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Ilha das Sombras/en: mudanças entre as edições

De Runarcana Wiki
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<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
''“The land known today as Shadow Isles was once a thriving and stunning kingdom but was destroyed by a magical cataclysm. The Black Mist covers the isles permanently, and the land itself is cursed, corrupted by evil witchcraft. The living beings that know can be found at the Shadow Isles have their lives slowly drained from their bodies, attracting more insatiable and predatory spirits of the dead. Those who perish inside of the Black Mist are doomed to haunt those melancholic lands for all eternity. Even worse, the power of the Shadow Isles is an ever-growing force growing each year, allowing for the spirits to grow the range to which the dead can mow souls throughout Runeterrra”''
''“A terra hoje conhecida como Ilhas das Sombras outrora fora um reino estonteante, mas foi destruído por um cataclisma mágico. A Névoa Sombria encobre as ilhas permanentemente e a própria terra está manchada, corrompida pela feitiçaria malevolente. Os seres vivos que agora encontram-se nas Ilhas das Sombras têm sua vida lentamente sugada deles, que, por sua vez, atraem os espíritos insaciáveis e predatórios dos mortos. Aqueles que perecem dentro da Névoa Sombria são condenados a assombrar esta terra melancólica por toda a eternidade. Ainda pior, o poder das Ilhas das Sombras fica cada vez mais forte com o passar dos anos, permitindo que as sombras dos mortos aumentem seu alcance e levem almas por toda Runeterra.”''

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Once known as the Blessed Isles, the archipelago that is today know as the Shadow Isles had a golden past, filled with gardens, libraries and universities filled the whole territory, teaching houses existed everywhere with the intent of spreading knowledge, knowledge which was combined with a harmonic existence with the magic that proliferated everywhere in those lands.
Outrora chamado de Ilhas das Bênçãos, o arquipélago chamado hoje em dia de Ilhas das Sombras teve um passado áureo no qual jardins, bibliotecas e universidades se espalhavam por todo território, casas de ensino existiam em todos os lugares promovendo o saber, o conhecimento e uma existência em harmonia com a magia que se proliferava em todos aspectos daquela terra.

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The architecture was composed of architectonic puzzles with hidden meanings and filled with symbolism of the occult, a reflex of civilization that kept itself isolated thanks to the white mist that guided travelers away from the island. It was a society that was in an eternal search for self-knowledge.
Sua arquitetura era composta de quebra-cabeças arquitetônicos com significados e simbolismos ocultos, reflexo de uma civilização que se mantinha isolada graças à névoa branca que levava viajantes sem guias para outros lugares e, portanto, estava inserida em uma enorme busca pelo autoconhecimento.

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As a result of this isolation, the Isles didn't have the most expressive army, many of the people living there were searching for self-knowledge, be it in the ways of art, learning, or even in the many exquisite crafts.
Devido a esse isolamento, as Ilhas não tinham um exército realmente expressivo, boa parte do que existia por lá eram pessoas interessadas em aprender e elevar-se intelectualmente, fossem nas artes, em erudição ou mesmo nos muitos ofícios que eram primorosos.

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The fertility of the Isles was tremendous, not only thanks to its abundant magic but the advanced agricultural technologies and techniques which harmonically utilized the land, never forcing it too much or depleting its arcane energies.
A fertilidade das Ilhas era tremenda, não apenas graças à sua magia abundante, mas também às tecnologias agrícolas que utilizavam de forma harmônica essa magia natural nunca forçando o solo em demasiado ou esgotando as energias arcanas.

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Such prosperity made possible that even without an expressive military force, they could conquer other lands, having as a goal the evolution of technology in those regions through the wisdom shared by the new  rulers of those regions.
Tamanha prosperidade que se espalhava em todas as áreas fez com que mesmo sem uma expressiva força militar, eles pudessem conquistar outras terras, tendo como rotina a evolução tecnológica dessas regiões através do saber compartilhado pelos novos regentes.

