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Zaun/en: mudanças entre as edições

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<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
''“Zaun é um grande distrito abaixo da cidade, aos pés de cânions profundos e vales que cortam Piltover. A pouca luz que chega lá é filtrada pelas fumaças que saem dos emaranhados de canos corroídos e refletem do vidro manchado de sua arquitetura industrial. Zaun e Piltover já foram unidas, mas agora são sociedades simbióticas, mas separadas. Apesar de existir no crepúsculo perpétuo da poluição, Zaun prospera com seu povo vibrante e sua rica cultura. A riqueza de Piltover permitiu que Zaun se desenvolvesse em tandem; um espelho escuro da cidade acima. Muitas das mercadorias que chegam a Piltover acabam entrando no mercado clandestino de Zaun, e os inventores hextec que consideram que as restrições impostas na cidade acima são muito rígidas descobrem que suas pesquisas perigosas são bem-vindas em Zaun. O desenvolvimento desenfreado de tecnologias voláteis e da indústria imprudente fez com que as extensões de Zaun ficassem poluídas e perigosas. Correntes de derramamento tóxico estagnaram nas partes mais baixas da cidade, mas mesmo aqui as pessoas encontram maneiras de existir e prosperar.”''
''“Zaun is an undercity district at the bottom of the large canyons that threads Piltover. The few glimpses of light that reach down there are filtered through the fumes and smokes that tangles out of the corroded pipework and reflected from the stained glass of its industrial architecture Zaun and Piltover were once one, but now they are as symbiotic as they are different. Though it exists in a perpetual twilight filled with smog, Zaun now prospers with his vibrant people and rich culture. Piltover’s wealth has allowed Zaun to develop in tandem; a dark mirror of the city above. Many of the goods coming to Piltover find their way into Zaun’s black markets, most of the hextech inventors who think that the restrictions that Piltover enforces too rigid often find that their dangerous experiments are welcomed in Zaun. Unfettered development of volatile technologies and reckless industry has rendered whole swathes of Zaun polluted and dangerous. Streams of toxic waste have stagnated in the lower parts of the city, but even with that volatile environment, some people found ways to thrive and prosper.”''

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Zaun and Piltover share the same geographical area and could even be considered the same city, but it would be viewed as a mistake as soon as you enter the town. Zaun's atmosphere is full of a chemical burning taste: Zaun's Gray. For the locals, Piltover's air is too clean and without substance.
Zaun e Piltover dividem a mesma área geográfica e poderiam até ser consideradas a mesma cidade, mas isso se prova para quem vem de fora rapidamente um erro, a atmosfera de Zaun é cheia de algo que deixa um gosto químico e ardente na boca: o Cinza de Zaun. Mas, para os locais, o ar lá de cima é muito fino e sem substância.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The trip between Zaun and Piltover typically requires a strenuous and long climb. For those who can pay for it, the journey can be made by buying a ticket for these enormous elevators, allowing a much faster trip.
A viagem entre Zaun e Piltover normalmente requer uma escalada longa e cansativa. Mas, para aqueles que podem pagar por ela, pode ser comprada uma passagem nestes enormes elevadores, permitindo uma viagem muito mais rápida.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Though many parts of Zaun are nothing less than polluted slums and others being totally taken by stone and steel, living beings have found ways to thrive and grow. The rich zaunites have isolated houses made of glass called cultivairs, containing trees and plants that give life, both as a symbol of power and a source of clean air.
Apesar de grandes partes de Zaun serem pouco mais do que favelas poluídas e outras terem sido praticamente tomadas por aço e pedra, seres vivos ainda encontram uma forma de crescer. Os ricos de Zaun mantêm casas de cristal isoladas conhecidas como cultivares, que contêm árvores e plantas que concedem vida, tanto como um símbolo de poder quanto como uma fonte de ar limpo.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The levels where Piltover and Zaun merges are the home of vibrant markets and commercial saloons. These areas are the most cosmopolitan of the city, where people of many different lifestyles can be found.
Os níveis onde a divisão entre Zaun e Piltover se confunde são o lar de mercados vibrantes e Salões Comerciais. Essas áreas são as mais cosmopolitas da cidade, onde pessoas de todos os estilos de vida e níveis sociais podem ser encontradas.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Most of Zaun's structures are crafted from lattice ironwork, either forged in the many seething foundries or wrought from scavenged material discarded from above. Though there is brutal functionality to the bolts-and-rivets of Zaun's structures, its inhabitants still manage to craft breathtaking wonders that pierce the smog and reach for the sky.
A maioria das estruturas de Zaun são criadas de treliças de ferro, sejam forjadas nas muitas fundições ou moldadas de material descartado do topo. Apesar da funcionalidade brutal das porcas e parafusos das estruturas de Zaun, seus habitantes ainda conseguem criar maravilhas de tirar o fôlego que perfuram a poluição para atingir o céu.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Although many parts of Zaun being covered by gigantic cliffs, it isn't a city of darkness. Chemical lights burn in lamps, and through the creative use of stained glass, wheels of light bring a gleam to the darkness.
Apesar de grande parte de Zaun ficar nas sombras de penhascos gigantescos, não é uma cidade de penumbra. Luzes químicas queimam em luminárias aparafusadas e, através do uso criativo de vidro colorido, rodas iluminadas de ferro trazem luz à escuridão.

