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Gadgets: Projectile

De Runarcana Wiki

This article complies with version 0.94 of Runarcana RPG

This category includes both weapons that can be thrown and objects that can modify projectiles to be fired by normal weapons.

Projectile Radiator

An automated quiver with capacity for 25 arrows, which at its user's command imbues the tip of their arrows. The damage dealt is equivalent to that of the bow from which the irradiated arrow is fired.

Without specialized work, the quiver works like any other, so that the arrows deposited in it have special characteristics, a Techmaturge must spend 10 minutes installing and configuring it, interfacing the Irradiator with the mental pattern of its user. When doing so, the irradiated arrows may have one of the following effects:

Projectile Irradiator I - V

Prerequisite: Create Weapon I - V

Craft: Techmaturge 1 to 6 + Fletcher 1 to 6
DC: 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23
Component: Base Material, Power Cell and Craft Set
Value: 15, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500 gp

A quiver with capacity for 25 arrows or arrows (bolts), which at the user's command imbues the tip of their arrows. The damage dealt is equivalent to that of the bow from which the irradiated arrow is fired.

Without specialized work, the quiver works like any other, so that the arrows deposited in it have special characteristics, a Techmaturge must spend 10 minutes installing and configuring it, interfacing the Irradiator with the mental pattern of its user. When you do this, the arrows become irradiated.

— Projectile Irradiator —
Level Effect Capacity Spaces
1 Irradiated Arrows have their base damage increased by one category 25 1
2 - 30 2
3 Irradiated Arrows have their base damage increased by one category 35 3
4 The modified weapon deals magical physical damage, becoming incisive 40 4
5 Irradiated Arrows have their base damage increased by one category 45 5
6 - 50 6

Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table

Elemental Irradiation I-IV Modification

— Elemental Damage —
Level Amount Damage
1 2 1d2
2 4 1d4
3 6 1d6
4 12 1d8
5 15 1d10
6 20 1d12

Craft: Techmaturge 1 to 6 + Fletcher 1 to 6
DC: 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23
Component: Projectile Radiator, power cell and Craft Set
Value: 15, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500 gp

Using a bonus action and 1 energy point, the quiver is activated and starts to radiate a number of arrows based on the Quiver's level of elemental energy. You can use the arrow normally for an attack against a target, when it hits the target or the arrow reaches the desired point within range, creatures within 5 feet of the arrow must make a Dexterity saving throw DC = 8 + Level of Item + Proficiency Bonus, on a failure they receive additional damage of the type chosen from the following: Acid, Electric, Fire or Poison.

Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table

Tracking Irradiation Modification

Craft: Techmaturge 1 + Fletcher 1
DC: 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23
Component: Projectile Radiator, power cell and Craft Set
Value: 15, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500 gp

By spending 1 Energy point, a radiated arrow becomes a tracking arrow. When firing a shot at a point within range of your bow, creatures within 60 feet of the arrow are revealed to you with a red outline until the end of your next turn. This ability does not go beyond walls or solid surfaces, however can reveal creatures that are invisible.

Natural 20. Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table

Freezing Irradiation Modification

Craft: Techmaturge 2 + Fletcher 2 + Alchemist 2 or Enchanter 2
DC: 15
Component: Projectile Radiator, power cell and Craft Set
Value: 25 gp

By spending 2 Energy points, you can radiate an arrow with freezing power. You can use the arrow normally for an attack against a target, when it hits the target or the arrow reaches the desired point within range, creatures within 5 feet of the arrow must make a Dexterity saving throw DC = 8 + Level of Item + Proficiency Bonus, on a failure they take 2d6 cold damage and have their speed reduced by 5 times their foot proficiency bonus until the end of their next turn.

Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table

Mother of Arrows Modifications

Craft: Techmaturge 2 + Fletcher 2
DC: 15
Component: Projectile Radiator, power cell and Craft Set
Value: 25 gp

With an action and the expenditure of 2 Energy points, you can fire an arrow that splits into 3 arrows at your command, being able to hit up to 2 targets that are adjacent to your main target. Creatures adjacent to your target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take the same damage as the main arrow.

Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table

Shrapnel Irradiation Modification

Craft: Techmaturge 3 + Fletcher 3
DC: 17
Component: Projectile Radiator, power cell and Craft Set
Value: 50 gp

By spending 3 Energy points, you radiate an arrow so that when it hits a target, it explodes into dozens of fragments, targets within a 10-foot radius around the point of impact. Creatures in this area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw DC = 8 + Item Level + Proficiency Bonus, on a failure they take half the damage of the original attack and 1 point of Bleed. On a success, they take no damage.

Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table

Hunting Arrow Modification

Craft: Techmaturge 4 + Fletcher 4
DC: 19
Component: Projectile Radiator, power cell and Craft Set
Value: 250 gp

Using an action and 4 Energy points, your next shot fires a line of energy 15 feet wide and 80 feet long, which can pass through solid surfaces. Creatures that are in this line must make a Dexterity saving throw DC = 8 + Item Level + Proficiency Bonus, on a failure they take 8d6 plasmic damage. On a success, they only take half the damage.

Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table

Ancient Arrow Modification

Craft: Techmaturge 5 + Fletcher 5
DC: 21
Component: Projectile Radiator, power cell and Craft Set
Value: 350 gp

Using 6 Energy points, your next arrow, when fired, causes an automatic hit that cannot be dodged, however you make the attack roll normally, if it exceeds the target's AC it is considered a critical hit, and if the roll is a natural 20, your hit is multiplied by 4 instead of 2. For each use of this ability beyond the 1st in 1 minute, you receive an exhaustion point.

Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table

Explosive Transducer

This Device can synchronize with Techmaturge's brain waves, allowing him to detonate grenades through mental commands.

Explosive Transducer

Craft: Techmaturge 1 + Gunsmith 1
DC: 13
Component: Base Material, Power Cell and Craft Set
Value: 15 gp

This Device can synchronize with its user's brain waves, allowing them to detonate grenades through mental commands. This Device is square, 2 inches wide and high and 1/2 inch long, with negligible weight and allows its user to use their grenades without the need for an action or bonus action to reload.

Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table

Transductive Grenades

— Transductive Grenade —
Level Spaces Dmage
1 1 1d6 contundente
2 1 2d6 bludgeoning
3 1 3d6 bludgeoning
4 2 3d6 crushing
5 2 3d8 crushing
6 2 4d8 crushing

Craft: Techmaturge 1 to 6 + Gunsmith 1 to 6
DC: 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23
Component: Explosive Transducer, Power Cell and Craft Set
Value: 2 PP, 1, 5, 15, 25, 50 gp

Each grenade has a range of 30 feet, when it hits a surface this bomb explodes in an area of 10 feet radius, creatures within that area must perform a Dexterity saving throw CD = 8 + Item Level + Proficiency Bonus + Dexterity Modifier. On a failure, they receive damage corresponding to their level.

Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table


— Grenade Modification —
Level Grenade Modification
1 1 minute 1 minute
2 2 minutes 2 minutes
3 5 minutes 5 minutes
4 7minutes 10 minutes
5 10 minutes 15 minutes
6 15 minutes 20 minutes

Once a grenade is ready, it can be modified. Unlike other formulas, the time required to modify a grenade is based on the sum of the grenade level and the modification level.

