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Craft: Jeweler

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This Article is in accordance with the version 0.94 of Runarcana RPG

The Jeweler's craft allows you to design and create jewelry, as well as repair it, identify fake gemstones and determine their purchase and sale value. In addition, the jeweler is also able to cut gemstones and increase their market value through a better presentation or making a piece of jewelry that is favored by the tastes of a region.

Attribute: The Attribute for tests related to the Jeweler's Craft is Intelligence.

Synergies: In conjunction with jeweler's tools, you can use this craft with the following skills, enabling some effects:

  • Arcana. When using Jeweler's Tools along with this skill, you can find information about enchantments on gems, assess the possibility of a gem receiving an enchantment, among others.
  • Investigation. You can inspect gems and objects with gems embedded in them, finding clues about what happened to them, assessing whether they came into contact with a specific substance, among others.
  • Technology and Arcana. You can assess a hextech crystal and know if it is synthetic or real, in addition to estimating its energy capacity.

Jeweler's Set

A Jeweler's Set allows you to use the techniques for cutting, polishing, cleaning and all other processes necessary to beautify a gemstone and add value to it. With them, you can evaluate and even identify them.

Contents: A Jeweler's Set includes a magnifying glass and lenses, a small saw, sandpaper, polishing ointments as well as a hammer, pliers, tweezers and a series of chromatic films.

Formulas of the Jeweler's Craft

Level 1

Signet Ring

Craft: Jeweler
DC: 12
Component: Metal and Craft Set.
Value: 5 gp

A Signet Ring is a ring that can be used to leave a bas-relief impression on a soft material, such as hot candle wax. By default, a signet ring bears a unique mark to identify its owner.

A Jeweler, in possession of a Set of his craft, can increase the market value of the ring by using precious metals to transform it into a piece of jewelry. For each additional day of work and the expenditure of 25 sp, the market value of the ring increases by 5 gp.

'20 natural. General Masterpieces

Gold Bracelet

Craft: Jeweler 1
DC: 13
Component: Gold and Craft Set.
Value: 25 GP

A gold bracelet is a medium-luxury piece of jewelry made of 18-karat gold that gently curves around the wrist to create an elegant and sophisticated design. It has small notches that highlight the shine of the gold.

During the creation of this piece of jewelry, a gemstone can be added to increase its value. The added value is equal to one and a half times the value of the gemstone.

'20 natural. General Masterpieces

Level 2

Silver Necklace with Pearl

Craft: Jeweler 2
DC: 15
Component: Silver, Pearl, and Craft Set
Value: 250 GP

This silver necklace is a unique piece of jewelry, adorned with a delicate white pearl in the middle of the necklace, framed in a polished silver frame that radiates light. The silver chain is delicate and thin, but still strong enough to support the weight of the pearl.

The base material of this necklace can be replaced with gold, doubling its value.

'20 natural. General Masterpieces

Level 3

Gold and Silver Brooch

Craft: Jeweler 3
DC: 17
Component: Gold and Silver and Craft Set
Value: 750 GP

By default, this brooch is made with a fine mixture of silver and gold. The precious metal is worked into an artistic design with a theme chosen by the artist (or by the client, when commissioned). The polished metal shines in the sun, creating a luxurious and elegant effect.

During the creation of this jewel, two gemstones can be added to increase its value. The added value is equal to one and a half times the value of the gemstones.

'20 natural. General Masterpieces

Level 4

Gold Chain with Glowing Ruby

Craft: Jeweler 4
DC: 19
Component: Gold, Ruby, and Craft Set
Value: 2,500 gp

The intense shine of this chain is enhanced by the incandescent ruby ​​at its center. This color becomes even more intense in the sunlight, creating a unique and elegant effect. The gold chain is made with meticulous and refined details, making it even more luxurious. Each link of the chain is perfectly polished and its shape is fluid and smooth

The base material of this necklace can be replaced with platinum, doubling its value.

'20 natural. General Masterpieces

Level 5

Platinum Ring with Diamond

Craft: Jeweler 5
DC: 20
Component: Platinum, Diamond, and Craft Set
Value: 7,500 GP

This platinum ring enchants with its intense shine and refined design. The diamond stands out in this jewel, making it a highlight for special occasions. The diamond's shine is enhanced by the superior quality platinum, which gives the ring a smooth and polished finish. The design is adorned with delicate details that, upon closer inspection, reveal letters of an elegant alphabet.

The diamond can be replaced with a Black Sapphire or even a colored diamond of greater value, increasing the value of the jewel by one and a half times.

'20 natural. General Masterpieces

Level 6

Platinum Bracelet with Hexite

Craft: Jeweler 6
DC: 22
Component: Platinum, Hexite, Craft Set
Value: 10,000 gp

A platinum bracelet adorned with hexite is a jewellery masterpiece, a unique piece that represents the ultimate in ostentation. Platinum is a practical choice because it is resistant to corrosion and has a natural lustre that is slightly darker than gold. The hexite gives the bracelet a unique look, with its moving tones that stand out brilliantly against the platinum.

The hexite in this bracelet functions as a category 2 self-charging core.

'20 natural. General Masterpieces and, the hexite harmonises with the bracelet, assuming category 3.