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Criou página com 'The study of Rituals, Ritualistics, studies how to reproduce certain magical formulas without requiring a great knowledge of magic through the union of more than one officiant during the Ritual, with the ritualistic power being conquered through the repetition of a functional formula.'
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Linha 3: Linha 3:
{{#description2:Rituals can be used to cast spells or even to perform other effects without the need for conjuration.}}
{{#description2:Rituals can be used to cast spells or even to perform other effects without the need for spellcasting.}}
Any act established in a repetitive manner can be called a Ritual. In Runarcana, a Ritual is a magical practice that uses gestures, words and ingredients in search of a magical result, just as with Spellcasting, with its somatic, verbal and material components. Unlike Spellcasting, a Ritual cannot be performed during combat, having a minimum execution time of 10 minutes.
Any act established in a repetitive manner can be called a Ritual. In Runarcana, a Ritual is a magical practice that uses gestures, words and ingredients in search of a magical result, just as with Spellcasting, with its somatic, verbal and material components. Unlike Spellcasting, a Ritual cannot be performed during combat, having a minimum execution time of 10 minutes.
Linha 9: Linha 9:
The biggest difference between magic and ritual is in the conduction of magical energy: While in Spellcasting it happens quickly like lightning tearing through reality, during a Ritual this change happens gradually, through meticulous control of magic, whether consciously or not.
The biggest difference between magic and ritual is in the conduction of magical energy: While in Spellcasting it happens quickly like lightning tearing through reality, during a Ritual this change happens gradually, through meticulous control of magic, whether consciously or not.

<span id="Conjuração_Ritual"></span>
=Ritual Casting=
=Ritual Casting=

Linha 73: Linha 74:
Certain spells have a special marker: Ritual. Such spells can be cast using the normal rules for spellcasting, or they can be cast alternatively through Ritual Casting. The Ritual Casting of a spell takes an additional amount of time to cast based on the Rituals table.
Certain spells have a special marker: Ritual. Such spells can be cast using the normal rules for spellcasting, or they can be cast alternatively through Ritual Casting. The Ritual Casting of a spell takes an additional amount of time to cast based on the Rituals table.

For this Ritual, a Skill roll is made to execute this spell, making this form of conjuration not consume Mana points, which also means that the Ritual Conjuration of a spell cannot be cast at higher levels.
For this Ritual, a Skill roll is made to execute this spell, making this form of casting not consume Mana points, which also means that the Ritual Casting of a spell cannot be cast at higher levels.

The skill can be Arcana, Religion, or Nature, based on the type of ritual being performed. A Wizard will use Arcana for their spells known and in their spellbook, while an Acolyte will use Religion and a Shaman will use Nature.
The skill can be Arcana, Religion, or Nature, based on the type of ritual being performed. A Wizard will use Arcana for their spells known and in their spellbook, while an Acolyte will use Religion and a Shaman will use Nature.
Linha 81: Linha 82:
To perform a spell like Ritual Casting, you must have all the components to perform the spell and make an Arcana, Nature, or Religion check, DC = 10 + Spell Level. On a success, the spell is performed normally without consuming mana. If the spell has material components that are consumed by the spell, this happens normally. On a failure, the spell is not performed and the components are not consumed, causing only the time invested to be wasted.
To perform a spell like Ritual Casting, you must have all the components to perform the spell and make an Arcana, Nature, or Religion check, DC = 10 + Spell Level. On a success, the spell is performed normally without consuming mana. If the spell has material components that are consumed by the spell, this happens normally. On a failure, the spell is not performed and the components are not consumed, causing only the time invested to be wasted.

<span id="Regra_Opcional"></span>
=Optional Rule=
=Optional Rule=

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<span id="Trespassando_Conjuração"></span>
==Trespassing Spellcasting==
==Trespassing Spellcasting==

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| 1 hour
| 1 hour
| +2
| 2
| 15
| 15
| 1 hour
| 1 hour
Linha 152: Linha 155:
Creatures that do not have the “Ritualist” trait cannot cast spells this way in addition to creatures with ''inability to use magic''.
Creatures that do not have the “Ritualist” trait cannot cast spells this way in addition to creatures with ''inability to use magic''.

<span id="Rituais"></span>

The most common way to manifest magic is through conjuration, in which a spellcaster rapidly manipulates mana through training to perform a magical effect. Other ways to manifest magic involve different types of conjuration, such as innate conjuration, in which a creature that has the ability to manifest its magic does not need conjuration techniques to do so, or ritual.
The most common way to manifest magic is through spellcasting, in which a spellcaster rapidly manipulates mana through training to perform a magical effect. Other ways to manifest magic involve different types of casting, such as innate casting, in which a creature that has the ability to manifest its magic does not need spellcasting techniques to do so, or ritual.

