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Linha 3: Linha 3:
This Article is in accordance with the '''version 0.94''' of [ Runarcana RPG]
This Article is in accordance with the '''version 0.94''' of [ Runarcana RPG]
{{#description2:Information about Freljord, one of the regions of Runeterra.}}

Linha 13: Linha 15:
By the weather they deal with daily, the Freljord tribes are adapted to the cold. Their constructions often make use of the properties of the ice that surrounds them, and the knowledge that is passed between them generation after generation is invaluable to continue to exist in this icy immensity.
By the weather they deal with daily, the Freljord tribes are adapted to the cold. Their constructions often make use of the properties of the ice that surrounds them, and the knowledge that is passed between them generation after generation is invaluable to continue to exist in this icy immensity.

<span id="Personagens"></span>
== Characters ==
== Characters ==

Linha 22: Linha 25:
Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival.
Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival.

'''Activity'''. Choose two proficiencies from the following options: A simple weapon, greatsword, longsword, lance, greataxe, mallet, flail, longbow, apothecary, armorer, fletcher, colector: leatherworker, cook, cutler or musician of one instrument.
'''Activity'''. Choose two proficiencies from the following options: A simple weapon, greatsword, longsword, pike, greataxe, mallet, flail, longbow, apothecary, armorer, fletcher, colector: leatherworker, cook, cutler or musician of one instrument.

<span id="Avarosiano"></span>
= Avarosian =
= Avarosian =

Linha 30: Linha 34:
Despite Ashe's obvious discomfort at being Avarosa's supposed reincarnation, she allowed her followers to honor her by making pilgrimages to Rakelstake's sacred site.  
Despite Ashe's obvious discomfort at being Avarosa's supposed reincarnation, she allowed her followers to honor her by making pilgrimages to Rakelstake's sacred site.  

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<span id="Garras_do_Inverno"></span>
= Garras do Inverno =
= Winter's Claw =

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Winter's Claw, a warrior and traditionalist tribe, is led by Sejuani, harvesting food and supplies from the high plains, forests, and northern rivers during the summer. In the winter months, the group survives by plundering its way southwards under frozen seas.
Garras do Inverno, uma tribo guerreira e tradicionalista, é liderada por Sejuani, colhendo comida e suprimentos das planícies altas, florestas e rios setentrionais durante o verão. Nos meses de inverno, o grupo sobrevive pilhando seu caminho na direção sul sob mares congelados.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<span id="Præglacius"></span>
= Præglacius =
= Frostguard =

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The Frostguard is a cult surrounded by mystery. Its followers live in the ancient ruins in the extreme north, in the Frostguard Citadel, protecting their leader, Lissandra, while taking care of the Howling Abyss. Nevertheless, missionaries and healers of the cult are common throughout Freljord.
Praeglacius é um culto envolto em segredo. Seus seguidores vivem nas ruínas antigas ao norte extremo, na Cidadela Praeglacius protegendo sua líder, Lissandra, enquanto ela cuida do Howling Abyss. Mesmo assim, missionários e curandeiros do culto são comuns através de toda Freljord.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Each year, on the vernal equinox, a group of Frostguard from the Keepers Lodge descend into the Howling Abyss. The true nature of their task is perhaps known only to them... and their leader, Lissandra herself.
Todo ano, no equinócio vernal, um grupo de Praeglacius vindo do Pavilhão dos Guardiões descem ao Howling Abyss. A verdadeira natureza da tarefa talvez só seja conhecida por eles mesmos… e pela própria Lissandra.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
In an age now lost to history and in the icy depths beneath the Frostguard Citadel, the horrors of the Void were prevented from entering the material realm. Even so, the strange and unnatural growth of What-Dwells-Below continues, little by little, year after year, gradually clawing its way up towards the surface.
Em uma era hoje esquecida pela história, nas profundezas gélidas abaixo da Cidadela Praeglacius, os horrores do Vazio foram impedidos de entrar no reino material. Mesmo assim, o estranho e sobrenatural crescimento de Aquilo-Que-Vive-Abaixo continua, pouco a pouco, ano após ano, gradualmente rastejando para a superfície.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The Ancient Keep was built to watch the hazy abyss of the Howling Abyss. The Citadel also houses many historical records of Freljord.
Fortaleza ancestral construída para vigiar o obscuro abismo de Howling Abyss, a Cidadela também abriga muitos registros históricos e tesouros ocultos de Freljord.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<span id="Gelo_Verdadeiro"></span>
= Gelo Verdadeiro =
= True Ice =

