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Armors and Shields

De Runarcana Wiki
Revisão de 17h04min de 4 de maio de 2023 por MizuhiroUkato (discussão | contribs) (Criou página com 'Of all armor categories, heavy armor provides the best protection. These armors cover the entire body and are designed to protect the wearer from a wide variety of attacks. Only proficient warriors can handle their weight and bulk. Heavy armor does not allow the wearer to add their Dexterity modifier to their Armor Class, but it also doesn't penalize them if their Dexterity modifier is negative.')

This Article is in accordance with the version 0.94 of Runarcana RPG

The world of Runeterra is a vast tapestry composed of many different cultures, each with its own level of technology. For this reason, adventurers have access to a variety of armor types, ranging from leather armor to chainmail, and all the way up to the full plate armor, with several other types of armor in between.

Damage Reduction

The Damage Reduction of an armor reflects the natural reduction in damage granted with variation in the armor's composition. This reduction reflects the damage absorption provided by the armor, which acts passively.

In addition to armor, Constructs also have an inherent damage reduction in their Adjustable Protection even when using light protection. Damage Reduction is a feature of all armors, however, light armors usually do not receive this benefit, except when made of certain specific materials that can provide this benefit.

The damage reduction provided by armors works by reducing the base damage received by the final value of this DR. For example, a Full Plate Armor has a base DR of 5. If the wearer has the Enhancement "Heavy Armor Specialist," they add +1 to this damage reduction, effectively making it 6. Therefore, they will reduce the damage received by this value.

When a target receives damage to which they have resistance or vulnerability, the DR value is the first to be applied. For example, a target with DR 5, if they have resistance to bludgeoning damage, upon receiving 20 points of that type of damage, they first reduce the damage from 20 to 15 due to their armor and then to 8 due to their resistance. The same target, having vulnerability to bludgeoning damage, upon receiving the 20 points of damage, first reduces it to 15 due to their armor and then increases it to 30 due to their vulnerability. Magical items and armors can add bonuses to a character's DR, and when this happens, if it comes from more than one source, the bonus is cumulative.

Armor Table

The Armor table gathers the most common types of armor found in the game and separates them into three categories: light armor, medium armor, and heavy armor. Many warriors complement their armor with a shield.

The Armor table shows the cost of the armor, the weight, and other properties of the most common types of armor used in the world of Runeterra.

Armor Proficiency. Anyone can put on armor or strap a shield to their arm. However, only those proficient in the use of armor know how to use them effectively. Your class grants proficiency with certain types of armor. If you wear armor that you are not proficient in, you have disadvantage on any ability check, saving throw, or attack roll that involves Strength or Dexterity, and you cannot cast spells.

Armor Class (AC). Armor protects its wearer from attacks. The armor (and shield) you use determines your base Armor Class.

Defense Modifier. This armor allows both Dexterity and Strength to be added to its defense modifier.

Damage Reduction (DR). The DR column of the Armors table presents the base Damage Reduction of the armor. Damage Reduction reduces all physical and elemental damage types, but does not reduce spiritual damage, true damage, and other types of damage indicated in the Exception column. Values after the slash represent Resistance to a specific type of damage.

Exception. The Exception column in Armors represents types of damage to which only half of the total RD value is applied. A person wearing an armor that has 6 RD and Exception (Electric), when receiving 10 damage, reduces this damage by only 3. Damage caused by a Mercurial's Sneak Attack is considered an Exception. If the damage of this attack is of the same type as an Exception, the RD is ignored.

Heavy Armor. Heavy armor interferes with the wearer's ability to move quickly, stealthily, and freely. If the Armor table shows "Str 13" or "Str 15" in the Strength column for an armor type, the armor reduces the wearer's speed by 10 feet unless the wearer has a Strength score equal to or higher than the listed value.

Stealth. If the Armor table shows "Disadvantage" in the Stealth column, the user has disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

Shield. A shield is made of wood or metal and is used with one hand. Wielding a shield increases your Armor Class by a value specified by the type of shield. You can only benefit from one shield at a time.

Armaduras e Escudos
Nome Preço Classe de Armadura RD Força Furtividade Peso Exceção
Armaduras Leves
Acolchoada 5 PO 11 + Modificador de Destreza - - Desvantagem 4 Kg -
Couro 10 PO 11 + Modificador de Destreza - - - 5 Kg -
Couro Batido 45 PO 12 + Modificador de Destreza - - - 6,5 Kg -
Armaduras Médias
Gibão de Peles 10 PO 12 + Modificador de Destreza (máx +2) 1 - - 6 Kg Ácido
Camisão de Malha 30 PO 13 + Modificador de Destreza (máx +2) 1 - - 10 Kg Elétrico
Lórica de Escamas 50 PO 14 + Modificador de Destreza (máx +2) 1 - Desvantagem 22,5 Kg Elétrico
Couraça Peitoral 400 PO 14 + Modificador de Defesa (máx +2) 1 - - 10 Kg Elétrico
Placas Parcial 750 PO 15 + Modificador de Defesa (máx +2) 1 - Desvantagem 20 Kg Elétrico
Armaduras Pesadas
Cota de Anéis 30 PO 15 1 - Desvantagem 20 Kg Elétrico
Cota de Malha 75 PO 16 2 13 Desvantagem 27,5 Kg Elétrico
Cota de Talas 200 PO 17 2 15 Desvantagem 30 Kg -
Placas 1.500 PO 18 3 15 Desvantagem 32,5 Kg -
Armaduras Especiais
Couraça de Aço Rúnico - 14 + Modificador de Destreza (máx +2) 2/5 mágico - - 10 Kg -
Segunda Pele Vastinata - 14 + Modificador de Destreza (máx +2) 1/4 mágico - - 0,25 Kg Ácido
Peitoral Vastinata - 16 + Modificador de Destreza (máx +2) 2/5 mágico - - 2 Kg Ácido
Broquel 1 PO Especial - - - 1 Kg -
Escudo Leve 5 PO 1 - - - 3 Kg -
Escudo Pesado 15 PO 2 - 13 - 7 Kg -
Escudo de Torre 50 PO +2, Especial - 13 Desvantagem 15 Kg -

Light Armor

Crafted from flexible and thin materials, light armors favor agile adventurers, as they provide some protection without sacrificing mobility. If you don light armor, it adds your Dexterity modifier to the base number of your armor type to determine your Armor Class.