The study of Rituals, Ritualistics, studies how to reproduce certain magical formulas without requiring a great knowledge of magic through the union of more than one officiant during the Ritual, with the ritualistic power being conquered through the repetition of a functional formula.
The study of Rituals, Ritualistics, studies how to reproduce certain magical formulas without requiring a great knowledge of magic through the union of more than one officiant during the Ritual, with the ritualistic power being conquered through the repetition of a functional formula.

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Some Rituals can be more powerful than Spellcasting, with extremely broad and in many cases permanent effects, which makes them dangerous and in many cases secret.  
Alguns Rituais podem ser mais poderosos que Conjurações, com efeitos extremamente amplos e em muitos casos, permanentes, o que os torna perigosos e em muitos casos secretos.

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<span id="Condutor_e_Oficiante"></span>
==Condutor e Oficiante==
==Conductor and Officiant==

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Any creature that is not Incapacitated and does not have an '''inability to use magic''', can conduct or be part of the casting of a ritual as conductors or even officiants of a Ritual to achieve the objective of it.  
Qualquer criatura que não esteja Incapacitada e não tenha '''incapacidade de usar magia''', pode conduzir ou fazer parte da conjuração de um ritual como condutores ou mesmo oficiantes de um Ritual para conquistar o objetivo do mesmo.

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Conductors are the most important point of a Ritual, conducting the energies that are manipulated by him and by other officiants of a Ritual so that it is successful.  
Condutores são o ponto mais importante de um Ritual, conduzindo as energias que são manipuladas por ele e por outros oficiantes de um Ritual para que o mesmo seja bem sucedido.

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The maximum number of officiants a conductor with the Ritualist trait can handle in a ritual is equal to his Charisma modifier + his proficiency bonus. A conductor without the Ritualist trait can handle only half the sum of his Charisma modifier + his proficiency bonus.
O máximo de oficiantes que um condutor que possua a característica Ritualista é capaz de lidar em um Ritual é igual ao seu modificador de Carisma + bônus de proficiência. Um condutor que não possua a característica Ritualista pode conduzir apenas metade da somatória do modificador de Carisma + bônus de Proficiência.

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If a conductor attempts to conduct a Ritual with more than the maximum number of officiants, the ritual's DC increases by 1 progressively: one more officiant increases the DC by 1, two more officiants increase the DC by 2, and so on.  
Caso um condutor tente conduzir um Ritual com uma quantidade de oficiantes além de sua capacidade máxima, a CD do ritual aumenta em 1 de forma progressiva: um oficiante a mais aumenta a CD em 1, dois oficiantes a mais aumentam a CD em 2 e assim sucessivamente.

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<span id="Executando_um_Ritual"></span>
==Executando um Ritual==
==Performing a Ritual==

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Performing a Ritual requires a continuous Arcana, Nature or Religion roll with a DC defined by the level of the Ritual, each Ritual has a space of possible successes, with a minimum requirement to be performed.  
Executar um Ritual requer uma jogada contínua de Arcanismo, Natureza ou Religião com CD definida pelo nível do Ritual, cada Ritual possui um espaço de possibilidades de sucessos, com um requisito mínimo para ser executado.

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If at the end of a Ritual not enough successes have been accumulated, the Ritual fails. Some rituals require, in addition to a minimum number of successes to be performed, a minimum number to avoid having a rebound effect.
Se ao término de um Ritual não forem acumulados sucessos suficientes, o Ritual falha. Alguns rituais requerem além de uma quantidade mínima de sucessos para execução, uma quantidade mínima para não terem um efeito de rebote.

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Some rituals can be performed by more than one skill, but all participants in a ritual must make the same skill roll as the ritual's caster. The ritual roll receives modifiers based on the traits Ritualist, Spellcasting, and proficiency with the ritual skill.
Alguns rituais podem ser executados por mais de uma perícia, ainda assim, todos os participantes de um Ritual fazem a mesma jogada de perícia que o Condutor do ritual. A jogada de Ritual recebe alguns modificadores com base nas características Ritualista, Conjuração e Proficiência com a Perícia de Ritual.

