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Craft: Techmaturge
Techmaturge's Craft allows you to design, create, repair, and even reload Apparatus, using base Techmaturge technology to reproduce some common inventions and even invent new ones. A Techmaturge can combine different technologies to create new effects and possibilities with their Apparatus.
Attribute: The attribute for tests related to Techmaturge's Craft is Intelligence.
Synergies: Using an Techmaturge Set, you can use this Craft with the following skills, enabling some effects:
- Arcana, History. In conjunction with your knowledge, you can analyze an item or technological artifact to determine its origin and workings, as well as whether it is a magic item or not.
- Tecnology. You can use these tools as part of a long rest to repair a damaged construct, it can heal 2d10 + your Technology skill modifier.
Techmaturge Set
With the Techmaturge Set you can perform various actions, such as creating small trinkets made from scrap metal, dismantling and reassembling any invention, removing parts from an unusable object and you can even repair a Construct that has been damaged.
Content: The Techmaturge's Set is made up of various tools, such as 5 spanners, screwdrivers, a small hammer, and an assortment of screws, nails, nuts, bolts, springs, and gears, as well as a portable torch with fuel.
Formulas for the Techmaturge Craft
The results of the formulas of the Techmaturgist's craft can be called Inventions, Devices, Techmaturgical Items, among many other possibilities consistent with the region in which they are developed. These creations normally require a source of energy in order to function, more about this can be seen in Chapter 11: Techmaturgy - Energy.
Apparatus are more complex techmaturgical inventions that are usually combined with other crafts to create inventions. See more at Apparatus
Techmaturgical Styles
When choosing the Techmaturgical Craft, you must choose a style from the styles of your region. Each time you choose a formula, you can choose a new techmaturgical style that you have studied instead of choosing a new formula, thus expanding the styles to which you have access.
Having multiple styles allows a tecmaturge to both access new inventions and adapt those he already has, making them convert to the use of energy matrices from different tecmaturgical styles, often being able to reactivate inventions created by other tecmaturgists.
Level 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mechanical HelmetCraft: Techmaturge 1 A helmet made of metal parts and some extremely hard plastic that seems to interact with brain waves in nearly invisible patterns of color.
Natural 20. "General Masterpieces" Table | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chirean Adjustable WrenchPrerequisite: Chirean Craft: Techmaturge 1 This adjustable wrench looks like a regular adjustable wrench, but it weighs a little more than a regular adjustable wrench and has a wider adjustment range than a regular adjustable wrench. The adjustable wrench can be used as a base for a Gadget: Improved Weaponry, retaining its characteristics.
Natural 20. "General Masterpieces" Table | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Energy Cell
Craft: Techmaturge 1 A cell has a set amount of energy at its creation, up to a maximum of 5 Energy points. Each point of energy contained in the cell increases its creation value by 5 gp. Each time this formula is chosen, it must be assigned to a techmaturgical style. Unlike other formulas, the time required to create a cell is not based on the value of GP/day, with this time being calculated using 1 hour of base work, with an additional 30 minutes for each energy point above the first. For each Craft level, the time required to create a cell is reduced according to the Time Calculation table.
'Natural 20. The cell is created with an amount of additional energy points according to the natural 20 table, which may exceed the maximum of 5 energy points. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ClimberCraft: Techmaturge 1 A pole around 30 cm long with a metallic appearance, this hook system with an electromechanical converter can be applied to a rope, quickly rotating this rope for climbs.
Natural 20. "General Masterpieces" Table | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lentes de ExploradorCraft: Techmaturge 1 This pair of lenses has undergone a chemical process that makes them sensitive to the smallest amounts of light, even converting normally invisible waves into visible waves.
Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lenses of PreyCraft: Techmaturge 1 A few synthetic lenses that are applied in an interchangeable frame are usually made from discarded laser lenses that have not achieved the necessary refinement. The cost to create this lens is 25 gp + 10 gp for each Craft level used to create it. The Craft level used becomes the effective level of that lens.
Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chirean MaskPrerequisite: Chirean Craft: Techmaturge 1 A mask typically made from the metal base of a regular welding mask with a built-in air filter, suitable for a Chirean's body. This mask can be modified up to 2 times (using Techmaturgy formulas), amplifying its effects. The time and cost required for this is halved.