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== Characters ==
== Personagens ==

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
When creating a character from this region, you gain the following traits:
Ao criar um personagem dessa região, você recebe as seguintes características:

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''[[Idiomas/en|Languages]]'''. Choose one between: Zaunite and choose one between: Demacian, Ionian, Noxian, Bilgewatrian, Shurimane, Zaunite Piltovian
'''[[Idiomas|Idioma]]'''. Zaunita e escolha um entre: Demaciano, Ioniano, Noxiano, Sentinense, Shurimane ou Zaunita Piltovense

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''[[Utilizando_Atributos/en#Skilss|Skill]]'''. Choose any skill.
'''[[Utilizando_Atributos#Per.C3.ADcias|Perícia]]'''. Escolha uma perícia qualquer

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Activity'''. Choose two proficiencies from the following options: Light crossbow, short sword, longsword, glaive, warhammer, gauntlet, rapier, hand crossbow, heavy crossbow, net, a firearm or a craft
'''Atividade'''. Escolha duas proficiências entre as seguintes opções: Besta leve, espada curta, espada longa, glaive, martelo de guerra, manopla, rapieira, besta de mão, besta pesada, rede, uma arma de fogo ou um ofício

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
= The Levels of Zaun =
= Os Níveis de Zaun =

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Promenade Level: The upper reaches of Zaun exist alongside the lower districts of Piltover, though the differing architecture means the two could never be confused. This is where the wealthy of Zaun gather to shop, dine, and trade goods and supplies from below.
Calçadão: Os níveis superiores de Zaun coexistem com os níveis inferiores de Piltover, apesar da arquitetura diferente demonstrar que os dois nunca serão confundidos. É aqui que os ricos de Zaun se reúnem para fazer compras, comer e comercializar produtos e suprimentos das áreas inferiores.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Entresol Level: Deep in Zaun, brokers, dealers, traffickers, and entertainers mingle in cliff-dug trading posts and workshops. This is where the Zaun Graytends to linger most. Most zaunites that live here say it is the level that most of the work is, making it one of the most populated districts of the cities.
Entressol: Nas profundezas de Zaun, corretores, negociantes, traficantes e artistas se aglomeram em postos comerciais e oficinas em meio aos penhascos. É aqui que o Cinza de Zaun tende a perdurar por mais tempo, e os zaunitas que vivem aqui dizem que esse é o nível em que a maior parte do trabalho que permite o funcionamento da cidade acontece.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Sump Level: Even deeper in Zaun lies the most squalid and vibrant parts of the city. It is here that the Zaun Gray is formed, rising through the pipes and the wind.
Sumidouro: As profundezas de Zaun estão entre as mais esquálidas, e vibrantes, partes da cidade. É aqui que se origina o Cinza de Zaun, subindo dos aquedutos podres ou ventilado de grades corroídas.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
= Life in Zaun =
= A Vida em Zaun =

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The low life expectancy of the Zaunite workers results in a significant number of orphans that populate the city. Sump Riders can be found exploring, robbing, or working to receive where their small size is an advantage.
A baixa expectativa de vida dos trabalhadores de Zaun resulta em um grande número de órfãos. Pivetes do Sumidouro podem ser encontrados implorando, roubando ou trabalhando para receber pagamento em lugares onde seu tamanho pequeno é uma vantagem.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
When the pipes of Zaun get clogged by the toxic slug, the sumpgas nebulizer is used with their corrosive rods to unclog them. Face protection is needed since all the hospitals are filled with blind and burned sump-plumbers.
Quando os canos de Zaun entopem com gosma tóxica, os quimio- -encanadores usam suas hastes corrosivas para desentupi-los. Uma placa protetora para o rosto é essencial, já que as casas de cura já estão lotadas de quimio-encanadores cegos e queimados.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The vigilnauts are workers that are hired by the Chem-Barons to watch the sump-scrappers who walk on stilts and the workers of the factories, the ensure that those unfortunate souls don’t try to keep something valuable to themselves.
Os viginautas, empregados pelos Barões da Química para supervisionar os catadores do Sumidouro que andam em pernas de pau e trabalhadores de fábricas, garantem que esses desafortunados não tentem manter algo valioso para si.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Nothing is wasted in Zaun, even the toxic wastelands of the Sump Level can be searched seeking something worth being taken. The toxic environments are too hostile for an unprotected human, so the Sumpscrappers work walking through the sewer with stilts made of metal.
Nada é desperdiçado em Zaun e mesmo as terras tóxicas interiores do Sumidouro podem ser vasculhadas por algo a ser recolhido. Esses ambientes tóxicos são hostis demais para um humano desprotegido, então os catadores do Sumidouro trabalham andando pelo esgoto em pernas de pau de metal.