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This same prosperity attracted the greed of opposing nations who sought their own objectives, sending an assassin to end the king's life.  
Mas essa mesma prosperidade atraiu a cobiça de oponentes que buscavam seus próprios objetivos, fazendo com que um assassino fosse enviado para ceifar a vida do Rei.

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= Characters =
= Personagens =

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
When creating a character from this region, you gain the following traits:
Ao criar um personagem dessa região, você recebe proficiência com os seguintes:

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''[[Idiomas/en|Languages]]'''. Choose one between: Helian or Spiritual
'''[[Idiomas|Idioma]]'''. Escolha um entre: Heliano ou Espiritual

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''[[Utilizando_Atributos/en#Skilss|Skill]]'''. Choose one between: Arcana, Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or Survival.
'''[[Utilizando_Atributos#Per.C3.ADcias|Perícia]]'''. Escolha uma entre: Arcanismo, Enganação, Furtividade, História, Intimidação, Intuição, Percepção, Prestidigitação ou Sobrevivência.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Activity'''. Choose two proficiencies from the following options: A simple or martial weapon, apothecary or guide: navigator
'''Atividade'''. Escolha duas proficiências entre as seguintes opções: Uma arma simples ou marcial, apotecário ou guia: navegador

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
= The Curse =
= A Maldição =

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During the murder attempt, a victim was made, not the one the assassin was hired for, but his wife. The queen, being poisoned by a small wound in her arm, became infirm.
Durante a tentativa de assassinato foi feita uma vítima, não aquela a quem se dirigia o plano obscuro, mas sim a sua amada, a Rainha que, envenenada em uma pequena ferida em seu braço, veio a cair enferma.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
It wasn't by lack of trying, the best priests, surgeons, and mages worked in a cure, even the King's magic, powerful and driven by the magic of the Isles, wasn't able to nothing more than do slow the effects.
Não foi por falta de tentativa, os melhores sacerdotes, cirurgiões e magos trabalharam em busca de uma cura, até mesmo a magia do Rei, poderosa e impulsionada pela magia das Ilhas, não foi capaz de fazer nada mais que retardar os efeitos.

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Everything came to a close when the queen perished and the king, mad and filled by anguish, began to search desperately for a way to revert this disgrace.
Tudo isso deixou de ser assim quando a rainha veio a falecer e o rei enlouquecido e tomado pela angústia passou a buscar desesperadamente uma forma de reverter essa desgraça.

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Having sent his emissaries in search of a cure around the world, the King also began a reign of horror and violence in search of a way that he could save his loved one.
Enquanto enviou emissários em busca de uma cura pelo mundo, ao mesmo tempo passou a castigar seus próprios súditos em um reinado violento em busca de segredos que pudessem salvar a sua amada.

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In the end, in his final and larger act of madness, going against everything he ever learned and practiced in most of his life, the King tried to violate the natural laws, trying to subvert magic and bend it to his will.
Por fim, em seu maior ato de loucura, indo contra tudo que aprendera e praticara durante a maior parte de sua vida, tentou violar as leis naturais subvertendo a magia e tentando dobrá-la à sua vontade.

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Such insult to the equilibrium came with a high cost, the Blessed Isles became a lugubrious and dreary place, such as the actions of the king, they became a parody of what once was life and beauty, in which spirits that were once alive howled in agony stuck in a state between life and post-mortem.
Tamanha afronta ao equilíbrio cobrou um alto preço, as Ilhas das Bênçãos foram transformadas em um lugar lúgubre e, refletindo a tentativa de violar o natural, se tornaram uma paródia da vida e beleza, no qual espíritos dos que outrora estavam vivos, uivavam em condenação presos em um estado de morte-vida.