Natural 20. "General Masterpieces" Table | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NecropulseCraft: Techmaturge 1 A wristwatch with no pointers (and doesn't track the hours) dial and a bracelet made of metal and braided leather.
Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Energy Core
Ofício: Techmaturge 1 A Core has a base value of 50 GP +10 GP per energy point up to a maximum of 5 energy points. Unlike other formulas, the time required to create a Core is not based on the GP/day value, with this time being calculated using 2 hours of base work, with an additional 30 minutes for each energy point above the first. For each Craft level, the time required to create a cell is reduced according to the Time Calculation table.
'Natural 20. The Core is created with an amount of additional energy points according to the 20 natural table, and may exceed the maximum of 5 energy points. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Medical PropulsorCraft: Techmaturge 1 A 30 x 30 x 10 cm box that, when opened, can be placed on an injured creature. This device emits waves and a very intense green light, causing a regenerative effect on organisms and even constructs.
Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Power Reactor
Craft: Techmaturge 1 to 6 Reactors are improvements over Power Cores, being able to be recharged normally like Cores but also having the ability to automatically recharge. Recharging is done by draining magical energy from the environment in an invisible way, even for magic detection. Self-recharging is done depending on the category of the Reactor and the speed is influenced by the level of magic in the environment. Auto Recharge. Based on the power of the Magic Zone and its Category, a Reactor recharges 1 energy point in a period of time determined in the Reactor table 'Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table |
Level 2 |
Diving EquipmentCraft: Techmaturge 2 Consisting of a respirator and a pair of wearable fins, this set has surprising hydrodynamics.
Natural 20. "General Masterpieces" Table |
Energy ShieldCraft: Techmaturge 2
Natural 20. The Shield has 17 AC and 30 hit points. |
Adrenochrome InfuserCraft: Techmaturge 2 A kind of medallion with some needles that are painlessly and automatically affixed to the chest.
Natural 20. "General Masterpieces" Table |
Master Craftsman's GlovesCraft: Techmaturge 2 This pair of gloves consists of a seemingly delicate pair, made from a white fabric that darkens over time but has impressive resistance. Additionally, an exoskeleton-like outer structure appears to provide greater precision for manual work.
Natural 20. "General Masterpieces" Table |
Holographic CloakCraft: Techmaturge 2 While not activated, this cloak appears to be made of black leather with details in an iridescent white material, like lines from some mechanism that permeate throughout the fabric.
Natural 20. "General Masterpieces" Table |
Uma máscara feita com base na Máscara dos Chireanos mas adaptada para criaturas humanoides de outras origens. Ela possui um filtro de ar e um protetor luminoso embutido. Essa máscara pode receber até 2 modificações (usando fórmulas de Tecmaturgia), amplificando seus efeitos. O tempo e valor necessários para isso é reduzido pela metade.
20 natural. Tabela “Obras-Primas Gerais” Voice ModulatorCraft: Techmaturge 2 A small piece of metal with a suction cup that can be attached to a person's throat discreetly. This part is capable of storing up to 3 voice patterns. The cost to create this voice changer is 50 gp + 10 gp for each Craft level used to create it. For each level above 2nd, it can store 2 additional voice patterns.
20 natural. Tabela “Obras-Primas Gerais” |
Prancha FogolumeOfício: Tecmaturgo 2 Essa prancha é capaz de voar em grandes velocidades. Requer treinamento.
Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table |
Level 3 |
Boots of StrengthCraft: Techmaturge 3 This pair of orange boots has a metallic pneumatic structure on the outside, providing cushioning for falls and boosting for jumps.
Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table |
Advanced CellCraft: Techmaturge 3
An advanced cell has a set amount of energy at its creation, starting at 5 and going up to a maximum of 10 energy points. Each point of energy contained in the cell increases its creation value by 5 gp. Unlike other formulas, the time required to create an advanced cell is not based on the value of GP/day, with this time being calculated using 2 hours of base work, with an additional 30 minutes for each energy point above the first. For each Craft level, the time required to create a cell is reduced according to the Time Calculation table. 'Natural 20. The advanced cell is created with an amount of additional energy points according to the Natural 20 table, and may exceed the maximum of 10 energy points. |
Overload TriggerCraft: Techmaturge 3 A very wide bracelet that carries a strange watch face that tells the time, body temperature and other minor information.