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*The absence of the Ritualist trait adds only half the ability modifier to the roll.
*Ausência da característica Ritualista adiciona apenas metade do modificador de atributo à jogada.
*The Ritualist trait adds the ability modifier to the roll
*A característica Ritualista adiciona o modificador de atributo à jogada
*Spellcasters add the maximum spell level they can cast to the roll
*Conjuradores adicionam o nível máximo de magia que podem conjurar à jogada
*Proficiency with the Skill adds the proficiency bonus to the roll
*Proficiência com a Perícia adiciona o bônus de proficiência à jogada
*Expertise with the Skill adds double the proficiency bonus to the roll
*Especialidade com a Perícia adiciona o dobro do bônus de proficiência à jogada
*Not having Proficiency with the Skill does not force the roll with disadvantage, but it does not add anything to the roll
*Não possuir Proficiência com a Perícia não força a jogada com desvantagem, mas não adiciona nada à jogada

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Although Rituals have a standard duration indicated in the table, it is possible that some have a different duration, from rituals that take longer than another ritual of the same level, to rituals that need to be performed on more than one occasion, such as a 3rd level Ritual that lasts 8 hours, but spread over 4 days, or even another Ritual also of the 3rd level that lasts 3 days of execution with each of those days requiring 8 hours.
Embora os Rituais tenham uma duração padrão indicada na tabela, é possível que alguns tenham duração diferente, desde rituais que levam mais tempo que outro ritual de mesmo nível, até rituais que tenham a necessidade de ser executados em mais de uma ocasião, como um Ritual de 3º nível que tenha como duração 8 horas, mas espalhadas em 4 dias, ou mesmo um outro Ritual também do 3º nível que tenha como duração 3 dias de execução com cada um desses dias requerendo 8 horas.

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<span id="Copiando_um_Ritual"></span>
===Copiando um Ritual===
===Copying a Ritual===

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
To perform Rituals, it is necessary for the conductor to have a book with the Ritual in his or her hands, and in many cases it is necessary to have a second copy of the ritual that is consumed by the same person. To do this, it is necessary to copy a ritual. Copying a Ritual is different from copying a spell into a grimoire.  
Para realizar Rituais é necessário que um livro com o Ritual esteja em mãos do condutor e em muitos casos é necessário possuir uma segunda cópia do ritual que é consumida pelo mesmo, para isso, é necessário copiar um ritual. Copiar um Ritual é diferente de copiar uma magia em um grimório.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Spells with the Ritual descriptor can be found written on scrolls or even in Grimoires, and can be copied either to a Grimoire (following the rules for this) or to a ritual book. The level of these spells cannot be higher than half the level (rounded up) of the character making the copy.
Magias com o descritor Ritual, podem ser encontradas escritas em pergaminhos ou mesmo em Grimórios, podendo ser copiadas tanto para um Grimório (seguindo as regras para isso) quanto para um livro de rituais. O nível dessas magias não pode ser maior que metade do nível (arredondado para cima) do personagem fazendo a cópia.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Copying spells in the form of rituals does not allow them to be used with spellcasting, for this it is necessary to follow the Grimoire rules, this happens because the Ritual records the entire procedure of the spell, but does not use special inks or even the channeling of energy that is done to write in a grimoire.
Copiar magias em forma de rituais não permite que as mesmas sejam usadas como conjuração, para isso é necessário seguir as regras de Grimório, isso acontece pois o Ritual registra todo o procedimento da magia, mas não utiliza tintas especiais e nem mesmo a canalização de energia que é feita para escrever em um grimório.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
A spell that is copied as a ritual in a book can help an Arcane to copy it to his grimoire, but this increases the difficulty, time and cost involved in the process, since a spell in a Grimoire is already a kind of magical object.
Uma magia que esteja copiada como ritual em um livro, pode ajudar um Arcano a copiá-la para o seu grimório, mas isso aumenta a dificuldade, o tempo e o custo envolvidos no processo, uma vez que a uma magia em um Grimório já uma espécie de objeto mágico.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The process of copying spells as Rituals into a ritual book takes 10 minutes plus 10 minutes per spell level, while copying Rituals that are not Spells has a time described in the Rituals table.
O processo para copiar magias como Rituais em um livro de rituais leva 10 minutos mais 10 minutos por nível da magia enquanto copiar Rituais que não sejam Magias, possui um tempo descrito na tabela de Rituais.