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= Chemtec =
= Quimtec =

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Denied the funds and means to craft hextech, Zaun's researchers instead use potent chemicals to power their creations. Chemtech performs like hextech but is far more dangerous, toxic, and explosive.
Os pesquisadores de Zaun, sem os fundos e meios para criações hextec, usam químicas potentes para dar poder a suas criações. A quimtec funciona como a tecnologia hextec, mas é muito mais perigosa, tóxica e explosiva.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
= Chem-Barons =
= Barões da Química =

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
A loose alliance of convenience exists between Zaun's powerful ChemBarons, powerful individuals who control each an area of the city. It is they and their thugs who keep Zaun from descending into chaos.
Uma aliança tênue de conveniência existe entre os poderosos Barões da Química de Zaun, indivíduos poderosos que controlam, cada um, uma zona da cidade. São eles e seus brutamontes que impedem que Zaun seja tomada pelo caos.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
=== Baroness Velveteen Lenare ===
=== Baronesa Velveteen Lenare ===

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
A chem-baron with many business interests in Piltover, Lenare deals mainly in research into golem technology. Her ravaged body was dying, so she had her head transplanted to a hextech-powered replacement. She visits Piltover regularly for fluid baths and blood/oil transfusions.
Uma baronesa da química com muitos interesses de negócios em Piltover, Lenare lida principalmente com pesquisas em tecnologia golem. Seu corpo destruído estava morrendo, então ela fez com que transplantassem sua cabeça em um substituto movido a hexenergia. Ela visita Piltover regularmente para banhos de fluídos e transfusões de sangue e óleo.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
=== Baron Petrok Grime ===
=== Barão Petrok Grime ===

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Grime lost both his arms in an explosion at one of his chem-refineries. Despite (or perhaps because of) this, his chemtech stock is some of the most sought after blends.
Grime perdeu os seus dois braços em uma explosão em uma de suas refinarias químicas. Apesar, ou talvez por causa disso, seu estoque quimtec tem algumas das misturas mais procuradas.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
=== Baron Saita Takeda ===
=== Barão Saita Takeda ===

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Takeda has made no secret of his disdain for his fellow chem-barons. Claiming lineage from an exiled caste of warriors from a distant land, he has plans far beyond his own territories and interests.
Takeda não faz segredo do seu desdém contra outros Barões da Química. Alegando ser de uma linhagem de uma casta exilada de guerreiros de uma terra distante, ele tem planos para muito além dos seus territórios e interesses.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
=== Baron Wencher Spindlaw ===
=== Barão Wencher Spindlaw ===

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Once a lowly lieutenant, Spindlow murdered his boss and took over his empire. Armed with a pair of shock-batons, he is a ruthless killer who sees murder and mayhem as tools of the trade.
Outrora um tenente inferior, Spindlaw assassinou seu chefe e tomou seu império. Armado com um par de bastões de choque, ele é um assassino sem piedade que vê o assassinato e o caos como ossos do ofício.

Edição atual tal como às 23h53min de 27 de fevereiro de 2023

This Article is in accordance with the version 0.94 of Runarcana RPG

“Zaun is an undercity district at the bottom of the large canyons that threads Piltover. The few glimpses of light that reach down there are filtered through the fumes and smokes that tangles out of the corroded pipework and reflected from the stained glass of its industrial architecture Zaun and Piltover were once one, but now they are as symbiotic as they are different. Though it exists in a perpetual twilight filled with smog, Zaun now prospers with his vibrant people and rich culture. Piltover’s wealth has allowed Zaun to develop in tandem; a dark mirror of the city above. Many of the goods coming to Piltover find their way into Zaun’s black markets, most of the hextech inventors who think that the restrictions that Piltover enforces too rigid often find that their dangerous experiments are welcomed in Zaun. Unfettered development of volatile technologies and reckless industry has rendered whole swathes of Zaun polluted and dangerous. Streams of toxic waste have stagnated in the lower parts of the city, but even with that volatile environment, some people found ways to thrive and prosper.”

