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General Formulas

De Runarcana Wiki
Revisão de 15h06min de 15 de setembro de 2024 por Arddhu (discussão | contribs)

This article complies with version 0.94 of Runarcana RPG

Below are the general formulas organized alphabetically, these formulas are mostly level 0 formulas, meaning they can be chosen by many crafts, including Minor Crafts. Level 0 formulas create items of the "mundane" category.

General Formulas in Alphabetical Order


Craft: Locksmith, jeweler, handworker (carpenter, sculptor, potter, glassmaker) collector.
DC: 10
Components: Frame, thin rods, beads and Craft set.
Value: 2 GP
Time: 2 hours

The abacus is a calculation instrument that consists of a base structure on which some rods with beads that can be moved are arranged, the material can be the most diverse, from wood, through metal and even jewelry, modifying the value of the product.

The abacus serves to assist and make calculations quickly, although it is a simple instrument, it is capable of greatly speeding up most mathematical calculations.

Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.

Acid (flask)

Craft: Alchemist
DC: 10
Components: Chemical or alchemical bases and Craft set.
Value: 25 gp
Time: Standard


As an action, you can splash the contents of this vial on a creature within 5 feet of your reach or throw the vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the acid as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 acid damage.

Natural 20. The acid's damage becomes 3d8 and it becomes a medium acid.

Holy Water (vial)

Craft: Enchanter, Acolyte
DC: -
Components: Container, water, holy symbol and Craft set.
Value: 25 gp
Time: 1 hour

To create holy water, a 1-hour ritual with components related to the enchanter's faith or magic is required.

As an action, you can splash the contents of this vial on a creature within 5 feet of your reach or throw the vial up to 20 feet, breaking it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack against the targeted creature, treating the holy water as an improvised weapon. If the target is a fiend or undead, it takes 2d6 radiant damage.

Natural 20. The holy water's damage becomes 3d8.

Alchemical Holy Water (vial)

Craft: Alchemist
DC: 15
Components: Glass vial, water, components and Craft set.
Value: 30 GP
Time: Standard

The vial with water is transmuted to emanate spiritual energy. The creation of alchemical holy water requires ingredients that have resonance with spiritual magic or light magic, through this transmutation that requires time, it is possible to transmute normal water into water that functions as holy water.

The use of alchemical holy water follows the same rules as the use of holy water.

Natural 20. The damage of holy water becomes 3d8.


Craft: Armorsmith, Cutler
DC: 13
Components: Metal and Craft set.
Value: 2 GP
Time: 2 hours

The lock made into a handcuff is a simple lock. Through forging, by hammering the metal, it is possible to create a pair of handcuffs, with a padlock or lock, in addition to two keys for the same.

These metal restraints can restrain a Small or Medium creature. Escaping from handcuffs requires a successful DC 20 Dexterity check. Breaking them requires a successful DC 20 Strength check. Without the key, a creature proficient with Locksmith Set can open the lock of the handcuffs with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check. Handcuffs have 15 hit points.

Natural 20. Roll 1d6, this value is added to the market value and double this value is added to the DC needed to break them.


Craft: Collector (Tanner), Dressmaker
DC: 10
Components: Leather or Cloth and Craft set.
Value: 5 PP
Time: 1 hour

A dressmaker or a Jeweler, in possession of a Set of their craft, can increase the market value of the pouch. For each additional day of work and the expenditure of 5 sp, its market value increases by 1 GP. Made of leather or cloth, a pouch can be just a small bag to store things. Through artistic talents and components, it is possible to create a pouch with greater market value.

A cloth or leather pouch can hold up to 20 sling bullets or 50 blowgun needles, among other things.

Natural 20. General Masterpieces Table.


Craft: Archer, Collector (tanner)
DC: 10
Components: Leather, thread, needle and Craft set.
Value: 1 GP
Time: 1 hour

A quiver is a type of case, usually rigid, that can contain arrows inside, thus facilitating its use, in addition to ensuring their integrity.

A quiver can contain up to 20 arrows.

Natural 20. General Masterpieces and roll 1d10, the value is equal to the number of additional arrows that can be placed in this quiver.


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais

Anel de Sinete

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais

Antitoxina (Frasco)

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. A Antitoxina é capaz de neutralizar a condição de Intoxicado ou Envenenado de um veneno fraco.

Apito Sinalizador

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais

Aríete Portátil

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Adicione 1d4 ao bônus no teste de Força para usar o aríete.

Armadilha de Caça

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. O dano aumenta para 1d6 e adiciona 1d4 ao bônus no teste de Força para se libertar.


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais

Balança de Mercador

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais

Bolsa de Componentes

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais

Caixa para fogo

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais

Caneta Tinteiro

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais

Cera de Lacre

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais

Corda de Cânhamo (50 pés)

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais e jogue 1d4, adicionando o valor aos pontos de vida e o dobro desse valor à CD para ser destruída.

Corda de Seda

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais e jogue 1d4, adicionando o valor aos pontos de vida e o dobro desse valor à CD para ser destruída.

Corrente (10 pés

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais e jogue 1d6, adicionando o valor aos pontos de vida e o dobro desse valor à CD para ser rompida.

Escada (10 pés)

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais.

Esferas de metal (saco com 1.000)

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais.

Espelho de Aço

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais.

Estacas de Ferro (10)

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais.

Estojo de Capsulas

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais.

Estojo de Mapa ou pergaminho

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais.

Estojo de Refeição

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais.

Estojo de Virotes

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais e jogue 1d10, o valor é igual ao número de virotes adicionais que podem ser colocados nesse estojo.

Estrepes (saco com 20)

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais.

Fechadura/ Cadeado

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Obras-primas Gerais e jogue 1d4, o valor é adicionado à CD para abrir a fechadura.

Foco Arcano: Bastão

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Armas- I.

Foco Arcano: Cajado

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Armas- I.

Foco Arcano: Cristal

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Foco Arcano: Orbe

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Foco Arcano: Varinha

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Frasco de Vidro

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Frasco ou Caneca

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Garrafa de Vidro

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Jarro ou Ânfora

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Lanterna Coberta

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Lanterna Foca-facho

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais

Livro de Magia/ Grimóri

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Munição: Balas de funda

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Munição Geral.

Munição: Dardos de Zarabatana

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Munição Geral.

Munição: Flechas

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Munição Geral.

Munição: Virotes de Besta

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Munição Geral.

Óleo (frasco)

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Munição Geral.

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Panela de Ferro

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Papel (1 folha)

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Pedra de Amolar

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Perfume (frasco)

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Pergaminho para Magia

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Picareta de Minério

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais. e o dano causado se torna 1d6.


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Roldana/ Polia

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Roupas (comuns)

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Roupas (fantasia)

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Roupas (Finas)

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Roupas (Viagem)

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Saco de Dormir

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Símbolo Sagrado (Amuleto, emblema ou relicário)

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Tenda (para duas pessoas)

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais e mais uma pessoa pode dormir na tenda de forma confortável.

Tinta (frasco com 30 ml)

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais e é produzido 1d4 vezes 5 ml a mais de tinta.


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais e a tocha dura por 1d4 vezes 10 minutos a mais.


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.


Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.

Veneno básico (frasco)

Craft: {{{Craft}}}
DC: {{{DC}}}
Components: {{{Components}}} and Craft set.
Value: {{{Value}}}
Time: {{{Time}}}



Natural 20. Tabela Obras-primas Gerais.