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Troll/en: mudanças entre as edições

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Criou página com '''Languages.'' You can speak Troll but cannot read or write, when given a language from your region you cannot read or write it either, this does not prevent you from learning these skills.'
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Linha 8: Linha 8:
Trolls are a grotesque humanoid species that inhabit the lands of Freljord and Shurima. Ice trolls typically have blue skin while sand trolls have yellow skin, close to the color of sand, but both descendants share a tribal culture. Recently, the Ice Trolls have begun to prepare for war, rallying under the banner of Trundle, the Troll King. There are also Sand Trolls living in Shurima and Ixtal. It is unknown how many of these Trolls exist, with their mere existence being considered a myth in modern times.
Trolls are a grotesque humanoid species that inhabit the lands of Freljord and Shurima. Ice trolls typically have blue skin while sand trolls have yellow skin, close to the color of sand, but both descendants share a tribal culture. Recently, the Ice Trolls have begun to prepare for war, rallying under the banner of Trundle, the Troll King. There are also Sand Trolls living in Shurima and Ixtal. It is unknown how many of these Trolls exist, with their mere existence being considered a myth in modern times.

<span id="O_Rei_Troll"></span>
= The Troll King =
= The Troll King =

Linha 18: Linha 19:
Seeking command, Trundle announced that there would be no more chiefs - only a Troll King to whom all would kneel. The trolls rallied behind their trust, their new leader, and prepared for the coming war. With Trundle leading the charge, the trolls' time had finally come.
Seeking command, Trundle announced that there would be no more chiefs - only a Troll King to whom all would kneel. The trolls rallied behind their trust, their new leader, and prepared for the coming war. With Trundle leading the charge, the trolls' time had finally come.

<span id="Fisiologia"></span>
= Physiology =
= Physiology =

Linha 26: Linha 28:
Their jaws are able to open at an unnaturally wide angle to shred flesh and intimidate smaller individuals. Unlike humans, they have 3-fingered hands and stubby feet. Ice Trolls are among the few races able to wield True Ice and the weapons made with it.
Their jaws are able to open at an unnaturally wide angle to shred flesh and intimidate smaller individuals. Unlike humans, they have 3-fingered hands and stubby feet. Ice Trolls are among the few races able to wield True Ice and the weapons made with it.

<span id="Nomes_Trolls"></span>
= Troll Names =
= Troll Names =

Linha 45: Linha 48:
''Speed.'' Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
''Speed.'' Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

''Past.'' Choose a Past. See [[Passados/en|Chapter 4: Detailing - Pasts]] for the list of Pasts available.
''Past'': Choose a Past. See [[Passados/en|Chapter 4: Detailing - Pasts]] for the list of Pasts available.

''Region.'' Each region of Runeterra has a different culture, while Ice Trolls are only found in Freljord, Sand Trolls are only found in Shurima and Jungle Trolls are only found in Kumungu. You have 1 Region Heritage point and 1 language from that region, you must choose your Region which will define where you grew up and much of how you see the world. You can see more about this in [[Runeterra/en|Chapter 11: Runeterra]].
''Region.'' Each region of Runeterra has a different culture, while Ice Trolls are only found in Freljord, Sand Trolls are only found in Shurima and Jungle Trolls are only found in Kumungu. You have 1 Region Heritage point and 1 language from that region, you must choose your Region which will define where you grew up and much of how you see the world. You can see more about this in [[Runeterra/en|Chapter 11: Runeterra]].
Linha 57: Linha 60:
''Lineages.'' You must choose one of the following packs:
''Lineages.'' You must choose one of the following packs:

<span id="Bandos"></span>
= Pack =
= Pack =

Though in the distant past the Trolls had many Kings and valiant champions, in the present they have mostly been reduced to savagery and have spread especially across the Freljord, with some tribes reaching colossal sizes but often at the cost of intellect.
Though in the distant past the Trolls had many Kings and valiant champions, in the present they have mostly been reduced to savagery and have spread especially across the Freljord, with some tribes reaching colossal sizes but often at the cost of intellect.

<span id="Troll_da_Areia"></span>
== Sand Troll ==
== Sand Troll ==

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Sand trolls are smarter and more sneaky than their Ice cousins, but their tribes are fewer in number and they mostly keep to themselves.
Os Trolls da areia são mais inteligentes e sorrateiros que seus primos do Gelo, mas suas tribos são menos numerosas e eles se mantém reclusos na maior parte do tempo.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
''Desertborn.'' Sand Trolls are immune to any extreme heat effects from locations and ignore difficult terrain caused by sand.
''Nascido do Deserto.'' Trolls da Areia são imunes a qualquer efeitos de calor extremo de locais e ignoram terreno difícil causado por areia.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
''Elusive Masters.'' Despite their size, Sand Trolls are extremely agile and hide easily due to their sandy skin tone. You have proficiency in Stealth and gain advantage on these checks if you are in a sandy region.
''Mestres Elusivos.'' Apesar de seu tamanho Trolls da Areia são extremamente ágeis e se escondem facilmente devido ao seu tom de pele arenoso. Você possui proficiência em Furtividade e recebe vantagem nesses testes se estiver em uma região arenosa.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<span id="Troll_do_Gelo"></span>
== Troll do Gelo ==
== Ice Troll ==