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<span id="Instrução_Ritual"></span>
===Instrução Ritual===
===Ritual Instruction===

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
In order for a ritual to be performed, all participants must have knowledge of the ritual or receive instruction on how to perform their part by someone who has the necessary proficiencies to conduct the Ritual.
Para que um ritual seja executado, é necessário que todos os participantes tenham conhecimento do ritual ou recebam instrução de como executar sua parte por alguém que possua as proficiências necessárias para conduzir o Ritual.  
A Ritual instruction requires 1 minute for each level of Ritual, and a conductor can instruct a number of officiants equal to his Charisma modifier at the same time. During the instruction, the Conductor instructs each officiant's role, teaching him what the lines, gestures and how he should behave during the execution of the ritual are.
Uma instrução Ritual requer 1 minuto para cada nível de Ritual, um condutor pode instruir ao mesmo tempo um número de oficiantes igual ao seu modificador de Carisma. Durante a instrução, o condutor instruí o papel de cada oficiante, ensinando a ele quais são as falas, gestos e como ele deve se comportar durante a execução do ritual.
Upon receiving this instruction, an officiant makes his Arcana (or Religion or Nature) roll without disadvantage if he is not proficient with the skill or the language used in the Ritual.
Ao Receber essa instrução, um oficiante faz sua jogada de Arcanismo (ou Religião) sem desvantagem caso não tenha proficiência com a perícia ou com a língua utilizada no Ritual.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
If an officiant does not have proficiency with the required skill or language and Ritual Instruction is not taken, that officiant rolls for that ritual with disadvantage.
Caso um oficiante não possua proficiência com a perícia ou a língua necessária e a Instrução Ritual não seja feita, esse oficiante faz as jogadas para esse ritual com desvantagem.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
====Versioning a Ritual====
====Versionando um Ritual====
To version a Ritual from one language to another, already adapted, it is necessary to be proficient in both languages ​​(source and target) in addition to having proficiency in Arcana to be able to make the necessary changes. The time required to do this is 20 minutes per level of Ritual.
Para fazer um versionamento de um Ritual de uma língua para outra, já adaptado, é necessário ter proficiência nas duas línguas (origem e destino) além de possuir proficiência em Arcanismo para conseguir fazer as devidas mudanças necessárias. O tempo necessário para fazer isso é de 20 minutos por nível de Ritual.

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<span id="Perigos_dos_Rituais"></span>
===Perigos dos Rituais===
===Dangers of Rituals===

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Some rituals are extremely dangerous, either because they were created by the underworld, because they deal with aspects of reality through hidden shortcuts, or for other reasons. When these rituals begin to be performed, dangerous forces are released, and failure can mean not only that the desired result is not obtained, but also additional complications.
Alguns rituais são extremamente perigosos, seja por terem sido elaborados por ínferos, por lidarem com aspectos da realidade através de atalhos ocultos entre outros motivos. Quando esses rituais começam a ser executados, forças perigosas são liberadas e uma falha pode significar não apenas que o resultado desejado não foi obtido, mas também complicações adicionais.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Although a Ritual can be found in books, papyrus and even carved in stone, these rituals often have unspoken secrets, such as the omission of the instruction that a copy of it is consumed by the execution of the Ritual.
Embora um Ritual possa ser encontrado em livros, papiros e até mesmo talhados em pedras, muitas vezes esses rituais possuem segredos não expressos, como por exemplo a omissão da instrução de que uma cópia do mesmo é consumida pela execução do Ritual.

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In some cases, secret rituals may omit a necessary component or even insert additional information that causes the ritual to fail. Studying an unfamiliar ritual is important, and experienced ritualists may spend many months studying a new ritual before feeling confident enough to perform it.  
Em alguns casos, rituais secretos podem omitir algum componente necessário ou até mesmo inserir informações adicionais que causem o fracasso do ritual. Estudar um ritual desconhecido é algo importante e os mais experientes Ritualistas podem se debruçar por muitos meses em um novo Ritual para sentirem-se seguros o suficiente para executá-los.

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<span id="Elementos_de_um_Ritual"></span>
===Elementos de um Ritual===
===Elements of a Ritual===

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
{| class="purple shadeSide" style="text-align:center; margin: auto auto 20px 20px; float:right;
{| class="purple shadeSide" style="text-align:center; margin: auto auto 20px 20px; float:right;

