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This Article is in accordance with the version 0.94 of Runarcana RPG

Ki is the understanding of internal and external energy and its relationships with the true being that transcends the mundane. Ki is a principle common to all existential forms, be they physical or ethereal, living or dead. Plants have Ki and flourish with greater vigor when in an effluvium of it. Even the dead or decomposing bodies have it.

Your access to this energy is represented by a number of Ki points. Your class level determines the number of points you have, as shown in the Ki column of your class table.

You can spend these points to fuel various Ki traits. When you spend a Ki point, it becomes unavailable until you finish a short or long rest, at which point all spent Ki points are returned to you. You must spend at least 30 minutes of your long rest meditating to regain your Ki points.

Some Ki traits require their target to make a saving throw to resist the trait's effect. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Ki save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Inactivated Ki

Some uses and techniques can inactivate some Ki points, which means that they are directly deducted from your total Ki. Ex.: If you have a total of 5 Ki and have 1 Ki point inactivated by a technique, until it is released, you can only count on 4 Ki points.

In addition to Sutras that are maintained, it is possible to inactivate Ki points with Shinpu maintained beyond the 48-hour period and Vel-Sutras that have as a prerequisite some value of inactivated Ki.


Although they are not magic, just like magic, Sutras require components to be used correctly in addition to the use of Ki.

These components are taught only to those who undergo monastic training, that is, Bodhisattvas, Ninjas and Combatants who have obtained the Combat Technique called Monastic Combatant.

And the level requirement for some Sutras is reflected precisely by the level of mastery and training in some of these components, such as somatic, verbal, respiratory and even material, understanding how to prepare the Shinpu.

(V) Mantra: Verbal Component

Most Sutras require the chanting of specific words, called Mantras. The words chanted give specific commands for your spirit to enter into harmony with the spirits of the place, creating effects predetermined by the Mantra chanted. Thus, a character who is gagged, or in an area of ​​silence, such as that created by the Silence spell, cannot use a Sutra that requires a Mantra.

A mantra does not need to be used loudly, if you want to do it in a nearly inaudible manner, you must make a Stealth check.

(S) Mudra: Somatic Component

Channeling a Sutra often involves a specific sequence of hand movements that direct the flow of your Ki so that you can use a Sutra. If a Somatic component is required for your Sutra, the character cannot have impaired hand movement, and must have at least one hand free to perform a Mudra.

An opponent who knows the Sutra may make a Perception check with disadvantage to try to identify the Sutra being performed.

(M) Shinpu: Material Component

The Shinpu is a piece of paper prepared in advance on which a practitioner of the Sutras uses his Ki to inscribe a symbol referring to an element or set of elements. When used by a Sutra, you channel your Ki through it to release the element inscribed on the Shinpu. When using a Sutra that uses the Material component, you render the magic of a Shinpu useless and it falls apart, requiring the creation of a new one.

Creating Shinpus

During a long rest, you can meditate to create new Shinpus. At 1st level, a Bodhisattva can create up to 5 Shinpus of elements of his choice. Shinpus with more than one element take up the space of 2 inscribed Shinpus. Upon reaching levels 5, 10, 15, and 20, a Bodhisattva can create 3 additional Shinpus for each of these levels, while someone who possesses the Monastic Combatant Technique, upon reaching levels 5, 10, 15, and 20, can create 1 additional Shinpus for each of these levels.

After 48 hours, the Shinpu loses its property if it has not been used. To keep a Shinpu active even after 48 hours, it is necessary to lock 1 Ki point for each Shinpu.

If a Shinpu is not used, the material used to create it can be reused to create a new Shinpu, however these new Shinpu again enter the limit of Shinpu that the Ki practitioner can have.

(R) Hara: Respiratory Component

When present, the Hara is probably one of the most important components of the Sutra, it conducts its own energy in confluence with the Ki for the use of the Sutra. A character who is holding his breath or who is underwater (and cannot breathe underwater), will not be able to use a Sutra with the Respiratory component. Furthermore, if a character who is already using a Sutra with the Respiratory component is impeded from breathing, the Sutra will end prematurely.


There are 5 primary components, the 5 Traditional Elements, Water, Earth, Fire, Wind and Lightning, each of which has unique properties and different ways in which they can be applied. When combined, these elements present even greater versatility in their uses, being able to create new elements, or used together with the aim of enhancing each other.

Quando usados para ataque, cada um desses elementos causa um tipo de dano diferente:

Elemental Damage
Element Damage Type
Earth Bludgeoning
Fire Fire
Lightning Lightning
Water Piercing
Wind Slashing
Elemental Combinations
Water Earth Fire Wind Lightning
Water Water Wood Vapor Ice Electricity
Earth * Earth Magma Sand Iron
Fire * * Fire Ashes Energy
Wind * * * Wind Storm
Lightning * * * * Lightning

In addition to the types shown in the Elemental Combinations table, other elements can be created, such as Magnetism (Earth + Wind), Gravity (Earth + Lightning), Crystal (Fire + Earth), among others.

In addition to the symbols of the 5 traditional elements, there are also symbols of the combined elements. In addition to these, there are some forgotten symbols or symbols that are only known to a few specific orders. One of these is the symbol for the element of Shadows, which, although common knowledge, requires an external element that only the Order of Shadows possesses.

The secrets to using the Shadow Shinpu involve not only knowledge, but also the dark Ichor that is kept only for the members of that order.

The creation of this Ichor is a secret known only to the leader of the Shadow Order, Zed, with likely only a small number of disciples aware of it.