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Paradox Acceleration

De Runarcana Wiki
Esta página é uma versão traduzida da página Aceleração de Paradoxo. Sua tradução está 100% completa.
Outros idiomas:

Celestial (chronomancy) 6th level

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: S, M (a 100 GP quartz crystal, which the spell consumes)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.

You touch a willing creature, imbuing it with chronal energy. For the duration of the spell, all of the creature's attacks deal 3d10 additional chronal damage, and the creature receives 2 additional actions which can be used to perform one of the following actions: Attack (a weapon attack only), Dash or Disengage; At the end of the spell, the creature receives 1 level of exhaustion and 3d10 of chronal damage.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell by spending Mana points equivalent to a spell of 7th level or higher, the chronal damage dealt and received increases by 1d10 for each spell level above 6th level.