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Arcane Focus: Wand

Craft: Alchemist, Apothecary, Enchanter, Handworker (carpenter), Collector (lumberjack)
DC: 12
Components: Metal, Wood, Crystals, Magic Components and Craft set.
Value: 10 GP
Time: Standard

An arcane focus: A wand is more than just a piece of a tree. In addition to its common wooden body, it has several processes that make it an excellent arcane conductor. The processes for this can be alchemical in nature, transmuting it, enchanting it by attaching magical components, or even by inscribing runes.

The Arcane Focus: A wand can be used as a spellcasting focus. The rules for this can be found in the classes themselves and in Chapter 10: Magic.

Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.