Natural 20. "General Masterpieces" Table |
Tanotic ReaderCraft: Techmaturge 3 This strange pair of lenses are positioned one after the other in just one eye, this reader emits a bluish light from top to bottom, which passes through solid surfaces and displays information on the lens itself.
Natural 20. "General Masterpieces" Table |
Jet PackCraft: Techmaturge 3 This Gadget is shaped like two cylinders joined to a central box, with hoses and wires intertwining in connection of the three main parts.
Natural 20. "General Masterpieces" Table |
Portable EngineCraft: Techmaturge 3 An engine is an object that converts other forms of energy into mechanical energy, used to create machinery. The weight of a portable engine is 100 to 150 kg, with the “portable” in the name serving only to differentiate it from industrial engines and engine rooms. When creating the engine, it is necessary to define what its primary energy source is. The most common sources are “energetic” (using cells, cores and automatic cores), magic (using mana) and combustion (using chemical reactions)
'20 natural. “General Masterpieces” Table |
Elemental ResuscitatorCraft: Techmaturge 3 This bracelet has silver and bronze details and can be disassembled into two separate paddles connected by a wire.
Natural 20. "General Masterpieces" Table |
Level 4 |
Defensive AmplifierCraft: Techmaturge 4 This armband is made of brushed gold metal, inscribed in an alphabet that appears to be made from electrical trails.
Natural 20. "General Masterpieces" Table |
Offensive AmplifierCraft: Techmaturge 4 This staff has a geometric pattern and looks like it was carved from one solid piece of steel.
Natural 20. "General Masterpieces" Table |
Residual energy StorerCraft: Techmaturge 4 An extremely resistant glass capsule with two metal parts as lids. Inside is a kind of powder that seems to turn into a colored gas when energized.
Natural 20. "General Masterpieces" Table |
Neuro Adaptive DiademCraft: Techmaturge 4 This diadem is made of a golden metal very similar to gold, with some crystals that look a lot like gemstones, and could easily pass for an exquisite but normal-looking piece of jewelry.
Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table |
MotorcycleCraft: Techmaturge 4 Motorcycles exist only in Piltover and Zaun, they are two-wheeled vehicles powered by chemical fuel. A motorcycle is capable of carrying up to 2 people and reaches up to 40 km/h, needing to be supplied with fuel.
Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table |
Floating ShoesCraft: Techmaturge 4 A pair of black shoes with an odd sole that appears to rise above the normal line, visually looking spongy
Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table |
Level 5 |
AutomobileCraft: Techmaturge 5 Automobiles exist only in Piltover and Zaun, they are vehicles with 3 or more wheels powered by chemical fuel. An automobile is capable of carrying up to 4 people and reaches up to 60 km/h, needing to be filled with fuel
Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table |
Bionic LensCraft: Techmaturge 5 This Apparatus is apparently a simple pair of gelatinous lenses with some metallic reflection. They can be placed on the eyes normally.
Natural 20. The additional damage becomes 6d6. |
Artillery EngineCraft: Techmaturge 5 This engine must be transported in separate pieces, weighing a total of 35 kilograms. It can be partially assembled in one round and fully assembled in one minute. It takes you the same amount of time to disassemble it, and you cannot move or perform any other hand action while assembling this Gadget.
Natural 20. "General Masterpieces" Table |
Freezing RayCraft: Techmaturge 5 Similar to a flamethrower, this Gadget consists of a small tank that can be worn as a backpack, with a hose connecting it to a trigger that can be manipulated with just one hand. Each time you use this Gadget's abilities, the Energy cost of its abilities increases by one. With each long rest, this cost resets.
Natural 20. "General Masterpieces" Table |
Level 6 |
Quantum Probability CalculatorCraft: Techmaturge 6 This bronze and brass cube comes with a band that can be placed on the head, similar to a martial arts band, discreet due to being transparent and having some metallic wires running through it. The cube obtains and processes information that is transmitted to the user through the band.
Natural 20. "General Masterpieces" Table |
Gravity ManipulatorCraft: Techmaturge 6 Its appearance is similar to that of a metallic sphere with a handle and a trigger inside a cavity, its color is violet and when used it emits a noticeable rippling buzz.
Natural 20. The crushing damage becomes 4d6. |