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
True Ice occurs naturally and never melts, although it is extremely rare. Only Iceborn warriors can handle the freezing touch of True Ice and can wield it in battle.
Gelo Verdadeiro ocorre naturalmente e nunca derrete, apesar de ser extremamente raro. Somente guerreiros Glacinatas podem aguentar seu toque congelante e podem empunhá-lo em batalha.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The secrets of the manipulation and use of the True Ice for the confection of any object, be it tools, weapons, and armors, got lost in time, only a few relics survived, and many of their whereabouts are unknown.
Os segredos da manipulação e utilização do Gelo Verdadeiro para a confecção de qualquer objeto, desde ferramentas, passando por armas e armaduras, se perdeu no tempo, apenas algumas relíquias sobreviveram e a grande maioria delas tem paradeiro desconhecido.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<span id="As_Três_Irmãs"></span>
= As Três Irmãs =
= The Three Sisters =

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
In a time long forgotten, before the sands birthed and then swallowed Shurima, beings of old magic freely walked Runeterra. The borders between the mortal realm and what lay beyond it were almost nonexistent.
Em uma era há muito esquecida, antes das areias darem nascimento e engolirem Shurima, seres da velha magia caminhavam livremente por Runeterra. As fronteiras entre o reino mortal e o além eram quase inexistentes.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
In this dangerous and volatile era, Lissandra and her sisters, Serylda and Avarosa, were born. Each one of them sought power in the war and paid a terrible price for that. Trying to command the heavens above them, Serylda lost her voice to Zoe, the first twilight. Avarosa faced the twisting dark beneath the world and was deafened by its emptiness, waiting to consume all creation.
Nessa era perigosa e volátil, Lissandra e suas irmãs, Serylda e Avarosa, nascera, cada uma delas buscou poderes para a guerra e elas pagaram um preço terrível por isso. Tentando comandar os céus acima deles, Serylda perdeu sua voz para Zoe, o primeiro crepúsculo. Avarosa enfrentou a escuridão sinuosa sob o mundo e foi ensurdecida pelo vazio, aguardando consumir toda a criação.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Lissandra rose against the wild magic of the mortal world, lost her vision to the claws of the primordial god Volibear that slashed her eyes and blinded her forever.
Lissandra, que se levantou contra a magia selvagem do mundo mortal, perdeu sua visão ante a fúria das garras selvagens do deus primordial Volibear que percorreu seus olhos e cegou para sempre.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Although the sisters had lost parts of themselves, it was in the frigid battlefields that they had the chance to unite and where they prevailed. United, they were unbeatable, but even blood bonds don't last that long.
Embora as irmãs tivessem perdido parte de si, foi nos campos de batalha gélidos que elas puderam se unir e prevaleceram. Juntas elas eram imbatíveis, mas até mesmo seu laço de sangue não poderia durar tanto.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Becoming blind, Lissandra decided to walk between the dreams. As she navigated through visions of those who surrounded her, she realized that only she was able to see the darkness below as it really was: the persistent abyss promised not only the end of all things but the infinite. That was death, dangerous but with indescribable potential in the field of possibilities. Unbeknownst to her sisters, Lissandra made a pact for them with divine entities with whom she had communicated. The Watchers would grant her near-immortality in exchange for paving the way in Runeterra for the Void to come.
Tendo sua visão tomada, Lissandra optou por caminhar entre os sonhos, conforme ela navegou pelas visões dos que as rodeavam, ela percebeu só poder ver a escuridão abaixo pelo que ele realmente era: o abismo persistente prometia não apenas o fim de todas as coisas, mas o infinito. Aquilo era a morte, perigosa mas com potências indescritíveis no campo das possibilidades. Sem que suas irmãs soubessem, Lissandra fez um pacto a favor delas com entidades divinas com as quais ela havia se comunicado – Os Observadores lhe concederiam a quase-imortalidade em troca de preparar o caminho em Runeterra para a vinda do Vazio.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The three sisters and their most powerful followers were named Iceborn. Those with this capability to endure the worst of the numbing frost would be spared until the end.
As três irmãs e seus mais poderosos seguidores foram nomeados Glacinatas, aqueles com a capacidade de suportar o pior da geada entorpecente seriam poupados até o final.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<span id="A_Batalha_do_Abismo_Uivante"></span>
= A Batalha do Abismo Uivante =
= Battle of the Howling Abyss =