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
|+ Rituals
|+ Rituais
! Level
! Nível
! DC
! CD
! Success
! Sucesso
! GP
! PO
! Time
! Tempo
! Roll
! Jogada
! Copy
! Cópia
| 1
| 1
| 15
| 15
| 4
| 4
| 50 PO
| 50 GP
| 1 hora
| 1 hour
| 10 minutos
| 10 minutes
| 1 hora
| 1 hour
| 2
| 2
| 17
| 17
| 7
| 7
| 100 PO
| 100 GP
| 2 horas
| 2 hours
| 10 minutos
| 10 minutes
| 2 horas
| 2 hours
| 3
| 3
| 19
| 19
| 13
| 13
| 500 PO
| 500 GP
| 8 horas
| 8 hours
| 20 minutos
| 20 minutes
| 5 horas
| 5 hours
| 4
| 4
| 21
| 21
| 25
| 25
| 1.000 PO
| 1.000 GP
| 24 horas
| 24 hours
| 30 minutos
| 30 minutes
| 10 horas
| 10 hours
| 5
| 5
| 25
| 25
| 100
| 100
| 5.000 PO
| 5.000 GP
| 168 horas
| 168 hours
| 1 hora
| 1 hour
| 24 horas
| 24 hours
| 6
| 6
| 29
| 29
| 200
| 200
| 10.000 PO
| 10.000 GP
| 720 horas
| 720 hours
| 2 horas
| 2 hours
| 300 horas
| 300 hours

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
All Rituals have a number of common characteristics based on their level. Each ritual may have several unique instructions or requirements.
Todos os Rituais possuem uma série de características em comum com base em seu nível. Cada ritual pode possuir diversas instruções ou requisitos únicos.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The Ritual level defines the duration, DC and minimum number of successes to perform a Ritual. The number of successes can be performed by any number of participants.
O nível Ritual define a duração, CD e o número mínimo de sucessos para executar um Ritual. A quantidade de sucessos pode ser executada por qualquer número de participantes.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
=====Ritual DC=====
=====CD de Ritual=====
Performing a Ritual is an opposed Arcana, Nature, or Religion check made by all participants in the Ritual.  
Executar um Ritual é uma jogada resistida de Arcanismo, Natureza ou Religião executada por todos participantes do Ritual.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Every Ritual is an accumulation of arcane and/or spiritual energy. For a ritual to be successful, the amount indicated in Success must have been achieved by the end of its duration. If the number of successes is less than that indicated in Success, the ritual fails. Each success is added to the ritual's success pile, failures remove 1 success from the success pile. A natural 20, if a success, adds 2 successes to the pile, while a critical failure removes 2 successes from the pile.
Todo Ritual é um acúmulo de energia arcana e/ou espiritual, para que um ritual seja bem sucedido, é necessário que ao término da duração do mesmo a quantidade indicada em Sucesso tenha sido alcançada. Caso o número de sucessos seja menor que o indicado em sucesso, o ritual fracassa. Cada sucesso é adicionado à pilha de sucessos do ritual, falhas removem 1 sucesso da pilha de sucessos. Um 20 natural, caso seja um sucesso, adiciona 2 sucessos à pilha enquanto uma falha crítica remove 2 sucessos da pilha.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The base cost in GP of a Ritual, creatures with the Ritualist trait have this cost reduced by half. This value does not include the components and specific costs that some rituals have.
O custo base em PO de um Ritual, criaturas com a característica Ritualista fazem tem esse custo reduzido pela metade. Esse valor não inclui os componentes e custos específicos que alguns rituais possuem.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The time required to perform a ritual. Some rituals may have a different execution time than those presented in the same level.  
O tempo necessário para executar um ritual. Alguns rituais podem ter um tempo de execução diferente dos apresentados no mesmo nível.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The time value in Roll refers to the time interval between rolls of a ritual. Like time, some Rituals may have different roll intervals.
O valor de tempo em Jogada refere-se ao intervalo de tempo entre as jogadas de um ritual. Assim como o tempo, alguns Rituais podem ter intervalo de jogadas diferentes.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
After the ritual title, it is written with which skills this ritual can be performed.
Após o título do ritual, está escrito com quais perícias esse ritual pode ser executado.

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The time required to make a copy of the Ritual.  
O tempo necessário para fazer uma cópia do Ritual.

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Some rituals, when unsuccessful, have a rebound effect. If the number of successes is equal to or less than the value indicated in this characteristic, the ritual not only fails, but the effect described in Rebound also happens instantly. Masters can modify the rebound effect based on specific conditions of the Ritual, such as location, dealing with spirits, etc.
Alguns rituais ao não serem bem sucedidos possuem um efeito de rebote, caso o número de sucessos seja igual ou menor que o valor indicado nessa característica, o ritual não apenas falha, mas o efeito descrito em Rebote também acontece instantaneamente. Mestres podem modificar o efeito de rebote com base em condições específicas do Ritual, como localidade, lidar com espíritos, etc.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Every Ritual is developed in a specific language, for this reason it is necessary to be proficient in the language of the same or to receive Ritual instruction. The absence of this characteristic means that the ritual can be found in any language.  
Todo Ritual é desenvolvido em uma determinada língua, por esse motivo é necessário ter proficiência com a língua do mesmo ou receber instrução Ritual. A ausência dessa característica, significa que o ritual pode ser encontrado em qualquer língua.

