. Additionally, you have small wings on your back, giving you a flying speed of 30 feet.
''Essência Feérica.'' Você toca um alvo e entende o estado emocional atual do alvo. Caso essa criatura falhar em uma salvaguarda de Carisma CD 8 + seu bônus de proficiência + seu modificador de Carisma, você também saberá as intenções da criatura. Adicionalmente, você possui pequenas asas em suas costas, recebendo 30 pés de deslocamento de voo.

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<span id="Felpudo"></span>
== Felpudo ==
== Fluffy ==

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The fluffy Yordles are the most common breed of Yordles, citizens of Bandle City who mostly lead quiet lives without many adventures. Except when they don't, they end up getting into trouble trying to have adventures.
Os Yordles felpudos são a linhagem mais comum dos Yordles, cidadãos de Bandópolis em sua maioria que levam vidas pacatas sem muitas aventuras. Exceto quando não é assim, quando eles acabam por encontrar confusões tentando ter aventuras.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
''Extraordinary Ability''. Despite your size, you can carry and use heavy weapons made for Medium creatures normally. Additionally, if you are not wielding a heavy weapon, you have a walking speed of 40 feet, instead of 30 feet.
''Capacidade Extraordinária''. Apesar do seu tamanho, você consegue carregar e utilizar armas pesadas feitas para criaturas médias normalmente. Adicionalmente, caso não esteja empunhando uma arma pesada, você possui 40 pés de deslocamento de caminhada, ao invés de 30 pés.

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{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; background-color:#F8F9FA; margin: auto auto 10px 10px; float: right;"
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; background-color:#F8F9FA; margin: auto auto 10px 10px; float: right;"
|- style="font-weight:bold; background-color:#B4A7D6;"
|- style="font-weight:bold; background-color:#B4A7D6;"
! colspan="2" | Mestres do Glamour
! colspan="2" | Masters of Glamour
|- style="font-weight:bold;"
|- style="font-weight:bold;"
| Proficiência
| Proficiency
| Dado
| Dice
|- style="background-color:#d9d2e9;"
|- style="background-color:#d9d2e9;"
| 2
| 2
Linha 164: Linha 112:
| 3d4
| 3d4
''Mestres do Glamour.'' O glamour faz com que os yordles passem despercebidos ou tenham sua presença minimizada na percepção das pessoas, confundindo-os com outras pessoas ou simplesmente focando atenção em outros. O Yordle possui uma quantidade de pontos de Glamour igual a metade do seu bônus de proficiência por descanso pleno, toda vez que um Yordle for atacado, como reação, ele pode gastar um ponto de glamour para jogar um dado e reduzir o valor desse dado da jogada de ataque ou adicionar para a sua jogada de salvaguarda.
''Masters of Glamour.'' Glamour causes yordles to go unnoticed or have their presence minimized in people's perception, confusing them with other people or simply focusing attention on others. The Yordle has a number of Glamour points equal to half his proficiency bonus for a full rest. Whenever a Yordle is attacked, as a reaction, he can spend a Glamour point to roll a die and reduce the value of that die on the attack roll or add it to his saving throw.

Edição atual tal como às 21h07min de 18 de novembro de 2024

This Article is in accordance with the version 0.94 of Runarcana RPG

Members of the Yordle origin are among the most magical and mysterious creatures of Runeterra, spirit creatures that assume a bipedal form not over 80 centimeters tall, normally mammals but can also adapt to life in the sea by taking on amphibious traits. Their origin is unknown, but their presence has been known to exist throughout Runeterra since prehistoric times, appearing from time to time far from their hometown of Bandlecity.


As spirit creatures, although Yordles assume a physical form, the perception of it can vary from person to person when seen behind the magical veil that protects them.

Glamor is a Yordle's natural form of expression that flirts with magic, altering their appearance to others and often giving them the appearance of small humans.


Yordles are usually small, rarely exceeding 1 meter in height and usually range in the 80 centimeter range. Their skin varies between being completely smooth and even being covered with hair, traits that usually differentiate males and females of this race. Their hands have 4 fingers but their feet vary between individuals, having between 2 and 4 fingers.

Skin and fur coloration varies greatly, but a common trend is that males of the breed tend to be hairy while females tend to be sparsely haired. Their eyes are large, with circular irises and oval pupils, and they normally see frequencies below red, unlike humans.


Yordles have innate magic that helps them achieve extraordinary things that are normally impossible for someone of their stature. Furthermore, they have a greater need for social coexistence with others of their species, much more than humans, for example. Normally they are a friendly and peaceful species, often associated with joviality and small jokes, usually benevolent.

