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Uncontrolled Yordle Magic
De Runarcana Wiki
Some forms of magic are guided by strange rules of reality modification, for this reason, they often violate their own rules and nature, reproducing effects without much sense and connection with the initial intention of the magic.
When an Uncontrolled Yordle Magic effect happens, roll 1d100 to check the table for the effect that happens.
Uncontrolled Yordle Magic | ||||
d100⠀⠀ | Effect | d100⠀⠀ | Effect | |
01 - 02 | Roll this table again every turn until the end of the fight, ignoring this result if you receive it again | 51 - 52 | You get a voucher that allows you to negate an effect from that table | |
03 - 04 | You hear everything the trees say for the next 1d4 weeks | 53 - 54 | Every time you speak for the next minute, you are screaming. | |
05 - 06 | You teleport you and your allies to an area within 1 mile of where you are currently located. | 55 - 56 | Your voice oscillates between very low and very high and you cannot stop talking for 1 minute. | |
07 - 08 | A squirrel appears on your head and he starts hitting it with a hazelnut for a minute. It is impossible to remove it. Take 1 damage and have disadvantage in concentration moves. At the end of the minute, it disappears. | 57 - 58 | A fern grows from your armpits causing an itch and a terrible stench that drives everyone away from you. Creatures that approach within 10 feet of you must make a Constitution DC 18 saving throw, or become nauseated and begin to vomit for 3 turns. The saving throw can be redone during these turns. The fern lasts 5 turns. | |
09 - 10 | Roll a d10. Your age changes by a value equal to the roll result. If the value is odd, you are younger (minimum 1 year). If it is even, you get older. | 59 - 60 | You look directly at a tulip, it makes you paranoid thinking you are cursed for the next 1d4 hours | |
11 - 12 | You summon a fey creature | 61 - 62 | You cast the spell conjure minor elementals | |
13 - 14 | You get bloated and look like a ball, and instead of walking you will roll on the floor. This lasts for 1d4 turns. | 63 - 64 | You throw up a frog and take 2 damage. | |
15 - 16 | A tulip sprouts on your forehead and she says improper things to you for 1 minute, after which time it disappears. | 65 - 66 | Roll a d10. Your height changes by 1 x the result of the roll in inches. If the value is odd, you reduce. If it is even, you grow | |
17 - 18 | When you speak for the next minute, only butterflies will come out of your mouth. | 67 - 68 | Your legs stretch three times their length and you get +10 speed for 1d4 turns. | |
19 - 20 | You start spinning non-stop for 1d4 turns, and lose your action during those turns. | 69 - 70 | You are teleported back to BandleCity until the end of your next turn. | |
21 - 22 | You get a purple taste in your mouth and try to describe it for the next minute. | 71 - 72 | A total of 10d10 gold coins appear falling from your nose. | |
23 - 24 | All the fingers of your hand turn into carrots and can be eaten normally. They reappear fully intact after 2 turns. You drop anything in your hands. | 73 - 74 | You cast polymorph on yourself, if you fail in the saving throw you become a poro until the end of the spell. | |
25 - 26 | You start to float around, replacing your walking speed for the next 1d6 turns for 20 feet of flying speed. | 75 - 76 | You are paranoid about potatoes for the next 1d6 days, thinking they are planning something. | |
27- 28 | All the hair and fur on your body fall out, but it grows back in 1d4 days. | 77 - 78 | You understand everything the environment around you is saying for the next day, being able to hear the wind, the grass, and the rocks. | |
29 - 30 | A bird beak appears in your face, and for the next 1d4 hours you cannot speak, just quack. The remove curse spell can end this effect. | 79 - 80 | A feathered beard grows on you, it lasts until you sneeze. | |
31 - 32 | You start laughing hysterically for 1 minute. | 81 - 82 | You find a map with a stain of coffee. | |
33 - 34 | You start singing like a crimson raptor for 2d8 minutes | 83 - 84 | You roll this table again 2 times, ignoring this effect if you receive it again. | |
35 - 36 | You cast the spell conjure woodland beings. | 85 - 86 | Roll 1d10 and use this value as a roll for this table. | |
37 - 38 | You get a different color tone. You turn blue, if it’s already blue, you turn yellow. The remove curse spell can end this effect. | 87 - 88 | You maximize the damage of your next attack, be it physical or magical. Also, you cast the same amount of points caused on roses that spread in an explosion after the hit. | |
39 - 40 | An old hat appears on your head. | 89 - 90 | You cast the spell conjure elemental. | |
41 - 42 | People who look at you through glamor see you as a short, sullen old man for the next 5d6 days. The remove curse spell can end this effect. | 91 - 92 | You get a voucher to re-roll that table. When you roll an effect you don't like, you can choose whether to keep the first roll or not. | |
43 - 44 | Your arms stretch three times their length and you lose your action for 1 turn. | 93 - 94 | You gain immunity to all types of damage and you can see the invisible for 1d4 + 1 turns. | |
45 - 46 | An empty bottle sprouts from the floor in front of you. | 95 - 96 | You recover all your hit points. | |
47 - 48 | Rotate 1d10, subtract from 100, and use this value as a scroll for this table. | 97 - 98 | You recover all of your used Mana Points. | |
49 - 50 | You roll this table again and the effect happens to one of your allies at random. If you're alone, with you. | 99 - 00 | You receive for 1d8 x 3 hours an additional Runic Pulse at the GM choice. |