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Every Ritual channels arcane energy through a structured ceremony along with techniques specific to each ritual into specific components that are involved in the ritual. When “Ritual” is indicated on a component, it means that a copy of the Ritual is consumed. If there is no secondary copy prepared for this, the primary copy of the Ritual is consumed, which may cause the ritual book to be consumed as well in the process.
Todo Ritual canaliza energia arcana através de um cerimonial estruturado junto a técnicas particulares para cada ritual em componentes específicos que estejam envolvidos no ritual. Quando for indicado “Ritual” em um componente, significa que uma cópia do Ritual é consumida. Caso não exista uma cópia secundária preparada para isso, a cópia principal do Ritual é consumida, podendo fazer com que o livro de rituais seja consumido também no processo.

Edição atual tal como às 03h29min de 14 de novembro de 2024

This article complies with version 0.94 of Runarcana RPG

Any act established in a repetitive manner can be called a Ritual. In Runarcana, a Ritual is a magical practice that uses gestures, words and ingredients in search of a magical result, just as with Spellcasting, with its somatic, verbal and material components. Unlike Spellcasting, a Ritual cannot be performed during combat, having a minimum execution time of 10 minutes.

The biggest difference between magic and ritual is in the conduction of magical energy: While in Spellcasting it happens quickly like lightning tearing through reality, during a Ritual this change happens gradually, through meticulous control of magic, whether consciously or not.

Ritual Casting

Ritual Casting
Spell Level DC Additional Time Copy Time
1 11 10 minutes 1 hour
2 13 15 minutes 1 hour
3 15 25 minutes 1 hora
4 17 30 minutes 2 hours
5 19 35 minutos 2 hours
6 21 45 minutes 2 hours
7 23 1 hour 3 hours
8 25 2 hours 3 hours
9 27 4 hours 5 hours
10 29 8 hours 10 hours
* There are no spells above the 6th level that have the Ritual descriptor, but the rules for using them in this way are laid out here so that the master has the freedom to use them as he sees fit.

Certain spells have a special marker: Ritual. Such spells can be cast using the normal rules for spellcasting, or they can be cast alternatively through Ritual Casting. The Ritual Casting of a spell takes an additional amount of time to cast based on the Rituals table.

For this Ritual, a Skill roll is made to execute this spell, making this form of casting not consume Mana points, which also means that the Ritual Casting of a spell cannot be cast at higher levels.

The skill can be Arcana, Religion, or Nature, based on the type of ritual being performed. A Wizard will use Arcana for their spells known and in their spellbook, while an Acolyte will use Religion and a Shaman will use Nature.

To cast a spell as a ritual, a spellcaster must have a trait that grants him the Spellcasting ability in addition to the Ritualist trait. The spellcaster must also have the spell prepared or on his list of known spells, unless the character’s ritual trait specifies otherwise.

To perform a spell like Ritual Casting, you must have all the components to perform the spell and make an Arcana, Nature, or Religion check, DC = 10 + Spell Level. On a success, the spell is performed normally without consuming mana. If the spell has material components that are consumed by the spell, this happens normally. On a failure, the spell is not performed and the components are not consumed, causing only the time invested to be wasted.

Optional Rule

This is an Optional rule for Runarcana, allowing non-spellcasters to use Rituals to cast magic, which should be decided by the GM as it has a substantial impact on how the world shapes itself in this regard. Furthermore, the suggested value in GP/Non-spellcaster is a very high value, and can be reduced if the GM considers it more interesting to increase the viability of this option.

As with other optional rules, the final word on their use lies with the game master.

Trespassing Spellcasting

Spell Level DC Additional Time GP/ Non-Caster Copy Time
1 13 30 minutes 10 GP 1 hour
2 15 1 hour 50 GP 1 hour
3 17 2 hours 100 GP 1 hour
4 19 3 hours 1.000 GP 2 hours
5 21 6 hours 5.000 GP 2 hours
6 23 8 hours 10.000 GP 2 hours

A noncaster cannot normally cast a spell because he or she lacks the Spellcasting trait and lacks knowledge of spells. However, spells that have the Ritual descriptor can be cast through rituals by noncasters.