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= Helia =
= Helia =

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Helia, once the capital of the Blessed Isles, is located at the shore. As a result, many parts of the city were flooded right after the crumbling of the Isles. Beyond the capital, many other ancients wonders remain lost, abandoned, or simply too cursed for even the maddest, courageous or luckiest living being to survive in daring to enter these lands. Once a great gallery of ancient artifacts that stored items of many cultures and ages, now it is nothing more than a crater in the Shadow Isles.
Helia, a capital das Ilhas das Bênçãos, está localizada na costa. Como resultado, muitas partes da cidade foram alagadas depois da Ruína. Além dela, uma série de outras maravilhas antigas permanecem perdidas, abandonadas ou simplesmente amaldiçoadas demais para que possam ser sequer visitadas pelas pessoas mais insanas, corajosas ou com tamanha sorte no azar de sobreviverem a uma entrada nessa terra. Outrora uma grande galeria de artefatos antigos que trazia itens de várias culturas e épocas, agora é nada mais do que uma cratera nas Ilhas das Sombras.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Any mortal that steps in the Shadow Isles will attract the specters of the fallen, maybe the Widow of the songs, a collector of birds that tried tofree them when the disaster came and now roams through the island, searching for songs that he can not remember anymore, or even one of the many humble registrars e archivists of the Blessed Isles that died on their pulpits, without even noticing the disaster that fell upon them. These lost souls now write descriptions of their torments in an infinite scroll fervently and conveying them to any living being.
Qualquer mortal que pisar nas Ilhas das Sombras atrairá os espíritos dos caídos, talvez A Viúva das Canções, uma colecionadora de pássaros que tentou libertá-los quando o desastre chegou e que agora anda sem rumo, procurando por canções das quais ela não consegue mais lembrar, ou mesmo um dos muitos dos humildes escrivães e arquivistas das Ilhas das Bênçãos que morreram nos seus púlpitos, sem notar o desastre que recém caíra sobre eles. Essas almas perdidas agora escreves fervorosamente descrições de seus tormentos em um pergaminho infinito e podem transmitir esses tormentos a qualquer ser vivente.

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Yet, through so much insanity, there is still a glimpse of light here and there, like the Shepherd of Lost Souls that seeks to protect the weaker spirits of predatory aspects.
Ainda assim, em meio a tanta insanidade ainda existem fagulhas de luz aqui e ali, como O Pastor de Almas que procura proteger espíritos mais fracos de espectros predatórios.

<div lang="pt-BR" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Although the weaker spirits can only manifest during a torment, more powerful entities can do it every time, sometimes wandering beyond the Shadow Isles. The most powerful specters maintained more of their own personality and wishes even after the Ruin, and they became predatory spirits that can hunt the weak and vulnerable for all eternity.
Apesar de espíritos mais fracos só conseguirem se manifestar durante um Tormento, entidades mais poderosas podem fazê-lo sempre, às vezes até se aventurando para além das Ilhas das Sombras. Os espectros mais poderosos conservaram muito de sua personalidade e desejos mesmo depois da Ruína, tornando-se espíritos predatórios que podem caçar os mais fracos e vulneráveis por toda a eternidade.

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= Warning =
= Aviso =

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While the Shadow Isles is listed here as a region for the players and masters be aware of, adventuring in it is highly discouraged for beginners’ adventures. This Isle is a place of suffering and lingering pain, adventures here must be careful to translate the everlasting danger at every second, and the destiny of those who dare to invade these lands is almost always death.
Embora As Ilhas das Sombras estejam listadas aqui como uma região para conhecimento dos jogadores e mestres, aventuras nela são extremamente desencorajadas para aventureiros iniciantes. Essa ilha é um local de sofrimento e dor contínua, aventuras aqui devem ser elaboradas com o cuidado de traduzirem o perigo presente a todo o tempo e o destino dos que ousam invadir esses domínios quase sempre é a morte.

Edição atual tal como às 22h35min de 27 de fevereiro de 2023

This Article is in accordance with the version 0.94 of Runarcana RPG

“The land known today as Shadow Isles was once a thriving and stunning kingdom but was destroyed by a magical cataclysm. The Black Mist covers the isles permanently, and the land itself is cursed, corrupted by evil witchcraft. The living beings that know can be found at the Shadow Isles have their lives slowly drained from their bodies, attracting more insatiable and predatory spirits of the dead. Those who perish inside of the Black Mist are doomed to haunt those melancholic lands for all eternity. Even worse, the power of the Shadow Isles is an ever-growing force growing each year, allowing for the spirits to grow the range to which the dead can mow souls throughout Runeterrra”

Once known as the Blessed Isles, the archipelago that is today know as the Shadow Isles had a golden past, filled with gardens, libraries and universities filled the whole territory, teaching houses existed everywhere with the intent of spreading knowledge, knowledge which was combined with a harmonic existence with the magic that proliferated everywhere in those lands.