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Avarosa argued that the only thing worse than death was slavery. Even Serylda bristled by the information of what would happen to the world they had fought for. Lissandra tried to calm down her sisters' concerns while appealing to the Watchers for more time, but the unknowable nothingness cared not for such platitudes.
Avarosa argumentava que a única coisa pior que a morte era a servidão. Até mesmo Serylda eriçou-se pelo que aconteceria com o mundo pelo qual tanto elas lutaram. Lissandra tentou acalmar suas irmãs, enquanto apelava para os Observadores por mais tempo, mas o Vazio incognoscível não se importava com essas banalidades.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The Void erupted to the mortal plane in the extreme north, and, with that, Lissanda's loyalty to the Watchers become undeniable. This made Avarosa tired of servitude and made her join the Iceborn, clashing with her masters. The final confrontation against the Watchers took place at the bridge that crossed the Howling Abyss, in which the only choices were to leave the world be consumed or give up what she cared the most - Lissandra sacrificed her sisters and her allies that were gathered there, burying them under a barrier of magical glacial ice that would never melt.
O Vazio irrompeu no mundo mortal no extremo norte e com isso a lealdade oculta de Lissandra com os Observadores tornou-se inegável. Isso fez com que Avarosa se cansasse de sua servidão e unisse os Glacinatas, voltando-se contra seus senhores. O confronto final contra os Observadores tomou lugar na ponte que cruzava o Abismo Uivante, no qual as únicas escolhas eram deixar o mundo ser consumido, ou desistir do que ela mais se importava – Lissandra sacrificou suas irmãs e os aliados que estavam ali reunidos, enterrando os Observadores sob uma barreira de gelo glacial mágico que jamais derreteria.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Soon, Lissandra found out that even that elemental power wasn't enough, the monstrous beings that she had frozen slowly corrupted the True Ice around them in something even darker. With that, they started to wander again in Lissandra's dreams, which began always to wake up terrified, professing her loyalty to the icy eternity that they promised.
Logo, Lissandra descobriu que mesmo esse poder elemental não era o suficiente, os seres monstruosos que ela congelara, lentamente corrompiam o Gelo Verdadeiro ao seu redor em algo mais sombrio. Com isso, eles passaram a novamente vagar pelos sonhos de Lissandra que passou a sempre acordar aterrorizada, professando sua lealdade à eternidade gélida que eles prometeram.

Edição atual tal como às 23h37min de 18 de novembro de 2024

This Article is in accordance with the version 0.94 of Runarcana RPG

“Freljord is a harsh and unforgiving land. Proud and fiercely independent, its people are composed of born warriors, with a strong raids culture. Although there are many individual tribes in Freljord, the warfront is being defined by a civil war with three fronts that will determine the future for all of them. One tribe follows the traditions that assure their survival fiercely, another follows the dream of a united future, while the last seeks power with a mysterious priestess.”

The icy region of Freljord is basically divided into three great tribes that dispute among themselves the primacy among the three descendants of the legendary three sisters. However, there are many other tribes, like Loktar, the Ursine tribe, and some say that there are still some deities who still walk through the ice.

A harsh land with unknown real borders, it is said that the deeper you enter this kingdom, the colder it becomes until, at a distant point, even the light is frozen.

By the weather they deal with daily, the Freljord tribes are adapted to the cold. Their constructions often make use of the properties of the ice that surrounds them, and the knowledge that is passed between them generation after generation is invaluable to continue to exist in this icy immensity.


When creating a character from this region, you gain the following traits:

Languages. Freljordian

Skill. Choose one between: Arcana, Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival.

Activity. Choose two proficiencies from the following options: A simple weapon, greatsword, longsword, pike, greataxe, mallet, flail, longbow, apothecary, armorer, fletcher, colector: leatherworker, cook, cutler or musician of one instrument.