For this to happen, several requirements are necessary:

  • Ritualist Trait
  • Copy of the ritual of the magic in question for execution
  • Second copy of the Ritual that will be consumed by the magic
  • All material components must be present
  • A source of mana is required, such as a mana crystal with the amount of mana points needed to cast the spell
  • An amount of gold, based on the level of the spell, is required in additional components that are consumed during the Ritual in the form of candles, incense, among other exotic materials

As with Ritual Casting, only one roll is made based on the skill used to write the spell as a Ritual: Arcana for Arcane spells, Religion for Acolyte spells, and Nature for Shaman spells. This roll is made with a DC = 12 + Spell Level and, at the end of the Ritual, regardless of success, the channeler receives a number of Exhaustion points equal to the spell level - his Constitution modifier.

On a failure, the material components, ritual components, and mana points are consumed, the channeler receives half the spell level - Constitution modifier in exhaustion points, and becomes unable to perform the same ritual for 24 hours.

Creatures that do not have the “Ritualist” trait cannot cast spells this way in addition to creatures with inability to use magic.


The most common way to manifest magic is through spellcasting, in which a spellcaster rapidly manipulates mana through training to perform a magical effect. Other ways to manifest magic involve different types of casting, such as innate casting, in which a creature that has the ability to manifest its magic does not need spellcasting techniques to do so, or ritual.

The study of Rituals, Ritualistics, studies how to reproduce certain magical formulas without requiring a great knowledge of magic through the union of more than one officiant during the Ritual, with the ritualistic power being conquered through the repetition of a functional formula.

Some Rituals can be more powerful than Spellcasting, with extremely broad and in many cases permanent effects, which makes them dangerous and in many cases secret.

Conductor and Officiant

Any creature that is not Incapacitated and does not have an inability to use magic, can conduct or be part of the casting of a ritual as conductors or even officiants of a Ritual to achieve the objective of it.

Conductors are the most important point of a Ritual, conducting the energies that are manipulated by him and by other officiants of a Ritual so that it is successful.

The maximum number of officiants a conductor with the Ritualist trait can handle in a ritual is equal to his Charisma modifier + his proficiency bonus. A conductor without the Ritualist trait can handle only half the sum of his Charisma modifier + his proficiency bonus.

If a conductor attempts to conduct a Ritual with more than the maximum number of officiants, the ritual's DC increases by 1 progressively: one more officiant increases the DC by 1, two more officiants increase the DC by 2, and so on.

Performing a Ritual

Performing a Ritual requires a continuous Arcana, Nature or Religion roll with a DC defined by the level of the Ritual, each Ritual has a space of possible successes, with a minimum requirement to be performed.

If at the end of a Ritual not enough successes have been accumulated, the Ritual fails. Some rituals require, in addition to a minimum number of successes to be performed, a minimum number to avoid having a rebound effect.

Some rituals can be performed by more than one skill, but all participants in a ritual must make the same skill roll as the ritual's caster. The ritual roll receives modifiers based on the traits Ritualist, Spellcasting, and proficiency with the ritual skill.

  • The absence of the Ritualist trait adds only half the ability modifier to the roll.
  • The Ritualist trait adds the ability modifier to the roll
  • Spellcasters add the maximum spell level they can cast to the roll
  • Proficiency with the Skill adds the proficiency bonus to the roll
  • Expertise with the Skill adds double the proficiency bonus to the roll
  • Not having Proficiency with the Skill does not force the roll with disadvantage, but it does not add anything to the roll

Although Rituals have a standard duration indicated in the table, it is possible that some have a different duration, from rituals that take longer than another ritual of the same level, to rituals that need to be performed on more than one occasion, such as a 3rd level Ritual that lasts 8 hours, but spread over 4 days, or even another Ritual also of the 3rd level that lasts 3 days of execution with each of those days requiring 8 hours.

Copying a Ritual

To perform Rituals, it is necessary for the conductor to have a book with the Ritual in his or her hands, and in many cases it is necessary to have a second copy of the ritual that is consumed by the same person. To do this, it is necessary to copy a ritual. Copying a Ritual is different from copying a spell into a grimoire.

Spells with the Ritual descriptor can be found written on scrolls or even in Grimoires, and can be copied either to a Grimoire (following the rules for this) or to a ritual book. The level of these spells cannot be higher than half the level (rounded up) of the character making the copy.

Copying spells in the form of rituals does not allow them to be used with spellcasting, for this it is necessary to follow the Grimoire rules, this happens because the Ritual records the entire procedure of the spell, but does not use special inks or even the channeling of energy that is done to write in a grimoire.