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The bigger, the dumber. This definition is perfect for Ice Trolls, they are the biggest among the Trolls with the South being smaller than the North, but generally smarter (although not by much).
Quão maior, mais burro. Essa definição é perfeita para os Trolls do Gelo, são os maiores entre os Trolls com os do Sul sendo menores que os do Norte, mas geralmente mais espertos (embora nem tanto assim).

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Tundraborn. Ice Trolls are immune to any extreme cold effects from locations and ignore difficult terrain caused by ice. In addition to being able to choose the [[Heranças Variantes/en#Iceborn|Variant Heritage: Iceborn]].
''Nascido da Tundra.'' Trolls do Gelo são imunes a qualquer efeitos de frio extremo de locais e ignoram terreno difícil causado por gelo. Além de serem capazes de poderem escolher a [[Heranças Variantes#Glacinata|Herança Variante: Glacinata]].

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
''On the Hunt.'' Using a bonus action, an Ice Troll can mark a pursuit target. While having a marked enemy, the Troll gains an additional speed of 15 feet when moving towards its marked target. You can only have one enemy marked at a time and each mark lasts for 1 minute. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest.
''Em Caçada.'' Utilizando uma ação bônus, um Troll do Gelo pode marcar um alvo de perseguição. Enquanto estiver com um inimigo marcado, o Troll recebe 15 pés de movimentação adicional ao se mover em direção ao seu alvo marcado. Você só pode ter um inimigo marcado por vez, e cada marca possui 1 minuto de duração. Você pode utilizar esse traço um número de vezes igual ao seu bônus de proficiência por descanso pleno.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<span id="Troll_da_Selva"></span>
== Troll da Selva ==
== Jungle Troll ==

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Scattered in small forest tribes east of the Shurimane continent, Jungle Trolls are closer to their sand cousins than to their Tundra-born counterparts.
Espalhados em pequenas tribos na floresta ao leste do continente Shurimane, os Trolls da Selva são mais próximos de seus primos da areia do que dos nascidos na Tundra.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
''Jungleborn.'' Jungle Trolls are immune to poison and poison damage, and ignore difficult terrain caused by vegetation.
''Nascido da Selva''.  Os Trolls da Selva são imunes a dano venenoso e envenenamento*, ignoram terreno difícil causado por vegetação.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
''Darkvision.'' Due to their familiarity with the darkness, they can see up to 120 feet in dim light as if it were bright light and in the darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern colors in the dark, only shades of gray.
''Visão no Escuro.'' Devido a sua familiaridade de agir no escuro, enxergam na penumbra a até 120 pés como se fosse luz plena e no escuro como se fosse na penumbra. Você não pode discernir cores no escuro, apenas tons de cinza.

Edição atual tal como às 07h44min de 2 de dezembro de 2024

This Article is in accordance with the version 0.94 of Runarcana RPG

Trolls are a grotesque humanoid species that inhabit the lands of Freljord and Shurima. Ice trolls typically have blue skin while sand trolls have yellow skin, close to the color of sand, but both descendants share a tribal culture. Recently, the Ice Trolls have begun to prepare for war, rallying under the banner of Trundle, the Troll King. There are also Sand Trolls living in Shurima and Ixtal. It is unknown how many of these Trolls exist, with their mere existence being considered a myth in modern times.

The Troll King

Trundle is a hulking, treacherous ice troll with a particularly vicious tendency, and there's nothing he can't bludgeon his way through, not even the Freljord itself. Fiercely territorial, he hunts down anyone foolish enough to enter his domain. Then, with his massive club of True Ice, he chills his enemies to the bone and impales them with jagged frozen pillars, laughing as they bleed out on the tundra.

Trundle's warlike tribe was once led by a foolish and cowardly chief. Under such a weak leader, Trundle feared that he and his kind would be nothing but prey for other hordes of trolls scattered across the tundra. The clashes, however, ended in humiliation. Trundle did something that was unusual for his species: instead of resorting to his fists, he resorted to his wits. Rummaging on his furry feet, he concocted a story about past troll leaders, saying they wielded weapons of great power as symbols of their right to rule. Setting off towards the Frost Witch's territories in search of a worthy weapon.

When Trundle returned to his tribe with a massive magical staff of True Ice, his fellow trolls bowed to his conquest. Dubbing his weapon the "Boneshiver", he took a moment to enjoy the shock etched on his boss's face before overpowering him.