Yordles that isolate themselves for too long, especially if they are isolated from other Yordles, begin to have psychological problems. When they have nefarious inclinations this can make them become truly evil.

Yordle Names

Yordles do not have a surname, but when they do, it is usually a nickname that describes some habit or characteristic.

Male Names: Teemo, Rumble, Veigar, Ziggs, Aellhand, Brundon, Carrus, Ferrin, Greemus, Halbert, Jacoby, Lelando, Marko, Pellas, Raurus, Xavier, Zeke

Female Names: Tristana, Lulu, Poppy, Brandy, Catarine, Eala, Galli, Helena, Kellie, Kittie, Margo, Quiver, Sabrina, Terri.

Yordle Origin Traits

Attributes: You can add 2 points to an attribute and 1 to a second attribute.

Heritage: You have 2 Origin Heritage points, see Chapter 5: Customization - Heritages for the list of Heritages available. You gain 1 Origin Heritage point at level 5, 9, 13 and 17.

Age. Yordles have extremely long lifespans compared to humans, partly due to their magical nature. However, they almost always maintain a youthful appearance and a humor close to that of children. Therefore, it is practically impossible to determine the age of any one of them. Size. Most Yordles are less than 3 feet tall and weigh around 65 pounds. Their size is Small.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Past: Choose a Past. See Chapter 4: Detailing - Pasts for the list of Pasts available.

Region: You have 2 Region Heritage points and 1 language from that region; you must choose your Region which will define where you grew up and much of how you see the world. You can see more about this in Chapter 11: Runeterra.

Need for Coverage. For some reason, every yordle feels the need to have something on their head like glasses, a hat, a cap, an earring, etc.

Languages. You can speak, read and write the Yordle language. Yordles are very efficient at communicating and easily learn other languages, taking half the normal time to learn a new language.

Darkvision. Because of their special eyes, yordles have superior vision in darkness and low light. You can see in dim light up to 60 feet away as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern colors in the dark, only shades of gray.

Nature Mask. Yordles can attempt to hide even when only slightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, or other natural phenomena. They can also attempt to hide behind a creature, as long as it is at least one size category larger than themselves.

Lineages. You must choose one of the following cribs:



Aquatic Yordles have become attuned to the magic of the sea, having adapted to marine life and forming bonds with sea creatures. Strangely enough, even dangerous and gigantic creatures seem to form bonds and friendships with these Yordles.

Maritime. You have a swimming range of 35 feet. Additionally, underwater combat does not affect your movement or attack speed. While underwater, your Darkvision is doubled, and you can communicate normally with sea creatures. You have advantage on Persuasion checks to convince a sea creature not to attack you or your allies, as long as you have not attacked a creature yet.

Slippery. You can add your proficiency bonus to your AC and gain resistance to bludgeoning damage. Additionally, you are unable to wear armor that is not tailored to you.


The faerie yordles have become attuned to the magic of the Glade creatures, able to understand incomprehensible things and perceive strange things in reality that other yordles find common. Their naturalness with illusions and chimerical energy gives them distinctive traits and a certain resistance to spells.

Faerie Ancestry. You do not need to sleep. Instead, you meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours each day. While meditating, you can dream; such dreams are a mental exercise that has become second nature through years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefits as a long rest. Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws against the charmed condition, and you cannot be put to sleep by spells.

Fey Essence. You touch a target and understand the target's current emotional state. If that creature fails a Charisma saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier), you also know the creature's intentions. Additionally, you have small wings on your back, giving you a flying speed of 30 feet.


The fluffy Yordles are the most common breed of Yordles, citizens of Bandle City who mostly lead quiet lives without many adventures. Except when they don't, they end up getting into trouble trying to have adventures.

Extraordinary Ability. Despite your size, you can carry and use heavy weapons made for Medium creatures normally. Additionally, if you are not wielding a heavy weapon, you have a walking speed of 40 feet, instead of 30 feet.

Masters of Glamour
Proficiency Dice
2 1d4
3 1d6
4 2d4
5 2d6
6 3d4

Masters of Glamour. Glamour causes yordles to go unnoticed or have their presence minimized in people's perception, confusing them with other people or simply focusing attention on others. The Yordle has a number of Glamour points equal to half his proficiency bonus for a full rest. Whenever a Yordle is attacked, as a reaction, he can spend a Glamour point to roll a die and reduce the value of that die on the attack roll or add it to his saving throw.