Guided by Ashe, the avarosians are a conglomerate of progressive tribes that believe in diplomacy based on the teachings of Avarosa. They live mainly in warmer regions like Rakelstake, where a statue of Avarosa protects this sacred place, where Ashe and Tryndamere sealed their oath.

Despite Ashe's obvious discomfort at being Avarosa's supposed reincarnation, she allowed her followers to honor her by making pilgrimages to Rakelstake's sacred site.

Winter's Claw

Winter's Claw, a warrior and traditionalist tribe, is led by Sejuani, harvesting food and supplies from the high plains, forests, and northern rivers during the summer. In the winter months, the group survives by plundering its way southwards under frozen seas.


The Frostguard is a cult surrounded by mystery. Its followers live in the ancient ruins in the extreme north, in the Frostguard Citadel, protecting their leader, Lissandra, while taking care of the Howling Abyss. Nevertheless, missionaries and healers of the cult are common throughout Freljord.

Each year, on the vernal equinox, a group of Frostguard from the Keepers Lodge descend into the Howling Abyss. The true nature of their task is perhaps known only to them... and their leader, Lissandra herself.

In an age now lost to history and in the icy depths beneath the Frostguard Citadel, the horrors of the Void were prevented from entering the material realm. Even so, the strange and unnatural growth of What-Dwells-Below continues, little by little, year after year, gradually clawing its way up towards the surface.

The Ancient Keep was built to watch the hazy abyss of the Howling Abyss. The Citadel also houses many historical records of Freljord.

True Ice

True Ice occurs naturally and never melts, although it is extremely rare. Only Iceborn warriors can handle the freezing touch of True Ice and can wield it in battle.

The secrets of the manipulation and use of the True Ice for the confection of any object, be it tools, weapons, and armors, got lost in time, only a few relics survived, and many of their whereabouts are unknown.

The Three Sisters

In a time long forgotten, before the sands birthed and then swallowed Shurima, beings of old magic freely walked Runeterra. The borders between the mortal realm and what lay beyond it were almost nonexistent.

In this dangerous and volatile era, Lissandra and her sisters, Serylda and Avarosa, were born. Each one of them sought power in the war and paid a terrible price for that. Trying to command the heavens above them, Serylda lost her voice to Zoe, the first twilight. Avarosa faced the twisting dark beneath the world and was deafened by its emptiness, waiting to consume all creation.

Lissandra rose against the wild magic of the mortal world, lost her vision to the claws of the primordial god Volibear that slashed her eyes and blinded her forever.

Although the sisters had lost parts of themselves, it was in the frigid battlefields that they had the chance to unite and where they prevailed. United, they were unbeatable, but even blood bonds don't last that long.

Becoming blind, Lissandra decided to walk between the dreams. As she navigated through visions of those who surrounded her, she realized that only she was able to see the darkness below as it really was: the persistent abyss promised not only the end of all things but the infinite. That was death, dangerous but with indescribable potential in the field of possibilities. Unbeknownst to her sisters, Lissandra made a pact for them with divine entities with whom she had communicated. The Watchers would grant her near-immortality in exchange for paving the way in Runeterra for the Void to come.

The three sisters and their most powerful followers were named Iceborn. Those with this capability to endure the worst of the numbing frost would be spared until the end.

Battle of the Howling Abyss

Avarosa argued that the only thing worse than death was slavery. Even Serylda bristled by the information of what would happen to the world they had fought for. Lissandra tried to calm down her sisters' concerns while appealing to the Watchers for more time, but the unknowable nothingness cared not for such platitudes.

The Void erupted to the mortal plane in the extreme north, and, with that, Lissanda's loyalty to the Watchers become undeniable. This made Avarosa tired of servitude and made her join the Iceborn, clashing with her masters. The final confrontation against the Watchers took place at the bridge that crossed the Howling Abyss, in which the only choices were to leave the world be consumed or give up what she cared the most - Lissandra sacrificed her sisters and her allies that were gathered there, burying them under a barrier of magical glacial ice that would never melt.

Soon, Lissandra found out that even that elemental power wasn't enough, the monstrous beings that she had frozen slowly corrupted the True Ice around them in something even darker. With that, they started to wander again in Lissandra's dreams, which began always to wake up terrified, professing her loyalty to the icy eternity that they promised.