A spell that is copied as a ritual in a book can help an Arcane to copy it to his grimoire, but this increases the difficulty, time and cost involved in the process, since a spell in a Grimoire is already a kind of magical object.

The process of copying spells as Rituals into a ritual book takes 10 minutes plus 10 minutes per spell level, while copying Rituals that are not Spells has a time described in the Rituals table.

Ritual Instruction

In order for a ritual to be performed, all participants must have knowledge of the ritual or receive instruction on how to perform their part by someone who has the necessary proficiencies to conduct the Ritual. A Ritual instruction requires 1 minute for each level of Ritual, and a conductor can instruct a number of officiants equal to his Charisma modifier at the same time. During the instruction, the Conductor instructs each officiant's role, teaching him what the lines, gestures and how he should behave during the execution of the ritual are. Upon receiving this instruction, an officiant makes his Arcana (or Religion or Nature) roll without disadvantage if he is not proficient with the skill or the language used in the Ritual.

If an officiant does not have proficiency with the required skill or language and Ritual Instruction is not taken, that officiant rolls for that ritual with disadvantage.

Versioning a Ritual

To version a Ritual from one language to another, already adapted, it is necessary to be proficient in both languages ​​(source and target) in addition to having proficiency in Arcana to be able to make the necessary changes. The time required to do this is 20 minutes per level of Ritual.

Dangers of Rituals

Some rituals are extremely dangerous, either because they were created by the underworld, because they deal with aspects of reality through hidden shortcuts, or for other reasons. When these rituals begin to be performed, dangerous forces are released, and failure can mean not only that the desired result is not obtained, but also additional complications.

Although a Ritual can be found in books, papyrus and even carved in stone, these rituals often have unspoken secrets, such as the omission of the instruction that a copy of it is consumed by the execution of the Ritual.

In some cases, secret rituals may omit a necessary component or even insert additional information that causes the ritual to fail. Studying an unfamiliar ritual is important, and experienced ritualists may spend many months studying a new ritual before feeling confident enough to perform it.

Elements of a Ritual

Level DC Success GP Time Roll Copy
1 15 4 50 GP 1 hour 10 minutes 1 hour
2 17 7 100 GP 2 hours 10 minutes 2 hours
3 19 13 500 GP 8 hours 20 minutes 5 hours
4 21 25 1.000 GP 24 hours 30 minutes 10 hours
5 25 100 5.000 GP 168 hours 1 hour 24 hours
6 29 200 10.000 GP 720 hours 2 hours 300 hours

All Rituals have a number of common characteristics based on their level. Each ritual may have several unique instructions or requirements.


The Ritual level defines the duration, DC and minimum number of successes to perform a Ritual. The number of successes can be performed by any number of participants.

Ritual DC

Performing a Ritual is an opposed Arcana, Nature, or Religion check made by all participants in the Ritual.


Every Ritual is an accumulation of arcane and/or spiritual energy. For a ritual to be successful, the amount indicated in Success must have been achieved by the end of its duration. If the number of successes is less than that indicated in Success, the ritual fails. Each success is added to the ritual's success pile, failures remove 1 success from the success pile. A natural 20, if a success, adds 2 successes to the pile, while a critical failure removes 2 successes from the pile.


The base cost in GP of a Ritual, creatures with the Ritualist trait have this cost reduced by half. This value does not include the components and specific costs that some rituals have.


The time required to perform a ritual. Some rituals may have a different execution time than those presented in the same level.


The time value in Roll refers to the time interval between rolls of a ritual. Like time, some Rituals may have different roll intervals.


After the ritual title, it is written with which skills this ritual can be performed.


The time required to make a copy of the Ritual.


Some rituals, when unsuccessful, have a rebound effect. If the number of successes is equal to or less than the value indicated in this characteristic, the ritual not only fails, but the effect described in Rebound also happens instantly. Masters can modify the rebound effect based on specific conditions of the Ritual, such as location, dealing with spirits, etc.


Every Ritual is developed in a specific language, for this reason it is necessary to be proficient in the language of the same or to receive Ritual instruction. The absence of this characteristic means that the ritual can be found in any language.


Every Ritual channels arcane energy through a structured ceremony along with techniques specific to each ritual into specific components that are involved in the ritual. When “Ritual” is indicated on a component, it means that a copy of the Ritual is consumed. If there is no secondary copy prepared for this, the primary copy of the Ritual is consumed, which may cause the ritual book to be consumed as well in the process.