Zaun and Piltover share the same geographical area and could even be considered the same city, but it would be viewed as a mistake as soon as you enter the town. Zaun's atmosphere is full of a chemical burning taste: Zaun's Gray. For the locals, Piltover's air is too clean and without substance.

The trip between Zaun and Piltover typically requires a strenuous and long climb. For those who can pay for it, the journey can be made by buying a ticket for these enormous elevators, allowing a much faster trip.

Though many parts of Zaun are nothing less than polluted slums and others being totally taken by stone and steel, living beings have found ways to thrive and grow. The rich zaunites have isolated houses made of glass called cultivairs, containing trees and plants that give life, both as a symbol of power and a source of clean air.

The levels where Piltover and Zaun merges are the home of vibrant markets and commercial saloons. These areas are the most cosmopolitan of the city, where people of many different lifestyles can be found.

Most of Zaun's structures are crafted from lattice ironwork, either forged in the many seething foundries or wrought from scavenged material discarded from above. Though there is brutal functionality to the bolts-and-rivets of Zaun's structures, its inhabitants still manage to craft breathtaking wonders that pierce the smog and reach for the sky.

Although many parts of Zaun being covered by gigantic cliffs, it isn't a city of darkness. Chemical lights burn in lamps, and through the creative use of stained glass, wheels of light bring a gleam to the darkness.


When creating a character from this region, you gain the following traits:

Languages. Choose one between: Zaunite and choose one between: Demacian, Ionian, Noxian, Bilgewatrian, Shurimane, Zaunite Piltovian

Skill. Choose any skill.

Activity. Choose two proficiencies from the following options: Light crossbow, short sword, longsword, glaive, warhammer, gauntlet, rapier, hand crossbow, heavy crossbow, net, a firearm or a craft

The Levels of Zaun

Promenade Level: The upper reaches of Zaun exist alongside the lower districts of Piltover, though the differing architecture means the two could never be confused. This is where the wealthy of Zaun gather to shop, dine, and trade goods and supplies from below.

Entresol Level: Deep in Zaun, brokers, dealers, traffickers, and entertainers mingle in cliff-dug trading posts and workshops. This is where the Zaun Graytends to linger most. Most zaunites that live here say it is the level that most of the work is, making it one of the most populated districts of the cities.

Sump Level: Even deeper in Zaun lies the most squalid and vibrant parts of the city. It is here that the Zaun Gray is formed, rising through the pipes and the wind.

Life in Zaun

The low life expectancy of the Zaunite workers results in a significant number of orphans that populate the city. Sump Riders can be found exploring, robbing, or working to receive where their small size is an advantage.

When the pipes of Zaun get clogged by the toxic slug, the sumpgas nebulizer is used with their corrosive rods to unclog them. Face protection is needed since all the hospitals are filled with blind and burned sump-plumbers.

The vigilnauts are workers that are hired by the Chem-Barons to watch the sump-scrappers who walk on stilts and the workers of the factories, the ensure that those unfortunate souls don’t try to keep something valuable to themselves.

Nothing is wasted in Zaun, even the toxic wastelands of the Sump Level can be searched seeking something worth being taken. The toxic environments are too hostile for an unprotected human, so the Sumpscrappers work walking through the sewer with stilts made of metal.


Denied the funds and means to craft hextech, Zaun's researchers instead use potent chemicals to power their creations. Chemtech performs like hextech but is far more dangerous, toxic, and explosive.


A loose alliance of convenience exists between Zaun's powerful ChemBarons, powerful individuals who control each an area of the city. It is they and their thugs who keep Zaun from descending into chaos.

Baroness Velveteen Lenare

A chem-baron with many business interests in Piltover, Lenare deals mainly in research into golem technology. Her ravaged body was dying, so she had her head transplanted to a hextech-powered replacement. She visits Piltover regularly for fluid baths and blood/oil transfusions.

Baron Petrok Grime

Grime lost both his arms in an explosion at one of his chem-refineries. Despite (or perhaps because of) this, his chemtech stock is some of the most sought after blends.

Baron Saita Takeda

Takeda has made no secret of his disdain for his fellow chem-barons. Claiming lineage from an exiled caste of warriors from a distant land, he has plans far beyond his own territories and interests.

Baron Wencher Spindlaw

Once a lowly lieutenant, Spindlow murdered his boss and took over his empire. Armed with a pair of shock-batons, he is a ruthless killer who sees murder and mayhem as tools of the trade.