The architecture was composed of architectonic puzzles with hidden meanings and filled with symbolism of the occult, a reflex of civilization that kept itself isolated thanks to the white mist that guided travelers away from the island. It was a society that was in an eternal search for self-knowledge.

As a result of this isolation, the Isles didn't have the most expressive army, many of the people living there were searching for self-knowledge, be it in the ways of art, learning, or even in the many exquisite crafts.

The fertility of the Isles was tremendous, not only thanks to its abundant magic but the advanced agricultural technologies and techniques which harmonically utilized the land, never forcing it too much or depleting its arcane energies.

Such prosperity made possible that even without an expressive military force, they could conquer other lands, having as a goal the evolution of technology in those regions through the wisdom shared by the new rulers of those regions.

This same prosperity attracted the greed of opposing nations who sought their own objectives, sending an assassin to end the king's life.


When creating a character from this region, you gain the following traits:

Languages. Choose one between: Helian or Spiritual

Skill. Choose one between: Arcana, Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or Survival.

Activity. Choose two proficiencies from the following options: A simple or martial weapon, apothecary or guide: navigator

The Curse

During the murder attempt, a victim was made, not the one the assassin was hired for, but his wife. The queen, being poisoned by a small wound in her arm, became infirm.

It wasn't by lack of trying, the best priests, surgeons, and mages worked in a cure, even the King's magic, powerful and driven by the magic of the Isles, wasn't able to nothing more than do slow the effects.

Everything came to a close when the queen perished and the king, mad and filled by anguish, began to search desperately for a way to revert this disgrace.

Having sent his emissaries in search of a cure around the world, the King also began a reign of horror and violence in search of a way that he could save his loved one.

In the end, in his final and larger act of madness, going against everything he ever learned and practiced in most of his life, the King tried to violate the natural laws, trying to subvert magic and bend it to his will.

Such insult to the equilibrium came with a high cost, the Blessed Isles became a lugubrious and dreary place, such as the actions of the king, they became a parody of what once was life and beauty, in which spirits that were once alive howled in agony stuck in a state between life and post-mortem.


Helia, once the capital of the Blessed Isles, is located at the shore. As a result, many parts of the city were flooded right after the crumbling of the Isles. Beyond the capital, many other ancients wonders remain lost, abandoned, or simply too cursed for even the maddest, courageous or luckiest living being to survive in daring to enter these lands. Once a great gallery of ancient artifacts that stored items of many cultures and ages, now it is nothing more than a crater in the Shadow Isles.

Any mortal that steps in the Shadow Isles will attract the specters of the fallen, maybe the Widow of the songs, a collector of birds that tried tofree them when the disaster came and now roams through the island, searching for songs that he can not remember anymore, or even one of the many humble registrars e archivists of the Blessed Isles that died on their pulpits, without even noticing the disaster that fell upon them. These lost souls now write descriptions of their torments in an infinite scroll fervently and conveying them to any living being.

Yet, through so much insanity, there is still a glimpse of light here and there, like the Shepherd of Lost Souls that seeks to protect the weaker spirits of predatory aspects.

Although the weaker spirits can only manifest during a torment, more powerful entities can do it every time, sometimes wandering beyond the Shadow Isles. The most powerful specters maintained more of their own personality and wishes even after the Ruin, and they became predatory spirits that can hunt the weak and vulnerable for all eternity.


While the Shadow Isles is listed here as a region for the players and masters be aware of, adventuring in it is highly discouraged for beginners’ adventures. This Isle is a place of suffering and lingering pain, adventures here must be careful to translate the everlasting danger at every second, and the destiny of those who dare to invade these lands is almost always death.