Padded. The padded armor consists of layers of padded and quilted cloth.

Leather. The breastplate and pauldrons of the leather armor are made of leather that has been hardened after being boiled in oil. The rest of the armor is made of softer and more flexible materials.

Studded Leather. Made of sturdy yet flexible leather, the studded leather armor is reinforced with studs or spikes.

Medium Armor

Medium armors offer more protection than light armors, but also hinder movement more. If a character wears medium armor, they add their Dexterity modifier, up to a maximum of 2, to the base number of their armor type to determine their Armor Class.

Hide. A hide armor is a crude armor consisting of thick hides. It is commonly used by barbarian tribes, evil humanoids, and other peoples who lack access to the tools and materials needed to create a better armor.

Chain Shirt. Made of interlocking metal rings, a chain shirt is worn beneath layers of clothing. This armor offers modest protection to the upper body of the wearer and allows the sound of metal rings rubbing against each other to be dampened by the outer layers.

Scale Mail. This armor consists of a coat and leggings (and perhaps a separate skirt) of leather covered with overlapping pieces of metal, much like the scales of a fish. The set includes gauntlets.

Breastplate. This armor consists of a piece of metal worn with flexible leather on the inside. Although it leaves the wearer's legs and arms relatively unprotected, this armor provides good protection for their vital organs, leaving them relatively unrestricted.

Placas Parciais. Essa armadura é composta de placas de metal moldadas que cobrem a maior parte do corpo. Ela não inclui proteção para as pernas além de caneleiras fixadas com tiras de couro.

Heavy Armors

Of all armor categories, heavy armor provides the best protection. These armors cover the entire body and are designed to protect the wearer from a wide variety of attacks. Only proficient warriors can handle their weight and bulk. Heavy armor does not allow the wearer to add their Dexterity modifier to their Armor Class, but it also doesn't penalize them if their Dexterity modifier is negative.

Cota de Anéis. Esta armadura é feita de couro com pesados anéis presos a ela. Os anéis ajudam a reforçar a armadura contra golpes de espadas e machados. A cota de anéis é inferior à cota de malha e geralmente é vestida apenas por aqueles que não podem pagar por uma armadura melhor.

Cota de Malha. Feita de anéis de metal entrelaçados, a cota de malha inclui uma camada de tecido acolchoado usada por baixo da malha de metal para evitar atrito e amortecer o impacto dos golpes. O conjunto inclui manoplas.

Cota de Talas. Essa armadura é feita de tiras verticais de metal, rebitadas a um suporte de couro, usadas sobre um preenchimento de pano. Cotas de malha flexíveis protegem as articulações.

Placas. A armadura de placas consiste em placas de metal moldadas para cobrir todo o corpo. Inclui luvas, botas de couro pesadas, um capacete com viseira e espessas camadas de enchimento por baixo da armadura. Fivelas e tiras de couro distribuem o peso ao longo do corpo.


Broquel. Esse pequeno escudo pode ser preso ao seu antebraço, deixando sua mão livre para empunhar um objeto e manejar uma arma, ao ser alvo de um ataque você pode utilizar sua reação para aumentar sua CA em +1 até o início de seu próximo turno.

Escudo Leve. Esse escudo de madeira é amarrado no antebraço, deixando a mão livre. O usuário pode carregar um objeto na mão do escudo, mas não manusear uma arma.

Escudo Pesado. Esse escudo de aço é preso ao antebraço e também deve ser empunhado com firmeza, impedindo o usuário de usar aquela mão. Enquanto utilizando esse escudo você diminui 5 pés de seu deslocamento.

Escudo de Torre. Muito alto e largo, este escudo é capaz de cobrir quase todo o corpo do usuário. Um escudo de torre não pode ser usado enquanto estiver montado. Ao usar esse escudo, criaturas a 5 pés atrás dele recebem bônus de meia cobertura, incluindo você, porém você não recebe vantagem em testes de Destreza. Enquanto utilizando esse escudo você diminui 5 pés de seu deslocamento, seus testes e salvaguardas de Destreza, passivos ou não, recebem desvantagem.

Pendurando um Escudo

Com exceção dos broqueis, todo escudo possui consigo uma alça para que você possa pendurá-los em suas costas.

Entrando e Saindo de uma Armadura

Vestindo e Despindo uma Armadura
Categoria Vestir Remover
Armadura Leve 1 minuto 1 minuto
Armadura Média 5 minutos 1 minuto
Armadura Pesada 10 minutos 5 minutos
Escudo 1 ação 1 ação

The time it takes to don or doff a suit of armor depends on its category.

"Don". This is the amount of time required to don a suit of armor. You only benefit from the armor's AC if you spend the full time to doff or don the complete set.

"Doff". This is the amount of time required to remove a suit of armor. If someone helps you, reduce this time by half.