Seeking command, Trundle announced that there would be no more chiefs - only a Troll King to whom all would kneel. The trolls rallied behind their trust, their new leader, and prepared for the coming war. With Trundle leading the charge, the trolls' time had finally come.


Trolls are huge and muscular and use their size to intimidate and dominate smaller creatures and races. They have unusually colored skin, with wart-like bumps all over their bodies. While most of their bodies are furless, most trolls have long hair and beards, which can be various shades of red, blue, orange, brown, or gray.

Their eyes glow blue or amber, obscuring their pupils and irises. They have large noses, which are a different hue compared to their skin color; they also have large tusk-like front teeth that give them a powerful bite.

Their jaws are able to open at an unnaturally wide angle to shred flesh and intimidate smaller individuals. Unlike humans, they have 3-fingered hands and stubby feet. Ice Trolls are among the few races able to wield True Ice and the weapons made with it.

Troll Names

Trolls do not have surnames, they just have designations linked to the region of their tribe such as North or South.

Male Names: Alzim, Grubgrack, Kurzol, Sligu, Tarkaz, Trundle, Uzgar, Yettu

Female Names: Augur, Eleja, Khijazi, Lujin, Renjai, Segawa, Yaci,Zalma, Zoti

Troll Origin Traits

Attributes: You can add 2 points to an attribute and 1 to a second attribute.

Heritage: You have 2 Origin Heritage points,see Chapter 5: Customization - Heritages for the list of Heritages available. You gain 1 Origin Heritage point at level 5, 9, 13 and 17.

Age. Os Trolls chegam à maturidade por volta dos 15 anos mas podem chegar a viver por mais de 300 anos.

Size. Trolls vary greatly in height and weight, ranging from 2 meters to over 5 meters and reaching up to 300 kg. You decide if your size is Medium or Large.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Past: Choose a Past. See Chapter 4: Detailing - Pasts for the list of Pasts available.

Region. Each region of Runeterra has a different culture, while Ice Trolls are only found in Freljord, Sand Trolls are only found in Shurima and Jungle Trolls are only found in Kumungu. You have 1 Region Heritage point and 1 language from that region, you must choose your Region which will define where you grew up and much of how you see the world. You can see more about this in Chapter 11: Runeterra.

Languages. You can speak Troll but cannot read or write, when given a language from your region you cannot read or write it either, this does not prevent you from learning these skills.

Bite. Trolls have a natural weapon in their jaws which they are proficient with and can use an attack action or a bonus action to bite a target within 5 feet of you and deal 1d6 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier of piercing damage. Upon reaching 6th level, your Bite is so powerful that it is considered magical for purposes of overcoming resistance, and the dice becomes 1d8 instead of 1d6.

Regeneration. In battle, Trolls' adrenaline gives them amazing recovery. Trolls regain their proficiency bonus in hit points every 10 - proficiency bonus turns. Out of battle, this healing restores your Constitution modifier every 1 hour. Wounds caused by acid damage or fire do not regenerate in the same way, requiring medical or magical treatment. You die or are knocked unconscious only if you start your turn with 0 hit points and cannot regenerate.

Lineages. You must choose one of the following packs:


Though in the distant past the Trolls had many Kings and valiant champions, in the present they have mostly been reduced to savagery and have spread especially across the Freljord, with some tribes reaching colossal sizes but often at the cost of intellect.

Sand Troll

Sand trolls are smarter and more sneaky than their Ice cousins, but their tribes are fewer in number and they mostly keep to themselves.

Desertborn. Sand Trolls are immune to any extreme heat effects from locations and ignore difficult terrain caused by sand.

Elusive Masters. Despite their size, Sand Trolls are extremely agile and hide easily due to their sandy skin tone. You have proficiency in Stealth and gain advantage on these checks if you are in a sandy region.

Ice Troll

The bigger, the dumber. This definition is perfect for Ice Trolls, they are the biggest among the Trolls with the South being smaller than the North, but generally smarter (although not by much).

Tundraborn. Ice Trolls are immune to any extreme cold effects from locations and ignore difficult terrain caused by ice. In addition to being able to choose the Variant Heritage: Iceborn.

On the Hunt. Using a bonus action, an Ice Troll can mark a pursuit target. While having a marked enemy, the Troll gains an additional speed of 15 feet when moving towards its marked target. You can only have one enemy marked at a time and each mark lasts for 1 minute. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per full rest.

Jungle Troll

Scattered in small forest tribes east of the Shurimane continent, Jungle Trolls are closer to their sand cousins than to their Tundra-born counterparts.

Jungleborn. Jungle Trolls are immune to poison and poison damage, and ignore difficult terrain caused by vegetation.

Darkvision. Due to their familiarity with the darkness, they can see up to 120 feet in dim light as if it were bright light and in the darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern colors in the dark, only shades of gray.