If the grenade is already being created with the modification, the time required is reduced by half

Elemental I - II Modification

Craft: Techmaturge 2, 4 + Gunsmith 2, 4 + Alchemist 2, 4 or Enchanter 2, 4
DC: 15
Component: Transductive Grenade, power cell and Craft Set
Value: 1, 25 gp

  1. This modification allows you to replace the damage of a grenade to one of acid, electric, fire or poison.
  2. Your elemental grenade receives an additional effect.
    • Acid. Creatures hit by an acidic Elemental Grenade have their AC reduced by 2 for a number of rounds equal to half the item's level.
    • Electric. Creatures hit by an Electric Elemental Grenade must make an additional Constitution saving throw DC = 8 + Item Level + Proficiency Bonus + Dexterity Modifier. On a failure, they take an additional 1d8 electrical damage and the Stunned condition until the start of their next turn.
    • Fire. Creatures hit by a Fire Elemental Grenade gain the Scorched condition for an additional 1d8 fire damage at the start of each of their turns.
    • Poison. Creatures hit by a poisonous Elemental Grenade must make an additional Constitution saving throw DC = 8 + Item Level + Proficiency Bonus + Dexterity Modifier. On a failed save they take an additional 2d8 poison damage and the Intoxicated condition for a number of rounds equal to half the item's level.

Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table

Luminous Modification

Craft: Techmaturge 2 + Gunsmith 2 + Alchemist 2 or Enchanter 2
DC: 15
Component: Transductive Grenade, power cell and Craft Set
Value: 5 gp

This modification means that a thrown grenade can only do half or no damage. In both cases, when it explodes it reproduces the effects of the daylight spell until the start of your next turn. Creatures within range of the bomb explosion must make an additional Constitution saving throw DC = 8 + Item Level + Proficiency Bonus, on a failure the creature is Blinded until the end of its next turn.

Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table

Charge Modification

Craft: Techmaturge 2 + Gunsmith 2
DC: 15
Component: Transductive Grenade, power cell and Craft Set
Value: 5 gp

This modification means that a grenade can generate a Concentrated Charge effect. The Concentrated Charge effect causes the grenade to deal an additional 1d6 bashing damage when exploding at normal range, targets within 5 feet of the explosion that fail the Dexterity saving throw are thrown 5 feet back. If you use the Concentrated Charge close to you, you are thrown 15 feet forward and take no damage.

Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table

Concussive Modification

Craft: Techmaturge 2 + Gunsmith 2
DC: 15
Component: Transductive Grenade, power cell and Craft Set
Value: 5 gp

The Concussive modification causes Creatures in the blast area of your bomb to make an additional Constitution saving throw DC = 10 + Proficiency Bonus + Item Level, on a failure they take an additional 2d6 thunder damage and are Deafened until the end of your next turn. On a success, they take only half the additional thunder damage.

Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table

Butterfly Modification

Craft: Techmaturge 2 + Gunsmith 2 + Alchemist 2
DC: 15
Component: Transductive Grenade, power cell and Craft Set
Value: 5 gp

This grenade floats and may have its explosion delayed until the start of your next turn. The explosion can be commanded as a free action, and when it explodes, creatures within 30 feet of this grenade must take the Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, in addition to taking damage, they are covered in an ultra-colorful ink that reveals invisible units and causes the Blinded condition temporarily, until the creature uses an action to remove the ink from its eyes. To remove the paint completely, it takes 1 minute of work.

Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table

Matrioska Modification

Craft: Techmaturge 2 + Gunsmith 2
DC: 15
Component: Transductive Grenade, power cell and Craft Set
Value: 5 gp

When this grenade explodes, it releases 4 smaller grenades that scatter up to 15 feet from the center of the explosion in opposite directions from each other. At the start of your next turn, these submunitions explode in a 10-foot radius area. Creatures in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw, on a failure they take half the damage from your grenade.

Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table

Elementalist Modification

Craft: Techmaturge 5 + Gunsmith 5
DC: 21
Component: Transductive Grenade, power cell and Craft Set
Value: 75 gp

This powered explosive can be thrown up to 120 feet from you, all creatures within 30 feet of the blast must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure they take 6d8 additional damage and all damage dealt is incinerating, on a success they take only half the damage.

Natural 20. “General Masterpieces” Table